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Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 9 May 1827

N[ew]Castle 9 May 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1693 Oz pWaggon

Letter – Martin Morrison to Cox Poyser & Co – 14 Jun 1827

Newcastle 14 June 1827 Messrs Cox Poyser & Co Derby Having made a Sale of 1200ps of Lead at £18-10 p[er] fo[the]r for Common Lead, I beg to make you an Offer of 5 to 10,000ps of Refined and Common at £19 &18 p[er] fo[the]r six months Credit. In thus making you the first offer upon reduced, and upon my lowest terms, I hope it will be received as a proof of my desire to extend dealings with your respectable House & am etc MM

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 1 Jul 1827

Sir! The new staircase is put up and now only wants the bannister and handrail. The old staircase is taken down and the Balcony in a state of forwardness. I should be glad if you could come down to the north before you go abroad to see what has been done and gain your directions to proceed upon.

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 7 Jul 1827

Newcastle 7 July 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Adv[isin]g of 3ps Silver of 1830, 1308 & 1210 Oz pWaggon. MM

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 13 Jul 1827

Mr B. July 13th 1827 I shall take care to provide six beds at Allendale town for yourself and friends in the 12th August which is on a Sunday. I am extremely glad you are coming to the moors as I understand <Mr> Ruddock intends shooting without leave (he says at the seven springs) on the 12th. He grounds his right to shoot from the <allotment>. he has upon the Common and says he is determined to try his right and would not accept leave if offered to him … The tradespeople who

Report – Diana Beaumont to John Cradock – 26 Jul 1827

MY DEAR LORD after a conversation I had with up your Lordship the other day in London, you will not be surprised to hear that Col. Beaumont and I have come to the resolution of removing Mr Horsington from our agency.  Having been induced to place the management of Yorkshire property in his hands, chiefly from the confidence we put in your friend Sir G SHEE'S recommendation, by whom he had been previously employed, I think it but a proper attention to communicate to you the fact,

Report – John Cradock to Diana Beaumont – 4 Aug 1827

Grimstone Park, Tadcaster, Aug. 4, 1827. MY DEAR MADAM I had the honour of receiving your letter of the 26th Ult, and deferred answered it until I had seen Mr Horsington.  I lament very much he should have given you any cause for displeasure by indiscretion with a woman.  Saturated as the world is, and with so much of the same sort going on in every direction, amongst the very highest as well as those of an humble class, I cannot bring myself to consider it as an inexpiable off

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 21 Aug 1827

Newcastle 21st August 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Advising 2p Silver of 1878 & 1280 Oz – pWaggon. –

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 1 Oct 1827

N[ew]castle 1 Octor 1827 Messrs Rundell & Co London Adv[isin]g a pce Silver of 1197 Oz –pWaggon this day MM N[ew]castle 4 Oct 1827 Ditto - Adv[isin]g 2 pieces of Silver 1649 & 1101 Oz – pWaggon this day

Letter – Thomas Thomson to John Mulcaster – 18 Oct 1827

Mr John Mulcaster Blaydon House Near Newcastle upon Tyne Glasgow 18th Octr 1827 Dear Sir I have just finished the examination of your White Lead & I have been a good deal surprised at the result, It contains 4 foreign substances; Viz. Silica, Alumina, Iron & Manganese. The first three are present in very minute quantity. But the manganese in the state of Carbonate is so abundant that I succeeded in separating it & weighing it. To its presence I ascribe the bad colour

Letter – Michael Faraday to John Mulcaster – 1 Nov 1827

Royal Institution Nov 1/1827 Having carefully examined the specimen of discoloured white Lead sent to me for that purpose I find that the tinge is produced by the presence of a small quantity of the <Sulphinet> – The quantity of <Sulphinet> present although of no importance as to its weight (being but an exceedingly small proportion of the whole) is still nevertheless sufficient owing to the intensity of its brown colour & its intimate diffusion through the whole to occasion

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Diana Beaumont – 13 Nov 1827

Newcastle Novemr 13th 1827 Mrs Beaumont Madam It is with my sincere feelings of regret I have the painful duty of announcing to you the melancholy death of your invaluable Agent Mr Morrison, who expired suddenly yesterday evening – he had been occasionally unwell for sometime past, but particularly so since his last return from London, having experienced a very violent attack in his breast the morning after coming home; he however continued to take exercise in a Carriage or on

Diary – James Losh – 22 Nov 1827

Mr. Beaumont's friends between 20 and 30 dined together to celebrate his marriage which took place this day. I much fear that this hasty marriage with a very young lady, not over well connected (and what is worse probably not very well educated) is not likely to turn out well. Beaumont, however, has an active and vigorous mind and should he become steady in his habits, turning his attention to useful objects, he may still, with his great means, become a most valuable member of society.

