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Journal entry – John Grey – 13 Mar 1834

Thursday 13th March Rode through the Farms of Highside, Bagraw and Longhope & then to Woodhall to examine some new Fences just made there.  Proceeded then to the Farm of Lees now let upon a fresh Lease, where we are making a boundary Wall at the extremity of the Hospitals Property in that direction. Having seen the Wall & another fence that is in progress & conferred with Mr Watson about some draining & the site of the new Farm house, I returned to Haydon Bridge to meet by

Journal entry – John Grey – 14 Mar 1834

Friday 14th March I left Haydon Bridge early, intending to make a long excursion through the farms to the North of the Tyne.  Proceeded by Rattenraw, Tofts & to Grindon, examined the planting of the Ground from which the Trees had been burnt last year.  Much of it is done, but some parts are still too wet, in which I directed the Woodman to make open drains to carry off the surface Water.  Traversed the wide Allotments of Grindon Common to see where the Trials for Ore are intended to

Journal entry – John Grey – 15 Mar 1834

Saturday 15th March Spent most of the day among the Workmen engaged in Planting, fencing etc upon the Dilston Estate, without any occurrence worthy of note, except an application from a Mr <Crile>, Lessee of a Colliery at Long Witton for leave to work in Coal in Hartburngrainge.  Having no knowledge of the situation, the probable success or the damage that might ensue, I could not give him any encouragement, my impression being that unless connected with the Sale of Lime, it would ha

Journal entry – John Grey – 17 Mar 1834

Monday 17th March 1834 Two men called David Gibson & John Nattrass applied to me some months ago, for leave to work blocking Stones for the Rail Way from a quarry at the village of Fourstones, offering 1d Per Block, which is the price they pay as Rent to Sir Edward Blackett & other proprietors on the line.  Thinking that we ought to have a better price here, on account of the proximity to the Rail Way, & consequent saving in carriage, I declined giving them an answer until I ha

Journal entry – John Grey – 18 Mar 1834

Tuesday 18th March After attending to business in the Office & settling with Mr Hunt, accounts for Work he had measured off in different parts of the Estate, for which he commonly makes his payments at Hexham on the Market day, I went out to Dilston to see the Work that is going on at the new road & laying out the Garden, which I have thought it best to put into a state of forwardness, although the House is not built, because it forms a place of deposit for any Soil that is to be re

Journal entry – John Grey – 19 Mar 1834

Wednesday 19th March Rode to Haydon Bridge and met Mr Hunt who had been looking after draining and fencing in several farms to the North of the Tyne, & then proceeded to examine the state of the buildings & fences on the farms of Deanraw, Vauce, Lough and Harsondale to decide upon what may be necessary to be done to put them in such condition  at the commencement of the Leases, as to make it reasonable to require the tenants to maintain & leave them so at the end. The buil

Journal entry – John Grey – 20 Mar 1834

Thursday 20th March Sent letters to the Tenants who are in Arrears regarding an early payment.  Directed the Bankers to remit £2000 to the Credit of the Commissioners on the 29th Instant.  Attended to Letters in the Office & went through the Workmen at Tyneside and Dilston. 

Journal entry – John Grey – 21 Mar 1834

Friday 21st March Visited the Farms at Newlands where there is some draining going on, where some applications had been made for repairs & where I had applications to make for Arrears.  Found that our old Tenant Soppit whose alacrity & wonderful possession of faculties at the age of 93 I had often admired, had died lately, and is wife nearly as old as himself, within ten days afterwards. They had just been 60 years married!  Examined the Mill at Newlands which had lately been unde

Journal entry – John Grey – 22 Mar 1834

Saturday 22nd March Rode from Lambton to Newcastle, expecting to find Mr Foster there & to have some conversation with him, but did not meet with him.  I heard of another Viewer there, exceedingly likely for our purpose, but he is employed in a Colliery in which I suspect some connections of Major Johnson are concerned, & should that be the case, however respectable the person may be, as he will be expected to inspect the Workings at Scremerston, it is better to avoid the possibili

Letter – Thomas Dickinson to John Grey – 22 Mar 1834

Spency Croft. Alston 22nd March 1834 John Grey Esq Sir In reply to your enquiry for a Gamekeeper, I take the liberty to name George Wallace as a proper person, he is a single Man, 29 Years of Age, near 6 feet high, of sober, industrious habits, and of good character - from the enquiries I have made I understand he is a pretty good Shot, is capable of training Dogs & destroying Vermin. At present he is employed by the London Lead Company as under keeper at 15/- a week wages,

Journal entry – John Grey – 24 Mar 1834

Monday 24th March Had several matters to attend to, & letters to write.  Engaged Mr Davison, whom I had formerly selected as Teacher of a School under my direction at Milfield, to come to that at Deanraw at May Day, by the desire of a Committee of the Inhabitants who have obtained a promise of £10 a year towards it, from the Trustees of the Haydon Bridge establishment. I trust the youth upon our Estates in the quarter will be benefited by the appointment.   Heard from my Son reporti

Journal entry – John Grey – 25 Mar 1834

Tuesday 25th March 1834 This being a Cattle Fair at Hexham, I attended it to see how things were selling, taking the opportunity to see several of the Tenants on various matters and of delivering to them the Agreements for their farms as returned from Greenwich with the Commissioner’s signatures.  The Rowells of Thornbrough Highbarns, whose arrears accumulated there and at Newtonhall, together with the rents of the former up to May Day next, will amount to £985-.-. inform me that they h

