Mr Harbottle March 3rd 1828
I had the misfortune to lose one of my youngest boys yesterday - you must therefore excuse me meeting you this morning. I have looked at the two trees claimed by Mr Bacon and I think there cannot exist a doubt of the southernmost one belonging to Mr Beaumont.
I set out in my gig...about 9 o' Newhouse (Mr. G. Crawhall's) to attend Col. and Mrs. Beaumont's great annual pay in Weardale. The whole sum taken up for this pay was near £70,000, but considerably more than half of this sum was paid away at the Hexham and Allendale pays. I breakfasted at Lanchester.
Newhouse (Mr. Crawhall's) is large, old and inconvenient. The entrance hall is a long narrow room with a table the whole length of it, at which the pays are made. Mr. Crawhall sat at one end of this with one plate full of sovereigns, another of silver and a third of copper coin before him, with piles of bank notes (the large ones Batsons, the small Scotch) on one side of him under the the care of a clerk. Three other agents or clerks assisted in keeping the checque accounts so as almo
I stopped 2 hours at Stanhope and saw Dr. Phillpotts' large new house and good gardens: every thing seems to be done upon a liberal not to say expensive scale, and in point of taste, tho' there may not be much to admire, I do not think there is much to blame.
This cause, which had excited great interest, came on at ten o'clock. The Court was excessively crowded in every part. Lord Howdon, who was one of the principal witnesses, sat on the Bench near the Judge.
Mr Brougham addressed the Jury. The Plaintiff was a Gentleman who had been land-agent of Colonel and Mrs Beaumont for the last fourteen years. When he entered upon his of
I took new chambers today in Mr. Crawhall's house in Newgate Street, having been driven, most unwillingly, from those I have long inhabited by nuisances of various kinds - a dram shop at the bottom of my staircase, a grocer's shop with a coffee mill, below me, and a carpet warehouse in the rooms above me.
Messrs C.M Sauerland & Co Newcastle May 3d/1828
Attona nr Hamburg
In consequence of the death of Mr Morrison your L[ett]re addressed to him of the 26th ulto. is come to my hands as agent for the WB Lead Concerns (Col & Mrs Beaumonts) here. therefore beg to transmit you the present price of WB Litharge £20. sterling p.Ton. It is not however the practice of this establishment to make shipments, these are generally done by a resident Agent employed by the purchaser and wh
I seet out upon my journey to Britton Hall and London taking my servant Noel with me. We left N.Castle at 1/4 before 6 in the Leeds coach and reached Leeds soon after 7 at night. I went on the outside the whole way and we travelled safely and by no means unpleasantly. As I sat on the Box with the coachman I was not much annoyed by the dust; I saw the country to advantage and had the means of enquiring as to the names of places ec.
...Reached Wakefield soon after 10...and proceeded immediately to Britton Hall. I found Mrs Beaumont and her Steward (Mr. Brackenridge) waiting for me and we entered upon business immdiately.
Business: auditing acounts and arranging deeds ec. Mr. Rodgers (Mrs. B's solicitor) joined us. In the 10 hours I, of course, include conversation and consultations with Mrs. B. on her affairs.
Mrs. Beaumont is certainly not a pleasant person to do business with, but she has many good and some kind qualities and I do not doubt by steadiness and a moderate degree of attention, to get on vastly well in my new situation. Her principal agent in London appears to me to be a good man of business and I found all his accounts clear and very regular. Indeed, Mr. Hopkins has been brought up and occupied all his life, in business connected with lead and I am disposed to think very well indeed
Mr B. July 18th 1828
I am happy to know that you are arrived in London ... the China and Glass will be packed tomorrow and sent by the steam Packet which leaves NCastle on Tuesday next, and will arrive at Blackwell on Thursday. I enclose you Mr Harbottles letter in answer to my application to him to reduce his arrears. I must confess I was never more astonished at any production. He has had £150 allowed on .account of damage ... with this I also send you one or two more names who are deep
From Allendale Town to Allenheads the ride is romantic being near the wild little brook called the East Allen. There are some plantations and a small quantity of natural wood on its banks and the wild heath covering the hills which rise to a considerable height makes the scenery wild and interesting. We were very hospitably received by Mr. W. Crawhall who seems to be a plain but sensible man.
