Messrs Rundell & Co London Newcastle 10th Oct 1817
Advg a piece of Silver of 1048Oz – pWaggon this day
Newcastle 11 Oct 1817
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Enclosing £375 for Revd H Hardinges Acct ¼ yrs Comp: of Tithe Ore due this day
Newcastle 18 October 1817
Messrs Glyn & Co Bankers London
Enclosing 5 Bills value £15,000 for Col Beaumonts Acct MM
Michaelmas Bargains 1817
Allenheads Mines
We have now got through the Michs. Bargains which commences the new year and have all the workmen at this place in employ, The appearance of the Mines in general is more flattering than they have been for a few years past altho' we have no particular rich workings. - We have now discovered Wentworth Vein on the east side of the Cross Vein at Eastend which I have every reason to hope will be as pro
Newcastle 31 October 1817
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a Pce Silver of 1393 Oz pWaggon
Messrs Rundell & Co London Newcastle 11 Nov 1817
Advising a p fine Silver q. 1210 Oz pWaggon
Newcastle 10 December 1817
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advg 2 pieces Silver q 1242 & 1482 Oz pWaggon 5 & 8 inst
General Report of the Mines Christmas 1817
Weardale District
Middlehope Henry Coulthard &c Tho[ma]s Cail &c and Jno[John] Watson are prosecuting the Levels &c necessary for the opening out and regular working of the Mine. The principal Level driving by Henry Coulthard &c is so uncommonly hard & difficult to drive that notwithstanding the very high price of their Bargain if a material alteration does not take place which there is no reason to calculate upon they wil
Newcastle 26 Decemr 1817
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Enclosing Cash Acct & Lead Sales for Oct & Novemr & Stating posting of the remittance of this day to Messrs Glyn & Co
Newcastle 26 December 1817
Messrs Glyn & Co
Bankers London – Enclosing 5 Bills value £3830-18-9 for C Beaumonts Acct
Xmas Bargains 1817
Allenheads Mines - Dec. 30/1817
I have now got through the Lead Mines Bargains at this place for March quarter 1818 and have great pleasure of informing you, from this present appearance, they are likely to produce more Ore this Year than they have done in one year for some time past, and have all the workmen in employment. We are not able to work Wentworth Vein discovered on east side of Cross vein
Coalcleugh Mines
In general are poor with the exception of two workings in South Vein at East -end, the foremost length opened in this Vein mentioned in last quarter's Report is not so rich now, but likely to produce a considerable quantity of Ore; is now wrought by 8 Men at 20/pBing and this Vein is cut at east end of this length in cross-cut named in last Report and have the forehead driving eastward by 8 Men at 20/pBing and from what we have yet opened the Vein does not
Weardale Mines
West district
Kilhope Mines are no better than last quarter; the low Level mentioned in the last Report is not driven up to the Whimsey Shaft so that we have opened no more fresh ground and little variation have taken place in the old workings; the Bargains consist of 20 Men raising Ore at 30/ pBing.-
Guinea Grove has been very good the last quarter which has enabled us to reduce the price pBing in the leading workings, the Water in the workings b
Newcastle 1 Janry 1818
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell
Ludgate Hill – London – Advising a Pce Silver of 1377 Oz pWaggon MM
Newcastle 7 Janry 1818
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell
Ludgate Hill London – Advising a pce Silver of 1387 Oz pWaggon 3 inst MM
Bretton Hall Jan. 7. 1818
Understanding from Mr. Wheat that you wish me to relinquish my trust under Your marriage settlements, I beg leave to inform you that I shall at any time be ready to do so, & as Mr. Wheat is coming over here on Monday next the 12th inst. Mrs. Beaumont & myself shall be glad if you will accompany him to dinner & take a Bed, when we can converse on this Subject & some other matters which occurred previous to the Death of Sir Thomas Blackett
Newcastle 31 Janry 1818
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe
Bankers London – Remitting £375 on Acct Revd Henry Hardinge for ¼ a Yrs Compo: of Tithe Ore due the 11 inst
Newcastle 4 Febry 1818
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell
Ludgate Hill - London. Advising a pce Silver of 1426Oz pWaggon this day
Newcastle 13 Febry 1818
Messrs Paris McCausland & Co Broad Street Buildings
I beg to transmit the above for Lead shipped to St Petersburgh on A. Paris Esqr’s Account, due the 1 instant, and to request the favour of the amount being paid to Sir P. Pole & Co in London for my Account with Messrs Reed & Co, Bankers here. I am etc
£914 – 2 – 2
Newcastle 6 March 1818
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell
Ludgate Hill – London – Advg 2 ps Silver of 1504 & 1293 Oz pWaggons of the 28 Ult and 4th instant
General Report of the Mines Lady Day 1818
There is so little alteration in the state of the Mines throughout the three districts that with very few exceptions I have to refer you to the last Quarters Report, as the Report also of the present Quarter.
Middlehope Mine continues to Raise Ore to great advantage & its prospects as we proceed in opening it out to the East are of the most flattering description. The low Level driving for this purpose b
Newcastle 11 April 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advg a pce Silver of 1377 Oz - pWaggon 10 inst
Newcastle 11 April 1818
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe
Ludgate Hill London – Remitting £375 in payment of Revd Hy Hardinge’s Compo: of Tithe Ore for ¼ a yr due this day
Newcastle 18 April 1818
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square London
Transmitting Cash Accounts & Lead Sales for December, Janry, Febry & March; also Quarterly Reports of the Mines
Newcastle 18 April 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advg a pce Silver of 1654 Oz pWaggon this day