Jn. Prest & Co July 21st 1832
I avail myself of this opportunity of intimating to you that Mr Crawhall having resigned his agency, I have been appointed by Mr Beaumont as his successor, and that your future communication will have to be addressed to me.
I am Gentm your most Obt Sert
Benjm Johnson
WB Lead Office Royal Arcade Newcastle on Tyne
PS. The above is forwarded you
(With Invoice) Order of Mr Butterfield
T Key July 21st 1832
Dear Sir,
The above quantities finish off the Order weighed off in April last-
At Mr Hodgsons request we shall not ship any more Lead for the Lime house Works until we hear from you that you are actually in want of it, when it shall be immediately attended to
I am Dear Sir yours truly Benjm Johnson
WB Lead Office Royal Arcade Newcastle on Tyne
(With Shipments)
Jn Dickinson Augt 7th 1832
I am willing to contribute on behalf of Mr Beaumont the sum of Three Pounds towards the Wall Mr Simpson wishes to be built, but in so doing, it must be understood, that I by no means undertake to make any Contribution to any future repairs. It is my intention that all Lead in future from all the Mills be brought to Blaydon & to discontinue the Newburn Establishment altogether __ you must therefore give directions to the Carriers & ticket your Lead a
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co WB lead Office Arcade Newcastle Augt 15th 1832
I forwarded yesterday by Messrs Jackson & Co Waggon. A piece of Silver wt 2345 Ozs to your address when received please to advise & pay the value to Messrs Glynn & Co as usual.
I was surprised to find the last piece sent was deficient in weight & quality. I am satisfied you will find the Cake now sent correct in weight and free from Drops. I avail myself of this opportun
Messrs Storr & Mortimer WB lead Office Arcade
Newcastle Augt 15 1832
I forwarded yesterday to your address by Messrs Jackson & Co Waggon a piece of Silver weight 12251/2 Ozs. When received please to advise thereof & Pay the value to Messrs Glynn & Co. as usual
Mr Crawhall having resigned his Agency Mr Beaumont has appointed me his successor your future communications will have to be addressed to me.
I am gentm Your Obt Servant
By the Will of the late Mr Hunter of Dukesfield he left his real & personal Estates to Rob. Surtees of Milkwell Burn, save Furniture &c to Wife for life & then to Daur Catherine in trust to sell & pay his Debts; the Int: of one half of the Residue to be paid to his Wife for life; that half after her death & the other half after his own death to be divided among his three children, & appointed sd. Rob Surtees Exor. of his Will which bears date 26 July 1794 –
Dear Sir,
I am much obliged by the attention you have paid to the case of poor Scott who appears to me to be deserving of it not only in respect of his afflicted state In Health & Circumstances but also from his general character & as a favoured <attendant> of the late Chief Baron Sir A. Macdonald.
The main point upon which information is required is whether Isaac Hunter the Testator’s son received any & what sum on account of the Residue of his Father’s pr
Jesmond Grove
Sept. 7, 1832
My dear Lord Brougham,
...I will send a copy of a little pamphlet which I published a short time before the great question of Reform was brought forward. I had arranged in my mind materials for a much more extensive work, but circumstances occurred which prevented me putting them together; and I was obliged (having advertised my intended work) to write something very hastily, and therefore confined myself mainly to answering an Articl
I have seen Mr Isaac Hunter. He informed me that he never got any Settlement wth his late Uncle Mr Robt. Surtees. He says he remitted to his Uncle at sundry times, to the amount of £1737.5s. which he says is admitted. The real Estate was sold for £9700 or upwards. He has an accot. of £2800 paid for princl. Mo: and £1355.5s. for Int: Law Bills etc. according to this statemt. there remains a Bal. of £7282 of this Bal: he says he has not recd. a penny. If this be so, what a
Messrs Sigar Champnay & Co Royal Arcade Augt 22 1832
I extremely regret, being under the necessity of again applying to you for the small balance (£6-2-5) due to the Exors of the late Mrs Beaumont. I beg, most respectfully to inform you that unless the same be remitted forthwith compulsory means will be had recourse to
I am Gentm your most Obdt Servt
Geo Backhouse
William Parker Esqr Arcade Newcastle on Tyne Septr 22 1832
Dear Sir
I beg leave to hand you Invoice of Lead you have purchased in Apl last the whole of which is now delivered I am Dear Sir your Obdt Servt
Benm Johnson
Messrs William Thompson & Co Arcade Newcastle on Tyne Septr 22 1832
Dear Sir
I beg leave to hand you Invoice of the 5000 pcs of Lead which have been delivered & to acknowledge the receipt of Three Thousand Pounds to Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co which is carried on your credit I am Dear Sir your Obdt Servt
Benjm Johnson
Messrs Walker Parker & Co Arcade Newcastle on Tyne Septr 24th 1832
I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22nd inst covering six Bills value together Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred & Fourteen Pounds 19s/1d which is carried to your credit in paymt of 21.500 fsof lead & 100 Casks of Litharge
I am Sirs Gm Most Obdt Servt
Benjm Johnson
Messrs Storr & Mortimer Royal Arcade Newcastle Septm 25 1832
I have to apprize you of a piece of fine Silver weighing Fourteen Hundred & Ninety four Ounces & three quarters, this day forwarded to your address sss Jackson & Co which on receipt have the goodness to pass to the credit of TW Beaumont Esqr at your best price, advising as usual, & paying the proceeds to Glyn & Co to the credit of Mr Beaumonts a/c with Batsons Berry & Co Berwick on Twee
Messrs Wm Thompson & Co Newcastle Octr 5th1832
I am favoured with your letter on 2nd Inst and beg to refer to mine of the 22nd Septr handing you invoice of 5000 frs of lead weighed off by direction of your agent Mr I Cookson, Four Hundred &Sixty seven pieces. Refined Lead of the above quantity are awaiting on our Wharf to our great Inconvenience. We have no account of your transaction with Mr Key and must therefor beg of you the loan of 436 p[iece]s Commn Lead as a
Thos Key Newcastle on Tyne October 17th 1832
Dear Sir
I have to acknowledge rectg of your letter so far back as 29th ultm advising of your having paid £1000. to Bp of Drm & £3000 to the credit of TW Beaumont Esqr with Batson & Co for which sums we give you credit. I certainly should have noticed it sooner had I not expected to hear from Mr Hodgson, which I have done this morning under date of the 9th inst.
