N[ew]castle Dec 26 1816
Col Beaumont MP
P MrsB
The enclosed Papers have sent to me this morning and I hope this Letter will arrive before the deputation intended to be sent to Bretton by the Miners. to lay before you & Col Beaumont their complaints and to solicit redress – The allowance of 30/- p[er]B[in]g the highest Price for raising Ore cannot be increased, without augmenting the loss already sustained in working the Mines Weardale Mines, at the present price of Lead; nor
N[ew]castle 30 Dec 1816
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
I have this moment rec[eive]d your letter & since I had the honor of writing to you on the 26th Inst I have been waited upon by two delegates with a petition (which I herewith beg to enclose) from the Weardale Miners. I have told them that every consideration for their situation weighs most feelingly on the minds of their employers & with the intention of benefitting them, employment at a great loss from the low price of Lead has
Fifty Pounds Reward
Whereas divers illdisposed persons have lately assembled in a riotous manner & attempted to seduce the Workmen at Allenheads Coalcleugh to leave their employment This is to give Notice that any endeavour to seduce the said Workmen to desist from their work will be punished to the utmost severity of the Law & a Reward of Fifty Pounds is hereby offered to any person who will give information of such offence so as the Offender or Offenders may be convicted thereof
Coalcleugh Bargains
The Mines at Coalcleugh are extremely poor & nearly the whole of the Ore Workings require considerably more price pBing (if the value of Lead would admit of it) to make the Workmen a sufficient maintenance than is now given as there is nothing of consequence at Coalcleugh but Workings that have been wrought for a series of years & of course they got much exhausted & require a greater price; the earnings are now & will be the ensuing quarter ve
Allenheads Leadmines are much the same as last quarter, except (for) 2 or 3 of the best Workings, which are fast working out & get considerably poorer. –
The Cross Vein at the East End is wrought by 4 Men @ 2<9>/pBg. I think the prospect better in this Vein than last quart. If the Vein was unwatered and a better communication for Air which I expect to be able to accomplish in the course of a few months, which will enable me to employ more Workmen & expose the whole
Newhouse 6th January 1817
A Statement of the Weardale Lead Mines
Middlehope Shield continues to raise Ore tolerable well, have let Bargains to 58 Men 8 to drive the Waggon Level at £3.15- pfam. 16 to raise Ore at 26/. pBing, 8 at 27/.pBg, 8 at 28/. pBg and the remainder at 30/.pBg.
Company's Grove is likely to raise Ore much the same as usual, have let Bargains to 50 Men, 8 to drive the Waggon Level and raise Ore at 28/. per Bing and the remainder to raise Ore a
NCastle 6 Janry 1816 7
Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill London
Advg of 2 pieces of Silver weighing 3130 Oz pWaggon MM
NCastle 6 Janry 1817
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Transmitting Cash Acct & Lead Sales for Novemr MM
NCastle 11 Janry 1817
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe London
Remitting £375 on Revd Hy Hardinge’s Acct for ¼ yrs Composition for Tithe Ore due this day. MM
Quarterly report
Weardale District
Middlehope. The general prospects of this Mine are very considerably improved since the last Quarterly report, and we have in consequence been able to let a few Bargains at uncommonly low prices but the old pickings being much exhausted, we have been obliged to give the higher prices to a greater Number of partnerships. No additional Dead work has been let except the sinking of a Shaft, into the Vein, to open out & Air the Workings in that par
NCastle 17 Janry 1817
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising of a Pce of Silver containing 1130 Oz pWaggon MM
NCastle 5 Febry 1817
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London
Transmitting Agents quarterly Report of the Mines MM
NCastle 12 Febry 1817
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales for December & January and enclosing an offer of 1 @ 2 hundred Tons of Lead at £18 pfr for Common, six months Credit. To Mr Paris MM
Archd Paris Esqr NCastle 22 Febry 1817
I am this day honored with your Letter of the 18th instant; & beg to inform you that Col Beaumont will consent to ship 200 Tons Lead to St Petersburgh on joint Account; but that he cannot take less than £18 Newcastle fodder, six months Credit, for Lead. – the Credit to commence from the date (if accepted) of your reply.
