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Letters – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 24 Dec 1678

Mr Charles Banckes ditto Sir I have yours of 6th present doe take notice of your draught upon me for £275: wch. shall be Complyed withal, but after Receipt noe more of Mr Jno. Strothers bills, tis a wonder to mee that I never heare from him, and hereafter I will take such care that he shall alwaies write me a line or two under this <covert> advising me the needful, otherwise you shall not comply with them, to this day have not advice of one farthing drawn up

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 24 Dec 1678

Mr Hump. Willett ditto Sir Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valued upon you a bill for £200: per 30 d[ays] sight to Wm. Hooker Esqr. or order value of Mr <Dinco Uzacke> wch pray lett be complied withal. I have also accepted a Hamb[urg] bill for £150: drawne by Ch: Bankes the 29 past for 2/u[sance] to John Gomes <Bravo> and Comp[an]y or order, wch. please to <minde> after the thirty days, you need not feare bills a hereby to be disburs

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 7 Jan 1679

Mr Geo. Moorecroft NewC January the 7. 1678 Sir I am confident you have long since heard of Marke Erringtons death, and soe not a little wonder you should not give me a hint thereof, but you know what I formerly laid to your Chardge, pray now mind my business, for some tells me I am not very Right and that I should have taken possession before he dyed, about wch business write me your minde per first post. by my further order

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Bolitho – 7 Jan 1679

Mr Jno Bolitho and Compy ditto Inclosed is a bill for £110: wch will be duly paid there is a little more remaineing, wch God willing shall be remitted you next post, and must Intreat you not to take notice <of the long> Time, for wch shall stand to your Courtesies for if itt lay on my selfe cannot, without great advance, att present procure bills at shorter sight I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 7 Jan 1679

Mr Hump. Willett ditto Sir Inclosed is a Small bill for £20: I am promised against next post for £300: more - all wch you may Expect, I heare you scruple to accept my bills wch you need not doe if for if Cannot remitt you (as you may not feare this time) Could the very last day order you your mony for a bill, I intend to leave of this trade, for att the yeares end, yet, nothing by itt, within 14/d[ays] I receive after I have remitted you some mony, sha

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 11 Jan 1679

Mr Hump. Willett NewC Janu: the 11 78/9 Sir Inclosed is a bill for £190 of wch when due pray procure the needful that will satisfy the Hamb[urg] bill, and more and what more you want towards the Satisfying the other bill wch will not fall due the good while shall God willing Remitt you in time I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 18 Jan 1679

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle January the 18 78/9 Sir To pleasure a good customer of mine have this day valued upon you a bill for £9 per 3 d[ays] sight to Mr Wm. Whitwood or order valued per Mr Willett wch pray lett be Complyed withal - I must confess the remainder of the French bill is not so much, yet I hope you will comply with the desire of MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 18 Jan 1679

Mr Hump. Willett ditto Sir Inclosed is a bill for £30: wch is all I could procure this post next post I expect Stockton bills for some mony all I get you shall have and soe I remaine MB If the bills for £206-10/d be not duly paid you will doe me a kindness by Returning them I will immediately Remitt you their value

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 21 Jan 1679

Mr Peter Barr NewC January the 21 78/9 Sir I desire you sir all kindness soe to dispose of my Iron as to comply with a bill of £250: wch I have this day valued upon per 20 d[ays] sight to Mr Hen: Nelthorpe or order, lett itt goe att any Rate but if already disposed of and time given, I Intreate you will please to procure the discount thereof, wch I wholly leave to your discretion, and in Effecting that my desire you will very much oblidge

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 21 Jan 1679

Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Newcastle January the 21 78/9 Sir Inclosed is a bill for £250: wch I think will be well paid, after Rect. dismisse me my accot Currt. take notice you give me Credit only £147-10: for the bill att £150 wch you drew upon me wch lett me [sic] Rectifyed I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 21 Jan 1679

Mr Hump: Willett ditto Sir Inclosed is a good bill for £150: and for the bill of £60 you returned me In your last, next post you shall have one for it, I hope noe scruple will be made for the payment of my bills and soe I remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 21 Jan 1679

Mr Ja Burkin and Compy. ditto Sirs I have not been unmindfull of you though for myselfe I could not sooner procure a bill and that only for £150: next post you shall have the remainder, I hope you will not thinke <much> with <mee> for a little time, I must confess <up> against the nature of bills of Exch.but you need not feare MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 21 Jan 1679

