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Letter – Michael Blackett to William Nephew – 12 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 12 1677/8 Mr Wm Nephew Sr Wm Limbray wanting money and Repairing unto mee have furnishd him wth £6: -: - as p[er] his Inclosed Receipt, wch he promises to pay you upon Demand, said £6: - have valewd upon your Brother Mr Peter Nephew p[er] 6 d[ays] sight to Mr Hump: Willett or order I hope after perusall of the Inclosed, you will order your Brother to dischardge my bill Yesterday Came Tho: Davies to mee who Loads att Sunderland and desired my Assistance in procureing hi

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 12 Mar 1678

Ditto Mr Humphrey Willett Sr Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you the two following bills vizt one for £150: - p[er] 30 d[ays] after date to Mr Jno Wood or order valew of Mr Rich: Tooth and one for £50: p[er] the 30th present to Mr Nath: Horneby or order valew of Mr Rich: Tooth both wch pray Lett be Complyed withall, I thinke that mony for my Leed should Come In before they be dew, however I shall supply you otherwise In dew time, Inclosed is a small bill for

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 12 Mar 1678

Ditto Mr Hen: Maister Sr Yesterday was presented mee your second bill for £50: wch I Immediately paid and draw freely the Remainder att sight upon MB

Letter – John Curtis to James Standsfield – 16 Mar 1678

1677 October 5 Paid then to John Curtice £40 : 0 : 0 1678 Feb 28 Pd then to Wm Blackett himself in Turnors £20 : 0 : 0 March 2 to be sent in Torners by the Cart to Jno Curtice £ 1 : 0 : 7 3/4 £81 : 0 : 7 3/4 Wm Blackett Edinbr March 16 , 1677/8 Receaved then by mee John Curtice the twenty pounds starl[ing] that should have been sent by the Cartr conforme to the acct above

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 16 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 16 1677/8 Mr Lambe I have before mee yours of the 15th present wth a panyer [pannier] of pipes how they prove shall advise you after a tryall however In the mean time I heartily thanke you for them and will say they are very good ones for one ought nott to Looke a given horse in the mouth pray Come and see if Newcastle stand upon the River tyne for time alters things strangley Robt Stanesby did give mee Rich: Hobsons Rent wth his owne, I perceive you have Recd Mr Garths

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 16 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 16 1677/8 Mr Hen Maister Sir I have yours of the 5th p[er] Jno Potter who god be thanked is well Arrived In this place and of the 8th and 13th past upon Monday I hope to gett the Iron In to seller then shall advise you how I like itt yett never questions but Itt will prove Right Your bill of £50: -: - as I advised you In my last is paid and yesterday was presented mee your bill of £38: - : - wch was likewise paid upon sight and draw the Remainder w[he]n yo

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 19 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 19 1677/8 Mr Ch: Banckes Sir My last to you was of the 9th present to which wholly refers you, since have Recd yours of the 5th present wch requireing Little Answer have the lesse to Inlardge upon for upon all occations I question not your utmost Endeavours for my most advantidge, and of Wm Lecke returne for this place I have allready advised you soe fully how I would have his Loadeing ordered that I Cannot Inlardge upon the particular, In short positively 30 tonn of Iron w

Letter – Michael Blackett to Jacques Hayes – 19 Mar 1678

Newcastle March the 19th 1677/8 Mr Jacques Hays Sir This comes purposely to Enquire after your wellfayre and now there being some liklyhood of a trad[e] betwixt this place and yours, I should be very glad that wee should make use one of another as occation offers; I have a good quantity of Oats In my hands; wch I heare is a good Commodity wth you, pray advise mee the price thereof and how your measure is to London or Winchester measure, if any probability of a little profitt, I cann upon t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 19 Mar 1678

Ditto Mr Richard Crossman Sir You will doe mee a kindnesse If you will please to Informe mee att your leasure, whether Mr Jacques Hayes Resides still att Oastend or nott; I have a p[ar]cell of oats to send thither and would rather Imploy him then any other, pray excuse my boldnesse, and if thought Capable of Serving you In this place freely Command MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Fletham – 19 Mar 1678

