T W Beaumont Esqr MP. Newcastle 22nd August 1820
Warrens Hotel Waterloo Place London. –
Transmitting Quarterly Reports of Weardale Lead Mines, one for himself, and another for Mrs Beaumont to be forwarded to her at Bretton. – MM
Mrs Beaumont - Bretton Hall Newcastle 24th August 1820
I have had the Honor of receiving your letter of the 23rd Inst. The Bills last remitted to Messrs Glyn & Co will be discountable in Nov[embe]r and I have no doubt, if required, your Bankers will readily discount them. Whenever it suits your convenience to visit the Mines, the time will be equally so to your Agents here; - the Amounts are all ready for examination. Major Anderson is not in this Town at present; from his Solicitor
Mr John Bell Hexham Newcastle 24th Aug: 1820
Mr Beaumont is desirous that you will search in the Manor Office for the Aft of a Deed or any other papers relating to the House and other attached property in this Town sold by Sir Thos Blackett to Mr Geo: Anderson about the latter end of the year 1783; the conveyance of which may be dated, [struck out: soon after] in that year or early in the following – If you are successful in finding any paper relating thereto, have the goodness to forw
Newcastle 15 Septemr 1820
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall
Madam. It is with great concern I announce to you that the Revd Hy Hardinge, Rector of Stanhope, died at Ketton near Darlington last Saturday (the 9th Inst) – This event so important in it’s consequences to your Interest I was only acquainted with last night, and have no information yet who is to be his Successor; the probability is that Lord Barrington will obtain the Living, <on> the compromise of the Chancery Suit with
John Griffiths Esqr Newcastle 19th Septemr 1820
Soicitor – Durham
The death of the Rector of Stanhope makes me desirous to obtain early information who is to be his Successor. If you can give me any You will oblige Yrs etc
Mrs Beaumont Bretton NewCastle 22 Sept 1820
Nothing as yet has transpired, of who is to succeed the late Mr Hardinge to the Rectory of Stanhope. – Lord Barrington is talked of, but all is conjecture, the Bishops determination not being publickly known. – Whatever I hear, tends to confirm me in the opinion, that the Views entertained by the Clergy of the Diocese of the value of the Living are of the most exaggerated description, and that they are impressed with the idea that
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 26 Sept 1820
I am this morning informed that the Rectory of Stanhope has been conferred on the Rev H. Phillpotts who will shortly be inducted. – He vacates his Stall at Durham. – I propose going over tomorrow to wait upon him, and if I find at Home, will take the earliest opportunity of acquainting you with the Result of the interview – I am etc MM
Mrs Beaumont Bretton N[ew]Castle 28 Sept 1820
I yesterday went to Durham & had an interview with Revd Mr Phillpotts who expressed his readiness to enter into an Agreement of Comp[ositio]n for the Tithe Ore of the Parish of Stanhope. The <…..> to the valuable preferment he should give up in accepting the Parish of Stanhope; a Stall in Durham the next in emolument to Lord Barringtons (which is the best) and also the living of Crossgate in that City besides fore
Mrs Beaumont Allenheads N[ew]Castle 7 Octr 1820
On my arrival yesterday at Durham from Allenheads; I had an interview with Mr Phillpotts respecting the Composition, in lieu of Tithe Ore, for the Parish of Stanhope. Mr Phillpotts repeated his Readiness to accept a Composition but requested an offer to be made for it, and hoped that I was empowered to name the Sum that would be given. I replied that I was prepared upon two Conditions being conceded to offer him £3000 p[er]An[nu]m. Viz th
Newcastle 11 Octor 1820
The Revd Henry Phillpotts College Durham. –
I have the Honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of yesterdays date, and cannot on the grounds you so considerately mention, have any objection to meet Mr Fenwick. – In the offer I made on Friday for the Tythe Ore of Stanhope, it was with the intention of excluding any Statement of Accounts or Representations which by possibility might expose, as in the case of the Bishop of Durham, Colonel & Mrs B
Newcastle 14 October 1820
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Ludgate Hill – London –
Advising a pce Silver of 1236oz pWaggon 3 inst MM
Newcastle 20 October 1820
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall.
