Newcastle Jan: the 11th 1677/8
Mr James Barkin & Compa[ny]
I have before mee yours of the 3d present thereby takes notice of your desire to have a vessell of aboute 200 Tonns for Rochell and soe for Rotterdam; wch I think I could Effect as soone as a nother and upon as Reasonable tearmes; but noe hopes of procuring one upon your Conditions by much besides you very well know the difference betwixt Tonnage of paper and that of Wine I last yeare freighted one for your good Father the
Jan: the 11th 1677/8
Mr Henry Maister
Sr, I have payd your Bill of 20li and have also remitted Mr Peter Barr the Remaynder of the ballance of Accomptes betwixt us being £24: 2: 7d now Sr I desire to know what farther progress you have made In my last Order I am MB
Mr Peter Barr
Sr, By order and upon the Acct of Mr Henry Maister of Hull I remitt you the Inclosed Bill £24: 2: 7d Charged by <Tim Davison> upon Henry Nelthorpp p[er] 14 d[ays] sight to your Order I begg a line of the Receipt of sd bill this beinge the needfull I kiss your hands and remayne MB
I heare Oats is In greate demand wth you I can procure you 4000: or 6000 Bus[hels] of very good ones for 16d p[er] Bus[hel] MB
Londo Jan.r 12th 1677
Sir James Standsfield
Your last I recd in answer to 24th Novemb last but being mislaid I desyre you would send me up a Coppy of it wherein you gave us a good acct of Lord Middletons affaire wch I hope you have settled. As to Vermuydens concerne I referre you to Mr James Donalsons letter sent last post & should be glad that dispute was ended. I desyre you would advise us how Mr Wilkyes concerne stands wth us & wt I am like to trust to in that matter & whether
Newcastle Jan the 22d 1677/8
Mr Hum: Willett
I have both yours of the 12th & 17th present and am glad by your last to heare of the arrivall of Hobman and Morgan the disposall of all my Leed I leave to your discression you formerly advised mee of the Sale of 100 p[iece]s butt yett have had noe acct of the same make noe hast[e] in sellinge the Ankor Palmes, but advise mee when needfull w[ha]t you are bidden for them
I have examined and found right your Acct Cur[re]nt but
M[ess]rs Bankes
Severall unlucky businesses one after another have partly delayed mee from home and partly kept mee from my <Contrare> this long time, however good care was taken for the paym[en]t of all your bills as shall be God willing soe long as wee deale together the ballance of your acct Currant in my hands may dispose of as you please, I sent you the acct of your Tarr & woodden comodityes by shipping; wch by contrary winds was forced to Amsterdam and there lay
Newcastle Ja: the 22d 1677/8
Mr Hen: Maister
I have yours of the 14th present whereby takes notice of your <landing>; being making inquirey after a parcell of such long thick squar[e] Iron as I last hadd of and that all your mett[le] wthall was aboute a Tonn; but you doe nott write mee whether you bought itt for mee or nott, if nott I pray doe itt and send itt by first conveniencey; I question nott your Indeavours in procurring itt as cheape as possible
Pray bee
Newcastle Janu: 25: 1677/8
Mr Hump: Willitt
None from you last post soe the lesse to Enlardge upon in my masters absence I have mett wth the Inclosed bill of wch pray procure the needfull and place to his Creditt and w[he]n he Comes home wch I thinke will be to morrow morning you may Expect a bill or two more from him I have put my masters name to the Endorsement of the bill wch I hope will never be questioned soe I remaine JW p[er]my master MB
Sr Since the writeing of the ab
26 Ditto
Honoured Sir
Accordingly as I have heretofore done I have now to Informe you the best I can wth the present condition of the severall groves and other occurrances att your Leed Mines wch I shall indeavour to effect to your satisfaction the whole pay comes to as followeth
Newcastle January the 29 1677/8
Mr James Cooke
If you have to spare a parcell of Inch square or under and of 3 Inch broad flatt or above or Can procure itt mee, of any of your neighbours, pray advise mee the quantity of Each and the lowest price, In doeing whereof you will oblidge MB
Mr Humphrey Willett
I have none of yours to Answer soe the lesse to Enlardge upon this being Chiefly to advise you that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £200: - : - p[er] 22 d[ays] after date to Mr Ralph Elstobb or order valew of himselfe wch pray lett be Complyed withall.
Inclosed I have sent you a bill for £200: - : - of wch when dew pray procure the needfull.
I have not had a letter from you these 3 or 4 posts, I long to heare w[ha]t progresse you
Newcastle January the 29 1677/8
Mr Edwd Allen
I desire to know if yett you have sold your beans, and if soe, and w[ha]t rate, that soe I may doe you good accordingly for the two last which my man kept for my horses and Consequently End that small acco[un]t betwixt us.
