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Letter – Michael Blackett to Cuthbert Snow – 30 Apr 1678

Newcastle Aprill the 30 1678 Cuthbt Snow I have yours of the 25th wch putt mee to the greatest astonishm[en]t that ever letter did I wonder Mr Parke is noe wiser, for my p[ar]t I Can noe way stand to that bargaine for since you Came home the last time, w[he]n you told me my order was not to be Effected, I have sufficiently ordered for supplyes, and have this day some att London from Hamb[urg] wch I never Expected, none in towne will take itt soe your friend must doe wth itt as well as he Can

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 30 Apr 1678

Newcastle Aprill the 30 1678 Mr Geo Moorecroft Sr I have before mee yours of the 26th present upon Receipt of wch I Immedeately sent forward the Inclosed to Mr Errington, and with an houre (I speake wthin Compasse) An Answer was given to my Unckle Bucke (though written upon Sonday) wch I question not but was dd you In dew time I thought you had been a wiser man than to have desired my advice in a businesse, wherein I am noe more Capable of given itt, than a blind man is In d

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 30 Apr 1678

Newcastle Aprill the 30 1678 Mr Walter Chaytor Sr I have before mee yours of the 28th present for Answer unto wch must write you in short and in plaine English, that for the freight p[ai]d Jeffreyson I doe not allow of if you have any order to show for the paym[en]t thereof I will very willingly allow of itt the busnesse is very <lame>, I will Refer itt to Jos Pannell and any other, very few would have done the like, w[ha]t Leed oare is unsold pray lett itt Lye till further order and

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 30 Apr 1678

Ditto Mr Hump: Willett Sr I have yours of the 25th I heartily thanke you for your kindnesse To my wife, she writes mee, she hath had some mony of you, allwayes as you pay her any, write mee of itt, that soe I may booke itt in Conformity. W[ha]t oates I send more shall be without Expectation I am MB The Little box by Geo: Wallers I have Rec[eive]d MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Roger Kemp – 30 Apr 1678

Newcastle Aprill 30 1678 Roger Kemppe I am Glad you are arrived safe att Sunderland but why you should Come there I understand not pray looke over your Charter partie, but in short to accord differences Come wth all hast[e] to Shields shall Immedeatly put a little Leed aboard of you, and then shall Come againe to Sunderland where I shall dispatch you wth all speed possible this is the desire and order of MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 3 May 1678

Sunderland May the 3 1678 Honoured Sr I have R[eceiv]ed yours of the 27th past the Contents have well observed and as to the businesse In hand I Leave itt wholly to you the valew of the place is according to the times sometimes £300: sometimes £400: and known sometimes £500: p[er] annum to be made of itt, my <Auther> Mr Braband desires itt may goe noe further for I finde neither he nor Mr Isaacson nor none of them has a mind to Lett any whatsoever know the Reall valew thereof I Can

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 3 May 1678

Ditto Mr Jno Eden I have yours of the 27th and must tell you In plaine English: I am not a little vexed you goe about to farme that place, wch you yourselfe putt mee upon buyeing and to Carry on your design the better you tell my father and writes home the place will not be sold I am Credably Informed itt must and will be sold Except you farme itt att a higher rate than itt is worth soe doe w[ha]t you please you still put mee In hopes of selling my Anchor palms I am afraid itt will likewis[e

Letter – John Wilkinson to Humphrey Willett – 7 May 1678

Newcastle May the 7th 1678 Mr Hump: Willett Sr Be pleased to take notice that I have this day by my master his order valewed upon you the three following bills vizt one for £36: - : - p[er] 12 d[ays] sight to Mr Wm <Legh> or order valew of Mr Ralph Ellstobb one for £24: - : - p[er] 12 d[ays] sight to Mr Robt <Mourie> or order valew of Mr Ra: Ellstobb one for £40: - : - p[er] 12 d[ays] sight to Mr Richd Ellbrough or order valew of Mr Ralph Ellstobb All wch pray Lett b

