Newcastle Aprill 6 1678
Mr Wm Lee
Your bill of £<4>00: - drawn upon Ab: Jaggard is not yett paid although you know itt is past dew he is reputed backward in payeing soe that my desire is that you will please to wright to him that itt may be paid without further delay and you will oblidge MB
Newcastle Aprill the 7 1678
Mr Jno Eden
All Easter weeke I was In the Country takeing a little Recreation att my Returne doe meet wth Severall of yours, all wch I shall now Answer God willing In very few Lines, and in the first place I thinke you are pretty well provided with mony for the Chardge of your Journey, for your wife tells mee she hath sent you a bill for twenty pounds wch wth the £10 you Carryed up In my opinion will goe very far, but if you thinke you will still want
Newcastle Aprill the 9 1678
Mr Lamb
I have yours of the 6th takes notice you have received the £10: - of Edwd Fletham, wch lett ly [lie] buy you till further order, pray minde Jno Humisby lett him want noe <Craveing>, and tell him I will have noe Rents p[ai]d In this manner
I suppose you have heard of your sisters death I was <C...> by frankland to pay all Arrears and Chardges, and the very same day had 2 <subp[oenas]> served one me from CB and sister, I hope
Mr Geo Moorecroft
I Can give Little Answer to yours of the 5th present pray discourse the businesse wth my Unckle Eden and w[ha]t you and he Resolves upon shall be to my full satisfaction
I have acquainted Cusin Romney wth the latter part of your Letters, pray Remember mee to all att Billingham and Norton w[he]n you see them I am MB
Newcastle Aprill the 12 1678
Mr Hump Willett
I yesterday Shipt aboard of James <Stot> a little box and Consigned the same unto you, wch pray lett be Called for and kept in your Custody untill my wife send for itt, who is a Comeing up wth my father Sr Wm and pray lett her have w[ha]t mony she Demands, the first visitt she makes will be to waite upon your Lady
You are very much to blame never to advise mee the price of oats, Leed, Coales and Grindstones and w[ha]t sort
Apill the 12th 1678
To ditto that I have sent you a bill of £3:10s= upon Mr Andrew Richee M[as]ter of the White Fox payable at sight
West aukland Aprill the 13 1678
Mr Hum Willett
Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £110 p[er] 40 d[ays] sight to Mr Jno Eden or order valew wth in my selfe wch pray Lett be Complyed wthall this is upon a particular businesse, and to doe my friend Jno Eden a kindnesse, soe pray Lett itt be punctually Complyed wthall, I will take Care to Reimburse you before the bill fall dew I am MB
Mr Jno Eden
I have before mee yours of the 9th and have seen all your Letters of that date by your hands upon Receipt of wch your Cosin Brabant and I Immediately Went to Little Benton, where after much toyle and great Hectoring have gott £50: - : - to be p[ai]d mee wthin six month, and this night are Come here and upon the first motion £50 more was Granted I then made my Endeavours for £10 more towards your Chardges wch wth much ado I have gott granted mee, but I am to disbur
Newcastle Aprill the 16 1678
Mr Abra: Vin rincom
I have Recei[ve]d yours of the 15th present, and doe heartily thank you for your advice about Iron, butt Cannot afford to give any such price and as for the Linnen you mention noe good to be done wth itt for by the act of parliament I understand that Linnen from Holland is as well prohibited as Linnen from France, for my p[ar]t I will not venture of any
pray be Continuing your advice of the price of Coales Leed and Grindston
Mr Hump Willett
I have both yours of the 9th and 11th before mee I am Glad to heare that both Robt Gra[i]nge[r] and Roger Kempe are arrived wth you, I am Confident the oats will give Content, being as good as any of this Country affords, and I Expect this day to heare from you w[ha]t may be Expected for them, if the Least profitt shall send you good supplyes
If the Leed oare and Copper will not sell, lett them Lye by you, they cut noe bread I question not but they wi
Newcastle Aprill the 19 1678
Mr Ch: Banckes
I have before mee yours of the 5th present, wherein you say that by your former of the 26th past you advised mee of Wm Lecks safe Arrivall wch Letter I sweare to this day is not Comd to my hand and I was not a Little vexed that all the Concerned had Advice of his Arrivall, but my selfe who is most of all Concerned, however I am Glad he is well, if he returne for this place I hope you have Loaded him of according to former directions, if not, I
Mr Hump: Willett
I have yours of the 13th Thereby takes notice of the progresse you had made In the saile of my oats, but that they were Refused after haveing Turned over a Last, by Reason of Comeing to another sort as you say not worth soe much as the Rest by 1s 6d p[er] quarter, I will Justifie they where the best oats In the Shipp, Indeed they were of another Colour a Little Reddish, but I thought the little quantity of the same amongst soe many, would never have been taken not
Newcastle Aprill the 20 1678
Honoured Sr
Hereby you have the best acct I Could learne of occurrences all your Leed mynes and shall begin with the Condition of the Severall Groves which are as followeth vizt
Greengill Indifferent good In one of the Shafts and there is good Oare putt In att another Shaft
