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Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 17 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr may please take notice I have this day valewed upon you £400: p[er] p[ri]mo 8ber next unto Mr Nicho: Harding or order valew of himselfe, wch pray Lett be Honoured, and God willing I will take Care to supply you, before the bill fall dew, I was this night promised bills for £200: - : - but the party meeting wth some friends, Cannot be att Leasure, you may Expect them p[er] next I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 17 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Hen: Maister Sr I have yours of the 14th present the Contents have observed and though I Cannot but thanke you for your Readinesse to serve me, yet I am vexed that att this Juncture of time, itt should prove soe much to my prejudice, for not heareing from you in many posts, and soe Relying upon noe supply from you, itt soe fell out, that some few houres before the Receipt of your Letter, I had bought here sixty tonns, Insoemuch that I am very well supplyed, and soe shall desire an

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 20 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 20th 1678 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr Inclosed Is two bills for £185: of wch pray procure the needfull I shall Remitt you more as soone as is possible In the mean while remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 20 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Geo: Moore Sr Some merchants In towne doth (att Last) Come and aske mee the price of your Corne, to wch I Can give them noe Answer, pray if you thinke Convenient be pleased to sett a price upon itt and soe I remaine MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to David Hoare – 20 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Da: <Hoare> Sr I have bought of Mr Hayford some goods according to the Inclosed noate wch are to be p[ai]d to you, I therefore desire you will please to give them a view w[he]n they Come In, and if the <sorts> be Right, be pleasd to shipp mee them as Cheape as you Can, and if I Can doe you any service in this towne be pleasd to Comand MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 20 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr I have this morneing sent you bills for £185 and since sealeing my Letters have mett wth the Inclosed small bill for £8: 10: of wch pray procure the needfull upon the acct of MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 20 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Hurbt Aylwin Sr I have furnished Mich: Lane wth £8: 10: – according to the Inclosed Copy of his Rec[eip]t wch have this day valewed upon you p[er] att sight to Mr Hen: Nelthorp or order Compliance to my bill is Left to you w[he]n your other <m[aste]r> Comes shall furnish him wth w[ha]t he desires, and place provision <> for both together, w[he]n I know w[ha]t you are pleased to allow mee, and whatever you doe shall Content MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 20 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 20: 78 Mr Hen: Maisters Sr I writt you Last post att Lardge I Long to heare w[ha]t you have Concluded upon wch pray advise mee p[er] very first that soe I may order my businesse accordingly, I question not your Endeavours to Effect my desire, wch if Can be procured wthout any notice taken of itt either to your disadvantidge or mine, will doe very well, otherwise Lett the businesse goe on, but I desire the quantity may be Lessened as much as is possible and soe I remaine MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Spilman – 24 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 24 1678 Mr Geo: Spilman Sr I have not writt you this Long time for want of occation, this being Chiefly to desire you that you would be pleased to Consult with messeyeurs Ferryers, and other marchands that trades for Marselles and know of them w[ha]t they desire a tonn for Leed and Leed Oare for sd place, if Reasonable God willing I will provide them att your port forty or fifty tonn against the season, soe Craves your Answer p[er] first, and be pleased take notice of

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Ettrick – 26 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 26 1678 Mr Ettricke Sr Jno Gildroy of your place is oweing mee £15: 9: - Richd Bru<..> - - - £21:18:5 both been oweing Long I like neither of them Pray Sr be pleased to helpe mee to procure my dew of them your many kindnesses to mee has Contracted this trouble more upon you, and I hope your good nature will dispence wth my boldnesse, soe pray speake to them if you thinke Convenient, and Advise mee your thoughts of them I a

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Spilman – 27 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 27 1678 Mr Geo: Spilman Sr My Last to you was of the 24th present to wch Referrs you, this being Chiefly for feare of miscarridge, Sr att your Leasure I desire you would please to give an Answer unto w[ha]t is above written, and if I Can att any time serve you here, freely Comand MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 27 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Hen: Maisters Sr I have yours of the 20th wth Invoyce and bill of Ladeing for 2000 <Ends> of Iron I am sorry my Letters Came not In time to hinder the sending me any, but now noe Remedy but patience I pray Lett mee have noe more, and Indeed to tell you the truth I have noe mony att London to pay you for this parcell, I am promised a bill next post for £200: wch God willing shall be sent you, and the Rest Remitted as fast as possible but Indeed good bills are scarce withou

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 27 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 27 1678 Mr Ch: Banckes Sr My Last to you was of the 13th present to wch Refers you, since have yours of the 19 past, and 9 present in the former have the acct of saile of my Coales wch I shall Examine and advise you in dew time how I finde itt as to the mistake about the Rd [Rixdollar, ie. Reichsthaler] 1200: I put the £300 Remitted me to ballance it, w[ha]t you are pleased to Allow mee for the Want of my mony, and Advance In Exch[ange] I shall be Content with

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 27 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Jno Strother My Last to you was of the 13th present to wch Refers you, since none from you will occation brevity, I perceive by Mr Banckes you have valewed upon him Rd 1000: and Rd 116 2/3 I have often desired itt and I hereby desire itt againe that whenever you draw, pray allwaies Lett mee have a Line or two under Covert of your Letter of advice to Mr Banckes, signyfyeing to mee att w[ha]t Exch[ange] and how many RD your draught makes wch for future I shall Expect from you so

