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Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 16 Sep 1823

Mr Beaumont Sept 16th 1823 James Briggs has requested me to ask you to allow his wife who is at present lodging at Crawcrook to occupy the room over the stables at Bradley which Earnshaw had when his wife was there. I have been indirectly asked if you intended giving up Bradley but of course I could only say that I had received no instructions from you to that effect. Mr Clavering of Riddlehamhope is the gent who caused the enquiry and is in want of such a situation. He has Greencroft only f

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Dawkin – 20 Sep 1823

Mr Dawkin Sept 20th 1823 The common report of the day at Hexham is that Sir J. Swinbourn has explained to you the cause of his quarrel with Mr Beaumont and that he does not wish it to be kept secret. You must naturally suppose I feel very anxious to know the real cause that could break off the match so suddenly and I will state what common report says upon it. Sir J Swinbourne is said to have communicated to you that Mr Beaumont <...> said he and his sons to be rascals and Lady Swinbu

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 22 Sep 1823

Newcastle 22nd Septemr 1823 London – Forwarding a pce of Silver 1364 Oz pWaggon. – 20 Int MM

Diary – James Losh – 26 Sep 1823

I was detained in Newcastle until 6 o’clock by conferences with Ed. Swinburne, Mrs. Beaumont ec., respecting Mr. Beaumont’s strange conduct and unfortunate state of mind. It is quite clear that he is deranged at present, but I much doubt whether by judicious treatment, that derangement might not be speedily removed. I had a long conference with Mrs. Beaumont and never saw a more lively and convincing proof of the vanity of worldly prosperity than in her chearless and melancholy situation

Report – Matthew Wilson to Anthony Hedley – 27 Sep 1823

On the 26th of Sept 1823 Mrs Beaumont arrived at Hexham on her way to Alanheads, and that Evening in a conversation she had with Mr C. Heads and others she signified that she had been of Opinion that the Commissioners of the Intended new line of Road could carry the line through the Cloisters and the Seal with or without her consent. Mr. Heads said they could not. She asked emphatically ‘can they do so Without my Consent’. The answer was ‘Madam, they cannot.’ She then inquired in

Letter – Mary Kell to Thomas Bell – 29 Sep 1823

Hexham Monday morning Dear Nephew, I hope you and Thomas got well home and found all well. There has been a sad upro at Hexham since Friday night about the road through the Seal. It is not to go that way now – the Lady Beaumont has been here and such a day on Setterday ringin of Bells and aile given away in the market place and a large fire in the market place after dark the nois never seased till two a clock on Sunday. Your uncle has sent you some speches – give John one of them first t

Letter – John Lambton to Charles Grey – 29 Sep 1823

The Earl Grey.                                 Lambton Hall Sept 29             My dear Lord Grey William received a Week ago a Letter from B. Saying that he had a supernatural Intimation that Lady S had drowned herself that Morning - that in consequence he had set off for Bradley, in the full expectation of finding the fact confirmed - that if it did not turn out to be so, he could not expect William to believe his other assertions as they rested chiefly o

Letter – Charles Grey to John Lambton – 1 Oct 1823

Torquay Oct 1st 1823 My Dear Lambton Many thanks for your letter. Before this you probably may have learned the results of Beaumont’s supernatural intimation. By letters from Sir John S to my <Brother> & to Sir W. Gordon which have been sent to me, it appears that he astonished young Edward & the Boatman, by his sudden appearance at the Lake at Capheaton. & upon E.S.’s asking what he did there his answer was that he did not know, that he supposed God h

Letter – John Bell to Diana Beaumont – 1 Oct 1823

To Mrs Beaumont Lady of the Regality or Manor of Hexham We the Inhabitants of Hexham in public meeting assembled take this opportunity of returning you our sincere thanks for the very kind and handsome manner in which you received a Deputation of our Townsmen on Saturday last. Your declaration ‘No power upon Earth shall induced Col Beaumont or myself to do any thing to deprive the Inhabitants of Hexham of the Comforts and privileges they have so long enjoyed in the Seal’ will be long an

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Bell – 4 Oct 1823

Gentlemen, I beg you will accept my best thanks for this public demonstration of your favour, of which I shall ever retain a grateful remembrance; I trust no one can suspect that I am blinded by prejudice or influenced by private Interest when I declare my decided dissent to the measure of the line of Road passing through the Seal. I have already given my reasons for it. Col Beaumont & I will never join any Party to deprive the respectable Inhabitants of Hexham of the antient Privileges th

Diary – James Losh – 4 Oct 1823

I went to meet Mrs. Beaumont at her urgent request and had much serious conversation with her respecting her son – that is as far serious as her overweening vanity and folly will permit her to be upon any subject. I shewed her Mr. B.’s last letter to me and a copy of my answer in which I distinctly stated my opinion that he labors under delusions as to the Capheaton family and advised him to apply to his medical friend on the subject. I pointed out to her the necessity of decisive and sp

Letter – Charles Grey to John Lambton – 5 Oct 1823

Torquay Oct 5th 1823 My Dear Lambton I do not make out from your letter or Sir John’s whether it was before or after his appearance at Capheaton that Beaumont wrote to William. I rather conjecture that it must have been before & in that case it is possible he may have slipped Mr Bird & his Brother, who were in pursuit of him, & proceeded in his journey to London. Mrs Beaumont had been at Capheaton but I do no

Diary entry – Diana Beaumont – 6 Oct 1823

6 October Mond – Mama came from Northumberland - I passed a wretched fortnight – 7th. It was agreed we were to make a trip to the Continent – 15th. Wed My Brothers leave for London. Marie Sophy & I go to take leave of the Lees – 20th. Mond We leave Bretton for London – and leave Papa & William – 21 Tues. Arrived in London – 28 Tue – Wentworth and Richard left Town for Northumberland - 31. Friday – We left Town & slept at Canterbury –

