I breakfasted with Beaumont...and afterwards went to Hexham where there was a great public meeting held in the open air. I was in the chair as the Steward of the Regality of Hexham. We met first at the old Hall and then adjourned to the Abbey green. Beaumont spoke very well and when I returned thanks...I addressed the crowd at considerable length with the view of persuading the freeholders to go to Alnwick at their own expence and I believe I was very successful, certainly what I said was
My dear Lord Brougham,
Your letter of the 23rd. followed me to Carlisle and from thence has only this moment reached me. I went into Cumberland on Saturday to attend a great meeting of farmers ec, where William Blamire presided as your Brother James' deputy. Politics were prohibited in our public speeches but great enthusiasm was shewn in conversation and I contrived to hint pretty broadly at reform in what I said to the meeting at large. My nieces has prepared 3 dinner invitat
June 1831 23 Sat. Jane Beaumont got a little Girl at 2 o clock in the Morng.
Dr Crowther came to see Mama -
25. Mond. Mr Hay came to see Mama –
28. Thurs <Waterton> & Mr Ord called. <Marie> & Richard went to Mrs <Blackfield>
29 Fri. Mrs Lee left
Augst 6 Saturday Harriet & I went to Walton to see Mr <Waterton’s> Pictures.
9 Tuesday – Mama went to bed, pretty well: having been twice out in the carriage.
10 Wed: Mama died at a little after one o clock, in the night.
Mr Lee came & Edward came –
11th Thu: Lees went away.
12 Fri: Wentworth ill at Worthing – Birch returned at 6 in the Evening-
13. Sat. Henry came –
17 Mr Bird came
19 – Fri: The Lees came again – Mr Crawhall & Rogers.
20. S
When I reached home I found a letter from Brackenridge with an account of Mrs. B's death. What effect this may have upon my income I do not know, but notwithstanding Beaumont's apparent friendship and regard for me, I certainly consider my Auditorship as somewhat precarious. I much fear the old Lady's death will not increase the comfort or prosperity of her family, tho' certainly she was neither a wise nor an amiable woman.
I had a short but very friendly letter from Beaumont requesting me to meet him at Breton as soon as his health will permit him to travel.
I had a letter from Beaumont today of the most confidential kind, but still I fear that when he finds his income much less than he expected, he may think he can do without an Auditor. Were I merely his Auditor, perhaps he would be right, but with his habits, a person of some experience and of integrity is quite essential to any tolerable management of his affairs.
I had a letter from Beaumont expressing great anxiety about his affairs and wishing me to meet him in London.
Mr. Donkin and I have nearly the same views of Mr. Beaumont's situation and I think if he can be persuaded to act reasonably, his affairs may be satisfactorily arranged without much difficulty.
Marker record only. Please refer to notes
6. Sep. Edward came from <Finingly> - having seen Wentworth in Town –
8. He left us.
10 Mrs <Blackfield> called & dined with us.
12. Richard leaves us for London & Worthing.
13. We left Bretton with great regret – arrived at < Finingly > found Edward had sprained his knee –
15 Left <Finingly> at 10 – Slept at Wansford –
16. Arrived in Portman Square.
26. Mon Wentworth came to Town from Worthing.
Business with Beaumont at Bywell where I dined and staid all night. Nothing could be more kind and confidential than Beaumont's communications with me. He disclosed to me all his plans in strict confidence, viz. his determination to dismiss the Crawhalls and all his present agents except Johnson. His intention to place my son James in the situation of Auditor etc., and his resolution not to sell Bywell etc. He also consulted me as to his conduct as to the County representation, and d
Re son James becoming Beaumont's Auditor. I shall be quite content with my 100 guineas a year for holding the courts and going to London once a year if required.
With his usual impetuosity, Beaumont seems to have taken a step which must cause an immediate rupture with Mr. Crawhall. He gives me the same account as James did of their interview and speaks candidly and fairly enough of that subject. His wish to see me in London arises from his not knowing how to act with respect to Crawhall.
I had today a long letter from Beaumont written in a more business-like style than usual. I fear, however, that he is pursuing a very doubtful course in his affairs, and that James will not have a very pleasant (perhaps not a permanent) office as his Auditor.
I saw Lord Howick on the Railroad business and had also a good deal of conversation with him on the subject of Emigration. He appears to me to be a clear headed man of business, and tho' I know his manners are said to be cold and repulsive, I never found him otherwise than frank and even attentive and civil. I had a good deal of talk with W.Ord relative to the Northumberland elections ec. I dined and drank some coffee with Beaumont and Mrs. B. and Miss Atkinson, her sister.
Most part of the morning I passed with Beaumont and Mr. Hodgson (his new agent).
I saw Mr. Mulcaster and arranged the terms upon which he is to give up his present situation as Mr. Beaumont's Agent.
The late Miss Scott appears by the will of Mrs Hunter to be intitled as residuary legatee to the whole of her personal Estate after payment of her debts &co & as Mrs Hunter was under the will of her Husband intitled not only to an annuity of £50 & his Household Furniture but also to the Interest of one moiety of the Produce of his real & personal Estate & as it is admitted that Mrs H. received only the anny. & the Furniture the personal representative of Miss Scott has i
Dear John,
Since writing my other <letter> a Gentleman called here from old Fonblanque the Chancery Barrister to get me to enquire of you wher. the present Isaac Hunter recd. any <……..> sum of money from the Exrs. of his Father as the or one of the residuary Legatees.
I find he is enquiring on the part of Mr Scott the bror. of Miss Scott – he says Mrs Hunter had £50 p an: left her which was hardly paid, and I imagine he supposes she was a residuary Legatee.
Dear John,
Since writing my other <letter> a Gentleman called here from old Fonblanque the Chancery Barrister to get me to enquire of you wher. the present Isaac Hunter recd. any <……..> sum of money from the Exrs. of his Father as the or one of the residuary Legatees.
I find he is enquiring on the part of Mr Scott the bror. of Miss Scott – he says Mrs Hunter had £50 p an: left her which was hardly paid, and I imagine he supposes she was a residuary Legatee.
London 11 May 1832
41 Upper Berkeley Street West Connaught Square
Your letter of the 29th July 1826 in which you were so kind as to send my sister a £1 Bank of England note I duly answered through a Servt. who was to get it franked to you for me, and my not having heard from you for so many years makes me fear that it may not have reached you.
My sister is dead – she died the June following of Dropsy & I took care that she should not want for anythi
May 12, 1832
When I wrote to you very hastily yesterday, I did not recollect that there was last night no post from this place to London. I have now seen Headlam, Mr. J. Fenwick and many of your other friends in Newcastle and have the greatest reason to believe that Lord Grey is, if possible, more popular than he was before his resignation. I have also seen a good many of the solicitors ec and I think I can venture to say that should there be a Dissolution, you and Mr. Beaumont wi
14 July, 16 Wilton Street
My dear Lord Grey
Evidence of interest from your part in favour of Poland is truly of the greatest price in my eyes so that I cannot prevent myself from renewing the request to urge your presence at Stafford House tomorrow morning. Your appearance if only for a moment would be a great favour for which all those who support Poland will be very appreciative.
I could count in this number my uncle to whom I would be so proud to be able to announce it
T Key Newcastle July 14th 1832
The above is shipped for TW Beaumont Esqr. London Lead Works – it is part of 1451 bg. weighed off & charged to you in last half years a/c. the remainder shall be forwarded you next week.
I am Sir Yours etc.
Geo Backhouse