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Letters – Benjamin Johnson to William Hodgson – 13 Mar 1833

Wm Hodgson Mar 13th 1833 I am favd with your letter of 11th March. I am decidedly of the opinion that we had better hold from selling large parcels for the next Month or six weeks - unless we can obtain £14 to deliver in June and July. I think you may fairly state that we shall not be in stock before that time that we do not wish to make prospective sales in the present state of the market. This should be made known to the Lead Co who no doubt will be glad to remedy their lat

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 14 Mar 1833

Thursday 14th March 1833 Resumed my examination early this morning by visiting Newlands South Farm and Mill, and found the latter, in common with all the Mills of the Hospital I have yet seen, to be a sort of incubus, a dead weight upon the Revenue. A new Water-wheel is about to be put in, ordered last year, and estimated at £118.19.4., and there are now other necessary repairs which will cost 40 or 50 more. I inspected and minutely noted all that seemed requisite, but would decide on no

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 15 Mar 1833

Friday 15th March 1833 Had a long conference with Mr Fenwick, and read over and instructed him relative to the several matters of agreement entered into with the Hudgill Company, to enable him to prepare a Lease, which Mr Fenwick assured me was the only satisfactory instrument – I had wished to have confined it to an Agreement Stamp, but this could not be done, for as it contained a demise of premises, an agreement to be binding must have an ad-valorein stamp, which could make it as expen

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 16 Mar 1833

Saturday 16th March 1833 Engaged the whole day in writing and answering letters which had accumulated in my absence. The Tenant of Dilston Hall Farm came to me to say that he had considered over his means, and that I would consent to receive his arrear by instalments of £40 a year, payable at Christmas, he should be able to go on, and pay his growing rents, and after hearing his plans, I told him that if his Brother-in-law, who is a substantial man, would join him in a bill to pay £42 in

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Grace & Freeman – 16 Mar 1833

Messrs Grace & Freeman Mar 16 / 33 Dr Sirs Above I hand you Invoice of Lead Shipped on board the Esther. I am this morning advised by Messrs Finlay & Hodgson of you having pad them 353-13-6 for 300frs of lead & 20 Casks of Litharge shipped on the 21st & 28 feby deducting 9.3-10 Disc & £4- 8/- Lighterage. I am aware of your agreement with Mr Key for 3600 frs was that the lead should be delivered at your works at Chelsea – but your contract

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Finlay & Hodgson – 16 Mar 1833

Finlay& Co Mar 16 / 33 Dr Sirs I have duly recd your letter of the 14th Inst covering Mr W Parkers’ two accepted Bills of Contract for 1500 p[iece]s of Lead sold them on the 8th Inst. I note your receipt of £353.15.4 from Grace & Freeman & your payment of that sum to Mr Beaumonts Credit with Batson & Co at Glyn & Cos. Our present deficiency of Common Lead arises from all or the greater part of the Ore at the sevl Mills being of a description to mak

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Grace & Freeman – 16 Mar 1833

Grace & Freeman Mar 16 / 33 Dr Sirs Above I hand you Invoice of Refined Lead (300 p[iece]s) Shipped on board the Esther. Mr Hodgson advises me this morning of you having paid him £353.15.4 for 300 p[iece]s of Lead & 20 Casks of WB Litharge shipped on the 21st & 28 feby which sum is carried to the credit of your account. BJ

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 18 Mar 1833

Monday 18th March 1833 Received an application from Mr Crawhall, on behalf of Maltley & Co. for Slag Lead, requesting I would make them an offer. The quantity of Lead which the Hospital will possess when the whole of the Ores are smelted, may be roughly estimated at 3000 pieces of Refined, 650 pieces of Common, 250 pieces of Refined Slag, and 170 pieces of common Slag. I had hoped to have prevailed on the Hudgill Company to have taken it, but this I cannot do; yet I still wish to sell

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 19 Mar 1833

Tuesday 19th March 1833 In my Journal of the 5th of January last, I mentioned that Mr Wailes claimed Office rent at the rate of £32 a year, until May 1834; and his plea was that he had taken a Lease of the premises, and could not surrender until then. A short time afterwards, however, some circumstances came to my knowledge which led me not to feel justified in paying this amount. The situation in which Mr Wailes stands with the Hospital made me feel much delicacy in disputing his claim,

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Finlay & Hodgson – 19 Mar 1833

Finlay Hodgson & Co London Mar 19 1833 In answer to your letter of 15th Inst. The Mark WB [within an oval] is put upon all the lead refined at Blaydon to distinguish it from the refd lead made at Dukesfd and Allen Mills. The 140 p[iece]s alluded to by Messrs Maltby must therefore be refd Lead. I will thank you to ascertain from them by what ship they recd and at what date. I am surprised at Mr W Parkers ire at our selling to G&F. He must know that they have long been purc

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 20 Mar 1833

Wednesday March 20th 1833 Mr Hunt the New Bailiff joined me this morning, and I proceeded to arrange with him for the inspection of the Property, and furnished him with such information and particulars as he required to guide him. Had a long interview and discussion with Mr Fenwick the Coal Viewer relative to the Colliery, in which I stated the wishes of the Board as to the mode of letting etc., and obtained from him the general practice as to the valuation of Machinery etc., etc., w

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 21 Mar 1833

Thursday 21st March 1833 Rode with Mr Hunt to the Mills and Colliery to inspect the small farms, and ascertain their present occupations with a view to dividing them between the Lessees of the Mills and of the Colliery; and afterwards rode to Langley Castle, and the Deanraw farms to examine into the improvements etc. required. Had another long conference with Mr Fenwick relative to the Colliery, and obtained full information relative to letting etc., and am to obtain his written report

Diary – James Losh – 21 Mar 1833

A final meeting of the committee was held today and it was determined to abandon the petition agst Mr. Bell upon condition that Mr. Clayton undertook to give up that ag'st Mr. Beaumont and to pay the expenses incurred already in promoting the petition ag't Mr. Bell. We found that we had not above £800 subscribed including £100 which I undertook to make good. I however held out an assurance that I could procure as much as wou'd bring up the whole to £1000. And I strongly u

Diary – James Losh – 22 Mar 1833

I have felt more mortified by the result of all my labors in support of liberal measures in the So. Division of North'd than such an event deserves, but I have witnessed so much selfishness and want of any thing like honorable feelings, not only amongst those who nearly, if not quite, profess to be trading politicians, but also amongst those who ‘bawl for liberty’, that I cannot at once reconcile myself to so degraded a state of human nature.