Letter – Martin Morrison to Cox Poyser & Co – 8 Oct 1823

Newcastle 8 October 1823 Messrs Cox Poyser & Co Derby I am this morning favored with your Letter of the 6 Inst and accept your favor of £22-15 pfo[the]r for 3000 pigs of WB Common Lead, allowing the usual discount of 3 pCent for payment in money. As I am going to London on Saturday next and intend to remain there till the 24th inst, any payment you may please to make me in London, or any remittance here, in Bills upon London at 20 days date will in either case, be entitled to t

Diary – James Losh – 9 Oct 1823

I had a letter of thanks from Sir J. Swinburne and messages full of gratitude and offers of service from Mrs. Beaumont; from Beaumont himself, a letter full of exaggerated praise and professions of friendship and regard. With all this I confess I am very well pleased and the more so because I am conscious of having acted with good intentions. But I certainly do not expect much fruit from my exertions in the shape of benefit to myself or my family.

Report – John McAdam to Edward Locker – 25 Oct 1823

To E. H. Locker, Esq. Secretary to Greenwich Hospital. Office of Roads, Bristol, 25th October, 1823 Estimate of the expense of making and repairing the lines of road from Haydon Bridge to Penrith, from Haydon Bridge to Bellingham, from Aldstone Moor to Clargill, and from Burtryford to Brampton. – Sixty-six miles new road, at 203l., 13200l.; fifty-six miles old road, repaired at 80l., 4480l.; Bridges, 5,000l.; Surveys, 350l.; Fencing and indemnities for damage, 2,200l.; expenses o

Letter – Thomas Wentworth Beaumont to Charles Grey – 26 Oct 1823

To Earl Grey from Mr Beaumont  Warrens Hotel Oct 26 1823 My Lord Being convinced upon calm reflection that my Conduct towards your Lordship has been unjustifiable.  I do not hesitate to offer your Lordship an apology for it.    I am, my Lord  Your Lordship’s Obed. humble Servant T. W. Beaumont  (This Letter was brought to Torquay and delivered to Ld G. there by Mr Beaumont’s Brother who at the same time showed him the letters he had writte

Diary – James Losh – 31 Oct 1823

Mr. Beaumont arrived unexpectedly. I passed some hours with him and found him, tho’ composed, clearly deranged as to Lady Swinburne.

Diary entry – Diana Beaumont – 1 Nov 1823

1. Nov. Arrived at the Albion Hotel Ramsgate. 3 Mon. A Ball at the Albion. 5. Went to Broadstairs & Margate 11. Left Ramsgate for Dover, where we met Wentworth & Richard we put up at Mrs Paques the York Hotel. Wed 12 Nov. Crossed from Dover to Calais in the Arrow Steam Packet in 3 hours & a half – our Party consisting of Mrs B. Self & 2 Sisters Wentworth & Richard – 2 Maids (Fletcher & Blacke) one Man & the Courier Reynard & Wentworth’s two Servant

Letter – Thomas Wentworth Beaumont to John Swinburne – 1 Nov 1823

Copy from Mr W. Beaumont.    Queens Head - friday Sir J Swinburne - received Nov 1st 1823 Sir John Your Son’s Letter which accompanies this will have informed you of my desire to make every amends in my power to yourself and your family for having uttered my suspicions to the Injury of Lady Swinburne without foundation, as well as of my intention to make a similar apology to Lord Grey.   My Brother Richard who is with me will be happy to come to you and express my re

Letter – John Swinburne to Richard Beaumont – 1 Nov 1823

To Richard Beaumont Esq.                     Fallodon Nov 1st 1823 Sir I have just received a Note from your Brother with an Apology for his Conduct towards me and my family; that Apology Lady S and myself can only accept of in consideration of our entire conviction that the accusation was made when Mr Beaumont was labouring under mental delusion, it is therefore quite unnecessary to give you the trouble of coming to this place, as Mr B’s Conduct under these circumsta

Letter – Charles Grey to John Lambton – 7 Nov 1823

Torquay Nov 5 1823 My Dear Lambton As I learn Lady Grey wrote yesterday to London it is probable she told her of the unexpected visit we received the night before from Mr R[ichar]d Beaumont. He came with a letter from his Brother, of which the following is a copy. My Lord. Being convinced upon calm reflection, that my conduct towards your Lordship has been unacceptable I do not hesitate to offer your Lordship an apology

Letter – Thomas Wentworth Beaumont to Willoughby Gordon – 7 Nov 1823

(Received Friday Nov 7th 1823)                                                     Warren’s Hotel - Friday Sir Willoughby Gordon  I am prompted by your former Kindness towards me, to offer in justice to myself, and lay before you Copies of my letters of apology to Lord Grey, and Sir John and Lady Swinburne, with their answers. My Brother Richard, who returned this Morning from Torquay would be happy to wait upon you, for this purpose at any ho

Letter – Willoughby Gordon to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 7 Nov 1823

Copy                                                           Horse Guards Nov 7 1823 Sir I have to acknowledge your Letter of this day, and can only say, in answer that I shall be ready to receive Mr Richard Beaumont whenever he may be pleased to call here between 1 and 4 but as I have already received from Sir John Swinburne Copies of your letter to him with his answer, I should be unwilling to give Mr Richard Beaumont the unnecessary trouble of c

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 4 Dec 1823

N[ew]Castle 4 Decr 1823 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwardd 2 pieces of Silver of 1273 & 1436 Oz – pWaggon
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467