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Letter – Ralph Grey – 13 Feb 1674

Newc[astle] February 13 73 Right Honerble This at present for one ho[gshead] Suger at 30 shill[ings] and one suger at £3 per <tln> or thareabouts. hear is such Quantitys of pryes [?prize] Suger come out of Scotland and bought Cheepe that if they be Not prove good of that price shall Lose by them; I hope Mr Hill hath p[ai]d over his stocke and Mr Gould what he Cann but £20 I expect. hear is dead tymes of trade Capt Weatwang and the fleat are saild This what needfull Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 19 Feb 1674

Sir Yors of the 10th Curant came to safe hand I thank you for yor good newes; last post about 9 oclock at Night came Mr Nathaniel Orde from his corespondent: to pay £11 12s 6d to make up Mr Shaws bill one hundred pounds; and so have a bill of Exch[an]ge of you wh[ic]h accordingly I did, Next post I shall give you an Acct whether Mr Hudlston will exept the bill for 60 pounds he Exp[ec]ts Letters this post; you hear Lead is resen with hus to £12 5s , thar was sould for £12 but since they hea

Letter – Ralph Grey – 19 Feb 1674

February the 19th (73) Capt your Brother Joseph & I dranck your health the 14[th] since which I have not seen him in my last I writ that he had 2 boats of coals q[uanti]t[y] 13 Chalder, he p[ai]d all charges only the coals w[hi]ch he ordered me to place to your account which £4: 11s at 7s per Chalder these are sold now for 8s which £4 11s with £2:16s my man p[ai]d Mr Christ: Shadforth about the Charges of the Cable which some I shall order a friend to call for it, this what nee

Letter – Ralph Grey – 20 Feb 1674

Newc feb the 20 1673/4 Sir Yors of the 14 came to hand: I have bene wth Mr Sherwood bought the : 6 Tunns of Oare; to gett brought In per first: wch he promised to write to his freind to Neclect No opertunity I desired hym for to make it 20 tunns bout he would not pretinding he Can have £7 per <H [probably cwt]> I have prevaled with hym to write to his freind to Lett you have 6H more at the same price: and for 8 Hs more he shall: at market price I desire to knowe whether to send

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 20 Feb 1674

newc[astle] feb the 20 1673/4 Mr Potts Sr This at present is to aquaite you that Mr Dye Hath bene wth mee; I have sent hyme one <Keel> downe and the rest he shall have and w[ha]t moneys he wants to clear and pay the Keelemens dewes Mr Sailes was wth mee and brought Mr Bedford wth who had £150: ready : but I advised hyme not to charge till he hath a letter from you this post In answer to his about the saile of the ships; if he can £700: for hur she will be well sould; for she is

Letter – Ralph Grey – 21 Feb 1674

NewC[astle] Feb the 21 73/4 Lo Cooson Mr Geo: Potts yours of the 17 Came In deue tyme wth the Inclosed to Mr Sayles wch was d[elivere]d hyme; and he hath write you An Inswer wth an inclosed acct of the Cha[rges] he hath bene at & must be out of making hur ready; You saith thay will not give one shill[ing] more but six hund[red] pounds, I did advise to have posted her up In the exc[hang]e and the Grave wch he aquainted them wth; but they protested if she wear posted they would not g

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 24 Feb 1674

Newc[astle] feby the 24 1673/4 Mr Geo Potts Yours of the 17 courent before me; I was wth Mr Barnes and Mr Tayler Geo: Sayles Coustomer for the shipe: who will not advance anything above Six Hundred Pounds: and you may maike hur a fre shipe; wch I was against; Geo. Sayles came after to me & tould me that they will give you 6 hundred pounds and fre[e] you of that trouble w[hi]ch would coust you £20 at least; he saith hur riging is bad and when comes to London should have a new suit

Letter – Ralph Grey – 24 Feb 1674

NewC[astle] Febr the 24 1673/4 Sr Yours of 17th Curant; Mr Hudleston at Last hath p[ai]d the bill of £60 as for your 200 peics of Lead its Long since weaghead [weighed] of and La[i]d aside its goad to Shipe of for thare [is a] Cha[rge] for Lying in the Weaghouse; I was Speaking to Mr Wm Sanderson to take it in but he will bait [abate] Nothing of 12d per pigg; I nevrr Knew Les given when Coles was at £14 per xx; Write for I may have an answer before he Be ready he Intends bak for Lond

