Ditto [Messrs Rundell, Bridge, <London>] 27 Oct
adv[ise]d a Piece Silver --- 1128 Oz –pMM
N[ew]Castle 28 Oct 1819
T W Beaumont Esqr MP.<Orpington>
Transmitting Reports of Allenheads & Coalcleugh Lead Mines for last quarter; also duplicates to be forwarded to Mrs Beaumont at Bretton. ---MM
Dissington Hall. Oct. 31. 1819
My dear Mother,
I have received from Fenwick, to whom it was sent by Mr. Pearson, the heads of the agreement as proposed by Hodson - There is hardly a clause in it which is not liable to an objection, or which will not require an explanation – I have referred that part of it which regards the land to Thomas, & that which respects the forms of law to Fenwick; When I have their answers & seen them both at Newcastle, which I propose doing o
N[ew]Castle 8 Novemr 1819
Mrs Beaumont Bretton.
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales for last month
N[ew]Castle 16th November 1819
T W Beaumont Esqr MP Bretton
Transmitting Weardale Mines Report for himself and Mrs Beaumont. – MM
<Warrens> Hotel. Nov. 26. 1819
My dear Mother
I enclose you the draft of the Ag[reemen]t just rec[eive]d from Fenwick, of which I entirely <approve>, with the conditions <these> secure, it w[oul]d be very advisable that 4,000£ <sh[oul]d> paid at the signing of the Ag[reemen]t if you can make it convenient to do so. The whole am[oun]t of the sum to be paid on the 12th Jany, <wch> to the value <of> the wood probably from 12 to <15>,000£ &a
N[ew]Castle 27 Novemr 1819
Sir R C Glyn & Co Bankers London.
Remitting 8 Bills value £22,132 ..10..11 for T R Beaumont Esq’s Account. - MM
<Warrens> Hotel. Decr. 8. 1819
My dear Mother,
This is the first moment that <my other engagement have afforded me to answer your two letters of the 2d. & 5th. for it was previously necessary to examine the Draft relative to the objections you have raised – I think <however> that as the most material, it will be right in the first place to reply to the subject of your last letter-
I cannot imagine what ground you can have for supposing that it was <ever>
General report of Mines Christmas 1819
Lodgesyke This mine continues to be exceedingly productive and valuable. It has undergone no material change since the last Report
Coldberry Since last Quarter the Shafts then sinking for trial of the upper sills have been completed, & the prospects of this Mine have been thereby materially improved the present appearance is more promising than at any former period - Yet still, I am not sanguine in my expectations of this
Newcastle 28 Decemr 1819
Mr George Crawhall New House. – Weardale. -
I am this morning favored with your Letter of the 25th inst. by Brown the Carrier, informing me of the Revd Mr Newby being lately in your neighbourhood viewing the new Schools and of his communicating to you that the Bishop of Durham had endowed them with £2000 to be vested in Government Security’s and to be apportioned to the different Schools under the direction of a Committee appointed for that purpose;
Newcastle 29 Decemr 1819
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a pce Silver of 1733 Oz pWaggon.— MM
Newcastle 4 Janry 1820
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a pce Silver of 1588 Oz pWaggon MM
Newcastle 11th Janry 1820
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers – London
Remitting £375 in paym[en]t to Revd Hy Hardinge for ¼ yrs Compo[sition] for Tithe Ore due this day MM
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Newcastle 29 Jany 1820
I had yesterday the Honor of receiving your Letter of the 27th Inst and in conformity with your request herewith transmit, in this and two other Covers, Copy of Bank Acc[oun]t kept in my name with Messrs Reeds & Co from the 29th Sept 1812 the period of its commencement to the 21st Inst.—The Monthly Subsistance for the Mines will be paid this day, and including the Sundry <Xmas> Bills will amount to near £6000. – My
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Newcastle 31st Janry 1820
Transmitting Cash Acc[oun]t for Novemr Decemr & Janry under three Covers addressed to T W Beaumont Esq MP
Ditto - Lead Sales for ditto - & Febry
Thos W Beaumont Esq MP Bretton Newcastle 3 Feb