Journal entry – John Grey – 26 Mar 1834

Wednesday 26th March Mr Coulson the Tenant of Coastley came to the Office and paid £50, enquiring if the Board had not signified any intention of striking off some part of the Arrears which had been accumulated upon a farm so decidedly over rented.  I told him that I had no orders on the subject, but hoped he would find means of reducing the amount before entering upon a new Lease.  There is no doubt that he took the farm at a rent which it was not possible to make of it.  He spoke of s

Journal entry – John Grey – 27 Mar 1834

Thursday 27th March Having had Notice from the Secretary of the Railway Company that they wished the line through Capons Cleugh to be set out & the Wood which might be in the way of it to be cut down, I sent Mr Parkin along with their Agent yesterday to ascertain what quantity of wood must be cleared for the purpose, & find from him today, that owing to the steepness of the Bank a great deal of ground must be taken up to obtain the necessary slope, and that besides the full grown ti

Journal entry – John Grey – 28 Mar 1834

Good Friday Filled up Cheques for the salaries & Pensions due on the 31st. wrote several Letters & made arrangements for my absence while on the Northern Estates, providing the Accounts & Stamps necessary for the Rent Day at Belford. Mr Dickinson went yesterday to the Office at Hexham to get a Stock of Stamps for the approaching Rents, but could not yet obtain payment for the old Stamps that were called in, amounting to £13.5.3 which I hoped would have been allowed.  Mr T

Journal entry – John Grey – 29 Mar 1834

Saturday 29th March Went early to Hartburngrainge & found the boring for Coal which I had sanctioned, not so far advanced as I anticipated.  The Metal which the Workmen had got into indicated the vicinity of Coal, but as yet they have not touched the Seam. I examined all the Woodland along the Northern boundary of the Estate which consists of a Bank, in many parts very steep, bounded by a Stream. Some parts of the Wood are thriving & good & much improved by having had the under

Journal entry – John Grey – 31 Mar 1834

Monday 31st Heard from the Secretary of the Rail Way Co that they agreed to purchase the Wood in Capons Cleugh by valuation, which will be an accommodation to us & I hope no inconvenience to them, as they have occasion for much for their own use.  I had occasion to go today to Alnwick to meet some parties respecting a trust affair which remained unsettled when I left the Country and rode up in the evening 25 Miles to Millfield Hill. 

Journal entry – John Grey – 1 Apr 1834

Tuesday 1st April Attended the exhibition of the Border agricultural Society at Kelso, of which I was one of the first promoters & most successful competitors; & where being no longer a Candidate for Premiums, I had been solicited to be a Judge for Awarding them.   The exhibition of Stock, Seeds and implements, as well as the respectability and intelligence of Farmers on the Borders, form rather an unfavourable contrast with those on the Tyne.  After the Show we dined a Party of

Journal entry – John Grey – 2 Apr 1834

Wednesday 2nd Passed the day at Milfield Hill, with my eldest Son & some of the younger children.  Having a Son of Sir Jn Sinclair & some Agriculturalists from the north with us, examining his farming & Stock. 

Journal entry – John Grey – 3 Apr 1834

Thursday 3rd Attended the Agricultural Show of Glendale Ward, at Wooler, where I had so often presided, & where I again found myself in the Chair, surrounded by a multitude of old friends.  a great quantity of superior Stock was exhibited for Sweepstakes of all kinds & for sale. The market for fat Cattle & Sheep, is rather on the decline.  Heard today from Mr Fenwick of his intention of meeting the Scremerston Tenants at Belford on tuesday next respecting the answer to the cla

Journal entry – John Grey – 4 Apr 1834

Friday 4th Heard from Mr Johnson that he had appointed Mr Walton to value Capons Cleugh Wood on the part of the Rail way Co. I wrote to him to suggest that to prevent any delay which might arise from a difference of opinion between Mr Walton & Mr Parkin, they two had better take a third man with them at the first, as Umpire, provided the proceeding should obtain the sanction of the Board.  Rode to Scremerston & looked over Mr Thomsons extensive farm.  He complains of the great lo

Journal entry – John Grey – 5 Apr 1834

Saturday 5th April At six o’clock went to the Quarry and met the undertaker whom I found to be an old acquaintance, that had once had been employed to do some work upon my property in that neighbourhood & of whom I entertain a bad opinion.  His apology for having given in to Mr Hogarth so inadequate a tender, was, that he expected, as it was the Hospitals doing, the men would be allowed their weekly wages and it would not signify whether the Job could be completed for the sum or not.

Journal entry – John Grey – 7 Apr 1834

Monday 7th April Heard from Mr Parker that he & Mr Crawhall had fixed the price of Lead for the bygone quarter at £16.10….  I hoped from the late advances the average for the quarter would have been rather higher than that, as I know some parties who sell by the average of the whole year, I shall try to discover how our prices agree with theirs. Taking my Son with me, I rode across the Country to the Spindlestone Estates, examining the draining at Outchester now finished, which I ha

Journal entry – John Grey – 8 Apr 1834

Tuesday 8th April Examined the new flooring, Spouts etc which had been done at Waren Mill, but as the Work is not finished, deferred making the allowance for it till the next rent day.  Mr Nairn carries on a great business here with great spirit, & I trust with benefit to himself, as it certainly is to the neighbourhood. These Mills were formerly worked entirely by Water, but from the draining of the County generally & especially of two bogs to the west Three fourths of the work i

Journal entry – John Grey – 10 Apr 1834

Thursday 10th Was engaged with various Letters and accounts, which had accumulated in my absence.  Walked out afterwards to see what had been done in cutting the foundations and drains for the new House, to examine the state of the Dam at Dilston Mill, & see the Road Surveyor respecting the Walls he is building along the sides of the new Road, the Coping of which I did not consider to be sufficient without being pointed with Lime, which he agreed to.  Received from Messrs Murray an es
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467