Mr Hodgsons letter was sent under cover to Mr Beau
Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co Newcastle on Tyne Octr 17th 1832
Dear Sirs,
Your letter of the 9th Inst came to hand this morning after a most circuitous rout last from Scarbro’ I have written to Mr Key relative to the account to be met by him of the Limehouse works to the 10th Augt 1831. The Book you allude to together with the perspective a/c Balance sheets and the actual cost pr fother of Lead smelted in 1831 shall be forwarded pr Coach on Saturday next you state £1
Mr Jn Stagg Newcastle Octr 25 1832
Dear Sir
In answer to your letter of the 23rd Inst I shall be glad to furnish you with One Thousand p[iece]s WB Refined Lead at Twelve Pounds ten shillings pr fr of 21 Cwt and any quantity of Common Lead you may require at Twelve Pounds – A 6 Months Credit from Date of Sale – We have no refined Slag on hand at present
I am Dear Sir yr most Obdt Servt
Benj Johnson
It is understood in the sale of Common Lead that One t
Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co Newcastle on Tyne October 25th 1832
Dear Sirs
I have your letter of the 20th Inst & annexed Messrs Maltbys & Co Contract for 5000 frs WB Lead I observe you have conditioned that I am to draw the Bills, they have generally remitted them by which we save the stamps
Mr Thompson seems determined to pick a quarrel after the whole of his conm Ltead was shipped & there remained only 467 p[ieces]sof refd to complete his purchase h
Mr Jn Stagg WB Lead Office, Arcade Newcastle, Nov 1st 1832
Your ltr of yesterdays date is now before me & in the absence of Mr Johnson I beg to say in reply that the terms quoted to you in his ltr of the 25th Ulto are the lowest that can be accepted for the WB Lead & I am Sir Your most Obdt Servft
Geo Backhouse
Messrs Geddes & Co Newcastle on Tyne Nov 2nd 1832
Your favour of the 19th Oct addressed to Ths Beaumont covering your Promisary note at 4 Mos value £69-9-6 has been forwarded to me. I beg reference to Mr Backhouse ltr to you on the 18th June 1831 stating our payment to be in cash or Bills upon London due at 6 Mos from date of Purchase. We have never deviated from this arrangement excepting by drawing upon the parties & which we have no objection to do in yo
H L Pattinson to B Johnson Lead Works Blaydon Nov 2nd 1832
Dear Sir
I have already very decidedly expressed my opinion to you that in order to improve the quality of our Lead as well as increase the produce it is necessary to have the Ore well and carefully roasted. I have particularly insisted upon this in my report to Mr Bt & pointed out how very deficient our means of roasting were at Allenheads & Dukesfield Mills especially. I am now returning from the West Coun
Messrs Sigar Champnay & Co Newcastle on Tyne Nov 2nd 1832
Mr Crawhill having retired from the situation he held under Mr Bt I have succeeded him & beg leave to call your attention to the correspondence which has passed on the small Balnce of £6-2-5 due to the Eors of the late Mrs Beaumont.
I have Mr AKeds letter of 30th Augt before me in which he states that Mr Sigar being from home he will on his return lay Mr Backhouses ltr before him which wil
Messrs J Spencer & Son WB Lead Office Newcastle on Tyne Novr 2nd 1832
I beg to refer you to Mr Backhouses ltr of June 16th & to your reply 11thJuly. You are correct as to a small Discount of 6/8d in your favour upon your last remittance of £20 this will reduce your Balce to £3-0s-6d which you will please to favour us with by cheque next week.
I am Sirs Yr Mo Obdt Servt
Benj Johnson
Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co London Newcastle Nov 3 rd 1832
Dear Sirs
I have duly recd your ltrs of the 31stOct & 1st Inst ¬e your additional sale of 3000 frs of Messrs Maltby Sons & Co. Of the 5000 p[iece]s 300 only remain to be shipped, & a considerable portion of the last sale will no doubt be sent off next week. I am glad you have stipulated to deliver any specific quantity of selected Refnd Lead of course they shall have what we can conveniently spare but