Newcastle March the 19th 1677/8 Ed: Fleatham I send thee here Inclosed thy second bill to wch acceptanc[e] is refused as well as to thy former etc doe very much wonder why thou shouldest deale thus wth mee, who upon all accompts thou hast found civill to thee, and ready to serve thee on any occation; but this dealing In short I doe nott att all like soe pray thee upon sight hereof pay or order to bee payd to Mr Mathew Lamb in Darnton the tenn pounds dew upon this bill and his Receipt shall b

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 19 Mar 1678

Ditto Mr Hum: Willett Sir I have yours of the 14th I hope both my Leed Oare and Copp[er] Plat[e]s are wth you ere this, pray w[ha]t doe you wth my Anchor Palmes you never writt mee one word about them & for my Leed Oare I cannot affoard itt under £7: p[er] tonn dd here <aboard> free all charges; [3-4 words deleted] there is ½ a hundred In every Tonn att least overweight, as you will finde w[he]n you weigh itt; if nott for your purpose pray advise mee I wonder acce

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 19 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 19 1677/8 Mr Ma: Lambe Sir I have had two bills one after another from Edward Fletham of Yarme, both of them but for one tenn pounds, and neither of the two will be accepted, soe that I Cannot brooke such dealing, neither doe I Intend to have any more to doe wth his bills etc this day I have Returned him his bill and ordered him to pay the £10: -: - to you and you to give him a dischardge for the same, but In Case you meete wth him before you heare from him t

Letter – Margaret Grey to Robert Cawood – 22 Mar 1678

March the 22nd 1677 To Mr Robt Cawood That I have drawne a bill upon him payable to Mr George Dickinson for eleven pounds for the like vallew recd here of Mr Henry Milbourn from Margt Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 23 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 23 1677/8 Honoured Sir Before I make bold to Intimate my Request unto you (wch I hope will not be denied) I must In the first p[l]ace give you the best acco[un]t I Could Learne of all occurrences att the last pay, and to begin wth the Condition of the Severall groves they are as followeth vizt Greengill better than itt was, as allsoe Coleclugh Welhope since last notice from RM to you is very much mended Bate hill not alltogether soe good as itt was, the Slitts is Indiff

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 23 Mar 1678

ditto Mr Hump Willett Sir This is Chiefly to advise you that I have this day valewed upon you the two following bills vizt one for £100: p[er] 6 d[ays] after sight to Mr Alexander Laurie or order valew of himselfe. one for £100: -: - p[er] 6 d[ays] after sight to Mr Wm Menzies or order valew of himselfe both wch Lett be Complyd wthall, I have before mee yours of the 16th the Contents have observed, soe In Conformitye thereunto god willing next post I shall remitt you att Least £300:-

Letter – Margaret Grey to Randolph Richardson – 26 Mar 1678

ditto the 26th 1678 To Mr Randolph Richardson Sir I have inclosed sent you a bill for the payment of Mr Tradills Bill, & what is over to buy a peece of plait with & present it with my service to your good lady I desire you to send the first o[pp]ortunity one small end of fine English hops & I shall returne you mony for them from Margt Grey The bill is for £36 10s 00d payable to you upon my acct / upon Mr Jno Blanks

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Wellington – 26 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 26 1677/8 Mr Hen Wellington Sir Though unknown yett by the above letter of Recommendation makes bold to write you these few Lines, desireing Placing a Little mony att your place upon acct above mentioned, you will please to advise mee of itt Stand wth your Convenience to draw or have itt Remitted from any of the three places above cited and wch may well be most for my advantidge, I should bee glad wee were better acquainted, pray how Rules wth you, Leed, Coales, Butter, oat

