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Letter – John Wilkinson to Humphrey Willett – 15 Nov 1678

Ditto Mr Hump: Willett Sr My master being not att Leasure ordered mee to write you and desire that you will be pleased to in your next to advise him w[ha]t sort of Grindstones is most vendable with you and how many you thinke you Could vent this being the needfull remaines p[er] MB JW

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 19 Nov 1678

Newcastle 9ber 19 78 Mr Ch: Banckes Sr I have Rec[eive]d yours of the primo present doe note your draught upon mee for £200:-:- wch have accepted and you need not feare but your paym[en]t will follow, as allsoe w[ha]t other bills you shall att any time draw upon mee, I have allready writt you att lardge about the mistake of Rd 1200 and to wch Can say noe more, the two sums Came to hand and I heartily thanke you for them I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Giles Wakeman – 19 Nov 1678

Mr Giles Wakeman Newcastle 9ber 19 - 78 S[i]r I heare from other hands that my Led is abroad but not one word from yourselfe wch I doe not a little wonder att especially having my written so often to Mr Thos. Smith about wch Concern my positive order is to get it ship’t for Marseilles if possible, lett the terms be as they will I heare there is some <sauser> in the case wch I must leave to your prudent manadgement but I doe s

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 19 Nov 1678

Mr Humpr; Willett ditto Sir There is a Hamb[urg] bill dated the pmo [1st] 8ber drawne by Ch. Banckes for £<100:> per 2/u [months usance] to Wm. <Crammer> or order, and yesterday I accepted a bill for £200: drawne by Mr Banckes Esquire 9ber per 2/u [months usance] to Mr John Bankes or order with wch pray take care to dischardge Inclosed is a bill for £200 and I will take care to remitt you the needful before the last bill fall due p

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 19 Nov 1678

Mr Wm Benson ditto I have received yours of the 26th past In due time for Answer you may please to dispose of that Iron as you think Convenient for I cannot now expect to give any such price for it nor have I any occation for that Anchor palms Iron M B

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 21 Nov 1678

Mr Humpr: Willett Newcastle 9ber the 21 - 78 Sir I have this day post upon you a bill for £69: per: 14d[ays] sight to Mr Richd. Chiswell or order value of Mr Richd <Andell> wch pray lett be Complyed withal I am MB

Letters – John Wilkinson to Humphrey Willett – 23 Nov 1678

Mr Humpr: Willett NewC 9ber 23 - 78 Sir my [master] ordered me to advise you that he hath this day valued upon you a bill for £7.5.8 per 4 d sight to Mr Michels request or order value of Jno. Sherman I am for MB JW

Letters – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 3 Dec 1678

Mr Charles Bankes Newcastle xber 3rd 78 Sir I have before me yours of the 8th and 12th past for Answer to the former may please to accept all bill that Mr Strother shall draw upon you upon my accot. for I am satsfyed with his honesty and that he will draw noe more that is needful, and as you Reimburse yourselfe upon me, all your bills shall be duly complied withal - for answer to your last letter may note that I have accepted your two draughts

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 3 Dec 1678

Mr Jno. Launce Newcastle xber 3rd 78 Sir I have before me yours of the 15th past (addressing that Recd. of mine of the 15th and 18th 8ber) and I heartily thank you for your readiness, to use your utmost endeavours for the promoting of my interest, in what concerns soever, I shall att any time consigne unto you one thing more I must desire of you viz: that you will please never to miss an opportunity of adressing me whensoever any

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 7 Dec 1678

Mr Hen. Nelthorpe Newcastle xber 7 - 78 Sir I can assure you bills are very scarce, however with much adoe have procured the Inclosed for £100: upon Mr Saml. Wetwang per 20 d[ays] sight to my order Endorsed to your selfe, as I can meet with good bills, shall remitt you more In the mean time I hope you will Excuse me and soe I remaine MB MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 7 Dec 1678

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle xber the 7th 1678 Sir I have inclosed sent you a bill wch I have upon you for <F 26d s> att 54 d[ay]s <flz> per W £58-11-8d the wch I question not your Complyance when due, In the mean time meeting with good <Advance> have this day valued upon you £50 per 6 d[ays] sight to the the Honorable Ralph Widdrington Esquire or order value of Mr Wm. Cole, to wch I intrust your Complyance, and what interes

Letters – Michael Blackett to Thomas Finley – 7 Dec 1678

Mr Thomas Frinley Newcas. xber the 7th 1678 Inclosed is a letter for Edward Fletham of Yarme wch. I must of necessitie have sent forward before Monday next, soe upon Rec[eip]t desire, that if none be goeing there from this place you will be pleased to send one <aporpose> with itt for this letter I mustt have att yarme upon sending might here faile not. MB Mr Edwd. Fletham and Comp[an]y ditto You may re

