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Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 9 Feb 1678

ditto Mr Wm Benson Sr Pray w[ha]t demand you now for your Iron ready money or upon 6 m<onths> trust, In affording your Answer att your leasure you will oblidge MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 9 Feb 1678

Newcastle feb 9 1677/8 Mr Hen: Maister Sr I have before mee yours of the 5th and 6th <p> post, mentioning the Shipping of some thick square upon my acct by Mr Tho: West wch I am Glad to heare of, and pray god send him to his desired port In the mean time have placed the full Cost and Chardges thereof to your Creditt if any more to be procured I desire Search may be made and the same not to be shiped, for I heare there is a greater quantity in your place and pray buy all you can

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hugh Mason – 9 Feb 1678

Ditto Mr Hugh Mason Sr I desire to know p[er] first Convenience if a parcell of broad flatt from 3 to 3 ½ Inches be to be procured and att w[ha]t price In doeing whereof you will very much oblidge MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 9 Feb 1678

Newcastle feb 9 1677/8 Mr James Cooke Sr I have yours of the 4th present but can give noe such price for the sorts of Iron you mention, if a parcell of broad s<quare> flatt from 3 to 3 ½ Inches be to be procured wth or about you, att £13:- or rather than faille £13: 5s p[er] tonn pray buy and send mee p[er] first Convenience w[ha]t quantity you Can procure, att that rate my service to your good wife I am MB

Letter – John Lindsay to James Standsfield – 9 Feb 1678

Lond. Februarii the 9th 1677 Sir James Standsfield Our last was of the 12th past therein desireing your lt giveing an accot of Lead Mynes affaire. As to Mr Vermuydens concerne I understand by our good friend Mr Donalson that upon his endeavour <for> informeing you, after perusall of our Lettrs and papers here, how the state of things are between us in reference to his claym, that you should now more fully have answerd into but that he acquaints us you will ere long be here when m

Letter – John Lindsay to James Standsfield – 9 Feb 1678

Nov 10, 1674 Nov 17 Jany 7 1674/5 Jan 21, 1674/5 July 24, 1675 Aug 14, 1675 Aug 17, 1675 Feb 19 1675/6 Apr 8, 1676 [known to be from Reeves to Standsfield] May 20, 1676 [Reeves to Standsfield] July 1, 1676 [Reeves to Standsfield] July 6 [Lindsay to Standsfield] May 29 1677 Aug 2, 1677 [Lindsay to Standsfield] Sept 11, 13 [Reeves to Standsfield] Sep 22, 1677 [Lindsay to Standsfield] Oct 4, 1677 [Reeves to Standsfield] Oct 30, 1677 Nov 24, 1677 [Lindsay to Stan

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 11 Feb 1678

Sanqar 11th Feb 1677/8 Honnored Sr According to yr desire & my advice to you from Newcastle with much adoe I got hether yesterday but findinge you not here and having this opportunity of my Lds footman coming for Edenbr I thought good to give notice of my being here, and asto what monys you may bring with you to clear all accots til the 9th prest wch wil come to as per the following pticulars. Rests to Jno Curtice upon my bil drawen on you according to £41- 0- 7 3/4 a

Letter – Michael Blackett to Francis De La Champ – 15 Feb 1678

Newcastle feb 15 1677/8 Mr Fran: <De La>champ Sr I have writt this post already to wch Referrs you these are Chiefly to Recommend my kinde friend Mr Michaell Blackett who has some Concerns att your place and wanting a Corrispondent there have recommend him to you, who I thinke will take Care of his business, his Concernes for Iron soe if cann serve him yourself, its well if other way, desires yourself to doe as well for him as Allice Mallabar Sr By the Recommendation above wri

Letter – Michael Blackett to Cuthbert Snow – 15 Feb 1678

Ditto Cuthbert Snow Yours of the 9th present to <Chd Love> I opened, the Contents have observed I take notice w[ha]t progresse you have made In his desire, wch I could have told you before would be (as itt now proves) all to noe purpose, for you must have nothing to doe wth Iron mongers, the marchants man if your acquaintance must if any doe the deed, and lett him know I desire noe small parcell but that I want 30 or 40 tonn, wth wch iff He will furnish mee wth the sorts underneath att

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 15 Feb 1678

Ditto Mr Hen: Maisters Sr I think itt needlesse to acquainte you how I Can be Concerned in a parcell of Iron att your place, wch I heare of since I writt you last the £14: 15: 4d pray order as you please, I suppose my small Commissions are not worthy your trouble besides I am Informed you deale wth the Commodity your selfe, soe I am alwaies left to your mercy, but as wee meet friends soe pray lett us part for my part I am really and soe shall you finde mee upon all occations MB If I alw

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Willett – 15 Feb 1678

Newca: feb 15 1677/8 Mr Henry Willett Sr Yours of the 7th present requires noe further Answer, than that all my oats are to goe another way I have this day valewed upon you £50: 10: 9 p[er] 25 d[ays] sight to Mr Nicholas Harding or order valew of Mr Jno Dagleish wch pray lett be Complyed withall, inclosed you have 2 good bills for £110: - :- I hope ere this you will have disposed of my Leed, Pray Enquire of your Pewtherers, and see w[ha]t they will give mee for Copper you

