Grace & Yallop London Sep 11th 1833
Our present price of WB Litharge is £ 15 per Ton delivered at our Works at Blaydon. We expect an immediate advance. BJ
Thursday 12th September 1833
Price of Lead
No definite arrangement having yet been made for determining the average price of Lead for the quarter ending the 1st of July last, I wrote to Mr Parker, the only person conversant in such matters with whom I am acquainted asking him to have the goodness to meet Mr Crawhall upon the subject. Went out to give directions as to the repair of the Snokoe road, and see if the rains of yesterday had produced any supply of Water to Mr Leadbitters reserv
Friday 13th September 1833
Drove to Alston to meet Mr Taylor on his return from Nent Head, and examined with him the accounts of some parties applying for a reduction of duty, of which he will give his own report. He seems of opinion that to encourage a spirit which is now reviving in some measure in the mining district, it would be advisable to make that reduction for a time general.
Lowbyer Inn
I examined with Mr Dickinson the change proposed by Walton at the Inn by maki
Saturday 14th September 1833
Alston Mill
Had a minute examination of the Mill at Alston, with Mr Murray the Millwright, who had been engaged to meet me there. The Water Wheel is not in a very bad state, except that the Axle is loose & in such danger of doing mischief to other parts of the machinery that I have desired him to send a man up for a few days to wedge the Gudgeons & put the wheels into a proper set, so that the Mill may continue to work with safety till the new parts
Messrs Grace & Freeman London Sep 14th 33
I beg to Hand you Invoice of 300 <pc> WB Ref[ine]d Lead this day shipped as above. The shipping charges are the same as the last Parcel and will send an acc[oun]t of the whole with the Invoice of the last Parcel of you Purchase. BJ
Mr. Crawhall died today...He will be a great loss in many respects to me, but mainly in respect to the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. He was an honest and kindhearted man, well acquainted with general business and an excellent accountant and orderly and persevering in whatever he undertook. He also had considerable knowledge in Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy and a taste for literature and the fine arts.
His faults were want of flexibility in manner and obstinacy in whatever measures he ha
Messrs Grace & Yallop London Sep 16th 33
In reply to your favour of the 13th inst I must decline your offer of £14-10 for WB Litharge. Our last Sales were made at £15 and anticipate an immediate advance.
Messrs Rob[er]t Bayley & Co Bristol Sep 16th 1833
I beg leave to hand you an amended invoice of your Purchase of 3000 p[iece]s WB Lead, a mistake having been made by our Clark at Blaydon in his return of the weight to this office and beg to thank you for your communication to Mr Hodgson which we should not have detected until we took stock at the end of the year. The error in weight was 100 Cwt and arose from an error in addition. BJ
Messrs Ferry & Co Gateshead Sept 16th 1833
Your account for Litharge being due on the first inst you will oblige me by remitting a Cheque for the am[oun]t £52-4-11. We do not normally draw bills for small am[oun]ts and <we> should have had to add two <Mrs. Mr.> in this case had we done so. I enclose the stamp left at this office. BJ
Monday 16th September 1833
Shaw House
Engaged during the morning in answering letters and attending to Business in the Office. Afterwards rode to Shaw House to examine the interior, of which the Cellar is in bad condition, the flags being much broken up, and one of the apartments upstairs having the floor rotten & in holes. As the occupier is a Carpenter I think he might perhaps be induced to relay the Floor by the Hospital furnishing the Wood. The Stables & appurtenances at th
Tuesday 17th September 1833
Corbridge Road
Mr Ruddock, Clerk to the Hexham Road Trust, having informed me, contrary to the information I had received, that the railing at the end of Corbridge Bridge which I complained of as being an insufficient fence, & have wished the trust to replace by a Wall, had been included in the 400 Rods of fence between Dilston and Corbridge, for which the Road Trustees has accounted to the Hospital. I sent Mr Hunt to measure the whole, & finding Mr Ru
Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co London Sep 17th 1833
I duly received your letter of the 14th inst advising the receipt of £127-17 from Messrs Locke & Co and Paym[en]t of the same to Mr B[eaumon]ts credit with Messrs Glyn & Co.
I have extended Messrs Locke Blackett & Co Purchae 2000 P[iece]s half Ref[ine]d half Com[mon] including 1/10 Slag at £14 and £14-10.
We have 3000 p[iece]s Slag Lead at Blaydon unsold one half of < oh/w> is ref[ine]d Slag.
Messrs Grace & Freeman Chelsea Sep 18th 1833
I have duly received your letter of the 16th inst and find on referring to Mr Key’s Letter advising the Sale to you that the figures are 3600 <……> not 3000 as I had read it.
I have given Orders for the shipment of 300 p[iece]s this week and the same next week.