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 7 Dec 1678

Honorable Sir Ditto I have this night sent to Mr Peter Bar a bill upon himselfe drawne from Paris by A. <Peletyen> the 7th present per 2/us[ances] to Mr Thos. Smith or order Endorsed to my use, and meeting with good advance have made bold to draw upon Mr Bar £50: per 8/d[ays] sight to the Honorable Ra: Widdrington Esquire or order value of Mr Wm Cole, but having noe mony att London att present have desired Mr Bar that if in case

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 10 Dec 1678

Mr Jno. Launce Newcastle xber the 10: 1678 Sir My last to you was of the 3rd present to wch I referr you, since none from you Ive the like to enlardge upon this serving only for <Covert> to the inclosed, bill for loading, In my oppinion the freight is pretty reasonable, she is a brave freight of 12 tons, when please God she arrives be pleased to receive my Leed, and dispose thereon for my most advantage paying Capt. <Carter

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 10 Dec 1678

Mr Hump: Willett ditto Sir inclosed is a bill for £106-10sd upon <Bro Martane. devile> take those plotters for have spoyled all trade I am promised another bill for £100 against next post if I get it it shall be sent you by MB Inclosed you have that other bill for £100: upon <Mortine> for have prevailed for have prevailed (sic) with my friend to lett me have it this post MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Daniel Hayford – 10 Dec 1678

Mr Dan: Hayford Newcastle xber the 10th 1678 Inclosed is a bill for £43-10s wch. I owe you for the severall sorts of <iron> you sent me, but I could not possible procure a bill att shorter sight. I hope itt will please you and soe I remaine in haste MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 10 Dec 1678

Mr Hen: Nelthorpe ditto Inclosed is a bill for £50 per 28 d[ays] upon <Edw.> Martaine, of wch pray procure the needful shall remitt you more as soone as Can meet with good bills, but tis very hard to take bills att such sight, and pray advance besides I am MB MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 14 Dec 1678

Honorable Sir Newcas. xber the 14th - 78 According to my accustomed method I shall att present give you the best acct. I could learne of occurrences att the Leed mines, and shall begin with the Condition of of the severall groves viz: Greengill Indifferent good, yet the place that <I had> formerly writ you was very good, is not alltoger: then soe good as itt was, Coleclugh begins to mend again, Welhope poore, they have got

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Fletham – 14 Dec 1678

Edwd Fletham ditto I have Recd. thine of the 10th present. I hope there is noe feare of poorre Com, and that there has gott him well <home>, I need not tell that wee made a bargaine, but one thing I will tell thee, that it will be for thy advantadge, to be helping me now and then with some mony by wch means I shall procure the Cheapest wheat, wch I leave to thy discretion, and please God the bargaine shall goe on one my side, but people are often Calli

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Ring – 14 Dec 1678

Mr Edwd. Ring ditto I perceive that Geo. Moorecroft will be att your house upon Monday next, Inclosed is a letter for him wch pray keepe by you till he comes and del[iver] unto him, In doeing whereof you will oblidge MB Mr George Moorecroft Newcs xber the 14th - 78 Sir I have Recd yours of the 11th present, God willing shall be att home upon Tuesday night to wait upon you, and will have the Inclosed yo

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 14 Dec 1678

Mr Hen. Nelthorpe ditto Sir Inclosed is a bill for £60: upon Mr Peter Walker and though it be att 29 d[ays] sight, yet I am promised it will be paid att 3 or 4 daies sight, I perceive some discourse has happened betwixt my father and you wch I never expected from you, upon Rect. lett me know what more mony is due unto you, and itt shall immediately be remitted you upon sight by MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Bolitho – 14 Dec 1678

Mr Jno. Bolitho and Comp[any] ditto Sir I have yours of 7th present and Inclosed you have returned your bill accepted upon wch, shall take care to provide, and that in your owne hands against the bill fall due I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 14 Dec 1678

Mr James Gould ditto Sir I have received yours of the 7th present with your acct. of Chardges disbursed upon Mr Thos. Smith and my acct. wch. having Examined and found Right, have placed the same in Conformity with you, and hereby desire to know whether you please to have the mony paid to any found here, or have a bill sent for it upon you Assure your order shall be observed, by him that is very well satisfied with what you have done and remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 20 Dec 1678

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle xber the 20th 1678 Sir I have before me yours of the 12th, doe give you thanks for your readiness to comply with my bill for £50: wch. with what you mention for advancing the same, have noted In Conformity with you I have a small vesell lately Comed from Stockholm with iron and our markett being Closed have Resolved to try yours (wch. I heare is Indifferent) and Consigne her unto your selfe, below is Coppy

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 20 Dec 1678

Mr James Gould & Company ditto Sir My last to you was of the 15th past to wch I referr you Mr James Gould of London hath att last got our wheat ship’t for your place In a brave vessel of 36 gunnes Inclosed is a bill of loading, Mr Smith presents his service to you, who will omit writing you this post but In a word, when please God the vessel arrives, we leave the disposal of said Corne wholly to your discretion not doubting of your utmost Endeavour for our most
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467