I yesterday went to Durham, according to appointment to meet Mr Phillpotts. I found him greatly displeased and hurt, at a Report which had circulated in Weardale last week that He had refused to accept £3000 a year for his Tythe Ore and which had been represented to him of having such an effect upon the workmens minds as to render his appearance at Stanhope a step of personal danger and that in consequence he had been deterred go
Octo. 21st Three large Boxes of Spar from Allenheads Mines for Bretton Hall – were shipped P Thomas, Jas Thompson for Hull the weight 5cwt 2qr 3<st> – they arrived at Hull –
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Newcastle Octr 21 1820
Annexed I beg to transmit Copy of a letter I received this morning by Post from Revd Mr Phillpotts and am <…> to observe that he has entirely shifted his ground from the proposition he made to me on thursday; his letter now calls for your most serious consideration as to the measures you will have to determine upon. It is my opinion that all reference to the price of Lead should be avoided whatever steps you take, it is certain great s
Revd Henry Phillpotts Newcastle October 24/1820
College Durham
On the receipt of your letter of the 20 Inst, I lost no time in transmitting a Copy of it to Col & Mrs Beaumont, & I am directed by them to inform you, that after the most mature consideration upon the subject they are compelled by <pass..fal necessity> to decline the terms you demand for the Tythe Ore of Stanhope. – That they may however not incur the imputation of a <....> of feelings f
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Newcastle 25th October 1820
I herewith transmit copy of a letter to & from Mr Phillpotts. His rejection of the offer of £4000, & the manner of doing it, leaves no room for hope, I fear, that a further offer of £500 more would induce him to enter into an Agreement; rather on the contrary induce him to be more tenacious in adhering to his most unreasonable demand; and which if acceded to by you, will be used as a precedent in future Agreements for
Hodson was to meet Fenwick last week for the purpose of signing the Deeds-
I have introduced Edward to his principal Tutors at St. Johns, we dined yesterday with Mr. <Calvert>, who now holds in <Coll.> the situation formerly held by Dr. <Hood>, which he resigned on becoming Master – I then had a good deal of conversation with his Tutor Mr. <Jephson>, who is disposed to take great pains with him & pay great attention to his studies & conduct. Ed. has <assum
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co London Newcastle 26 Octbr 1820
Advising having sent a pce Silver of 1362 Oz pWaggon the 25 inst MM
The Revd Henry Phillpotts College Durham Newcastle 30 October 1820
Having transmitted a Copy of your letter of the 24th Inst to Col & Mrs Beaumont, I yesterday received a letter from them, directing me to ascertain from you, whether they are to consider the proposition contained in yours of the 20th Inst, as your alternative, on which you will enter into an Agreement for the Tythe Ore of Stanhope. The knowledge of this information is desired, that they may take no steps without
The Revd Hy Phillpotts Durham Newcastle 31st October 1820
I am by this morning’s post favoured with your letter of yesterday’s date; and if I have not referred to the estimation of Value of your Tythe Ore & the deductions you had made therefrom, it was because in our conversations I had before urged that it could only be upon Compo[sition]s with the Bishop and Rector for the Lot & Tythe Ore that the Weardale Mines could be worked to advantage by the Lessee; and also that
The Revd Henry Phillpotts Durham Newcastle 2nd Novemr 1820
I am favored with your letter of yesterday’s date; and that I may Contribute by every means within my power to promote an Agreement between you and Col Beaumont, I do not object to your shewing, the Statement which I delivered to you, to Mr Fenwick, who I shall be happy to meet here [struck out: tomorrow] this evening if it suits his convenience to come. – The words you impute to me respecting the Dean & Chapter’s Mine
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Newcastle 3 Novemr 1820
By yesterdays post I transmitted to you copies of Letters to & from Mr Phillpotts & now have the Honor to send annexed Copy of another received from him this morning. Mr Fenwick cannot be expected here before tomorrow and what will be the result of our interview, coming from Mr Phillpotts, is difficult rightly to conjecture. – The Cash Acc[oun]t and Lead Sales for last month are drawn out; and also the Reports for Allenheads
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Newcastle 4 Novr 1820
Annexed is copy of a Letter from Mr Phillpotts del[ivere]d to me this day by Mr Fenwick; and notwithstanding the reliance which Mr Phillpotts professes to <repose> in Mr Fenwick, I did not find that the latter was invested with the least power to conclude, upon any terms, an Agreement. I however entertain hopes We shall at last bring this evasive and unreasonable Gentleman to terms. I found Mr Fenwick the very opposite of his Employer fai
Newcastle 10 Novemr 1820
Mrs Beaumont Bretton.
Mr Fenwick called yesterday afternoon for the first time since Saturday, and came unauthorised by Mr Phillpotts to Conclude any Agreement. – He was sent, no doubt, to sift and draw me into a new project on which to negotiate, by intimating that Mr Phillpotts might be induced to accept 4000 G[uinea]s for the Tyth[e] of Your Ore, provided the produce of the Lead Company’s was given up to him; - to this – I gave a decided negative
Newcastle 11 Novemr 1820
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall.
Mr Fenwick has been here this day, authorized by Mr Phillpotts to accept £5000 p Annum certain Rent during the Bishops Life for the Tythe Ore of Stanhope; and I have told him that I am not empowered to accede to so unreasonable a proposition. – Mr Fenwick is again to see Mr Phillpotts and endeavor to persuade him to reduce his demand to £4500 so as to come nearer to my offer and lessen the difficulty that stands in the way to