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Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 29 Jun 1678

Ditto Unckle Eden and Unckle Buck I intend God willing to sett forward for London upon monday next by Coach, and to Lodge att Darnton that night, w[h]ere I would be very Glad to see you to have one Glasse of <Stingo> before wee part, if my Unckle Bucke will goe along with mee he Cannot mett wth a Cheaper Convenience I shall not Inlardge till meeting, hopeing to meet you all, or att least some of you att Darnton upon monday night I remaine MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 29 Jun 1678

Ditto Mr Lambe I Intend God willing to be wth you upon monday night next towards a Journey for London and I would be very glad to have one Glasse of Reconciliation <Aymer> with all friends att Billingham before wee part, soe pray send Wm Browne or some other away w[it]h the Inclosed Immediately after Receipt I shall not Inlardge till meeting soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 29 Jun 1678

Newcastle June the 29 1678 Mr Hen: Maister Sr I am afraid some hath Comd betwixt you and the Iron for since I gave you order for the buying thereof, I have not heard one word from you, if its bargaine goe on, my man Jno Wilkinson will punctually dischardge all your bills for God willing I Intend for London upon monday next where if you desire any moneys <to be> paid, make your bills p[er] In the house of Mr Hump Willett, and they shall be Complyed withall I have some thoughts of givi

Letter – Michael Blackett to Abraham van Rincom – 29 Jun 1678

ditto Mr Abra: van Rincom Sr I have yours of the p[ri]mo July whereby takes notice of your draughts upon mee for £205: - : - wch I have this day accepted accordingly have made you Dr <f>2227: 19: and may be assured your bills will finde dew honour w[he]n dew I thinke my Rodd Iron was somewhat deare for Could have had w[ha]t quantity I would att Rotterdam for <f> 5 3/4 and under Considaring the quantity bought, w[he]n your markett mends a little shall supply you

Letter – Margaret Grey to William Watling – 12 Jul 1678

July the 12 1678 Mr Wm Watling Sir I have sent you a bill upon Mr Ralph Harrope from Mr Hen: Milbourn for eleven pounds Two shill[ings] & sixpence which is in full of all accts pray when p[ai]d write with a rec[ei]pt in full of all accts. This from Margt Grey

Letter – John Wilkinson to Humphrey Willett – 14 Jul 1678

Newcastle July the 14 1678 Writt this day Mr Willett and sent him a bill for 60 <.> JW p[er] MB July 19 Writ Mr Willett this day and send him a bill for £100 for my master Mich Blackett JW

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 27 Jul 1678

Newcastle July 27 1678 Mr Hen Maister Sr The sudden sad news of a brothers death hath hindred mee from waiting upon you as I Came home and I question not but you your selfe will have mee Excused, I Rec[ieve]d att London yours of the 8th and 9th and have Last post Returned mee yours of the 16th am Content with w[ha]t you have done about the Iron desired, and have left orders wth Mr Willett to accept and dischardge all your bills, wch you need not feare but will be punctually Complyed withal

Letter – Michael Blackett to Michael Clipsham – 27 Jul 1678

Newcastle July 27 1678 Mr Mich: Chipsham Sr Att my Returne from London amongst other letters have before mee yours of the 27th past, for Answer I doe still persist in my Inncurirey [Enquiry] as to w[ha]t you lay to my Chardge I know of noe mis carried or Committed by mee in the selling of your prunes, nor any mistake In Carridge, and weighing each <.. pC> tis enough that I say tis dew and paid, wch will make good w[he]n you please, am Glad you are att Last satisfyed, according to you

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 27 Jul 1678

Ditto Mr Hump: Willett Sr God be thanked I gott well home last night I hope you tooke Care to send mee my box by sea p[er] first Convenience, for if itt Arrive not soone I am undone, I finde my man hath Remitted you £100: - : - wch bill I hope Came well to your hands, Pray take Care of all Mr Maisters bills, and besides the £250: I told you of vizt one bill for £100: and another for £150 there is a third for £218: 19: p[er] 20 d[ays] to Richd Kent Esquire or order valew of Robt Mason

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 27 Jul 1678

Newcastle July 27 1678 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr God be thanked I gott well home last night, next weeke is our [As]sizes, In wch time noe great businesse is done, but after that I thinke itt shall not be long, ere I lodge some monies in your <funds>, I hope this will finde both you and your Lady in good health, heartily thankeing you for all your kindnesses I remaine MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 27 Jul 1678

Ditto Mr Wm Benson Sr When you are minded to take £13: p[er] tonn for your Iron, be pleased to Lett mee know thereof, I am satisfyed itt will not yield more att present, and att any time I thinke I Can afford to give as much for itt as another, all our East Country Shipps Arrived Iron Retailed soe Cheape as Cannot afford to give above £13: for yours but use your discretion I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 27 Jul 1678

