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Diary – James Losh – 15 Mar 1826

There seem now to be 4 candidates all likely to stand a poll at the next general election (for Northumberland). Ld. Howick, Mr. Beaumont, Mr. Liddell and Mr. Bell.

Diary – James Losh – 16 Mar 1826

I had a long and somewhat curious interview with Mr. Liddell who called upon me professedly to talk about the Catholic question, but perhaps with the further view of making out my opinion upon other points also, but not forgetting my being the counsel and friend of Mr. Beaumont. He declared strongly his wish for Catholic Emancipation and professed that he was friendly to civil and religious liberty in general. He admitted, however, to me that he considered Mr. Canning as his leader and guide

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 25 Mar 1826

N[ew]Castle 25 March 1826 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver 1808 Oz – pWaggon 22 inst

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 27 Mar 1826

Newcastle 27 March 1826 Sir R.C.Glyn Bt & Co Bankers – London Observing in the London papers rece[ive]d here this day the death of the Bishop of Durham; and having myself to be absent from home for a week, I am to request, if the news is authentic, that you will withhold the payment of £1000 on the 31 inst, to Messrs Drummonds for his Lordships Account. – I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Robert Stagg – 29 Mar 1826

New House Weardale Rt Stagg Esqr 29 March 1826 Marton Ho[use] nr Appleby The intelligence of the B[isho]p of Durham’s death being confirmed, and in consequence the Agreements for the Compo[sition]s of Lot and Tithe Ore in Weardale have Ceased, It therefore becomes necessary, until those Agreements are Renewed, with the new Bishop and the present Rector of Stanhope, that all the Lead Ore wrought by your Company under the Moor-master’s Lease granted by the Bishop of Durha

Letter – Martin Morrison to Henry Phillpotts – 1 Apr 1826

N[ew]Castle 1st April 1826 Dr Phillpotts 52 Harley St London I was last night favored with your Letter of the 27 Ult on my return from Weardale. – The death of the venerable B[isho]p of Durham I had heard of, previous to going to the Mines on Tuesday morning, and our Quarterly Bargains with the workmen for raising Ore etc being expired, I gave directions to clear the Mines of all the Ore wrought to the 25th of last month, the day of the Bishop’s death & by which event

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 5 Apr 1826

N[ew]castle 5 April 1826 Messrs Glyn & Co – Bankers London Remitting them 3 Bills value £10.000 for Thos Rd Beaumont Esqrs Account. - MM

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 8 Apr 1826

N[ew]castle 8 April 1826 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver 1317 Oz – pWaggon – 8 Inst. – MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Fenwick – 18 Apr 1826

Mem[orandum] given to Mr Fenwick Agent to Bishop of Durham – 18 April 1826 The Duty on foreign Lead imported previous to 5 July 1826 was 20 pCent ad valorum so that if the price of Pig Lead was at £22 pTon, the am[ou]nt would be £4.8 pTon. The Duty charged since 5 July 1825 is £2 pTon without reference to value 2. Difference £ 2 8 The protection given to English Mines having ceased, by the high duty being withdrawn; the importation of foreign Lead last year, exceeded in

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Diana Beaumont – 1 May 1826

Mrs B. May 1st 1826 Mr Beaumont left Newcastle on Saturday last for London after completing the most successful canvass ever accomplished in this or any other county. His opponents generally but more particularly the inconsistent Whigs are completely defeated and can never rally now. Throughout Mr B's canvass he has met with the most flattering reception and his exertions have been beyond what I believe any other gentleman could properly have given thought. The result however has ampl

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 2 May 1826

Mr B. May 2nd 1826 I understand Captain Jobling of Newton Hall has taken offence that you did not call upon him and says he should certainly have attended the dinner had you called upon him … Michael Dodds Esq residing at Cornhills Nr Kirkwhelpington was from home when you passed and I believe you omitted to call at his house to leave your card. A letter I have no doubt will win him over and I shall request your Brother, as soon as he returns from his canvass at Carlisle to call upon him.

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Fenwick – 3 May 1826

London 3rd May 1826 Mr Thos Fenwick (of Dipton) in London Sir In consequence of your interaction that it was the wish of the Bishop of Durham to receive an offer, in money payment, for the Lot Ore in Weardale; I beg to inform You that having communicated this morning, with Col & Mrs Beaumont, I am authorized by them to give Four Thousand Pounds per Annum in lieu thereof; provided Dr Phillpotts, as Rector of Stanhope, agrees to accept the same Sum for his Tithe Ore; and with th

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 4 May 1826

Adv[isin]g two ps Silver pWaggon for Rundell & C[o] q. 1,399 Oz q. 1,661 do

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 10 May 1826

Mr B. May 10th 1826 Mr Ed Beaumont will have made you acquainted with an unpleasant circumstance which your servant Mason says have occurred at Bradley. As soon as I heard of it I went down to enquire into the affair and I must confess myself that after a long and close investigation I have considerable doubt of the veracity of his statement. The matter is of so improper a nature in any family that the parties accused cannot remain as fellow servants with the accuser and they have both give

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Fenwick – 26 May 1826

N[ew]castle 26 May 1826 Mr Thos Fenwick Dipton. As I have not received any reply to the offer I made in London, thro’ you to the Bishop of Durham, for the Lot Ore in Weardale; I take the liberty of enquiring when I may expect to receive his Lordships determination upon it, the ascertainment of which, being daily more desirable, as two months now have lapsed, since the late Bishop’s death, and the working of the Mines impeded by the accumulated produce remaining in them, necessa