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 22 Mar 1833

Friday March 22nd 1833 Mr Hunt wishing to go to Newcastle on private business, I arranged with him to inspect Throckley farms, and instructed him as to the circumstances and conditions under which he might order certain works which had been applied for by the Tenantry. Entered into an agreement with Mr Lownds to sell him the whole of our stock of Lead, and to deliver the same to him at Newcastle before the 12th of May next, for which he is to pay Thirteen pounds per Fodder for Refined

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 23 Mar 1833

Saturday March 23rd 1833 Received applications from Messrs. Jonathan & Jacob Walton, and from Messrs. Elstob & Co. for grants of Mining Leases, but praying they might not be put to the heavy expense of Leases, referred to the Moormaster for his report as to the extent of ground, and the number of Men to be employed, before submitting it to the Board. Mr Taylor, one of the partners of the Gallygill Syke Company, applied to me requesting I would not grant leave of trial on some groun

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Richard Shortbridge – 23 Mar 1833

R Shortbridge & Co Mar 19 / 33 Sirs! I am favoured with your letter of yesterdays date covering Bills & Cash, together 442-19-9 which is carried to your credit. I shall be glad to receive your further orders for Litharge, which I now offer you at Thirteen Pounds, Lead Price I am Sirs ser BJ

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Maltby – 23 Mar 1833

Messrs Thos Maltby Son & Co London March 23 1833 Above I hand you Statement of acct of 6,000 p[iece]s Lead purchased of Mr Hodgson on the 10 Octr and 1st Novr last, and have this day forwarded to him two Bills at three and four Months for your acceptance as per cum cred statement. Mr Josh Crawhall furnished the stamps. BJ

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Finlay & Hodgson – 23 Mar 1833

Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co London March 23rd 1833 I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 19th and 21st inst the former advising of your having sold 1500 p[iece]s Lead to Messrs Bayley & Co of Bristol, giving them the refusal of 1500 p[iece]s more the latter covering a copy of the contract. We shall have no difficulty in the delivery of the refined, but should they require the common and Slag, and should Walker & Co require their delivery for the past and p

Letter – John Bearl to John Bell – 23 Mar 1833

Re Hunter Deceased Sir The papers and documents connected with Mr Scott’s claim as the representative of Mrs Hunter against Mr Anthony Surtees as the representative of his Father Mr Robert Surtees have been placed in my hands and from them I have prepared the Statement sent herewith – As you have already taken upon yourself some little trouble on behalf of the present Claimant I should feel obliged by your perusing the Statement and making such additions to it as you may

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 25 Mar 1833

Monday 25th March 1833 Messrs. Hunter and Soppitt, two of the Newlands and Whittonstall tenants came to me, with proposals for putting the roads in passable condition, they had examined and measured the whole of the roads, and found the quantity to be 1884 roods, and to make the roads at all decent, each rood will require four fodders of stones, and their Estimate is, for Winning & breaking the stones 4s/per rood 376.16.0 Leading the Stones 3/6 per rood 329.

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 26 Mar 1833

Tuesday 26th March 1833 Entered into an Agreement, subject to the Board’s approbation, with the present tenant of Allerwash Town Farm, to let it to him for one year from the 12th of May next for Five hundred and ten pounds, reserving one acre of Ground which lies between the two fields now attached to Allerwash Mill, and which it is desirable to connect with them. As this little close is now in tillage, and Robson will have his way-going crop from it, the Miller will reap little advantag

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 27 Mar 1833

Wednesday March 27th 1833 Mr Dixon of Keswick came to me to settle his accounts, he having obtained the arrears due from the Keswick Property, with the Exception of £64.12.6 due from Hy Stoddart, and £5.10.0 from Jno. Dobson, which sums he cannot yet recover but thinks the latter sum may be obtained in a short time, and perhaps something from the former, altho his great poverty renders it doubtful – from Mr Dixon’s statement it would be utterly useless to pursue measures for its recov

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 28 Mar 1833

Thursday 28th March 1833 I dispatched Mr Hunt in the morning to complete his survey of Westwood Farm, and to inspect the draining etc. in several of the adjoining farms. Received of Mr Bainbridge £60 as the second monthly instalment from the Alston Trustees. Rode to Hexham and transacted business with the Bankers there, after which I examined some premises which had been offered me, but they proved totally unsuited to us. Mr Todd the tenant of East Brokenheugh paid me Eighty

Journal Entry – William Hooper – 29 Mar 1833

Friday 29th March 1833 Having received Mr Hunt’s valuation of the Away going Crop at Westwood, if taken in its present state, I sent for Mr Cowing, and after some discussion he consented to sign an undertaking to surrender quiet possession in May, and to abandon all claim to the Away going Crop, on my agreeing to place Three hundred pounds to his credit, in liquidation of his arrears – this may be £50 more than I shall get for it, but it leaves me free power to negotiate with any parti
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467