Messrs Rundell & Co London Newcastle 5 April 1817
Advising a pce of Silver containing 1489Oz pWaggon this day MM
Newcastle 11 April 1817
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe London
Remitting £375.-.-. for Acct Revd Hy Hardinge, the amount of 1/4th of a Years Compo: of Tithe Ore due this day
Allenheads, April 11/1817
The State of Allenheads Lead Mines is quite as promising this quarter as they were the last –
The Cross Vein at East End is wrought by 4Men @ 29/pBg & 6 Men @28/ pBg& is considerably better since the Bargains were let, & is likely to produce more Ore this quar. than was raised last - but have not yet unwatered the Vein by the Low Level coming up under the Great Limestone which prevents us working the Limestone lower than the top o
Newcastle 12 April 1817
Messrs Paris McCausland & Co
No 40 Broad Street Buildings London –
Inclosed you will receive Bill Lading of 900 pieces of Lead P Spring, expected to sail this evening or tomorrow morning; and annexed is the particulars of the three Shipments, one moiety of which is for Thos Richard Beaumont Esq’s Account. I am etc
Newhouse April 17/1817
Weardale - MiddlehopeShield is raising Ore much the same as last quar. have let Bargains to 46 Men - 8 to drive the Waggon Level @ £3-15 pfa - 8 to raise Ore @ 26/. PBg 24@ 27/. &6@30/pBg.
Companies Grove is rather poor at present, have let Bargains to 40 Men - 12 to drive the Waggon Level & raise Ore @ 20/ pBg & the remainder to raise Ore @ 30/pb.
Slitt is poor, have let Bargains to 14 Men
Newcastle 13 June 1817
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square-London-
Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for the months of April and May
Newcastle 17 June 1817
Messrs Rundell & Co London
advising a piece Silver of 1490Oz pWaggon the 16 inst MM
NCastle 21th June 1817
Messrs Bosquet & Brothers – Lisle
I have received your esteemed Letter of the 12 instant, and you would before this time, have received an offer of Lead from me, according to my promise in London, had I on my return from thence, found our Stock increased, so as to have been enabled to do it. –Under the present deficiency I can not offer you more than 100 Tons of WB Lead at £19 pfor of 21Cwt payable by a Bill at 3 months date from Shipment or acceptanc
NCastle 28 June 1817
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London
Advising a pce Silver of 1307 oz pWaggon MM
Coalcleugh Mines 30 June 1817
Coalcleugh Mines are no better than last quarter, with the exception of one working in the Flat at the east end which is tolerably good. We have cut into a Cross dyke in the Galloway Level forehead which has entirely cut off both the Vein and Strata. We have driven 15fms into it and no appearance of coming to the east side of it. I expect it will not be less than from 25 to 30 fms wide before we come to the east check where the Strata <puts> regularly
N’Castle 5 July 1817
Mrs Beaumont London
Transmitting Cash Acct & Lead Sales for last month MM
Midsummer 1817 Allenheads July 8th 1817
I have now got through the Midsummers Bargains and consider the State of the Mines at Allenheads upon the whole better than last quarter. We have all our men employed except about 14 which I hope to be able to give employment to in the course of this week.
The Cross Vein at East End is now wrought by 6 Men at 28/ pBing and 4 at 29/ for raising Ore, and have 14 Men driving a plate Level southward in this Vein from the leading fore
New House. 11th July 1817
A Statement of the Weardale Lead Mines
Breckonsike is very poor, have only let Bargains to 8 Men to raise Ore at 30/pBing.
Burtree Pasture is poorer than hitherto, the back lengths being much wrought out and We have not found the Vein at the fore end as yet, have let Bargains to 137 Men, 12 to cross cut each way before the cross Vein in order to discover the old one at £10 pfam: 8 to raise Ore at 26/pBing, 22 Men at 27/, 26 Men at 28/ and the rem
N’Castle 11th July 1817
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Transmitting Bill for £375 for Revd Henry Hardinges Acct compo: of ¼ yr Tithe Ore due this day MM
NCastle 12 July 1817
Messrs Paris McCausland & Co London –
I beg to advise of having drawn upon you at 2 Mos date from the 28 June for £1702-2-11 being the amount of the moiety of two thousand nine hundred pieces of Lead purchased on the 28 Febry last at six months Credit; and shipped on the joint Account of yourselves & Coll Beaumont, to St Petersburgh. I am etc MM
N’Castle 12 July 1817
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill London
Advising a pce Silver of 1112 Oz pWaggon 10th inst MM
N’Castle 1 August 1817
Messrs Paris & Co
I am favored with your Letter of the 29 Ult & have noted down 50 Tons of Lead at £19 pFor for Acct of Arch.d Paris Esqr. There are several small vessels here, going to St Petersburgh Town with Grindstones @ 10s pTon and 2/3 Port charges, at which Lead may be freighted & I am informed 6s/pTon Is asked for Cronstadt. I will thank you to inform me to which place you give the preference. – I Credit your Acct £18.16.10 pd into Me
Newcastle 4th August 1817
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell
London - Advg a pce Silver containing 1468 Oz pWaggon MM
Newcastle 6th August 1817
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London
Advg a pce Silver containing 1267 Oz pWaggon – MM
Newcastle 25 Augst 1817
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London
Advg a pce Silver of 1149 Oz pWaggon 23 Inst MM
Messrs Paris McCausland & Co Newcastle 2nd September 1817
I beg to hand you the above Invoice, to enclose Bill of Lading, & to acquaint you that the Newcastle is cleared for Sea & will sail either this evening or to morrow morning, wind permitting. By the Captain a duplicate Bill of Lading is enclosed to Messrs Paris Warre Harvey & Co St Petersburgh and nothing better Could be done to get the conveyance of the Lead on lower terms The Newcastle I am informed is a new Shi
Newcastle 15 Septemr 1817
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a Pce Silver of 1303 Oz pWaggon 13 inst
Newcastle 24th Sept 1817
Ditto Ditto 1281Oz pWaggon 23 inst
General Report of the Mines Michaelmas 1817
Weardale District
Middlehope. Henry Coulthard &c Jno[John} Watson &c & Tho[ma]s Cail &c are driving the leading Levels which are absolutely necessary in the regular prosecution of the Mines & Isaac Hetherington &c are making the requisite preparations for the immediate erection of the Engine agreed by the Deputation to be erected in this Mine for the working of a part of the Great Limestone. The Quarry Hazel and Four f
Coalcleugh Leadmines Septr. 30th 1817
Coalcleugh Mines in general are better than last quarter, the foremost length at the Eastend of the So. Vein is very good we have got another Sump down & cutting cross about 20fas. before the forehead and we have met with a Flat that has some Ore in it, which gives us a flattering prospect of the Vein being good when it is cut, the cross Vein to the North has raised Ore very well the last quarter, and the north String cut at the north ex
Weardale Leadmines Sept. 30th 1817
The Mines in Weardale generally are poorer than they were at Midsummer bargains and I calculate of the general produce being less the ensuing year than last on account of some of the Levels not being up to the forend workings at the principle places which I have stopd on account of being wrought to a great disadvantage I shall endeavour to describe the situation of each particular place under the different inspecting agents in their resp