I went into one of the principle lead mines, about 2 miles in extent and 120 fathoms deep. We went most part of the way in waggons but were let down by a rope in two places from ten to 20 fathoms and descended a considerable way by 30 short ladders fixed one above another on projecting parts of the rock, making altogether a height of about, I suppose, 60 or 70 fathoms. I suffered very little inconvenience in going down but felt the labor of coming up tedious and fatiguing. Mounting the ladd
We rode to Coalcleugh where we stopped some time and then proceeded to Brackensike ec. seeing Boretin Force, a romantic little cascade on our way. We had a luncheon at Coalcleugh and returned to Allenheads to a late dinner. The day was fine and I was much pleased with my excursion. I rode above 20 miles and walked a good deal without suffering from fatigue. I think the air of the heaths and mountains always agrees with me....We found Mr. Johnson, Mr. Beaumont's Steward at Allenheads
In the morning early I proceeded to Wolsingham where I breakfasted and joined Mrs. Beaumont at the Rev'd. Mr. Wilson's. We then went on to Mr Geo Crawhall's in her open carriage, Douglas driving her maid in my gig...Dinner and all night at Newhouse.
In the morning, we proceeded to Allenheads, the home of Mr. W. Crawhall and were met by the Revd. C. Bird and Mr. Bolam, Col. B.'s land agent and Mr. Johnson, Mr. Beaumont's agent. We passed this day in examining accounts, giving directions to the agents ec. Mrs B. here had her table supplied from the small inn near and had her own wine, fruit ec.
Mr B. Aug 27th 1828
I waited upon Mrs Beaumont yesterday at Allenheads and was sorry to learn you are unwilling that I should hold any agency along with yours. When I appoint to it I had no wish to extend it, but since that time my family has increased beyond my expectation, beyond anything that might offer in your own family, my second son will leave school in six months when I purpose taking him into the office to assist me. Sir E Blacketts agence at Matfen is now vacant for which I wish
Went to the Ball where I had much talk with Liddell (our M.P.). He was sounding me as to Beaumont's plans and I was endeavouring to make out his. I do not believe we were either of us successful.
I went alone to Bywell to visit Beaumont and his bride and dined and staid all night there. Mr. Bird was the only other visitor and we had much confidential talk as to the Election. We both stated the absolute necessity of Beaumont's regular attendance to his parliamentary duties: and assuming that as a condition, we gave it as our opinion that he had the fairest prospect of success.
Beaumont and I had a long walk before breakfast and another afterwards, his wife accompanying us. He shewed me also every part of his house and we talked over all his meditated improvements.
Upon the whole I was pleased with my visit and really hope that this marriage may be very beneficial in its consequences. The lady is young, pleasing in her appearance and unaffected in her manners. But she does not appear to me either handsome or clever.
With the exception of a little vehemence ag
Mrs. B announced to me my appointment to be Steward, or judge, of the ‘Head Court of the Regality of Hexham’.
I went to enter upon my new office of steward of the Regality of Hexham. I succeeded Mr. Williamson who was dismissed by Mrs. Beaumont in (as it appears to me) a foolish and not over gracious manner. His answer to her letter was short and spirited, but the change has made no difference in the good understanding which has always subsisted between him and me.
A large party of the gentlemen of Hexham and the neighbourhood dined with me (at the expense however of the Lord of the Manor). I pushed about the bottle and by giving a good many toasts, and making them 2 or 3 short speeches, I contrived to get the evening well and chearfully over...
[annotated on cover:] May 1829/ Rail Road / Report of Newcastle Rail road from New[cast]le to Carlisle and advantage to the Lead Mines rec[eive]d from Mr Crawhall
The average quantity of Coll. & Mrs Beaumonts lead <c[arrie]d> down to Blaydon is from
Allen Mill 2260 Tons
Allenheads Mill 1180 do
Dukesfield Mill 2760 do
Rookhope Mill 1680 do
Annually 7880 Tons
The present charge for Carr[ia]ge of Lead from Allen Mill to Newburn is 1s/1d pr. 11 Sto[ne