Little getting att Coleclugh but great hopes of its proveing good shortly In the Low bed, Welhope Indifferent good Bat[e]s hill poore the Slits pritty good In the North veine t
Newca[stle] Aprill the 20 1678
Mr Willett
I have yours of the 16th takes notice of the saile of my oats for 12s p[er] quarter, wch is a poore price they were better worth, and better oats Cannott be mett wthall those 10 quarters onely Excepted I have advice from other hands that oats goes Currantly up from 13 to 13½ as In goodnesse however I am Content
I have this day shipt In the Sheppardesse of this place Wm Hunter m[aste]r 100 p[iece]s Leed Consigned unto your selfe wc
Newcastle Aprill the 20 1678
Mr Geo Moore
I have before mee yours of the 16th present for Answer unto wch the present price of Corne is as followeth vizt
White wheate 3s 6d Reed wheate 3s Rye 2s 2d to 2s 4d oats 15d beans 20d white pease 2s 6d gray pease 18d Coales 9s p[er] Ch[alder] Leed £10 p[er] fodder, Grindstones 13s p[er] Chalder if Can be favourable unto you freely Comand MB
Mr Hen Maister
I have before mee yours of the 16th present your bill of £10: 2: 8 shall be punctually Complyed w[it]hall <..> I Come Into your parts may be assured will give you the trouble of a visitt, but Cannott this till I heare from my frend att London, who is to meete mee att Yorke I am [MB]
Newcastle Aprill 23 1678
Honoured Sr
I writt you the 20th present of occurrences of your Leed mynes wch I hope is Come safe to your hands, and this present onlye to begg your advice In a businesse of great Concerne, wch If to your Likeing I do very well approve thereof, any thing for a little mony and nothing wthout ventureing the businesse Is In short, about the Compt[rolle]rs place In the Customhouse, the same hath been soe much in my minde that I never writt about itt, but itt seems Esqui
Newcastle Aprill 23 1678
Mr Jno Eden
I have yours of the 18th takes notice of the Receipt of the bill for £110: which is well my hearty thanks to Esquire Bartie for all his kindnesses, you say he will stopp the saile of the Compt[rolle]rs place, till this Come to hand, wch is a very great kindnesse, I have this day writt my father about itt if to his Likeing, I make noe question but he will waite upon Esquire Bartie, and if an agreem[en]t noe disappointment shall be In the payment of the mo
Newcastle Aprill 27 1678
Mr Abr van Rancom
By reason of the present Imbargoe upon all vessells for overseas Cannot dispatch a vessell unto you, soe soone as the same is taken of may Rely of one I heare there is sevrall <merchant> broken in your place I wish you had advised mee theire names, pray w[he]n any thing of note happens, be pleased to Impart the same unto MB
Newcastle Aprill 27 1678
Mr Hump: Willett
I have yours of the 18 and 20th present am sorry for the bad markett for my oats, noe remedy but patience, I have as many more that must Come to your markett, for Can send them noe other where, your acct of the last have Examined, found right, and booked accordingly, Wm Leckes arrived with you from Hamb[urg] who hath in for mee 523 <bars> of square Iron wch pray Receive, and Lay by you in a Convenient place till Roger Kempe Come up a
Mr Geo: Moore
I have before mee yours of the 23d th[e]reby takes notice your Rye comes for this place, wch I am very sorry of for I feare you will be a Looser by itt, however w[he]n please god itt Arrives, shall Receive itt and dispose thereof as if itt were my owne, payeing the freight as you mention these Collyers that Informed you itt would yeild 22s p[er] quarter were much to blame, the very best will not doe itt, w[he]n once I have had a sight of itt, shall then tell you w[ha
Newcastle Aprill 27 1678
Mr Matt Lambe
In yours of the 18 you said that within a small time you would Come and smoke a pipe of tobacco wth mee, but this small time of yours is Long a Comeing, I should be very Glad of your Company my Unckle Bucke hath been wth mee all this weeke, but will stay noe longer as for C: <P> and his sister w[ha]t he doth thereon shall Content mee my Humb[le] service to my mother, whome I hope this will finde well, God be thanked my Unckle and I is merrily disp
Mr Ch: Banckes
I have now Received yours of the 26th past 9th and 16th present all wch requireing little Answer have the lesse to Enlardge upon, I perceive Wm Lecke tooke on freight for London, and that you have shipt in him ten tonn of Iron, wch I freely take upon my acct and have this day ordered my friend to Receive itt soe att your Leasure send mee Invoyce thereof and itt shall be placed to your Creditt but I wish itt had been broad flatt
The bad bargaine f
Newcastle Aprill 27th 1678
Mr Walter Chaytor
I have none of yours to answer soe the lesse to Inllardge upon, my Brother Daveson last post Received great news from you, I would have taken itt as a kindnesse if you had been pleased to have hinted the same unto mee, not one in towne but he, has that news, I hope tis not true, for if itt be I know who will be sufferers as for the saile of my Leed oare I Leave itt wholly to your discretion and as monys Comes In be pleased to remitt itt mee I
Mr Hen Maisters
Your bill for £6: 6: 1d was this afternoone presented wch I Immedeately dischardged, as shall allsoe be the other for tenn pounds & dd monies by MB