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Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Christopher Bird – 30 Mar 1825

Mr Bird March 30th 1825 I should have been most happy to have seen you and Mr Wm Beaumont to have taken up your quarters with me but at present we are all in confusion from workmen in the house. The female servants however are all at Bradley and the house then in order to receive Mr G B and his bride. I fear Mr Wm will find fishing a cold amusement and the woodcock I should suppose are all gone.

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Christopher Bird – 2 May 1825

Mr Bird May 2nd 1825 Thomas Strutt has requested me to write to you to say he will be glad to accept your offer to go to Gummerston and take charge of the wood fences and game but should you since have altered your determination as to the appointment … he will feel much obliged to you to take a house for him in the neighbourhood of <Hoyland>. Mr Beaumont has not taken any further notice as to his leaving, nor has any new gamekeeper arrived. I have received a letter from Mr B indeed h

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 6 May 1825

Mr B. May 6th 1825 ... The arrears in the payments to Mrs Beaumont out of the Bywell Estate have arisen partly from the payment of the deposit on the purchase of the Bearl estate ... but to give you the clearest idea of the matter I shall forward to you as soon as I have <acct of> the rents now due which will be in the course of the week after next ... to the period by which you will see that no money has <....> time been resting <in> my hands <....> I will forward the

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Christopher Bird – 8 May 1825

Mr Bird May 8th 1825 … offer you my most sincere thanks for your very friendly information respecting the payment in arrears to Mrs Beaumont out of the Bywell Estate. ... the deposit pd, was £2300 which it would have been impossible for me to have met had I paid Mrs Beaumont the £1500 paid half-yearly to her out of this Estate. I am now determined to have my accounts <....> from first to last which I have often urged Mr Beaumont to do … I am now convinced that Mr Beaumont has nev

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 11 May 1825

N[ew]Castle 11 May 1825 Mrs Beaumont London Transmitting in several Covers Cash Accounts and Lead Sales to 30 April – also quarterly Reports of Allenheads and Coalcleugh Lead Mines – MM

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 11 May 1825

Newcastle 11th May 1825 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a Pce of Silver of 1575 Oz pWaggon this day

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 14 May 1825

Newcastle 14 May 1825 Mrs Beaumont London Transmitting in 2 Covers the Report of Weardale Mines for the present Quarter. MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to William Huskisson – 25 May 1825

N[ew]Castle 25 May 1825 Rt Hon[ra]ble Willm Huskisson Esq Etc London Sir As agent to Colonel Beaumont, owner & an extensive occupier of Lead Mines I have learnt with the utmost alarm that it is intended to lower, almost to nothing, the duty now payable on the importation of Foreign Lead and Ore. – as this measure appears to [replaced: me] us fraught with injury to the Lead Mines and to the numerous people now usefully employed in parts of the Country which admit of n

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 1 Jun 1825

N[ew]Castle 1st June 1825 Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for the month of May. MM

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Richard Pullen – 4 Jun 1825

Newcastle June 4 1825 Richd Pullen Esq 12 <Sergiants> Inn London Sir I have been requested by MM who is unavoidably absent to transmit you the petition or Memorial of Miners in this neighbourhood against the proposed Reduction of the duty on foreign Lead imported. The Receivers of the Greenw[ich] Hosp[ital.] would have signed the above but that their Board had already taken some steps at the Treasury – however should you think it adviseable may apply to them. I remai

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Arthur Trevelyan – 20 Jun 1825

To: A Trevalyn Esq, Nether Witten. June 20th 1825 Richard Simpson was not quite a year in Mr Beaumonts service but during the time he held the situation he was sober, civil and attentive. He is a good shot and took considerable pains in destroying vermin. [struck out: ‘I believe Mr Beaumont got a little out of humour with the behaviour of his dogs’] Mr B did not assign any reason to me for dismissing him and directed me to give him a good character. Benj Johnson