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 7 May 1678

Sunderland May 7 1678 Mr Willett Sr Bee pleased to accept w[ha]t bills my man Jno Wilkinson draws upon you this post soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 10 May 1678

Newcastle May the 10th 1678 Mr Geo: Moore Sr I have yours of the 4th present wch Came to my hands time enough to have sold your Corne wthout Lofting, had the Commodity been marchandable I must Confesse itt has been good Corne, but Lying soe Long aboard has made itt soe very hott, that none as yett will bid mee any mony for itt, the Corne is noe other way damnifyed soe Cannot Lay any thing to the master his Chardge, therefore am to pay him his freight this day, shall deduct the 5s you menti

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 10 May 1678

Ditto Mr Hurb[ur]t Aylwin Sr I have before mee yours of the 24th present by the London merchant Henry Marlin Comander, who Arrived here on monday Last, w[he]n I had occation to be in the Country att a friends buryall he d[elivere]d the Letter to my man, and told him he would Come againe, but from that time has not seen his face, If In Case he doe Repaire unto mee, for my assistance in any thing according to your desire itt shall be afforded him, to the utmost of my Capacity, and whenever t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 10 May 1678

Newcastle May the 10 1678 Mr Hump: Willett Sr I have yours of the 2d In the first place pray Cause the Inclosed to be faithfully d[elivere]d, if Comd away pray Returne sd Letter againe Roger Kempe not yett loaden but will be this day I thinke by him I desire to have the 523 barrs of Iron you know of and all my Ankor palms if noe probubility of selling them I returne you Inclosed your Customhouse Certificate, pray gett mee the Commissioners order for the Restitution of your mony though Litt

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 14 May 1678

Newcastle May the 14 1678 Mr Hump: Willett Sr I have yours of the 7th present, Inclosed is a small Bill for £4: - : - if Mr Aylwin will not pay itt, keepe the bill untill the man Arrive who is Comander of the London march[an]d and he will dischardge the same next post shall Lett you know how many oats aboard of Roger Kempe pray Cause the Inclosed to d[elivere]d, if Comd away be pleased to Returne it unto MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 14 May 1678

Ditto Mr Hurbt Aylwin Sr At Last Mr Martin Repaires unto mee, whome I thinke I have helped wth a Loading of Coales wthout Exception the master wanted £4: - : - tis true I have noe order from you to furnish him wth any mony, but Considereing w[ha]t a prejudice the want of soe Little might doe the owners, knoweing you to be Concerned, and being very ready to serve you for could not Lett him want itt, though I Loose itt, wch I feare not att all his bill upon you is att sight wch I have this

Letter – Michael Blackett to Abraham Van Rincom – 14 May 1678

Newcastle May 14 1678 Mr Abr: van Rincom Sr I have freighted and Consigned unto you Robt Wigginer master of the prosperous of Sunderland, In whom after good Arrivall you will finde 40 Ch[alders] Grindstones of 5: 6: 7: and 8 foots <91> p[iece]s Leed and about 37 or 40 Ch[alders] Coales, the Certaine quantity may Expect p[er] next, the disposall of wch I wholly Leave to your discretion but I hope all will finde a ready vent, that soe the nett proceed may be Imployed towards the buy

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 14 May 1678

Ditto Mr Geo: Moore Sr I will doe assure you your Corne is better than twas, w[he]n itt first Came In I Intend to turne itt every day as Long as I thinke needfull, be assured I will doe for you as if itt were my owne, I Received 1701 Bus[hells] but am assured there will be a great Losse In measure w[he]n itt Comes to be measured out againe, our march<and> will not as yett bid mee any mony for itt, they will Come to mee att Last, as they doe, shall Lett you know w[ha]t they bid and so