I am etc MM
NCastle 22 Febry 1817
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill – London
Advising a pce Silver of 1141 Oz pWaggon 21st inst MM
NCastle 25 Febry 1817
Messrs Daye Barker & Co
Low-wood near Cartmel-Lancashire
Inclosed you will receive a Bill for £87-10 in payment for twenty five Barrels of Gunpowder supplied Colonel Beaumonts Lead Mines in Weardale last December. -- & am etc
NCastle 3rd March 1817
Messrs <Paris> McCausland & Co
No 40 Broad Street Buildings – London
I am this day favored with your Letter of the 1st instant & have noted down 200 Tons of WB Lead to be shipped to St Petersburgh at £18 pfodder 6 Mos Credit from 28 Febry on joint Account with Col Beaumont & yourselves, only remarking that We do not <put> the Lead free on board, but are to Charge whatever is incurred. – As the Triad standing A1 <Copper> &am
Newcastle 11 March 1817
Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill - London
Advising two ps Silver, one on the 6th of 1444 oz & the other this day containing 1060 oz – pWaggon – MM
NCastle, March 18 1817
Mess Paris McCausland & Co London
I have the pleasure to enclose your Bill of Lading for 1100p WB Com Lead <q> 1504.1.14 shipped on Board the Triad Turner for the address Messrs Paris Ware Harvey Co St Petersburgh – The Vessel will proceed on her Voyage this even[in]g or tom[orro]w morning – the Capt has been furnished with our Bill of Lading & <.> transmitted to Mess Paris, Harvey & Co and a <cover for> the ship – On the
Newcastle 19 March 1817
Messrs Reid Irving & Co Merchants – London
Conformable to the request of Messrs Matheus & Son of Rouen I herewith enclose a Bill for £100-4-6 for their Account, being a Balance due to them; the Rec[eip]t be pleased to acknowledge to <.> MM
Newcastle 21 March 1817
Messrs Paris McCausland & Co London –
I am duly favored with your Letter of the 18 inst; and it is my desire that you will effect the Insurance on Col Beaumonts proportion of the different shipments of Lead on joint Account to St Petersburgh Your objection to the stipulation in the Bill Lading of the Triad, for the Lead to be discharged in seven days <.> shall be attended to & the clause omitted in future Shipments. There are several marks st
Freight of Lead to Dantzig about 8/pTon with
5 pCent in lieu of Pilotage and Port Charges £ 0 8 5
duty and Entry on Lead to Dantzig – Pton 0 1 10
Town dues and Bill of Lading do 0 0 6
Waterage on Board do 0 1 3
1817 March 31
price of a Ton of Lead at Newcastle this day 18 0 0
Insurance of ditto – to Dantzig – about 0 6 0
£18 18 0
Coalcleugh March 31/1817
The Mines at Coalcleugh have not been so unproductive for several years as at present, the Old Workings get much reduced and no new trials that has been made have not yet been so productive as to make up the deficiences; We have found nothing new since the last Bargains -- The east <forurd> in the Limestone continues very poor, but the Flat in the last opened length is better & let to 8 Men @ 25/ pBg, the North level in the Cross Strin
Newcastle 2nd April 1817
Messrs Paris, McCausland & Co
I was favoured in course with your Letter of the 25th Ult. and the Triad having proceeded on her voyage, as mentioned in a former Letter, the alteration you required in her Bill of Lading, became impracticable. I have now the pleasure of enclosing Bill Lading of 900 pieces pFortitude, to clear this day and proceed to Sea. I leave to you to advise your House at St Petersburg, having only sent under cover, by the Captain a dup
This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Emerson of Newhouse in the parish of Stanhope in the County of Durham Gentleman I Give and bequeath unto my dear Wife Jane Emerson all my Household Furniture plate China Bedding Linen and Implements of Household to be at her own disposal
I Give devise and bequeath to my Son Thomas Emerson the younger and to Robert Bainbridge of Alston in the County of Cumberland Gentleman and their Heirs All my Customary freehold Estates Hereditaments and pre