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 30 Jun 1825

N[ew]Castle 30 June 1825 Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1782 Oz - pWaggon. – MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 2 Jul 1825

N[ew]Castle 2 July 1825 Messrs Glyn & Co Bankers London Remitting them 5 Bills am[oun]t[in]g to £14,778-7-3 for Colonel Beaumonts Acc[oun]t. – MM

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 6 Jul 1825

N[ew]Castle 6 July 1825 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1524 Oz – pWaggon 4 Inst

Diary – James Losh – 15 Jul 1825

To Hexham where I attended a meeting for the purpose of establishing a Mechanic Institution. I opened the meeting in a speech of some length, explaining the nature, pointing out the benefits to be derived from institutions of this kind and concluded with an exhortation to the working mechanics (of whom considerable numbers attended) to form themselves into a society to manage their own affairs and to exert themselves for their own advantage as well as that of their families. ...Several of

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 18 Jul 1825

N[ew]Castle 18 July 1825 Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall Transmitting Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for last month

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 1 Aug 1825

Mr B. Aug 1825 ..I sent a quantity of the best fruit ripe to the dinner of the Horticultural society. The grapes were particularly fine and by far the best in the room. I also sent a basket to the mayor. I shall send fruit and vegetables to Mrs Beaumont tomorrow and observe your instructions as to the remainder as it ripens ... I shall take every care in my power to preserve the game at Bywell and prevent every one from shooting which I can assure you has never been the case but I cannot

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 20 Aug 1825

Mr B. Aug 20th 1825 … say if I may direct the dog which came from Bretton to be destroyed as Strutt says he is good for nothing and besides eaten up with the mange ... Will you allow T Strutt anything towards removing his family back to Yorkshire? He had ten pounds allowed him when they came into Northumberland.

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 23 Aug 1825

N[ew]Castle 23rd August 1825 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1685 Oz pWaggon 22 Inst MM

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 27 Aug 1825

N[ew]Castle 27 Augst 1825 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1819 Oz – pWaggon – MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 27 Aug 1825

N[ew]Castle 27 Augst 1825 Messrs Glyn & Co London. – Remitting them 2 Bills value £6,000 for Col Beaumonts Acc[oun]t MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Robert Stagg – 29 Aug 1825

N[ew]Castle 29 August 1825 Rt Stagg Esqr Marton House – Appleby Measures are in progress to apply to Parliament next Session, to obtain an Act for a Turnpike Road from Cows Hill in Weardale, down Allendale to join the Turnpike above Hexham, in which is included a branch road from it, at Allendale Town, leading up West Allen past Coalcleugh & to join the Turnpike at Nenthead. – As this branch will shorten your Lead Carriage from Nenthead Mill downwards and give other

Letter – Charles Monck to Charles Grey – 22 Sep 1825

Wheatley 22nd Sept 1825 My dear Lord Your letter has been forwarded to me from Belsay & came here yesterday morning. Under the same qualifications which you mention I have told Lord Howick that he shall have my best wishes & all the support which I can give him when he offers his services to the County. Recollecting the jealousy which Lambton’s presence at that meeting at Blagdon last wi

Letter – Hugh Percy to Willoughby Gordon – 30 Sep 1825

The D of Northumberland to Mr W Gordon I return you herewith Lord Grey’s letter & request you will take an opportunity of thanking him for the communication.  As we are so soon to have the pleasure of seeing you in the North & the ideas of a Dissolution are suspended for the present, I shall abstain from offering any remarks on the subject; except to assure you that I consider no person more fit to offer himself for the representation of this County than the eldest son of Lord G

Letter – Charles Grey to Charles Monck – 14 Oct 1825

Govt House Oct 14th 1825 My dear Monck I received your letter of the 222nd Sept from Wheatley in due course. The postponement of the dissolution seems to render any further dissension on that subject unnecessary for the present. But there are two points in your letter on which I am anxious to prevent any further misunderstanding between us. In the first place with respect to Lambton I really was
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467