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Letter – William Clerk to James Standsfield – 9 Sep 1678

Honoured Sir You remember when you were heer upon a proposal made by Mr Lindsay that you would ascertaine his proportion in the leadmines without regard to Mr Vermuyden you would not settle with him, which I having returned to him, & withal perceiving by your letter to Mr Donaldson, that you would willingly have that business settled, accordingly Mr Donaldson & I told Mr Lindsay that if he desired a settlement with you, it behoved to be upon the termes then proposed by you, with the bu

Letter – John Lindsay to James Standsfield – 10 Sep 1678

London 10 Septembr 1678 Sr This later part of the Sumer I have somewt relaxd from the daily occations I used to Subject my self to by being some time in the Country, So have bin thereby pvented of meeting our good friends Mr Clark & Mr Donaldson though often designed, & therefore could not properly make you Answer to your late letters myself as to the point relative to Mr Vermuyden sooner than now. But it hapining also that until now I could not be at a certainty with him (by a

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 10 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 10 1678 Mr Hen: Maisters Sr You may att pleasure Chardge £100: upon Mr Henry Nelthorpe, I desire if possible you will please to deal mee the kindnesse as to draw the Remainder upon mee unto which I shall Expect your Answer, and if you Cannot with Convenience, Lett itt Cost mee w[ha]t itt will I will God willing send you bills for the whole for I am ashamed this businesse should soe unluckily fall out for MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 10 Sep 1678

Ditto Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr Pray be pleased to accept Mr Hen Maisters of Hull his bill for £100 more, I Expected some Stockton bills this morneing but they are not yett Comd, and I Cannot stay to send you them this post haveing occation to goe out in towne I am MB

Letter – John Wilkinson to Henry Maister – 17 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 17th 1678 Writt Mr Hen Maisters of Hull and advised him that have dischardged his bill for £20: and his bill for £70: - for my master MB JW

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Thompson – 20 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 20 1678 Mr Wm Thompson I have yours of the 9th past, and according to your desire have writt Mr Smith that his daughter is well, and as soone as I Can Light of a small vessell shall send you a parcell of Butter Leed Coales for a tryall I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 20 Sep 1678

Ditto Mr Ch: Banckes Sr I have Recd yours of the 23d past takes notice your have drawne upon mee £300: p[er] 2/us[uances] to Mr Jno Banckes or order Exc<hange> 33s 10<d> wch have accepted and need not feare but itt will bee punctually Complyed withall, as allsoe w[ha]t more bills you shall att any time Chardge upon mee, but pray for future advise mee allwaies how many <.fl> each bill is and you will oblidge MB

Letter – John Wilkinson to Henry Maister – 20 Sep 1678

Ditto Mr Hen: Maisters Sr I have nothing at all to write you but onely to advise you that I have a small bill presented unto me for £10: - : - of wch my master hath noe advice, howsomever itt being such a small some will pay itt but for the future my master desires that w[he]n you draw any bills upon him you will be pleased to give him advice thereof soe remaines JW p[er] MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 20 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 20 1678 Mr Hump: Willett Sr I have yours of the 7th present, and thankes you for w[ha]t you have done, but noe necessity of giving 12 Dollars p[er] tonn, w[he]n as Mr James Gould and others Can gett mee for 9 to 10 att most, and soe men have advised some in this towne, I wish you Could gett mee a letter of Recommendation to a good honest substantiall marchant In Legorn for I have a minde to trade that way, and pray doe itt as soone as you Can and send itt mee there is a bill

Letter – Michael Blackett to Peter Barr – 20 Sep 1678

Ditto Mr Peter Barr Sr I heare that wheate is a good Commodity with you if you have occation of any I Can procure you tenn or twenty thousand Bus[hels] as good as England can afford for 4s if you trade to Ligorne I desire you will please to send mee a letter of Recommendation to your friend, for I know you trade with none but honest and able march[an]ds, if not, if you will please to procure me one you will very much oblidge mee, and wherein I Can Serve you In this place, up

Letter – Michael Blackett to Tempest Rayne – 20 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 20 1678 Mr Tempest Rayne Sr I <love> to Employ our owne Countrymen, I have a small vessell wch I Intend you with Coales and other goods, shall write you att Lardge p[er] the Shipp, w[ha]t you Receive pray Lett be disposed of att price Curr[en]t for w[ha]t they will yeild, and the nett proceed Reship mee wth nutmegg, and mace, your way is to buy mee 3 or 4 small baggs, or matts of tow, such as will vend in this place, and putt the goods desired in the midst, and before

