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Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Robert Chance – 19 Dec 1833

Rob[er]t Lucas Chance Esq Birmingham Dec 19th 1833 I beg leave to call your attention to the Amount due from you to the Ex[ecutor]s of the late Mrs Beaumont amounting to £620-19-7 due the 30th June 1831. You will oblige me by stating when we may expect it to be paid. BJ

Letters – George Backhouse to Mr Emerson – 20 Dec 1833

Dear Sir 20 Dec 1833 Herewith you have a quantity of forms for making out the Statement of the Stock of Lead on hand at Blaydon to the close of last week. Two of which you will be kind enough to fill up & forward here every Monday Morning. Please inform me tomorrow what q[uantit]y of Ref[ine]d Slag Lead you have at present on hand. Yours Sir GB

Journal entry – John Grey – 20 Dec 1833

Friday 20th December 1833 Heard from Mr Thomson of Scremerston stating that in these times, he could not hold on his farm and wishing to have a meeting with me respecting it.  Wrote in reply, that his taking a journey to see me wd avail him nothing.  That the Commissioners had uniformly, since my coming here, declined reducing rents when applied for, except upon a relinquishment of the Lease.  That it was too late of taking the resignation of such an extensive farm as his for this season

Journal entry – John Grey – 21 Dec 1833

Saturday 21st December Rode in the morning to the west farm at Fourstones to inspect a wet grass field which I thought would be improved & increased in value by being drained, ploughed out & limed & then restored to grass,, conferred with the tenant who undertook to do so, marked out the line of drains & advised him respecting its management.  Proceeded to Allerwash to assist the tenant in managing the rotation  etc conformable to the new covenants of the ensuing lease, bu

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to John Stagg – 21 Dec 1833

John Stagg Esq Stockton Dec 21 1833 I was prevented answering your letter yesterday being absent from Newcastle. We have but 450 Pieces Refined Slag Lead but can make of 500 next week which I shall be glad to sell to you at £15.10 per fod[der]. 500 Common at the same price and 1000 P[iece]s Ref[ined] at £16 per fod[der]. These are our present prices and I believe the prices of the Company and Duke of Cleveland I shall be glad to have you’re am[oun]t by return of post or I have a

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Finlay & Hodgson – 22 Dec 1833

Finlay Hodgson & Co London I Have duly received your letters of the 13th. 17th. 18th. And 19th: inst advising the receipt of the following sums- £ S D 1833 Dec 13th 2 Pieces fine Silver 834 18 8 “ 16th Grace & Freeman 293 4 0 “ 19th John Locke & Co 3943 7 6 “ “ 1 Piece fine Silver 440 1 0 £5511-11. 2 & all the Payment of t

Journal entry – John Grey – 23 Dec 1833

Monday 23rd December Arranged the covenants of Farms that are advertized to let, giving a written statement of them & plan of each farm to the persons appointed to show them to the Public.  Fixed with Mr Parkin the kinds of trees suitable to plant at Throckley, which as well as the Thorn Quicks for fencing, I wrote for to Fallas of Gateshead desiring them to be sent to Mr Stephensons’s care the very respectable tenant there.   I also wrote to him, desiring that they might be preser

Journal entry – John Grey – 24 Dec 1833

Tuesday 24th December Mr S Brewis of Hartburngrainge paid his Arrear of Rent.  Paid accounts to several Workmen, altered the advertizement of the farms including Coastley & Woodhall Mill & changing the day for the proposals from the 6th to the 10th January on account of the latter.  Sent an advertizement to the Berwick Papers, as well as the Newcastle, thinking the extent of Coastley might perhaps bring up a Tweedside tenant, though it is not a farm to my liking.  Drew up an Adve

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Finlay & Hodgson – 24 Dec 1833

Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co London 24th Dec 1833 I have duly received your letter of the 21st inst and have now to advise of having sent by Jackson & Co Waggon to your address as usual a piece of fine Silver weighing 1523 1/2 ounces. Mr Stagg to whom I offered 500 P[iece]s Ref[ine]d Slag at £15-10 per fod[der], declines it at that Price and offers £15 for 500 P[iece]s Common and 500 P[iece]s Ref[ine]d Slag which I have of course declined. BJ

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to John Hodgson – 24 Dec 1833

John Hodgson Esq You are quite correct in your statement of the quantity of Lead to be made by 14th March 1834 if Mr P[attinson] is correct and which I have no reason to doubt. You may also add 1000 Pieces of selected Ref[ine]d ch/w we supposed purchased by Mr Key. It is somewhat singular that Mr P[attinson] sh[oul]d state to you that he has no particular wish to visit the <> Mines – when he proposed it to me himself. I cannot tell how his partiality to Rookhope arises unl

Journal entry – John Grey – 25 Dec 1833

Wednesday 25th Christmas Day Mr Mulcaster came asking for the Pension which he formerly refused, which I paid him, from the 12th May last to the end of the year £50.