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Walker, Parker, Walker & Co – 26 Dec 1827

Newcastle Dec 26 1827 Messrs Walker, Parker, Walker & Co Elswick Newcastle Sirs I have received your favour of this days date covering Bills as under 24th Decr 1827 @ 3 Mos/d[ate] £ 3380 - - @ 5 Mos/d[ate] 3380 17-7 10th Decr 1827 @ 4 Mos/d[ate] 3380 - - 7th do 5 Mos/d[ate] 3380 - - £13520 17 7 being the amount for 10.500 ps Lead and 100 Casks WB Litharge sold your House in August last. &

Memo – Thomas Crawhall to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 9 Jan 1828

Jany 9/1828 Adv[ise]d Rundell & Co a p[iece] Silver sent yesterday q[uantity] 1606 Oz & a p[iece] – do – today – q[uantity] 1633 Oz both in Col Beaum[on]ts a/c TC

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Robert Stagg – 14 Jan 1828

Newcastle Jany 14/1828 Robt Stagg Esq Marton House Appleby Westm D[ea]r Sir I supp[ose] the reason why the Acc[ount] of the Lead Cos dues pay[ab]le for their Mines in Weardale was not sent you at the usual period last year might be that there remained nothing owing from them upon it, as p[e]r the Annexed Statem[ent]. – the amount overpaid by you last year may be settled in the Acc[oun]t for 1827: to enable me to make out such, I will feel obliged by your furnishing me with yo

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Thomas Steel – 19 Jan 1828

N[ew]Castle Jany 19 1828 Mr Thos Steel Rookhope Sir Having communicated your wishes to Mrs Beaumont I am happy to say she approves of your appointment at Rookhope Smelt Mills as the successor to Mr Smith at the same time desires me to impress upon you the greatest attention, exertion, sobriety & Regularity all of which I am sure you will find its your interest to adhere to most strictly you will now remove into the House & premises recently occupied by Mr Smith and any fur

Diary – James Losh – 27 Jan 1828

I had an offer today of the situation of auditor to Col. and Mrs. Beaumont with a salary of £500 (and the payment of my annual expences of one journey to London) a year. I think I ought not with my family, to refuse this, tho' I confess I do not like holding any situation involving responsibility beyond what is strictly professional.

Diary – James Losh – 4 Feb 1828

I had today a long interview (and upon the whole a satisfactory one) with Mrs. Beaumont, together with the Revd. C. Bird as to my Auditorship and everything was finally settled. God grant that this important step may turn out for the benefit of my family.

Diary – James Losh – 5 Feb 1828

I went with Mrs. Beaumont to Mr. Crawhall's (her agent's) office and she announced to him my appointment as her Auditor. After that we had a needlessly long, but upon the whole, a satisfactory conversation and examination of the books. During these, I think I obtained tolerably clear notions as to the nature and extent of the duties of my situation and my mind was much relieved by the conviction that I should be able to discharge them without much difficulty.

Diary – James Losh – 14 Feb 1828

In the morning I went with Mr. Crawhall and my son William to see the works for refining lead ec. and inspect the manner of keeping the accounts. I was pleased with what I saw and am so far more and more satisfied with my new situation.

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Henry Phillpotts – 19 Feb 1828

Newcastle Feby 19th 1828 Revd Dr Phillpotts, 16 Clarges St. London Sir I am favored with your Letter of the 15th Inst and in reply beg leave to state the following particulars. The duty on foreign Lead imported previous to the 5th July 1825 was 20 per Cent ad valorum, and upon the Lead Ore it was £1-16-0 per Ton, since the 5th July 1825 these rates have been reduced to £2 per Ton on Pig Lead and 10s/per Ton on Lead Ore – this latter arrangement, if I am correct in my i

Memo – Thomas Crawhall to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 19 Feb 1828

Messrs Rundell Bridges & Co London Sirs, I yesterday forwarded you on Col Beaumont’s Acc[oun]t a piece fine Silver containing Seventeen Hundred and Eighty Nine ounces, which be pleased to acknowledge receipt of as usual at your best price, and oblige Sirs etc Newcastle 19th Feby 1828 Thos Crawhall

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Walker & Co – 21 Feb 1828

Messrs Walker & Co Newcastle Febry 21st 1828 [struck out: London] Sirs, I am obliged by your favor of the 20th Inst covering 5 Bills Am[oun]t £14,880-2-0 being payment for 11,000 pieces Lead & 240 Casks Litharge due to Col Beaumont for whose use the same is received by Sirs Yours etc Thos Crawhall I shall attend to the various Samples of Lead you wish from Mr Mulcaster. TC

Diary – James Losh – 28 Feb 1828

(Monthly summary) (On the duties of his Auditorship viz.) ‘to examine the accounts of the different Stewards and Agents and to keep a general superintendence over them’. It is not expected that I should take any part in the detail of the business, except in renewing the agreement with the Bishop of Durham and perhaps also negotiating (should it be required) with Dr. Phillpotts...
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467