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Ferryer – 20 Sep 1678

Ditto Messrs Ferryers Gentlemen I am Informed you trade much to Marselles, I have writt severall letters to Mr Geo: Spilman to know of you w[ha]t you would take for freight of 50 or 60 tonn of Leed and Leed oare for said place, and if Reasonable I would provide itt for you against w[ha]t time you please to sett downe, but to this day noe Answer, wch makes mee fearefull my friend is dead, I desire you will please to afford mee your Answer, some will take in noe goods, unlesse Consigned to t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Tempest Rayne – 23 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 23 1678 Mr Tempest Rayne Sr This Comes to accompany Mr Roger Kempe Comander of the assistance frigatt of Yarmouth, In whome I have Loaden and Consyned unto you 16 Ch[alders] Coales, newcastle measure and 6 Ch[alders] Grindstones wch after good Arrivall bee pleasd to Receive and dispose thereof att price Curr[en]t for w[ha]t they will yield and the Nett proceed Reshipp mee in Nutmegg and mace, but rather all nutmeggs, I writt you yesterday p[er] post to put them in two or thr

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Chilton – 23 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 23 1678 <Unckle> Chilton I must now of necessity have 400 Bus[hells] of new wheate to be ready within 14 d[ays] soe pray procure mee the same of your neighbours, everyone may helpe you with a little and Ch: Lazonby did offer mee a great quantity, but gave him noe Encouridgm[en]t, you may now desire him to meet you, if you have occation I hereby send <I….> the best Gray <thread> In England be sure Lett the wheate be dry I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 27 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber the 27 1678 Mr Hen: Maister Sr I have dischardged all your bills, and one bill this morneing for £30: p[er] to Mr Geo: <Empringham> or order of wch I had noe advice, but knoweing itt to be your <hand> did not in the least scruple the paym[en]t of itt, howsomever for the future desires as I have allready done that w[he]n you draw any bills upon mee you will be pleased to give mee advice I desire you to draw the Remainder upon mee as soone as you Can, soe this bei

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 28 Sep 1678

Newcastle 7ber 28 1678 Mr Wm Benson Sr I have before mee yours of the 21th present for Answer your Iron will not now <give> £13 - 5 - if you please to give Mr Romney order to sell itt, I will give him as much for itt as any other In Newcastle soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 28 Sep 1678

Ditto Mr Hurbt: Aylsom Sr I have yours of the 24th have taken Care of your Returne for Mr Mich: Lanes Loadeing of Coales, Leed £10: per fodder Coales 9 to 10s p[er] Ch[alder] wheate <4>s p[er] Bush[ell] I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to David Hoare – 28 Sep 1678

Ditto Mr <Dav: Hoare> Sr I wonder I heare nothing from my Iron Customer pray as soone as you Receive the <sorts> dispatch them unto mee there is a place within 30 miles of you, Called the H[ou]ses of Oxborne alias little Holland, from whence Comes very good flax to this place, pray advise if you Can helpe mee of some of it, and att w[ha]t price d[elivere]d free aboard I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 5 Oct 1678

Newcastle 8ber 5 1678 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr I have yours of the p[ri]mo present the Contents have well observed, I desire you would please to lett your man speake once more to Mr Harupp, who I perceive will doe nothing without advance, I will Referr itt wholly to you to agree with him as Cheape as you Can for £500: or £600: and his bills att sight shall be punctually paid I hope <1> p% will doe, for noe good bills to be gott here under 2 and 2 ½ <o> If I had thought that the

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 5 Oct 1678

Ditto Mr Hum: Willett Sr At my Returne out of the Country doe meet with yours of the 29th past whereby perceive the bill of £300: is p[er] In your house soe next post God willing shall Remitt you the needfull, haveing not time to seeke them this night In the mean while remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Chapman – 5 Oct 1678

Ditto Writt this day J<am>: Chapman of Stockton MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 8 Oct 1678

Newcastle 8ber the 8: 1678 Mr Hum: Willett Sr Inclosed is 2 bills for £160 <u> p% is all that possible I could procure this post, soe of wch w[he]n dew pray procure the needfull, and the next post God willing may Expect bills for the Remainder, you may negotiate w[ha]t bills I send you, that soe they may serve for the paym[en]t of the bill from Hamb[urg], and w[ha]t you allow shall be allowed againe by MB

Letter – John Wilkinson to Humphrey Willett – 11 Oct 1678

Newcastle 8ber 11: 78 Mr Hump: Willett Sr Inclosed is a bill for £100: wch by my masters order hath sent you and desires you w[he]n dew to procure the needfull I am for my master Michaell Blackett JW

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Thompson – 12 Oct 1678

Newcastle 8ber the 12 1678 Mr Edwd Thompson Sr Though I would rather have given some money then have sturd from home att this juncture of time, haveing to Ride about the Country In order to the getting Shipt a quantity of Corne for the <Straight> yett being very ready to serve you I did (with noe small trouble) soe order my businesse that upon Thursday last about three in the afternoone I was ready to take post att Duham, and had bespoke two horses to have been with you God willing t

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Basire – 12 Oct 1678

Newcastle 8ber the 12: 1678 Mr Jno Bas<ire> Sr I have Rec[ieve]d all your notes but Could not give you a satisfactory Answer till this night by Reason of my fathers absence for Could not gett a perusall of his books till this day and I finde he Returned you just as you say £403-7-10 the Last yeare and noe more, wch is the needfull att present from MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467