Ditto Mr Walter Chaytor Sr I have yours of the 19th for Answer twas never my order to have any Oare delivered att Rotterdam, but to thinke of selling itt att <45 sts> is Intollerable, I hope this will Come in time to prevent itt, if not noe Remedy but patience must Rest Contented but Cannot afford itt under <f>3: - my desire is to have itt att London where freight shall be paid according to Agreem[en]t, otherwise Can allow of none and soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Milford – 27 Jul 1678

Newcastle July 27 1678 Mr Jno Milford Sr At your Leasure be pleased to lett mee know your Lowest price of your fine narrow and broad flatt if Reasonable, that is soe that I Can make any profitt by itt, will be your Customer for 20: 30 or 40 tonn, soe pray lett mee know your very Lowest Rate In doeing whereof you will oblidge MB

Letter – Michael Blackett – 27 Jul 1678

Ditto Writt this day Capteyn Jno Sydenham MB

Letter – Margaret Grey to William Grey – 27 Jul 1678

July the 27th 1678 To Mr Wm Grey to accompany a bill of Twelve pounds ten shillings upon Mr Jno Blanks from Mr Henry Milbourn payable to Mr Wm Grey on order at sight from Margt Grey

Letter – John Wilkinson – 30 Jul 1678

Newcastle July 30: 1678 Writt Mr Willett and sent him backe Inclosed a bill from Mr Hen: Maister for £218: 19: - wch my master hath accepted JW for MB

Letter – John Wilkinson to Humphrey Willett – 3 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 3d 1678 Mr Hump Willett Sr Be pleased to take notice that my master this day to pleasure a friend hath valewed a bill upon you for £16: p[er] 6 d[ays] after sight to Mr Surtis Swinburne or order valew of madam Ann Swinburne wch pray Lett be Complyed wthall This being the needfull Concludes JW p[er] MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 13 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 13 1678 Mr Jno Strother Sr I Writt you yesterday att Lardge p[er] Wm Hymers Comander of the Loveing friendshipp of this place whome w[he]n please God he Arrives Lett be despatched with all speed possible, and for my <X> of his Loadeing backe the goods desired are vizt of Inch square and under if possible five tonn of 2 to 2 ½ to 3 Inch broad flat five tonn of 1 ½ to 1 ¾ Inch square five tonn of pan plates of the size formerly advised of five tonn the R

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 13 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Ch: Banckes Sr Pray be pleased to send forward the Inclosed with all speed possible, and accept Mr Jno Strothers bills to the valew of £800: besides the £600 wch I allready ordered you to accept and as you are in disburse may freely valew upon MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 13 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 13: 1678 Mr Geo Moore Sr Though I have not writt you this Long time yett is very mindefull of your Corne, for itt is now att present in very good Condition, but our merchants never Comes to aske the price of itt, if you please to sett a price upon itt I will see w[ha]t Can be done, and if more Can be procured you may assure yourselfe of my utmost Endeavours for your Advantidge soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 13 Aug 1678

Ditto Sr I have Received yours of the 3d your order therein shall be observed w[he]n please God the two vessells Arrives, and att any time I will be ready to furnish your masters with mony and to give them by best assistance in there Concerne, for one <p%> I thinke shall deserve itt, for sometimes will save you more than my Commission, but if you thinke itt too much will willingly Leave it to your discretion, tis not the profitt I valew soe much, as the honour of serveing you and

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 16 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 16 1678 Mr Hump: Willett Sr at my Returne out of the West where I have been for some time have met wth severall of yours the Contents have observed, and Inclosed is a bill for £100:, for the two forreigne bills for £205: w[he]n dew, pray desire the party to Repaire unto Mr Henry Nelthorpe for paym[en]t thereof whome I have this day desired to dischardge for I Cannot for my Life Remitt you the mony soe soone without great Losse I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 16 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr I now begin to be mindfull of you, Inclosed is bills for £120: shall remitt you more as I Can meet wth bills without advance, pray Lett your man goe and present my services to Mr Ralph <Harup>, and from mee to put him in minde of his promisse, wch was to furnish you wth £200 or £300: upon my acct and to draw itt upon mee againe wch I desire he will please to doe there is two forreigne bills the one for £100: the other for £105 from Amsterdam p

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 16 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr I have allready writt you the needfull, this Chiefly for Covert for the Inclosed bill for £60: wch I have accidentally mett wthall I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 17 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 17: 78 Mr Geo: Moorecroft Sr Be pleased to take notice that I have this day been wth Geo: Huntington and am satisfyed, soe pray deliver all the papers Relating to him and for Chardges att meeting shall satisfye you soe remaines MB Lett mee know p[er] first w[he]n my unckle and Sr Robt Intends to meet
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467