Thursday 27th
In the morning drove to Haydon Bridge, carrying all the necessary accompaniements of a Rent day, Stamps, Accounts, Valuations, Tenants Ledgers etc along with me and was engaged there the whole of the day and
Friday the 29th
till near six in the evening, when I got the Cash made up & transferred to the charge of the Banker in attendance. The payments as will appear in the Rental Sheets, were generally good, though many stated & I fear with truth, that they were
Saturday 29th November
Had interviews with several Tenants in the morning, respecting repairs wanted at their Farm Buildings and drainage done to their ground by the late Flood etc, some of which Mr Hunt had gone Westward to examine. Mr Peacock of Esphill waited upon me, & expressed great mortification at being confined to continue that Farm so much against his inclination & contrary to the promise by which alone, he says, he was induced to sign an Agreement. Besides the Farm being
Monday 1st December 1834
Received the Boards Minutes - communicated with Messrs Bainbridge- Nairn, Ridley Hall etc on the various matters on which I received instructions. Directed the Bankers to pay £5000 to the Credit of the Commissioners on the 10th Instant, & shall order a further payment by the end of the Month. Gave Benson directions respecting the repair of some Roofs, for want of which the Buildings are sustaining injury. Rode to Wooley, the tenant of which had not appear
Tuesday 2nd
The Lessee of Throckley Colliery instead of coming today to pay his rent, sent a Letter begging to be allowed till January next, to collect his Bills. This request has so often repeated & his engagements so often broken that I wrote to say, if he did not make a settlement by the end of the year, I should be under the necessity of having recourse to some unpleasant proceeding. As there will be a good deal of planting this season, in the waste pieces of Land at Whittle, H
The unfortunate Tenant of Eadsbush, having been obliged to make an Asssignment, on account of his late Lessees, I have applied to his Assignee and obtained payment of the rent due at May Day & an undertaking for the payment of that due in November. His effects having been advertized for Sale this day, I sent Mr Hunt over, to ascertain whether the Farm is to be given up, or whether Curry has found friends to enable him to carry it on. As he is a man much respected & pitied
Thursday 4th December
Having now got all of the Workmen out of the new House, except the Plasterers, with Fires lighted in some of the Apartments to accelerate the drying of the Walls, I was occupied most of the day in planning, levelling & laying out the Garden & Shrubbery, with the drive from the old road to the front, where the inequality of the Ground gives abundant room for disposing of all the rubbish that has been left from the building. The approach & Ground will be ve
?Friday December 5th
Went over the ground of Woodhall & Elrington accompanied by Mr Hunt, to decide upon the propriety of Drains & new Fences at at both, & the most suitable construction of the latter; which having fixed, directed him to put up Notices of them at Haydon Bridge, that he might receive Proposals from Workmen. He then proceeded to measure off some draining at Elrington Hall & to examine & value the Farm of Esphill & Lightbirks, commencing at the extr
Saturday 6th December
Saw Mr Lee at Land Ends. Examined the state of the House there, which is suffering for want of paint on the Windows & doors, & rough cast on the Walls which has fallen off in many places, leaving the Walls which are not good, pervious to the rain. This must now be deferred till Spring. He wishes also to have a new Stable built & the present one converted into a Shed adjoining the Fold Yard, for Cattle - which had been formerly decided upon, but
Monday 8th December 1834
Received the Secretary’s communication respecting the Arbitration & Award in the matter between Johnson and Pringle of Scremerston, & Inclosed the documents to Mr Forster, informing him by Letter of the points he was required to state his opinion upon - desiring his attention is at the same time, to the conditions of Letting the Coal & Lime at Brokenheugh & Allerwash of which I had sent him a Copy, for his correction & remarks. Met some of
Tuesday 9th December
Proceeded to go through those Farms in Newlands which I could not visit when in that district last week, informing the Tenants of the Boards decision respecting the reduction of Rent granted them from May day last, and inspecting their different grounds of claim for draining & new fences at the beginning of a fresh term. Such applications require to be entertained with due caution, as it does not always follow, that a thing desired by the tenant, and that m
Wednesday 10th December
A succession of People enquiring particulars concerning the farms to be let, for the settlement of accounts & the planting in Dipton Wood, detained me most of the day. I had a long conference with Mr Green, the Architect, who examined the execution of the different kinds of Work at the House, the laying out of the Grounds etc. Communicated to Mr Johnson, on the part of the Railway Directors, the terms of letting the Allerwash Lime, which they seem to offer for
Thursday 11th
So soon as I could get released from attending to various persons calling at the Office on different matters of business, I set out to join Mr Hunt in Hexhamshire to look into some arrangements respecting the Farms there & especially to direct the mode of planting some young hedges where the old ones have entirely failed, & which I intend to have done upon a better plan than heretofore. Finding that Andrew Thorburn, late Tenant of Mirehouse, had made it public that
Friday 12th December
