Newcastle feb 23d 1677/8
Mr Nicho: Verleen
I have before mee yours of the 22d present but Cannott afford to give any such price for Iron as you mention nor doe I understand w[ha]t you meane by the better sort 7 ¾ Gilder pray what sort of Iron is itt but when I thinke on you need not trouble yourselfe soe much for I Cannott afford to give that price for noe Sort of Iron if Right Sweeds Iron well Struck and good mettle of the dementions formerly mentioned where to be gott for seven Gild
Mr Fran: De Lee <Champ>
I have before mee yours of the 20th present but Cannot afford to give the price you mention for the Iron desired accidentally that post I heard of a parcell in your place such as I desire att a much Lower rate, and that from a good hand too, and his offer I have Embraced Sire that It seems you will not sell your Iron as Cheape as others a bill upon my friend In London att 10 d[ays] sight is my payment, I begg your pardon for the trouble I have given y
Newcastle feb: 23: 1677/8
Mr Henry Willett
I have yours of the 19th present wth the Bill to wch my termes was Refused I have this post writt for another w[he]n itt Comes to hand the same shall be sent you, I have this day agreed for the freight of the Leed Oare wch God willing will be Shipt upon monday next by sd vessell you shall allsoe have the Copper plates and p[er]haps a few p[iece]s of Leed of wch more p[er] next I am Glad to heare of the disposall of my Leed, the acct att your Le
Newcastle feb: the 26: 1677/8
Messrs Cha: & Jams Bankes
My last to you was of the 19th present wch I hereby partly contradict, for the Ma[ster] and I are come to a new agreem[en]t hee being wholy unwilling to take in any Tarr, this day or tomorrow hee will bee all Loaden, nothing is myne but all the Coales, onely I must have freight for w[ha]t other goods hee has In, both wch after good arrivall bee pleased to <Receive>, accordingly as you shall bee, God willing bee writt att
Newcastle feb: 26: 1677/8
Mr Wm Leacke
When please god you Come to Hamb[urg] you are desired to observe these following Instructions I Confesse you are not bound too Returne hither soe if you Can Light of a freight to Content I pray god send you a good vouadge [voyage], but In Case of a Returne home you know you are to bring mee Thirty tonn of goods, and if by Chance there be more, doe not deny the Shipping thereof I mean the takeing of itt In, you and I will have noe difference when p
Edenb 27 Feb 1678
Honnored Sr
I send you here with the book of wanlockhead Charges the accots I would Intreat let be Cleared till 9th pres.t you will find them Thus as followeth –
The bill from September till 15 December 77 come to £88-08- 8
& from the 15th December till 9 Feb 78 £57-15- 9
£146-04- 5
yr 3/4 part of the £146:4:5 is £109-13- 3 3/4
Recaved then of Sr James Standsfeild the some of Fower pond thirtien shillings 3 ¾ d sterling being in full for his ¾ part of the charge don by Jno Curtice on the Leed Mines called Wanlock head. Till the 9th February last past. I say recd by me Wm Blackett
Jno Shand witness
This discharge is from the 22 September 1677 till the 9th February 1678
Edenb 2 March 1678
Honnored Sr
You are to pay for the ½ years rent to my Ld 375 marks & since no vallew is set upon the 21 trees I thinck my Ld may stay till May that a trew vallew may be made of them to both our contents & then we will pay his Lordship I shall Advise you from wanlockhead how things is & wt further hopes and I doe Intend to sett Jno Curtice on work to try if he can get us any wood from other hands. Eather of my Lds brothers or the Ld Carnwaths. if of neat
Newcastle March the 5 1677/8
Mr Jno Hubbacke
I sent you from Houghton upon Sunday last two letters wch I perceive Came too late the post being gone, I desire you that you would be pleased to take Care as to send them away this post for they are both letters on Concerne pray lett mee have a line from you that they are both sent away and you will oblidge MB
Newcastle March 5 1677/8
Cuth Snow
I have both yours of the 23d and 26th present, but Cannott afford to give any such price for Iron as you mention soe need not trouble youselfe any further, however I Cannot but Returne you my hearty thankes for what you have done, if £13: 10s would doe itt, might Resolve to give itt but not a farthing more, and for which I thinke itt might be Embraced, if the marchand would but take into Consideration the quantity vizt 40 or 50 Tonn, and the payment re
Edwd Fletham
I sent thee upon the 23th past the bill wch I Rec[eiv]ed from thee for £10: - : - acceptance being Refused, and I did Expect ere this to have Rec[eiv]ed another from thee, I desire to know the Reason why you have not send mee one likewise I desire to know whether you will give me itt in money or send mee a bill for itt, your Answer is desired by MB
John Mowbrey
I have the Last post Rec[eiv]ed a letter from my father; wherein is his <possitive> order, that In Case those that tooke the Carridge of the Leed will not p[er]forme theire bargaine that then none of them Lead any of itt for if he must give more itt shall bee to others, wch lett be observed I am MB
Newcastle March 5th 1677/8
Mr Hen: Maister
I have before mee yours of the 23th past, am satisfyed wth the sort of Iron my brother Davison had from you, but I doe assure you I was Informed it was of the very sort of myne, and I am Certaine my Brother Davison himselfe did Expect itt soe to bee, wch was the Cause of my writing that letter of the 19th past, but pray noe more of itt, and lett all that is by past be Clearely forgott.