I heare oats is In great demand wth you, I Can procure you 6000: 10000 Bushells of very good ones for 16d p[er] Bus[hell] if I thought Capable of serveing you freely Command MB
Mr Cuth: Snow
By the last post I thinke I gave you a full accompt of very particular of Concernes and att this time have little to trouble you wth but onely to desire you as your are about your ma[ster] his business on the towne that you will please to cast an eye or Informe your selfe of a parcell of long thick squ[are] Iron from Inch and ½ to Inch and ¾ for the goodnesse thereof I know I need not say much you Can give as Guesse as well as I but in case that you Can meet wth a
Mr Hump Willett
I have before mee yours of the 26th past, wch shall Answer In short for whatever you say or doe, is to me a Law, the disposall of my Leed I leave to your discretion, and for the Anchor palmes pray observe my former order.
Pray pay Mr Harding w[ha]t he demands upon my accompt and if my fathers man Cuth: Snow doe desire any mony of you, lett him have £5<0> £60 or £70 I heare oats is in great demand wth you I can procure you 5000 6000 or 10000 B
Newcastle feb: primo 1677/8
Mr Hen: Maister
Sr, I have before mee yours of the 25th past, and now begs to heare that you have shipt mee the Remainder of that parcell of Long thick sq[uar]e pray procure mee as much as you Can of that short if att £11: - : - or under wch I leave to your discreet mandgem[en]t the price you mention for the other sorts of Iron <A…d> is a little too much, I am Credibly Informed that others in this towne have Iron of all sorts from your place att £13 p
Mr Wm Benson
Sr, I have before mee yours of the 26th past, and Cannot but returne you my hearty thankes for the Same Though Can doe noe good of your friends Iron, nor your owne Anchor palmes, you needed not once to have mentioned ready mony, for w[ha]t iron I buy you may Expect itt, vizt a bill att 8 or 10 d[ays] sight. I am offered Iron att Hull of any sor
Mr Thomas Western
Sr, I have before mee yours of the 26th past, for wch I returne you my thankes, but Cannot accept of your motion I was all along Credibly Informed that your selfe was the onely mann for buying Iron of who had Generally the best, and Could sell Cheapest, wch made mee more ambitious to deale wth you, for your Iron It may be good, itt had need for you are the very dearest In London, I am offered itt from many hands much Cheaper, I wish itt were att £20:-:- a tonn as
Mr Hugh Mason
Sr, I have before mee yours of the 26th past, for wch returns you my thanks, but my thoughts were always that you Could afford Iron as Cheape as another, but finding to the Contrary, that att the price you mention noe good att all Cann be done wth itt here, soe hopeing to finde a better markett must Remaine MB
Newcastle Feb primo 1677/8
Mr Nicho: Verlann
I am Credibly Informed that one may procure in your place a very good <penniworth> of right Sweed Iron both well struck well drawne and good mettle, if soe (God sparing life) I may Come to be a good Customer, soe pray p[er] first post advise the lowest price you Can procure mee twenty tonn of Inch square and under, and the same quantity of three Inch broad and above pray minde a tonn is twenty hundred Weight, and if I like or Can doe an
Mr Hum: Willett
Sr, I have before me yours of the 29th past wch requiring little answer soe the lesse to Inlarge upon this being cheifely to advise you that I have this day to pleasure a friend drawne upon you a bill for £12 payable 10 d[ays] after sight to Mr Surtis Swinborne or Order vallew of Madam Anne Swinburne wch pray lett bee complyed wthall I am MB
Mr Hen: Maister
My m[aste]r hath ordered mee to write to you and desire you that you would be pleased if you doe any thing on the business he desire to be very quick and doe itt att all speed possible soe I am for my m[aste]r Miche Blackett JW
Newcastle feb the 2d 1677/8
Cousin Thorp
You may remember that when I payd the thirty pounds to Mr Ellison for you, you then promised itt should bee repayd mee within 10 d[ays] wch is now fully past my occationes att this time are very urgant for money; soe that the sooner you cann order itt mee the greater kindness you will doe MB
Newcastle feb 7 1677/8
Mr Edwd Allen
I have before mee yours of the 2d present, but does not in the least Condiscend to your motion, for the two last you mention I am willing to be accomptable for as you sell the remainder wch In my opinion is all you Can desire and Cannot question but you will be Civill as a Merchant ought to be and order mee the Remaindering ballance of my acco[un]t sent for the placed Charges therein, is nothing but just and right and if noe Commission be allowed, I
Mr Hump: Willett
I have yours of the 2d present, many thanks for your Care in <Receiving> and dischardge all my bills.
Be still adviseing mee w[ha]t is offered mee for my Anchor palms but will not sell them neither for 15s nor 16s <p cwt> my oats are very good but am unwilling to send soe small a parcell as 100 Bus[hells] I thinke shall sell all mine to Mr Peter Barr
Pray w[ha]t will you give mee for french pistolls and Louis <Dor> I have about 100 of them by mee
Mr Henry Willett
Pray lett diligent search be made amongst your friends the Iron mongers, and soe if that kindnesse can be done me, as to procure mee a parcell of broad flatt from 3 to 3 ½ Inches broad, if soe pray buy mee five or tenn tonn provided att £13: p[er] tonn or rather then faille
£13: 5s, pray stirr about in the business, and w[ha]t you doe lett be done quickly, I leave the manidgment thereof wholly to your discretion, if a par[c]ell of right good be mett withall,