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 2 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 2d 1673/4 Geo Potts Yours of the 24 and 26 cme this day to hande the wayes are soe bad thare not pasable: I beleave Mr Sayles hath given you a full acct of the sayle of the Shipe; and I perceive buy him; a particalar of the Cha[rges] & dispursements; I percive they intind Geo: Sayles M[aste]r of her to send her for hambrough [Hamburg] with Coles & Lead; & Cloth for the Vergenis: Coles is at A great price: that they will Cleare the ½ shippe Mr Dye was

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 3 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 3d 73/4 Alderman Webb Yors wth the Inclosed acct I Rec[eive]d w[hi]ch I shall examin & order you up your moneys that dew upon it; for there is some mistakes In the bills of parcells: and when that is recktifyed I shall Paye: If you will use me as nighbour for our small trade we must have it good; I shall take care you shall have better payment for futer: Not further for present but that I am Your freind & servant Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 6 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 6 1673/4 Alderman Webb Yours of the 28 feb came to saife hand whear in I percive Mr Peacoke p[ai]d £130 per my acct I thanke you for your proklamacion and the good Newes of peace: I have sent you hear our acct out of <shoope [shop?]> wch pray peruse, my man makes the Ballance £5: 16s: 11d dew to you this what neadfull from your Humble Servant Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 6 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 6: 73 Mr Geo Pott Yours of the 28 Rec[eive]d: Mr Dye hath beene wth me and I did aquaint hym your order: to Load over sea Coles for france; w[hic]h he knowes I have Cole berne the best in towne; w[hi]ch he shall be Load wth or anny other you consigne; I hear nothing of your Brother Johnes as yett; I was with Mr Sayles who tells me the £120 will hardly pay the workmen & doe that w[hi]ch he is bound to doe to the shipe and to gett her rigged; wth other particul

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 6 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March 6 1673/4 Mr Peacoke Yours of the 29 feb with the inclosed bill of 130 pounds wch said some Alder[man] Webb writs me he will sende downe bills to Render heare w[hi]ch I shall place to Acct[.] there noe ships given over for holland: buy reason of bad weather, the rever being allmost frozon over, when open shall observe your order in shiping your Lead and send you an acct, I perceive you Inten[d] over, If thare be anything I can sarve you in hear Comand me and advance me

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Bludworth – 10 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 10 1673 Sr Tho Blodworth Yors of the 1 Curant came to hand: Lead for present heare are all bought up for £12:10s and some for £13. I beleave after this first shiping it may fall; and then If you please I shall treat with Mr[s] Baccon, you bought sundry parsells of hur husband; Mr Nealthrope hath had hur Le[a]d Latly; If you have a mind I shall treat wth hur for a parcel first tyme she comes to towne; my Cossin Briggs sould Mr Wigfald 200 p[iece]s; at £11 per fo

Letter – Ralph Grey to Perryman – 10 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 10 1673 Capt[ain] Periman Yours Inclosed I sent to your Brother wch he Re[ceive]d and was In towne but I did not see hym; being wth the Comissiner: you take Note of the 13 Cha[lder] of Coles the Capt had; and If i writ in my Letter as you mention in yours its a mistake In me for it was £2: 16: 8; Mr Shadforth had for the Drake; the ballance of the acct comes to £7 7s; I thanke you for your good News, If thare be anything I can serve you In or any freind of yours

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 10 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March 10 73/4 Alder[man] Webb Yours of the 5 Curant Came to hand with the Inclosed Bill to Mr Robt Rodham for £60 and Mr Blaydon for £40 ; w[hi]ch I shall give Mr Peackoke createt [?credit] for; In my Last I sent you our acct wch pray perusse; we have a very Keane frost heare This not further but that I am your saryant Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 10 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 10 1673 Mr Wigfald Sir Yours of the 3d March wth the Inclosed bill of Exch[ange] for £100 of Mr Roddam w[hi]ch was accepted and will be paid at day; I had much adoe to prevaile wth my Cossen Briggs to Lett you have 200 p[eice]s of [lead]; it being sould at that tyme for £11 10s & £11: 5s I have beene wth Mr Wm Sanderson; who will take in it; but he wil bait [abate] nothing of 12d per pigg If he goe for London, he waits for a Letter this poast from the East