Having heard that the enclosed Bill was in hands, of the Printer & wo[ul]d be distributed today, I have obtained it from him in time to save the Post, & which I think of importance sufficient to forward for your information. - Who the new Candidate for the County may be, or who is meant to be applied to, to come forward, I am unable to surmise
I am etc MM
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle Feby 4th/1820
I duly rec[eiv]ed your letter of the 1st Inst & in this & another Cover, have the Honor to transmit the Quarterly Reports for Allenheads & Coalcleugh Lead Mines. – Mr Beaumont will have informed you of the occurrences which have arisen in consequence of the late Kings demise. – A Contest for the County is in the general opinion, inevitable; and the hand Bill which I sent yesterday to Mr Beaumont is ascertained to have co
Thos W Beaumont Esq N[ew]Castle 4th Febry 1820
I have just time to save the Post to inform you that the Handbill which I had the Honor of transmitting to you yesterday, was sent from Alnwick Castle to Mr Davidson who had a number printed & distributed throughout the Town. - I enclose in this & another Cover the Quarterly Reports of the Weardale Mines, & have the Honor etc MM
Revd Geo: Newby Newcastle 5th February 1820
Witton le Wear Durham
I am favoured with your letter of the 2d Instt the subject to which it refers I sometime since submitted to Col & Mrs Beaumont, and I am authorised in giving you this assurance that it is their intention to contribute towards the support of the Schools in Weardale, so benevolently commenced & liberally endowed by the B[isho]p of Durham. – I apprehend Col & Mrs Beaum[on]t will pay a Sum annually in
Mrs Beaumont, Bretton Newcastle 7th February 1820
I take the earliest opportunity afforded me, to inform you Sir Chas Monck has declared his intention to decline the Representation of the County at the Approaching Election. – I saw a letter yesterday from Sir Chas to Mr Pearson to this purport. – On Saturday Mr <Brandling> went to Alnwick and was most cordially received by the Duke who espouses his Interest with all his influence. His Grace was also willing t
My dear M
It is with extreme regret that your friends hear of your determination to resign your Seat from the County. Confident as I feel that the whole opposition is directed against Beaumont is it possible to persuade you to postpone your declaration being made public till we can have an opportunity of proving that your interest is much stronger than you are aware of. Indeed nobody feels stronger than Mr Smith and allows me to assure you that all the influence he has will be divid
Mr Wm Crawhall Allenheads NewCastle 8th Feby 1820
I rec[eiv]ed the Reports of Alenheads & Coalcl[eugh] Lead Mines, for the quarter ending the 31st Decr last. -- & the Branch Level which you recommend to be taken from Keirsley Row Mines in a South direction for the purpose of discovering Bateshill, Greenly Cleugh & other Veins, I am of opinion should be adopted; and request that you will proceed therewith with all convenient speed dispatch.
I am etc MM
My dear B
Your Message has overtaken me and I have gone into Mrs Cole’s farm house to write this answer. 1st I thank you for all your kind wishes and pray thank Mr Smith from me over again for his kind expressions to me on Thursday which I have no doubt come from his heart actuated by the best intentions in all regards. But I could not reverse my determination to withdraw myself now from the representation of the County upon the assurance which you send me. I came forw
Mr. Beaumont (member for the County) called and I had much conversation with him. He seems to me to have acted honorably during the late short sessions of Parliament and to have been ill used by the Tories who pretended to be his friends.
N[ew]Castle 21 February 1820
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square London
I am honored with your Letter of the 19 inst. The Lives in the leases for the Weardale Lead Mines with the particulars you required are inserted on the otherside; and those for the Inclosures etc will be transmitted by Mr Thomas who possesses the Leases. – The subject of Mr Blacketts Letter dated April 5th/1807 has frequently engaged my thoughts, and you will be pleased to recall to Memory a Proposition to the Bishop