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 30 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 30 1677/8 Mr Hump Willett Sir Inclosed I have sent you two bills for foure hundred and forty pounds of wch w[he]n dew pray procure the needfull I think now I will be nothing Indebted to you, w[he]n all is Received and paid, onely for the time that you shall be in disburse for mee for wch take w[ha]t you please, I think you will have In your hands wherewithall to Content you, and w[he]n all is Received and paid or as soone as wth Convenience you Can be pleased to send mee my

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 30 Mar 1678

Ditto Mr Jn Eden Sir I have yours of the 26th am glad you gott well to London, but very sorry you should be disappointed In goeing to visitt my father before he Came out of Towne, however he tells mee he did recomend you more than onc[e] to the Comm[issione]rs and doth not question but you will Effect your businesse wth Mr <Isaacksons> Letter, and your Interest wth Mr <Barty>, provided you have mony to Carry on the worke of the day without wch (as you well know) nothing t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Abraham Van Rincom – 30 Mar 1678

Newcastle March 30 1678 Mr Abra: van Rincom Sir I have before mee both yours of the 15th and 22d present but Cannot afford to give any such price for Iron as you mention, I heare itt may be bought much Cheaper, probably you Resort not to the fountaine head, onely Repairs to Retailers wch way is not for my purpose here is att present an Imbargo upon all vessells, soe soone as the sume is taken of shall furnish you wth a little Leed for a tryall, and advise mee p[er] first w[ha]t sort of G

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Crossman – 30 Mar 1678

ditto Mr Rich: Crosseman Sir I heartily thanke you for yours of the 23d present and for Answer to the latter part of your letter may please take notice that Leed oare such as I formerly sent by your order to Mr Jacques Hayes be had £6:- p[er] tonn dd aboard free of all Chardges I have a parcell of very good Comeing to London Confirmed unto Mr Hump: Willett about 12 Tonn if for your purpose after a sight thereof, wch be pleased to take att your Leasure you shall have itt worth your mony an

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 4 Apr 1678

Newcastle Aprill 4th 1678 Mr Hum Willett The above [given below] is Coppy of w[ha]t I have written you p[er] Roger Kempe from Sunderland who God sending well wth you, be pleased to dispatch wth all speed possible, and lett not a Lawfull workeing day be neglected, I haveing but six allowed mee for his unloadeing, and Loadeing againe at your place w[he]n necessary or required, but besides his dispatch will be my owne advantidge, for one dayes neglect may spoile all my corne, soe once againe

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 6 Apr 1678

Newcastle Aprill 6 1678 Mr Hump Willett Sr Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you the five following bills vizt one for £40 p[er] 12 d[ays] after sight to Mr Ja: Eyton or order valew of Mr Ralph Ellstobb one for £40 p[er] 12 d[ays] after sight to Mr James Cudworth or order valew of Mr Ralph Ellstobb one for £40 p[er] 12 d[ays] after sight to Mr Tho: Dudson or order valew of ditto one for £40 p[er] 12 d[ays] after sight to Mr Richard Ellbrough or

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 6 Apr 1678

Newcastle Aprill the 6 1678 Mr Walter Chaytor Sr I have yours of the <8>th present whereby I understand that Leo: Jeffreyson would deliver unto you twenty four Casks Leed oare upon my acct I hope you were soe wise as to pay him noe freight I suppos[e] one Robt Grainge may <dd> you 26 Caskes more wth twenty Copper plates Sweeds mony, pray pay noe freight of neither, but w[ha]t you Receive be pleased to dispose for my most advantidge wch I wholly leave to your discretion, but <

Letter – Michael Blackett to Jacques Hayes – 6 Apr 1678

Ditto Mr Jacques Hayes Sr I have before mee yours of the date hereof whereby perceives oats are in noe demand wth you wch hath frustrated my Expeditions soe have ordered mine for another port however you might have been beene pleased to advise mee w[ha]t Coales, Leed, Butter, Grindstones, In short of occurrences att your place w[ha]t the Commodities the Country affords wch pray doe p[er] first Convenience and how each Commodity holds out wth London, whether itt be In weight or measure, In
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467