Letter – Michael Blackett to Abraham van Rincom – 15 May 1678

Newcastle May 15 1678 Mr Abr: van Rincom Sr This Comes to accompany master Edwd fox Comander of the prosperous of Sunderland In whome I have Loaden and Consigned unto you thirty Ch[alders] Coales Newcastle measure ninety one p[iece]s Leed and thirty two Ch[alders] Grindstones wch after good Arrivall be pleased to Receive and dispose thereof for my most advantidge, as for any other businesse shall Refere to w[ha]t I have allready writ and shall write hereafter soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 17 May 1678

Newcastle May the 17th 1678 Mr Hump: Willett Sr Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £100: - : - p[er] 20 d[ays] after date to Mr Jno Wood or order valew of Mr Richard Tooth wch pray Lett be Complyed wthall more att Lardge p[er] next Interim remaining MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Margaret Eden – 18 May 1678

Newcastle may the 18 1678 Madam You may [struck out: ‘Remember’] be pleased to Remember you often told mee that if pleased God you Lived till Rent day, you would pay mee £50: - : - upon your son Jno his accot. I hope that accordingly you will order Sr Robt to pay the same unto mee, upon great monday, upon wch day I Intend God willing to kisse his hand att Darnton, soe wishing you long life and good health I remaine MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Eden – 18 May 1678

Ditto Honoured Sr for answer unto yours of the 16th present next great monday (alias great monday after Whitsontide[)], I Intend god willing to Come and kisse your hand att Darnton, and that as the day whereon you promised to pay mee the £50: - you knowe of, as Mr Braband Can witnesse, I Expect itt not sooner, but att the day I hope you will not faile mee my humble service to your Lady I am In hast[e] MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 18 May 1678

Ditto Mr Hump: Willett Sr I have yours of the 14th the contents have observed, I am Glad Wm Hunter is Arrived, the disposall of my Leed I Leave to your discretion, and am satisfyed wth the 65 Anchor palms d[elivere]d <unto> Mr Jno Eden Inclosed is a small bill for £23: - of wch pray procure the needfull Roger Kempe has In 208 p[iece]s Leed and 1476 Bus[hells] oats but be sure you minde well to Receive every oat In the shipp, for I am Confident he has In a great many mo

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 18 May 1678

Newcastle May the 18 1678 Honoured Sr I am att present to give you the best acct I Can of occurences att [struck out: ‘the pay’] your Leed mynes, and shall begin wth the Condition of the severall Groves wch are as followeth vizt Greengill Indifferent good In both shafts, Coleclugh not soe good as itt was, Welhope pretty good, Batshill better than itt was, the Slits pritty good, Little hopes of your new tryall, the West End att heads not soe good as itt was, but the Levell is better than

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 18 May 1678

ditto Sr I have yours of the 17th present the Contents have observed Jefferson is arrived here, wee are to have a meeting about that difference, how tis Ended you shall know In dew time I Leave the disposall of my Leed oare to your discretion, and as monies Comes In may Lett itt Lye till further order, if you could <breake> itt for a parcell of <…> whalebone, about 1 ½ yard Long itt would be to my Content and I Leave itt wholly to you soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Abraham van Rincom – 18 May 1678

Newcastle May the 18 1678 Mr Abr: Van Rincom Sr My last to you by post was of the 14 present and one by Robt Wiggner of the 15th present, who I hope is sailed, and maybe wth you as soone as <ly> he has aboard 91 p[iece]s Leed, 40 Ch[alders] Grindstones of the following sorts vizt 6 8 foots 30 6 foots and 30 7 foots and 20 5 foots and thirty two Ch[alders] Coales besides some <packs>, for wch you are to Receive freight 5s p[er] <packe> the disposall of my goods I Leave to

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 21 May 1678

Newcastle May the 21 1678 Mr Geo: Moore Sr These serves Chiefly to advise you that your Corne is in a pretty Good Condition, noe Exceptions att all Can be taken a[ga]inst itt, soe Intends God willing this day to goe to some of our merchants and see w[ha]t is the most they will bid mee for itt * and p[er] next post shall advise you soe remaines MB ( * is onely turned now twice a weeke and shortly once will serve the turne [)]
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467