Newcastle 29 April 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advg a pce Silver contg 1264 ½ Oz – pWaggon
Newcastle 6 June 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advg a Pe Silver containing 1428Oz pWaggon
16 June 1818
Ditto do containing 1180 oz pWaggon
General Report of the Mines Midsummer 1818
Lodgesyke. Since the last quarters Report I am happy to have to State that a material improvement has taken place in the prospects of this Mine. In order that the Court may the better comprehend its state and prospects I accompany this report with a ground and section plan. The parts of the plan shaded with Indian Ink are those that have been wrought and where nothing but old Pickings are left. In order to encour
Newcastle 30th June 1818
Mrs Beaumont Hastings - Sussex
Inclosing Cash Acct & Lead Sales for May & June. MM
Tynebottom continues so hard & poor as to require the highest prices, yet as the Dead work upon it is light, this mine continues to be worked to advantage. The level driving by Joseph Wandlace & Co is to open out the mine in fresh ground, and it is essential to its future prosecution.
Newcastle 2nd July 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a Pce of Silver containing 1410 Oz pWaggon 30 Ult
Newcastle 10 July 1818
Messrs Watkins Maltby Parker & Co
Lead Merchants – London.-
I am favored with your esteemed Letter of the 10th instant; and the paper delivered to me, by Mr Parker, to which you allude, remains in my possession. – I beg to observe that the Purchaser of Slag, or hard Lead, Knows it to be of an inferior quality, and pays accordingly a less price for it, nor can I admit that the Mines or the Merchant ought, under the knowedge of this fact, be made accou
Newcastle 11 July 1818
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Remitting £375, in payment of ¼ yrs Compo: for Tithe Ore due this day to Revd Henry Hardinge.
Newcastle 20 July 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a Pce of Silver containing 1318 Oz pWaggon
Newcastle 6 August 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a pce of Silver containing 1159 Oz pWaggon 4 inst
Newcastle 17 August 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a pce Silver of 1441 ½ Oz pWaggon 11 inst
Newcastle 29 August 1818
Messrs Glyn & Co Bankers London
Enclosing 5 Bills value £17,627-14-1 for Col Beaumonts Account. ---MM
Newcastle 16 September 1818
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Inclosing Cash Acct & Lead Sales for last month
Chatsworth September 16th 1818
My Dear Madam
It is with great regret that I must submit to the disappointment of not going into Yorkshire, so many of my family are coming to this place immediately that it will be impossible for me to leave them, and even of Doncaster races I have a very faint hope, should I be able to come it will give me great pleasure to drive with you
With my best compliments to the Miss[e]s Beaumonts & to Mrs Leighton and the Miss[e]s Leightons
T W Beaumont Esq M.P.
Honoured Sir
We the Miners in Weardale having long laboured under the greatest distress, have felt ourselves obliged to petition for an Advance of Wages. We find that our present subsisting Money, which is only 7/6 a Week, much too little to purchase the necessaries of life, we have therefore petitioned for 10/- a week - our requests have not yet been granted . - Mr Morrison has made us an offer of 5/- pBing more than we have had, but it is too little, as those place
Newcastle 22 Septemr 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a Pce of Silver containing 1295 Oz pWaggon MM
NCastle 24 Sept 1818
Mr Geo Crawhall New house Weardale
I this morning rec[eive]d your two letters of the 22d Inst. – One enclosing a paper entitled ‘An Address to the Miners in Weardale’. I cannot sufficiently recommend the good sense and firmness which you have displayed in the interview with the nine delegates, sent by the Miners to you, demanding an advance of 10/- P.Bing in the price for raising Ore, and to be allowed 40/- PMo[nth] Subsistence Mony instead of 30/-. the Su
Newcastle 25th Sept 1818
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Yorks
The calamitous occurence of the destruction of greatest part of the Abbey by Fire yesterday, has produced the most distressing sensations Mr Crawhall being NCastle when the intelligence arrived immediately set off for Hexham, and when he reached the place a little before 12 o’clo[ck] at night, the flames had ceased raging, but with the destruction of the front and West side of the house, except the Walls whic
Sept 29/1818 Shipped on Board the Thomas, Rich & Saul for Hull – 5 Boxes of Spar directed for Col Beaumont Bretton Hall Yorks
General Report of the Mines Michelmas [sic] 1818
Lodgesyke. It is very gratifying to have to report that the improvement in this Mine as we proceed to open out the grounds laying between the high and low Levels entirely confirm the expectations held out in the Midsummer Report. Its appearance has been so flattering since I entered upon the direction of it, and gives every reason to hope for a considerable increase of Ore in the Teesdale District during th
Newcastle 2d October 1818
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Since I had the honour of last addressing a Letter to you I have been in Weardale whither I went at the solicitation of Geo. Crawhall who became alarmed, by the menacing & tumultuous proceedings, of the largest assemblage of Miners ever before seen there. - When I arrived, it was intimated to the Miners, that I was at Newhouse and ready to hear any representation they had to make; after some hesitation whether they would co
Newcastle Octo 3/1818
Mr Geo Crawhall Newhouse
D[ear] Sir
I have rec[eive]d your L[ette]re & I regret to observe that the Workmen continue in so bad a spirit. – What I proposed to do for them was upon my own Responsibilty, unauthorized by any directions from Col & Mrs Beaumont, who by a letter received in answer to the petition, which conformable to the promise I made to the first deputation at N’castle was forwarded to Bretton, have expressed their Resolution not to
Octo 6/1818 Shipped on Board the Thomas, Rich & Saul, for Hull 5 Casks of Lead <Fume> for Col Beaumont Bretton
N’Castle 12 Octor 1818
Messrs Glyn Mills & Co Bankers – London
Remitting 2 Bills value £1911 – 4 – 2 for Colonel Beaumonts Acct – MM
925 0 2 <Picard>
986 14 0 do
1911 14 2
N’Castle 12 October 1818
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers – London
Remitting £375, the amount of Revd Hy Hardinge’s ¼ Yrs Comp: for Tithe Ore due 11 inst. MM.