Wednesday 2nd January 1833
An interview with Mr Pringle Lessee of Borewell Farm, who claims compensation, to the amount of more than £100 a year from 1821 to the present time, and at least that sum for the remainder of his term, on account of damage sustained by inroads made on his farm for Railways, shafts, etc by the Lessee of Scremerston Colliery.
In 1823 Mr Locker saw his green wheat cut up to clear a shaft, and daily injuries have been ever since done.
Informed him that what
Thursday 3rd January 1833
Saw Mr Bell, Bailiff of Hart-burn Grange etc., and told him the Hospital would not longer require his services, but that I should recommend the Board to allow him a Pension of £20 a year.
Wrote to Mr Crowhall on the damage done by the Railway Company to the Tenants.
Saw Mr Cookson relative to the Wharf, and also arranged with him as to the Rents of Meldon, the Hospital to receive to Nov[embe]r and repay to him from Septr. Mr Cookson claimed for dilapidation
Friday 4th January 1833
Rec’d £92 from Blackburn – Wooley Farm.
Decided on Mr Dickinson being retained as Clerk, and that Mr Bewcastle should have a retiring pension of £80, and Mr Martin one of £40 a year.
Had an interview with Mr Boyd, of Ridley, Bigge & Co Bank, and opened an account with them.
Instructed Mr Burnhope [Burnup] to value the Lead Wharf. Received Mr Storey’s answer declining to be Bailiff, as he considered it would be more than he could perform.
Dinner with Beaumont at the Recorder's Club. It was the anniversary and Mr. Dixon was in the Chair. Most of the party were of the Tory faction, but everything went off very well and with apparent good humour. Beaumont and I sat by John Clayton and I cou'd not help laughing in my sleeve at the frankness and candour which were exhibited on both sides.
Saturday 5th January 1833
Rent from <Soppitt> Newlands W. Farm £38.10
Rent from Pringle Borewell Farm £155
Rent fr. Robinson £40
Received a letter from Mr Crawhall stating the desire of the Railway Compy to meet the wishes of the C[ommissioners] of the Hospl, as to compensating the Tenants, and that Mr B Johnson is instructed to call upon me, and explain.
Received Mr Burnup’s valuation of the Lead Wharf - £200
The tenant of Scremerston fishery claimed re-payme
Monday 7th January 1833
Applications for the situation of the Bailiff from Mr F Lee, Mr Bewcastle, Mr Todds.
Letters from Mr Cookson, as to Needless Hall N Farm, the ejecting of Coxons, claim to Thrashing Machines, and offer for the Lead Wharf - £300.
Waited upon Mr Cookson and informed him that I could not give up the claim to the Threshing Machine purchased of the former Tenants of Needlesshall North farm, and that the Machine on the South Farm was still the property of the Tenant
Tuesday 8th January 1833
Received Rent from R Winskills <Ropy> for Cooper’s Dyke Head £5.0.0 –
Mr Cookson applied to me about the Lease of the Lead wharf, which he for the first time had discovered to be a 14 years Lease, and not 21 years as he had supposed – consequently of comparatively small value, as the Corporation Laws make 21 year lease to be renewable from time to time, [underlined: ‘without any additional rent’], whereas 14 years leases are re-valued at the end o
Wednesday 9th January 1833
Engaged wholly in arranging for the removal of the Office.
I am wishing to hope that I ought not to ascribe your not having answered my last letter respecting Mr Scott to any unkind feeling towards me My motive was to ascertain whether that suffering individual had a claim which if established would somewhat alleviate his suffering & in applying to you I give you credit for that good feeling which would secure to him your sympathy in aid of my wish that he should have justice – your general character justifies the continuance of my
I went with Beaumont to Hexham where a public dinner was given to him by a large body of electors. Mr. Blackett was in the chair and the day went off very well. Blackett made an excellent chairman and spoke very well and like a gentleman. Beaumont made the most regular and statesmanlike speech I ever heard him deliver. I had not prepared myself so much as I ought to have done but being a good deal excited by the general enthusiasm which prevailed, I spoke with considerable force and effe
Thursday 10th January 1833
Letter from Mr Carr of the Branch Bank, in answer to mine of yesterday, referred both to Mr Pierney. Informed Mr Carr that I would communicate further with him, on receiving an answer from London.
Thos Hedley Newcastle Jany 10th 1833
Dear Sir
At present we are out of stock of Lead & decline selling in the expectation of a considerable advance in the Market
Your Obdt Servt BJ
Messrs Grace & Freeman Newcastle on Tyne Jany 10th 1833
Dear Sirs
The above 300 p[iece]s are shipped on board the Hudgill Capt Curry who sails on Saty next we shall continue to Ship you the qty at the commencement of each month until June, in conformity to your contract with Mr Hodgson
Yr mo Obdt Servt Benj Johnson
Friday 11th January 1833
Wrote to Mr Hugh Taylor on the subject of the Duke of Northumberland’s offer for Wark Barony, stating the grounds on which the C. of G.H. expect a further price, and proposing on their part to convey the Tithe Allotment called Ellingham Rig, worth six hundred Pounds, in addition to what had been before proposed, if the Duke will consent to give Fourteen thousand pounds.