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 13 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] Mrch the 13 1673 Mr Geo Potts Sir This at present is to aquant you that Mr Dye is gone downe to sayle being Load[ed]; he could not stay for Cole bornes Coles the Tynes being frozen above that the Keeles Could not gett up; but he Lead [?loaded] on wth Teme and Towns Shaore both good Coles, he saith his ship is Leakey; that he dar not venture for france; pray retorne a Certificate for my fitter I bound for hym in the Custome House; and the bond 40s for Every Chal[de]r of cole

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 15 Mar 1674

Newcastell March the 15th 73 Mr Gorge Pott: Sir your of the 10th Currant came in due tyme; in my Last I sent youe Mr Dyes acct of [h]is Coles and Cash; the ballance forty sex pounds and Mr Drings Bill of five pounds I had sent you but that my man is out of towne: but the next shall send it; I have according to your order, rec’d of Mr Ambrose Barnes fifty one pounds for w[hi]ch I have drawne myselfe bill of exchange of you; at 3 dayes sight; I am sorry Mr Dye should deale soe w[hi]ch

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 16 Mar 1674

Mr Wigfall this his at present is to intreat the faver from you as to pay to my coussin Ms Cathrine Briggs wht monys she hath occasion for to discharge her Scholdeing [schooling?] and other necsaryes w[hi]ch I hope will not eccede one hundred p[eices] of Lead accounts to shall remitt wth thanke. my Coussin is at hackny Scole but you will heare of hir at Mr Sayrs at the the golden Lyon in Aldergate Streat; my coussin Briggs b[e]ing sicke and weake desirs his sisters Company; there is soe much

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Allen – 17 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 17th 1673 Mr John Allen I am sorry or your sad losse; as for the 13 pounds eight shill[ings] 9d it is Ready[,] Charge when you Will but for the other you meantion In your Letter I am Not free: for your unkle and I was discarsing of it; that I was noe way Concerned till the ship Came In heare to take In hur Loading of Coles wch I was willing to venture alonge wth you as I writ your unckle up to London; and If you come here shall venture two Loading to doe you a Cur

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 17 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March the 17 1673/4 Mr Wm Peacoke Sir This at present is to aquant you; that I have in the owners Love of Newc[astle] Wm Leaike m[aste]r the 200 p[ie]ces of Lead: you bought of Cossin Briggs and Leike the M[ast]er is to have 10 <sdivers> A piece fraite; I am to meat the M[ast]er this morning to sine a bill of Loading; wch I shall wth the acct of Cha[rges] send you per next; after <cleared> thay <seized> of the Lead and maed me macke A poast Entrye; or Else I had

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 21 Mar 1674

Newc[astle] March 31 73/4 Mr Peackoke Sr Yours of the 24 Curant Recd; wherin you take Notice of 200 p[iece]s shipt In Wm Leake, you thinke 10 st[ive]rs per pigg to dear; he promises you should pay noe more then others; he hath a great quantity In; he is sayled and have Left my Letter: I have sent you Inclosd your acct and thare Rest deue to you upon Bill £56 12s w[hi]ch pray writ If you will have Lead shipt for it; at prices curant wch is £13 per fo[ther] or as you plese to order: th

Letter – Ralph Grey – 3 Apr 1674

Newc[astle] Aprill the 3d 1674 Ho[noured] Sir Yours of the 28 March came to hand ; wch I have shewed to my partners: and persuaded them that we should pay you the rent; provided you will secure us aganst Bowes; and Mr Mathews comes up to London now shall pay it; the money lying redy thare and take In our bonds; Bowes Vaine and Sanderson seales leasses of Ejectmente; but Consell is Cleare of oppnon that the Right is in Bowes and that he may Call hus in question for all the rent; he havi

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 3 Apr 1674

Newc[astle] Aprill the 3d 1674 Mr Wigfald Yours of the 28th mrch came in due tyme; for w[hi]ch and your great care and paines and advice to my Cos[sin] Briggs I send you many thanks; and this poast I have write hur the death of hur mother; I Recd a letter Last post from hur; she Intre[a]ts you to pay Mr Sayers what moneys she have had of hime and then she will have the Lesse to Read; for I perceve she is not good at telling of money; I beseech you Lett her want for noe Money, and I sha
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467