Journal entry – John Grey – 26 Dec 1833

Thursday 26th Received from my Son the account of the outlay for building the Cattle Shed at Outchester, fold yard walls, Cribs etc, the roof being done with foreign timber & blue slates, the whole cost of which is £33.3.4 also received Davisons Arrears of Rent for Outchester which he paid to my son at the same time - received & answered letters inquiring about Chesterhill & other farms, but nothing occurred of particular importance.  The inhabitants of the South part of Langl

Journal entry – John Grey – 27 Dec 1833

Friday 27th December Went to inspect the Buildings now finished & covered in at Newtonhall & Whittle & likewise the Quarry at the latter, from which Stone was got for the rail-way, to be assured that no damage was done to the Woods & property of the Hospital, which is very trifling if any.  The Buildings at Newtonhall are done very satisfactorily & a great improvement in the offices has been affected at a very moderate cost.  In raising the back part of the farm house

Journal entry – John Grey – 28 Dec 1833

Saturday 28th December Wrote to Mr Dickinson of Spency Croft, directing him as to the number & kinds of trees to be got at the nursery at Alston, for planting the piece of ground as ordered by the Board - and also as to the price he should give for pitting and planting the same.  I have obtained the prices of young trees & thorns from several nurseries & find them very much alike.   The only thing necessary is to see that they are good and suitable. Rode to the QuarriesÂ

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to John Hodgson – 28 Dec 1833

John Hodgson Esq Newcastle Dec 28 /33 The annexed letter will explain my observations to you in a former letter, upon the sum invested by Mr B[eaumon]t in the Allendale Road. I have taken considerable interest in it since it has fallen under my observation as Mr B[eaumon]ts representative and I am glad to be able to give you so good an ac[coun]t of its present prospect to pay at least a portion of Interest. When this was returned in the Executors List acc[oun]t it was considered of lit

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Hugh Pattinson – 28 Dec 1833

Mr H l Pattinson The weight of the piece of Silver sent this morning is 1147 1/2 Ounces. You will oblige me with a statement of the actual expence of smelting the different ores produced in Weardale, at Rookhope. Allen & Dukesfield Mills, also stating the expence of refining at Allen, Dukesfield & Blaydon. BJ

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Grace & Freeman – 28 Dec 1833

Messrs Grace & Freeman Above I beg to hand you Invoice of 200 P[iece]s of WB refined Lead shipped this day – which completes you purchase of 2000 Pieces in June last. Annexed you have statement of shipping charges of 4000 Pieces which you will please to remit me at your convenience. WB Lead Office Dec 28th /33

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Key – 28 Dec 1833

Tho[ma]s Key Esq I have duly rec[eive]d your lre (letter) of the 26th inst enclosing seven Bills value £2151. 2s. 3d of which £1613.0s.6d we carry to the credit of the London Works & £538.1s.9d to the credit of the Exorship acc[oun]t debiting the same with £267.13s.6d paid for Ground Rents. We also credit the London Works with £598.6s.10d paid by you to Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co on the 26th inst WB Lead Office Dec28th/33

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Finlay & Hodgson – 28 Dec 1833

Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co I am in receipt of your lre (letter) of the 24th inst enclosing one from Mr Key with seven Bills value £2151.2s.3d of which £1613..0s.6d we carry to the credit of the London Works and £538.1s.9d to the credit of the Exorship acc[oun]t debiting the same with £267.13s.6d paid for Ground rents particulars of which we will thank you to furnish & also credit the London Works with £598.6s.10d paid to you by Mr Key crediting you with that amount Paid t

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to John Hodgson – 28 Dec 1833

John Hodgson Esq My Dear Sir I beg reference to my official letter of Saturday last The D[ra]ft of Lease from the Bishop has been forwarded to Messrs Griffiths at Durham his Lordship’s Sol[icitor]s & the Declaration of Trust to Mr Birks at Barnsly Mr Becket’s Sol[icitor]s. Messrs Donkin & Stable will see Mr Griffith next week when the lease will be endorsed & forwarded to Mr Beckett. Mr Donkin thinks there can be no difficulty in getting the Bishop to consent to h

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Finlay & Hodgson – 28 Dec 1833

Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co I duly rec[eive]d your lre (letter) of the 27th inst and Mr Keys statement of acc[ount]s for Dec .. on the Other side I send you statement of our stock at Blaydon on the 28th inst. I have this day forwarded to your address as usual by Jackson & Co Waggon a piece of fine Silver weight 1021 1/2 Ozs Yours Sir BJ

Letters – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Key – 28 Dec 1833

Tho[ma]s Key Esq I have duly rec[eive]d your lre (letter) of the 26th inst enclosing seven Bills value £2151. 2s. 3d of which £1613.0s.6d we carry to the credit of the London Works & £538.1s.9d to the credit of the Exorship acc[oun]t debiting the same with £267.13s.6d paid for Ground Rents. We also credit the London Works with £598.6s.10d paid by you to Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co on the 26th inst WB Lead Office Dec28th/33

Journal entry – John Grey – 30 Dec 1833

Monday 30th December 1833 Robert Hunter of Newlands Town Farm came to the Office in consequence of my having written to him to come to some decision respecting his Farm, & according to the directions of the Board, I agreed with him for one year at the rent of £136, which will give an opportunity of making a better arrangement of those Farms than the present.  Was engaged some time with Benson in examining his measurement & accounts of the several Buildings at Lipwood, Haydon Town,

Journal entry – John Grey – 31 Dec 1833

Tuesday 31st December 1833 Was detained from eight o’ clock till twelve by a succession of applications for farms, inquiring for information & giving me in return information respecting themselves, their connections & qualifications.  Received several same from Tenants which they had left unpaid in November.  Had a deputation from Newlands & Whittonstall expressing their thankfulness to the Board for the grant of lime to the district, but stating their inability to mak

Journal entry – John Grey – 1 Jan 1834

Wednesday 1st January 1834 This being the Quarter day, I inclosed cheques to the several Parties for their Pensions or Salaries.  Received various Proposals for planting the ground in Dipton Wood.  I think it better to let the making of the pits only, by the thousand, & to have the planting done by our own Woodmen under the immediate direction of Mr Parkin, both that it may be more carefully done, & that greater attention may be paid to the selection of the kinds of trees best sui
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467