In my way to Newtonhall today, I rode to Stokoe the Millwrights & found him, not only that the fixtures & cross beams of the Threshing Machine at Mirehouse belong to the Hospital, but that he was paid by the Hospital for putting the Machine in repair, the original of which belonged to Thorburn, he imagines, was not worth more than £10. It seems singular that such should be the case, & Thorburn be still allowed to claim the Machine all along as his
Saturday 13th December
Informed the Lessees of Langley Mills, according to the Board’s Minute, that they could not be allowed to burn Lime at the Kiln reserved for the Tenants there, nor to dispense with the covenant in their Lease, binding them to insure the Premises against Fire. Wrote to the Secretary of the Railway Company, informing him that the Board would offer no opposition to their application to Parliament to be allowed to use locomotive Steam Engines. Wrote to the Ba
Monday 15th December
Communicated my ideas respecting Allerwash Mill to Mr Johnson, Agent to the Rail way asking him to make a distinct proposition on the subject, which I might lay before the Commissioners, enquiring also, their intention as to laying off a road from Hexham to the West Boat, which might at some future time under the Hospital Tenants liable to the payment of a second Toll on the road to Hexham, in which case I should think it necessary to oppose it. Received the Le
Tuesday 16th December
Received from Mr Johnson the Lease & Counterpart of Coastley for execution of the Tenant. Also a Letter from Mr Nairn explaining his views as to the projected addition & outlay at Waren Mills, but making no offer of an advance of Rent, as I suggested. I shall be there in the course of the following Week to examine the Land etc and talk the matter over with him. I forward his Letter herewith. I had a meeting as I requested with Mr Lee upon the subject
Wednesday 17th December 1834
Arrived at Hartburngrainge at 9 oclock at which time I had appointed the Tenants Thomas & Samuel Brewis to be at home. I went to their respective houses & having discussed with them the Covenants I had fixed upon for their ensuing Leases & brought them to consent to my terms, I filled up agreements for Leases accordingly & obtained their Signatures. I then met Crile, as I had fixed, to see as to the Houses which could be attached to the Colli
?Thursday 18th
Proceeded to Wooler - saw a Nurseryman who used to supply me with excellent goods. His stock at present is very good & told him if he would deliver them at such a distance as Hartburngrainge, without charge, I would probably give him an order. This he is to consider of. Reached Milfield Hill late in the evening.
Friday 19th
Went to Outchester, the tenant not being at home proceeded through the Farms of Spindleston & Glororum, at the latter place
Saturday 20th
Called on Mr Nairn before breakfast & examined his premises, having a description of the additions to the Mill & Machinery which he proposes in case of coming to an Agreement for a new term. He has promised to supply me in a few days, with an estimate of the probably outlay to which those additions would subject him upon receiving which, I shall be better able to found a report to the Board. An order had been made, Mr Nairn says, about two years ago for a grant of
Monday 22nd December 1834
Heard from Mr Beaumont’s Agent agreeing to pay me from £60 to £70 on account of Andrew Thorburn for Rent, being money due to him for carriage of Ore, also making enquiry on account of the Railway Company, respecting the Conditions of letting Allenerwash Lime, & appointing an examination of Allerwash Mill with a view to propose some Plan of compensation. Wrote to Mr Hunt instructing him respecting that and other matters. Was engaged nearly all day at
Friday 26th December 1834
Set out in the morning to Scremerston. As those Farms contain land of very different quality, it was necessary to divide that which was calculated for turnip husbandry from such as will be better occupied in a rotation including Beans & Wheat. I accordingly went over to Mr Hogarths farm with the Plan and having ascertained the quantities of each kind, filled up an Agreement with the suitable covenants and obtained his signature. I then proceeded through M
Saturday 27th December
Examined the piece of Road which was made by direction of the Board, to admit of the future working of the Quarry, without breaking into a field. It is not quite finished but is a good job, my Son having let it to a man who has been much employed on the lines of turnpike in that part, who was well known to me. His estimate was the lowest, but he complains that it will not pay him, the old road was so bad to take up. Went with Mr Hogarth to see a Wall of
Monday 29th December
Passed the day there and at Coupland Castle, having several Farms on that Estate to let.
Tuesday 30th December
Rode 44 Miles towards Dilston taking Hartburngrainge in my way, to see how the Work I had set out was going on & ascertain what quantity of thorn Quicks would be required for the new fences.
Wednesday 31st
Proceeded to Dilston - received reports of all transactions during my absence - examined Cash Accounts - answered Letters etc.
Tues 13th Jan 1835. I reported formerly to the Board that Robert Curry, tenant of the small farm of Eads Bush & Allotments, who is a very industrious, decent man, had been unfortunately cheated of a sum of money by an Attorney into whose hands it had gone for other purposes & on being called on to make it good was compelled to make an assignment. I obtained from his assignee payment of the rent due at May day and an undertaking for that due at Martinmas, and sent for Curry to come and sh
Weds 28 Jan 1835: Took advantage of the fine day to go through the several farms in Hexhamshire & among other proceeded to the distant & detached one of Eadsbush, wishing to ascertain from the unfortunate tenant whether he had yet obtained means of carrying it on, or had got security to offer, for his doing so. He happened however to be absent on that business. This is a small property entirely detached from any other belonging to the Hospital & of small value, consisting of only 26