Had an interview with Mr Taylor afterwards, and fully discussed the matter, ending in his
Saturday 12th January 1833
Recd Rent £5.10 from Mr Lowes Newlands, Smith’s Housing etc..
Mr Bell informed me that Wardle and Lenox hard agreed to settle their dispute, and that he would recover the £45 for the Hospital. Reported the case to the Board.
John Grey Esqr 12th Jany 1833 Promulgation of His intended appt
[printed newspaper notice affixed to cover sheet:]
The change in the management of the Greenwich Hospital estates, in this country, we believe is now arranged, and will be carried into effect in April. Instead of two Receivers, three clerks and six bailiffs, as at present, we understand it is intended only to have one of each, and the business will be transacted at Hexham instead of this town. It is currently reported that Mr
Messrs Finlay Hodgson London Newcastle on Tyne Jany 13th 1833
Dear Sirs
I have advised Messrs Newton Lyon & Co of our having weighed off 1000 p[iece]s of Lead & that want this order to whom it is to be delivered, I have also stated to them that our credit takes place from the date of sale, or contract, and not from the date of invoice. This point has long been known to them, however ignorant they may wish to make themselves of it. Now in respect to the date from which
T Key Newcastle Jany 13 1833
Dear Sir
I am in receipt of your lre of the 8th inst with abstract of accts. The £ 4000 paid to the Bp of Durhm & the £300 paid to Batson & Co on the 29th Sept was carried to the Exhors a/c at your request as you will find on referring to your lre of that date. The 300 frs Slag were shipped on board the Beaufoot on the 27th Decr the ship however from some cause has not sailed until today – we have had a brisk demand of late for Lithar
Monday 14th January 1833
Recd from Mr Walton for 397 oz Silver sold £102.19.5
Saw Mr Carr of the Branch Bank, and declined banking unless the Local note question could be conceded.
Saw Mr Boyd of Ridley & co., and arranged with him for the Account. Ordered £2500 to be paid to the C.G.H on Monday next, 21st Inst.
Sir James Graham to John Grey Esqr 14th Jany 1833 Promulgation of his intended Appt
Copy Private
Admiralty 14th January 1833
Dear Sir
I am sorry that by any indiscretion your appointment has transpired prematurely, but I entirely acquit You of that indiscretion, and hope that you will suffer neither inconvenience nor annoyance from the disclosure.
The course to be adopted by you is not to deny or to confirm the statement, but remain perfectly quiet, while the Transfer is in pro
Messrs Newton Lyon & Co Liverpool Royal Arcade Newcastle on Tyne Jany 15th 1833
In the absence of Mr Johnson I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of yesterdays date covering two Bills value together Eight Hundred & Sixteen Pounds thirteen Shillings & Sixpence which sum is passed to the credit of you’re a/c with Thos W Beaumont Esqr I am Gentm Yr mo Obt Servt
Geo Backhouse
Tuesday 15th January 1833
Recd of Mitehill & Temple High Green Colliery £44.5.10., arrears of Rent.
Saw Mr Stephenson Tenant at Throckley relative to the embankment, and promised to examine into it the earliest opportunity.
Saw Cuthbert Harrison of Whitterdale Sproats Farm, who had petitioned the Board to be released at May-day next. Informed him of the impossibility of this, but that if he applied in august next, the Board would release him in the following May, and if the Farm
Wednesday 16th January 1833
Enquired as to the practice and usual charge for the copy of a Plan such as Throckley Enclosure, and found that two guineas would be usually charged by surveyors of eminence; Accordingly sent to Mr Fryer stating what I had done, and offering to pay him two guineas, and £2.5.0 for the Vellum and Case – He was absent, and not to return until Monday. Arranged with Mr Bewcastle to settle the account upon these terms, if Mr Fryer will give a bill & receipt. Mr
Wm Parker Esqr Newcastle Jany 16th1833
Mr Beaumonts agent at Blaydon writes me today, that on making up a/cs for the past year he finds a mistake of 2 – 0 – 2 /- in your parcel of Litharge (50 Casks) deld June last, that he has deducted 13 – 0 – 4 for Fare & ought to have deducted only 10 – 3 – 5 this makes a diff of £1 – 6 – 11 with which I debit your acct trusting you will approve of the same.
I am Sir Yr mo Obt Servt
Geo Backhouse
Thursday 17th January 1833
Received Messrs Yonge & Co acknowledgement of the plate of Silver, and drew a Bill on them at 40 days for the amount. Viz 771 oz at 5/2½ - 200.15.7
Rec’d a letter from Mr Cookson agreeing to £350 for the Lead Wharf.
Sold Mr Parker the Small Assay Scales in the office for two guineas.
Saw Mr Lowndes relative to the Smelting Mills, he being desirous to propose for them and the Duty Ores – He will inspect the Mills.
Application from Mr White rela