Finlay Hodgson & Co 18 Sept 1833
Dr Sirs
I am favoured with your letters of the 19th & 20th Inst advising of Sale of 3 p[iece]s of fine Silver & payment of the net proceeds amounting to 1005-16-8 & to Mr Beaumonts Credit at Glyn & Co. My letter to you under date of 19th Inst would in great measure give you the information required from Mr Pattinson nevertheless forwarded your letter to him & now inclose his answer. We shall be able to deliver 7000 p[iec
Wednesday 18th September 1833
Heard from Mr Parker, in answer to my application expressing his willingness to act on behalf of the Hospital in fixing the average quarterly price of Lead, but informing me of the Death of Mr Crawhall, in consequence of which nothing can be done in the matter until Messrs Wilsons appoint another Agent.
Fewster the tenant of Newlands Haugh Farm, came to me today to enquire if I thought if there was any likelihood of the Commissioners cancelling the Arrear
Thursday 19th September 1833
I sent Mr Hunt today with a letter to Teasdale, the tenant of Dilston Hall Farm, saying that as he had done nothing to reduce the Arrear due by him to the Hospital, amounting to nearly a years rent previous to last May, if he did not do so very soon, or bring very satisfactory security for the payment, I should feel myself bound to take measures to secure the Hospitals interests. The poor man evidently has neither capital, knowledge nor method for t
Messrs Finlay & Co
In reply to your lre of the 17th inst the return made on 31st July and stated 31,879P[iece]s of Refinable Lead, is a correct statement of the stock of that description of Lead at Blaydon and at the Mills- Mr Pattinson will work up the whole of the refinable lead now on hand at Blaydon, as well as the refinable lead made from the Ore of the year ending Sept 1833 in twelve months from this time. The old stock will have to be worked up as conscience may <eccise.
Friday 20th September 1833
Received Mr Jays Letter respecting Sir Thos Haggerstons Claim of Tythes on Scremerston Estates, & wrote to Mr Fenwick accordingly.
Small fields
Rode to Haydon Bridge & examined minutely the small fields adjoining, to see how they could be best arranged for the accommodation of the several tenants of the hospital- the two held by Mr Couts ought unquestionably to be attached to the Inn, for the reasons I have before mentioned. But I found Mr Couts
Saturday 21st September 1833
Received the Boards Minutes of the 5th Instant only this day. Communicated to Mr Gibson for the information of the Trustees of the Gateshead Road, the purport of the Minute signifying the Boards acquiescence in the proposed change of road at Dilston and the terms upon which they consent to the exchange of Land etc. With regard to the Boards instructions to me to engage Wm Benson by the week, for the purpose, looking after the buildings now in hand, & prepar
Monday 23rd September 1833
Road up the Derwent
Received a Letter from Mr Hodgson, MP, who had been requested as Chairman of a Meeting for promoting the new line of Road up the Derwent to Shotley Bridge, to communicate with me on the subject & request that I would state my opinion of the measure to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital, with a view to obtaining their support. The subject was mentioned he says, to Mr Hooper, but no positive answer has been received. The Sum required
Messrs Grace & freeman London Sep 23rd 1833
I beg leave to hand you Invoice of 600 P[iece]s WB Refined Lead to complete Mr Key’s Sale to you. BJ
John Hodgson London Sep 23rd 1833
I have the pleasure to enclose you our Balance & that of last year.
The stock of Lead remaining on hand Xmas 1832 is valued at £11 per fodder ch/w I state for your guidance.
I shall be glad if you will state any observation you may think necessary to make, and favour me with them when Mr Knox comes down.
I have just heard that Mr Losh, who is at Greta Bridge on his circuit as serving Barrister, has been taken dangerously ill and is not exp
Lead Works Blaydon Sept 23/33
Mr Johnson yesterday handed to me that part of your letter to him of the 20th Inst containing some queries to me which on his request I have the honor of proceeding to answer.
The statement you have given of the Stock of Refinable Lead on hand at Blaydon at the different dates you mention is of course correct & shews an increase in 13 Months (viz from June 30th 1832 to July 31 1833 of 8775 pieces. This increase was occasioned not entirely by
Dear Sir 23 Sept 1833
I cannot offer you 500 p[iece]s of Ref[ine]d Slag Lead at £13-10/- but will let you have that quantity half Refined half Ordinary at £13-15/- & the whole Refined at £14 I have offered the whole of our remaining Stock of Slag Lead to a London House at £13.15/- without distinction of quality.
I have no doubt any offer will be accepted.
John Stagg I am etc BJ
Tuesday 24th September 1833
Proceeded northwards and called upon Mr Jobson in my way, who is one of the Arbitrators in the matters between Johnson and Pringle at Scremerston, and was glad to find that they had made their calculations & brought matters within such a compass that they may now be finally closed in a short time. I urged strongly upon Mr Jobson, the propriety of having it concluded without delay, that the parties might not be able to make that unsettled dispute any ground f