Letter – Margaret Grey to Joshua Pannell – 15 Feb 1678

To Mr Joshua Pannell to desire him to pay to Mr Joshua Lincoln of Rotterdam the 417 <Gildr> 8 <stivers> which he recd of Mr Wm Peacocke for the like value which I have recd here of Mr Henry Milbourn, & to Take care that the whole bond be got changed before he come for England from Margt Grey Febry the 15 1677

Letter – Margaret Grey to Joseph Lincoln – 15 Feb 1678

To Mr Joseph Lincoln to desire him to return the money which he recd of Mr Pannell upon the account pf Mr Hen Milbourn, in long square whale bone & fine muslin either to London or hither, by the first ships From Margt Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 19 Feb 1678

Ditto Brother Edwd Upon Receipt of yours of the 15th, I Imediately repared to my Cosin Kirkhouse, who told mee that he would not part wth his Waines Scott untill he heare further from you, and accot of them as followeth with the price of each sort vizt about 20 Inch bords att 3s p[e]r p[iece] about 140 ¾ Inch boards att 2s <7d> about 150 ½ Inch boards att 1s <6d> I have Enquired after spruce <dails> but can heare of very few, yett if you please to advise w[ha]t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 19 Feb 1678

Newcastle february 19 1677/8 Mr Edwd. Allen Sr I have yours of the 17th present for Answer same thing, must be as you say, I am willing all account betwixt us should be Closed and soe farewell MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 19 Feb 1678

Ditto Mr Geo Moorcroft I have yours of the 11th, with the fine mentioned wch I have Laid with the Rest of the deeds, I am this day to pay Mr Errington the £100:- :- wch I was to pay Roger <Castle> wch he keepes for another yeare, and I am Confident still wants mony for my part I now wish I had not dealt wth him I never see such a man in my life, he is allwais awanting, but a faith I will now <fitt> Him, for till m[aste]r faire lie safe tyed and the bonds <dd> to you

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 19 Feb 1678

Newcastle feb 19 1677/8 Messrs Chas & James Banckes Srs I have before mee yours of the 29th past, according to your desire shall send your you acct Currant by Wm Lecke Comander of the Constant Wm of this place, who will be ready to saile wthin two or three daies, and I hope wth you as Soone as this may please take notice that I have freighted and Recommended unto you sd vessell, by whome God willing you shall be written att Lardge but Cannot as yett give you any accot of her Loadeing o

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 19 Feb 1678

Ditto Mr Hen: Maister Sr I have yours p[er] Tho West, your mony pray order as you please, you say there was noe more of that Sort In your place whereas my Brother Davison hath more than I have in sd vessell I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Willett – 19 Feb 1678

Ditto Mr Henry Willett Sr I have none of yours to Answer soe the lesse to Enlardge upon, soe this serves onely to advise you that this day I have valewed upon you a bill for £100: <p..> the 4th of march next to Mr Jno Wood or order valew of Mr Rich: Tooth, wch pray lett be Complyed wthall I am MB I am sorry you Can meet wth noe Iron att my price I Cannot afford to give £14: 10s soe must have patience I am afraid you Resort to the Ironmongers, but the marchands that sells to the I

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 19 Feb 1678

Ditto Mr Wm Benson Sr I have before mee yours of the 14th present I heartely thanke you for your kinde proffer, but Cannot afford to Embrace itt Soe Remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 23 Feb 1678

Newcastle feb the 23 1677/8 Honoured Sir I have att present to acquaint you the best I cann wth all the needfull att your Leed Mines In doing of wch shall bee breefer this time then formerly I used to bee by reason that when I demanded the Condition of the Severall Groves and how much Oare was a forehand att each, itt was answered mee that I should wth a letter att home, wch would give mee satisfaction for that p[ar]ticular and that noe allteration hadd happened since sd letter was written,

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 23 Feb 1678

Newcastle feb the 23th 1677/8 Mr Hen: Maister Sr I have before mee yours of the 19th wth wch I am very well satisfied, soe pray lett w[ha]t is past, bee past, for I doe assure you I have noe desire to change my old freinds; And I hope you have nott disposed of the Iron you intended mee att £13: 5s p[er] tonne if nott pray shipp mee as soone as you cann tenn Tonn if you have nott soe much, then pray Shipp mee w[ha]t you have for if itt bee a tonn or two over I doe nott vallew itt, lett me

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Fletham – 23 Feb 1678

Ditto Mr Edwd: Fleatham Inclosed I returne thee thy Bill for £10: because itt will nott bee accepted, being dated Ap[r]ill, soe write itt once againe, dateing itt 13: feb And send itt mee for then I suppose itt will receive dew honnour pray dd the Inclosed and receive £ the 30: - therein mentioned and send itt mee as soone as you cann for I have a greate occation for moneyes I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Thorp – 23 Feb 1678

Newcastle feb 23: 1677/8 Cousin Robt Thorpp I have now occation for my money soe pray upon receipt lett itt bee pd unto Edward Fleatham or his order who will take care to send itt mee in due time, Indeed, I did expect to have heard from you ere this, for your term dayes are expired over & over againe, and I never care for being disapoynted I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Abraham Van Rincom – 23 Feb 1678

Ditto Mr Abraham Vanrancome Sr If itt stand wth your convenience I desire to renew our former corespondence, offereing you of my readyness to serve you in this place upon all accations, & when either Leed, Coale, Grind stones or Butter, gives any profitt wth you upon the least notice of the prices from you may come to send you some Small Supplyes and I very much wonder that I never had a letter from you since I Came out of Holland I am Credibly Informed that very often on
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467