I Long to heare from you of the Shipping of t
Mr Hump Willett
I writt you the first present from Houghton and Stockton, from the first place I valewed
£120: -: - upon you from the last place I remitted you £150: -: - and from Durham the 2d present I remitted you a small Bill for £10: - : - all wch letters I hope are Come safe to your hands, and now god be thanked I am Gott home where I mett with yours of the 23d and 28th past, In the former you say that att present there is noe Iron in marchands hands wherein you are ver
Newcastle March the 6th 1677/8
Brother Edwd
Upon Receipt of yours of the 4th present I Immediately Repaired to Mr Leamon who doth assure mee that he hath used his utmost endeavours towards the Effecting of your order, but all his Labour to this howe[ve]r hath proved Ineffectuall, neither Can my Cousin Jno Blackett doe you any helpe att present, nor will either of them give mee any Encouridgment to tell you that Certainley one will be mett withall within <5 / 6 d[ays]> by Chance itt may
Newcastle March 6 1677/8
Anthony Heron
I doe very much admire you are soe negligent in Collecting the moneys due to mee, and In particular these somes undermentioned, wch I sweare I will not Loose if possible to be procured, I therefore Command you to bee Carefull and delay mee noe Longer as you Tender the <request> and kindnesse of MB
<Levy> Mony not pd
Mr Mettham Hen Jennison & Jno Stephenson £ 2 - -
[do] Robt Roddam & Robt <Wind et al> £12
March the 6th 77
To ditto to pay 417 Gild 8 st to Mr Tho: Shaftoe if he hath bought goods for it to send them by Mr Shaftoe if not to send the said money in Dollars
From Margt Grey
Newcastle March 8 1677/8
Messrs Ch: and Ja: Bankes
This Comes to accompany m[aste]r Wm Leacke Comander of the Constant Wm of this place, In whome I have Loaden and Consigned unto you Eighty five Chalder of Coales Newcastle measure wch god sending well to arrive be pleased to receive and dispose thereof for my most advantidge there is alsoe in sd vessell <498> p[iece]s Leed 12 <st> p[er] p[iece] for fr[e]ight of the same be you pleased to <receive> for mee of the
Newcastle March 8 1677/8
Mr Hen Maister
I have before mee yours of the 2d present, as soone as I receive an account from you to w[ha]t value you have Shipt mee In Jno Potter, your mony shall be Remitted you In a good bill, or otherwise as you shall order mee Reger Koninsberg Riseling att present will not yield above 24 and must be very good if itt give that price, I am Confident I Could buy very good in Towne for 25 if not under I am MB
Mr Hump Willett
The aboves [see below] are Coppies of what I have writt you this day by Leo: Jeffreson and Robt Grainge In whome I have Loaden of you see above and Consigned unto your selfe 53 Caske Leed oare and twenty Copper plates wch after good Arrivall be pleased to Receive, but not dispose thereof till further order for I am Resolved Rather to sitt idle then worke Idle for the Copper itt is not much materiall doe wth itt w[ha]t you please but Inclosed is an acco[u]nt of the
Newcastle March the 9 1677/8
Ed[w]ard Fletham
I have thine of the 6th present wth an Inclosed bill for £10: - : - In Lieu of that bill I Returned thee acceptance being Refused, In Respect of the wrong dating thereof this I question not, but will be pd upon sight, but am very sorry I Cannot Comply wth thy desire for furnishing Robt Swaine with sixty pounds upon thy account for my p[ar]t I was never soe putt too ill In all my life for mony, tis soe good a Commodity that bills are given att sh
Messrs Ch: & Ja: Banckes
My Last to you was of the 8th present p[er] Wm Lecke more I Cannot say then I have all ready said positively I desire if the vessell Returne for this place that the nett proceed of the Coales be Shipt mee (Lett price be as itt will must Leave itt to your prudent manidgment) In Iron of the two sorts mentioned and if plancke and mum be to be gott according to my Instructions (not above as much under as is possible) and that you wholly Load backe sd ves
Newcastle March 9 1677/8
Mr Ma: Lambe
Being In some hast[e] I onlye Enquire after yours and my mothers good health, I see If I never write you you will be sure never to write to mee, your promisse when you were Last here makes mee Remember the old proverbe out of Sight out of minde you promised mee a grosse of bra<sse> pipes as yett I have seen noe p[er]formance I have got Robt Stansbys Rent I hope you have ere this gott Jno Stansbys and the rest all wth mee god be thanked are ver
Mr Hen: Maister
I have yours of the 5th present have given you Creditt for the Cost and Chardges of the 260 barrs Iron shipt me In Jno Potter your bill of £50:- :- att sight pay to Mr Robt <Lintoll> shall be Imediately pd w[he]n presented and draw the Remainder w[he]n you please att sight itt shall be punctually dischardg]ed noe need of Expressing any such thing In your Letter as : wch I hope you will accept for I would not otherwise noe feare of itt I hope soe Long as I Li
Newcastle March 12 77/8
Mr Peter Nephew
I have furnished Wm Limbrey upon your Brother Mr Wm Nephew his account with £6: - : - wch some [sum] according to order have this day valewed upon you p[er] 6 d[ays] sight to Mr Hump: Willett or order I question not but your Brother will give you order To dischardge sd bill, to whome pray send the Inclosed and you will oblidge MB