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 27 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr Humphrey Willett Sr Pray doe w[ha]t you doe wth my Leed Oare I perceive other marchands Can sell the same sort for £7: a tonn and some above, pray if you Can not meet wth Chapman Lett mee know, that an end may be made Rather than faile Lett itt goe att £7 there is a new booke Entitled the Compleat working house by Jno Vernon, pray buy itt for mee and Lett itt be shipt p[er] first Convenience I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Randal Richardson – 27 Aug 1678

Newcastle Augt 27 1678 Mr R<an [dall?]> Richardson Sr I heare you dispose of a great quantity of Leed Oare and gives good Encouridgm[en]t to some merchants In this place pray be pleased to advise mee w[ha]t you Can sell itt for, I have a quantity in London wch I Cannot gett sold, if I like your price I will order itt to be d[elivere]d unto you, and if any profitt to be gott thereby I thinke I Can send you as good supplyes as some others, your Answer att your Leasure pr

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 27 Aug 1678

Ditto Mr George Moore Sr I have yours of the 22d for Answer I have been with severall of our march[an]ds, but none will bid mee above £7: 10: for your Corne, because I stand att £10: - : - I thinke they would be willing to give £7: 15: - but I am not Certaine of itt Corne Retailed as followeth Rye 2s 2d to 2: 3d p[er] Bush[el] wheate 7s to 8s p[er] B<owle> malt 2s to 2: 2d p[er] Bush[el] beanes 18d to 22d p[er] Bus[hel] oates 12d to 15d white pease 2s 6d to 2: 10d p

Letter – Margaret Grey to Robert Jackson – 30 Aug 1678

Aug 30 78 To Mr Robt Jackson that I have drawn upon him two fifty pound Bills to bee payd to Mr Lancelott Moore on his order at Eight dayes sight upon Mr: Geo: Johnsons. Acct: in p[aymen]t for 200 p[eice]s of Leed shipt aboard of him by - - - Margt: Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 3 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7b 3d 1678 Mr Hen: Maisters Sr You may now freely Chardge upon Mr Hen Nelthorpe Goldsmith att the Rose in Lombard Street two hundred pounds and I hope wthin a post or two to advise you to Chardge two hundred more, In the mean while pray Chardge upon mee w[ha]t you please I desire noe more Iron soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 3 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 3d 1678 Mr Hump: Willett Sr I desire you will please to Enquire of some of your merchants that trades for Legorne, and know of them w[ha]t they would desire freight for 20 Last of wheate and beanes how much for each and if they will make a bulks head for itt, and be reasonable I will have itt ready for them att your place, against w[ha]t time they shall desire your Answer pray despatch unto MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Spilman – 3 Sep 1678

Ditto Mr Geo Spilman Sr I formerly writt you two letters, desireing you would please to advise mee w[ha]t g[oo]ds merchants that trades for Mercielles would demand for freight of 50 or 60 tonn of Leed and Leed Oare, and if Reasonable would make itt ready for them I now desire you will please to Enquire of your merchants that trades for Legorne w[ha]t they will demand freight for 20 Last of wheat and beanes how much for each and if they will make a bulks head for itt, and be Reasonable, I

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 3 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 3d 1678 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr Inclosed is foure bills vizt one for £100 upon Mr Peter Barr £100: - : - one upon Farley H<arri>son for £ 60: - : - one upon Leo: Robinson for £ 50: - : - one upon Tho: Summers for £ 30: - : - £240: -: - and I pray prevaile wth Mr Harup to Lett you have some mony wthout advance but I will give him a Runlett of good Newcastle Ale Sr pray accept Mr Hen Maisters of Hull his

Letter – Michael Blackett to Pierre Porrie – 6 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 6 1678 Mr Pierre P<orrie> Sr I have before mee yours of the 30th past and if att any time I Can serve you in this place, none shall be more ambitious of (nor more Ready to observe) your Comands and in Answer to your sd letter Leed is now £10:- : - p[er] fodder of 21 cwt each hundred qty 112ll, and if I had your Generall order to send as I found occation, I doubt not but I Could procure you the quantity of Leed you desire at Rouen and Newhaven, for wee have Gener

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 7 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 7th 1678 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr Inclosed is a bill for £100: of wch w[he]n dew pray procure the needfull, and shall Remitt you more as soone as possible I am MB Pray Prevaile if possible wth Mr Harup to Lett you have £200: or £300 I will doe as much for him another time

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 7 Sep 1678

Ditto Mr Geo: Moorcraft Sr I am Credibly Informed my Gentleman you know of hath placed him selfe in the kings bench soe pray take my Unckle Edens advice and delay noe time in any thing that may tend to my security, and be pleased to advise mee as you proceed, I Long to heare w[he]n you meet about the businesse Concerneing the Auckland men and mee, delays I never <lovd> In my Life any businesse whatsoever, I Referr all wholly to you soe remaines MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467