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Fenwick – 30 May 1826

Newcastle 30 May 1826 Mr Thos Fenwick Dipton I beg to enclose copy of a Letter received this morning from Dr Phillpotts and as he therein states that Mr Dolphin is fully empowered to treat for his Tithe Ore, I hope you will be enabled to take an early opportunity of appointing a meeting with Mr Dolphin for the purpose of our endeavouring to conclude an Agreement for the Lot and Tithe Ore due to the Bishop and Rector from Col Beaumont. – I am etc – MM Copy of Dr Phillp

Letter – Martin Morrison to Henry Phillpotts – 10 Jun 1826

Newcastle 10 June 1826 Dr Phillpotts –Stanhope Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 8 Inst and have this morning paid to Sir M Ridley & Co for your acc[oun]t £184..18..7, the am[oun]t of your Compo[sitio]n for Tithe Ore in the parish of Stanhope due from Col & Mrs Beaumont from the 10 to the 25 March last – which sum I hope you will find correct. – I regret not to have heard yet of Mr Fenwick and Mr Dolphins meeting for the purpose of arriving at some conclusio

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Dolphin – 14 Jun 1826

N[ew]castle 14 June 1826 Mr John Dolphin Ruffside – Hexham I am this morning favored with your Letter; and lose no time to request that you will be so obliging, if practicable, to be here to morrow for the purpose of coming to some understanding upon the subject to which you refer. – I am sorry to give you this trouble, which, had not the state of my health prevented me leaving home, I would have obviated, by meeting you half-way. – I am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Fenwick – 14 Jun 1826

N[ew]castle 14 June 1826 Mr Thos Fenwick Dipton I am much disappointed that I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing you, according to the intimation contained in your Letter of the 2nd inst. – I have this morning heard from Mr Dolphin, who gives me reason to expect that he will be here to morrow, authorized by Dr Phillpotts to treat for the disposal of his Tithe Ore; and I send this to you, by Express, in the hope that you also will give Us a Meeting at this Office, for the purp

Letter – Martin Morrison – 15 Jun 1826

Thursday 15 June 1826 Mr Dolphin Agent to Dr Phillpotts came to the Office this morning, for the purpose of coming to an understanding as to the future arrangement in regard to the Tithe Ore. – Mr Dolphin commenced by saying, that before he entered upon particulars, He was instructed by the Dr. to state that any Agreement he entered upon with Col Beaumont must be for the ore raised by the Colonel alone, distinct from that raised by the Lead Company for which a separate agreement with the

Letter – Martin Morrison – 16 Jun 1826

Friday 16 June 1826 Mr Fenwick agent to the B[isho]p of Durham came to the Office to inform me that he had not yet received his Lordships final instructions respecting the Lease for the Lot Ore, and that he had sent to Mr Faber, my Letter of the 26 May, which he supposed would be forwarded to the Bishop in London accompanied with one from himself, urging the necessity of come to a conclusion on the business. – Mr Fenwick said he had to be in Newcastle to morrow (Saturday) and would again ca

Letter – Martin Morrison to Burley & Sons – 17 Jun 1826

N[ew]castle 17th June 1826 Messrs Burley & Sons Lincolns Inn – London Your Letter of the 14 inst addressed to Col Beaumont demanding payment of £1000 due on the 30 March last to the late Bishop of Durham for Lot Ore, has been transmitted to me. – His Lordship having died on the 25 of March, I make the amount due to his Executors £920 – 10 -11 which sum Messrs Glyn & Co will be instructed to pay, when I hear from you, & on your producing to them a proper receipt.

Letter – Martin Morrison to Robert Stagg – 19 Jun 1826

Newcastle 19 June 1826 Rt Stagg Esqr - Agent to the Lead Co[mpan]y Marton House – near Appleby. – I think it right to intimate to you that some Difficulty is likely to arise in the treaty with Dr Phillpotts for his Tythe Ore – He has postponed communicating his intentions till last Thursday on the pretence of being from home and not having personal access to his Agent, who I now find is a Mr Dolphin – agent to Messrs Halls in the Derwent Mines thro’ this person he has in

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Dolphin – 22 Jun 1826

Newcastle – 22 June 1826 Mr John Dolphin – Ruffside – Hexham I am this morning favored with yours of the 21st inst – The terms Dr Phillpotts demands for his Tythe Ore – namely 1500 Bings of Ore Yearly from Col Beaumont, & 250 Bings from the Lead Company & (see Letter) being quite unusual and unexpected. It becomes my Duty to transmit to Col & Mrs Beaumont, the communications you have imparted, for their information, and to obtain in consequence, their f

Letter – Martin Morrison to Burley & Sons – 23 Jun 1826

N[ew]castle 23 June 1826 Messrs Burley & Sons Lincolns Inn I beg to acknowledge the favor of your Letter of the 20th Inst. the sum due to the late Bishop of Durham is precisely what I have already Stated it to be – viz £920–10– 11– the number of days in this year for which the Lot Ore is due are 84 – If therefore – 365 days give £4000 what will 84 give – exactly the sum abovementioned. Entertaining no wish but to give facility for the payment of this money, an
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467