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Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 5 Sep 1826

N[ew]Castle 5 Septemr 1826 Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1734 Oz – pWaggon 2nd Inst

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 11 Sep 1826

N[ew]Castle 11th Septemr 1826 Messrs Glyn & Co Bankers – London Remitting 10 Bills value £33,545-1-10 for Colonel Beaumonts Acc[oun]t. –

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Faber – 14 Sep 1826

N[ew]Castle 14 Septemr 1826 T.H.Faber Esqr Bishop Auckland I duly received the Leases you mention which would have been sent to Bretton Hall for Col & Mrs Beaumonts signature, but that the latter being from home made it inconvenient to effect the execution of them. – Mr Horrington the Steward of Col Beaumont is now here: he returns into Yorkshire in about a fortnight, will take them with him, and see that they are regularly executed: - When returned I will do myself the pleasu

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Thomas Faber – 21 Oct 1826

N[ew]Castle Oct 21 1826 T H Faber Esqr Bishop Auckland Mr Morrison on leaving home desired me to transmit you when executed by Col & Mrs Beaumont the accompanying Lease and Counterpart from the Lord Bishop of Durham to them for the Lot Ore of Weardale Lead Mines and to state that he would write you on the subject at his Return which I expect may be in a week or ten days from this date. I am etc T Crawhall

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 11 Nov 1826

N[ew]Castle 11 Novemr 1826 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce Silver of 952 Oz – pWaggon. MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Faber – 13 Nov 1826

N[ew]Castle 13 Novemr 1826 T H Faber Esqr – Bishop Auckland I beg to acknowledge the rec[eip]t of the Lease for the Lot Ore in Weardale. –Informed that the Lead Company under a Lease from Mr Rippon are continuing to work the Lead Mine in the Bishop of Durham’s copyhold in the parish of Stanhope; I request the favor to know if any directions are given by his Lordship to the Gentlemen holding his Manor Courts, to adopt measures to preserve from Trespass, the Rights of the See,

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 20 Nov 1826

N[ew]Castle 20 Novemr 1826 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1471 Oz – pWaggon. MM

Letter – Thomas Scott – 30 Nov 1826

[annotated in a different hand:] Archdeacon Scott. Sydney Nov 30 1826 My Dear Sir It is with deep concern I have recd. some intelligence of a melancholy nature to Grey's family & perhaps you will have the goodness to break it to him in such a way as you may think proper. The following is an extract from the letter of my brother in law Mr. Ord dated July 1st from Northumberland. ‘I staid at Howick missing the first week of the election and I went daily to Alnw

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 4 Dec 1826

N[ew]Castle 4 Decr 1826 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding 1530 ounces of Silver pWaggon 30 Ult

Letter – Benjamin Johnson – 16 Dec 1826

Dec 16th 1826 You would be surprised to hear that Mr Beaumont was contesting Stafford and I am sure you will be glad to hear that he had succeeded … the bells there today I understand gave him many a merry peal and from the anxiety every person shewed for his success when I was there on Wednesday I am sure there will be many a merry feast. He did not make anyone in this quarter acquainted with his intention until last Wednesday … Stafford is I believe one of the most venal boroughs in t

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 23 Dec 1826

N[ew]Castle 23 Decemr 1826 Messrs Glyn & Co London Remitted them 6 Bills amount £19,095-11-7

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 6 Jan 1827

Newcastle 6 Janry 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding 2 pieces of Silver of 1610 & 1121 Oz – pWaggon.

Diary – James Losh – 31 Jan 1827

I dined at the Mansion House with a large party, assembled in honour of and for the purpose of meeting Mr. Beaumont. I had not seen Beaumont since the election, but we seemed to be (and I have no doubt were) upon our usual intimate terms. He conducted himself adroitly and by his chearfulness and good humour pleased his friends and in some degree disarmed his enemies. My son William accompanied me and he was much amused having never before been at a large public dinner.

Diary – James Losh – 7 Feb 1827

I dined at a great dinner given in Fletcher's Long Room to Mr. Beaumont: it was numerously and upon the whole respectably attended. I spoke upon the subject of ‘Parliamentary Reform’ (having been requested to give that as a Toast) ....Beaumont spoke vigorously and certainly much better than I expected. If he would take pains and attend to business he would be a valuable member of Parliament and by no means a bad public speaker. He is very quick in his conceptions and has very cons

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 16 Feb 1827

Feb 16th Mr <Naters> has been to Bradley and got all the Apple Grafts he wants. I shall have the valuation of the farms you purpose selling ready in a few days ... If Mrs Beaumont should wish to purchase them would you object treating with her. The accounts at Alnwick for Beds still remain unpaid and <....> W Bell settled his the partners have been very clamorous. Mr Horsington offered Mr Canon for those he engaged about 2/6 a night but the other candidates have paid 5/- and 7

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 20 Feb 1827

N[ew]castle 20 Febry 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1775 Oz – pWaggon

Letter – Diana Beaumont to Martin Morrison – 6 Mar 1827

I have received a letter from Mr. Bird respecting Warden, since his return, he is you know to hold that living for my Son Henry, who can hold it in 4 years, when he will be 24 – Captn. Beaumont arrived on Sunday from Portsmouth to see us, he was obliged to return the next day to pay his Ship off, when he will return here for good. He is looking extremely well and in good spirits – Mr. Bird passed a few days with the late Mr. Thompson Son, he found a few years ago, the boundaries between the

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 13 Mar 1827

N[ew]castle 13 March 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1296 Oz – pWaggon – MM

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 20 Mar 1827

N[ew]castle 20 March 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1822 Oz – pWaggon. MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Robert Stagg – 10 Apr 1827

N[ew]Castle 10 April 1827 Robert Stagg Esqr Marton House nr Appleby I beg to inform you that the quantity of Ore raised by Col Beaumont in Weardale for the year ending the 30th Sepr last is 20,245 Bings 2 cwt. - at your leisure will be obliged for the quantity raised in that district, by the Lead Company last year, - distinguishing the produce to the 25 March 1826, - the day on which the late Bishop died, and the Agreement with Dr Phillpotts, for his Tithe Ore, ceased. The Composit

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 12 Apr 1827

Newcastle 12 April 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1417 Oz – pWaggon 11th inst MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn Mills & Co – 16 Apr 1827

N[ew]Castle 16th April 1827 Messrs Glyn Mills & Co Bankers - London Remitting 8 Bills value £28,365-8-4, for Thos Richd Beaumont Esqrs Account. MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to R Furness – 21 Apr 1827

N[ew]Castle 21st April 1827 R H. Furness Bridlington Yorkre I am this day favored with your Letter of yesterdays date and in reply beg to inform you, that the price for Litharge is £22 pTon, 6 Mon[th]s credit, and that, on these terms I am ready to supply you from our depot at Blaydon with 5 or 10 Tons as you may require. Having considerable demand for our Litharge it would not be an inducement to Us to enter into an Agreement to dispose of it upon any other terms, than those long

Letter – Martin Morrison to R Furness – 24 Apr 1827

N[ew]Castle 24th April 1827 R.H.Furness Bridlington In reply to your Letter of yesterdays date I beg to state that we have only one price for Litharge, it is always packed sifted nor would sending it in Lumps be any inducement to Us to reduce the price. – The depot at Blaydon is by Water four Miles up the River and there is daily communication with it by passage Boats: the charge of conveyance for Shipment is about s 1/3d pTon I am etc MM

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 1 May 1827

N[ew]Castle 1 May 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 992 Oz pWaggon
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467