Mr James Gould & Compy ditto Gentn Though twas formerly writt you both by Mr Thos Smith and my selfe that the 20½ Last wheat consigned unto you was for our accot In <this> you may please now take notice that tis ¾ for my accot and ¼ for his accot and I question not but you will have advice from him this post or next accordingly, In your next be pleased to give me the greatest Insight you can into your Trade, for am very desirous of dealing that way& c

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Banks – 24 Jan 1679

Mr John Banckes Newcastle Jan: 24th 1678/9 Sir I perceive by my father, that 2 of your Brothers Bills upon mee for 273.6.1 being protested, you have for honour of your said Bro. dischardged the same, wch has not a little troubled me, the reale reason of this neglect was, that the March[an]d who presented mee them did tell me that the mony would be demanded here, wch I made provision for accordingly and In same nature I am very fearfull Mr J

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 24 Jan 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin and Compy ditto Sirs Inclosed is a bill for £275 wch will dischardge the Forreign bill you have upon mee for £275: you may have protested by reason of my two long visiting my friends, but I hope you have here a greater Cure of my Credit, I would not for £20: itt should be soe, but if itt be, seeing you are now satisfied I intreat you to make the best of itt you can, and lessen the discredit as much as is possible of MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Theobald – 28 Jan 1679

Mr John Theobald Newcastle January the 28: 1678/9 I have received yours of the 25th and have acquainted Sir Wm. with the whole business, and all yesterday afternoon wee were discoursing the business with Mr Ile and Mr Wall, in the conclusion my fathers positive Resolution is to give sixteen years purchase at £75: per Annum without disbursing any more mony upon a mortgage, provided declarations be made for the Lords Rent, and the Whitsuntide Rent is

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Fletham – 28 Jan 1679

Edward Fletham Ditto I have before me thine of the 24th present the Contents have observed, but I doe <declare> if thou will not be Quite [quiet?] itt it will be worse for thee, for as I live I am not able to pay any more mony, now if thou would consider thy own advantidge, I am very Certaine thou would comply with my Reasonable desire thou knows what <are the> Corne Lawes, and yet for all that I can doe the kindnesse and am willing, yet thou will

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 28 Jan 1679

Mr Hump: Willett Ditto Sir Mr Allan Nicholson will today order you to place £50: to my Credit, after wch is done dispatch me my accot Curr[en]t I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Theobald – 2 Feb 1679

Mr Theobalds NewC feb: <2nd> 1678/9 I have received yours the Contents have observed but as for the difference betwixt Mr Ile and me I doe very much wonder you should soe much mistake your selfe, In short the difference is more than you mention, wch I shall make appeare att meeting, but I Imagine you think that if you get mee over to Darnton, you may prevaile very much upon my good nature In Answer to wch the business is not my owne

Letter – Margaret Grey to Randolph Richardson – 7 Feb 1679

Febry the 7th (78/9) To Mr Randolph Richardson That I have sent you a bill of £10: 18s: 6d & that I have drawn a bill upon you for £10 to pay to Mr Nelson the 18s: 6d is the ball[ance] of his acct This from yours Margaret Grey

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 8 Feb 1679

Mr Peter Barr Newcastle feb: 8: 78/79 Sir I have yours of the 4th present how wee were served with our Iron I cannot tell, but I am Confident we had as good as others, and soe Long as I live will never concern myselfe with needy people, they are for putting it of for ready mony, wch pray doe upon Rect. upon the best Tearmes you Can and soe I remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 11 Feb 1679

Mr James Gould NewC feb: 11: 78/9 Sir Mr Thos. Smith did not a little astonish me when he told mee that you had written him, you had never heard from mee since you sent me an accot, of your disbursements I will assure you that the next post after Rect. thereof I did desire to know of you wheather you would please to have your mony paid to any in Newcastle or remitted and that next post I writ that <S. Jn Cu..> in case you would have

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Galbraith – 12 Feb 1679

Mr Geo. Galbraith NewC feb: 12: 78/9 Sir I have occation to ship some parcels of French Wine from my place to severall ports in this Kingdom, and by Recommendation of Cousin Wm. Blackett, hereby make bold to desire that favour of you that when any such order shall come to your hands, you will please to act for my most advantadge, In buying as cheape as you can and procuring the best that hands can be Layd on, and when out of purse you m

Letters – William Blackett to L Sawyer – 12 Feb 1679

Lo: Sawyer Newcs feb: 12: 78/9 Sir the above written you will see what my Cousin Michaell Blackett desires, is upon Rect. of this, pray, advise him the price that you can have good Wines for, and what freight he must Expect to give per tunn from Leith to this place Stockton or Hull, I know you may get the Custome Returned since you Export the wines soe Consequently the price will be reasonable, pray act for him as iff itt were for your self

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Galbraith – 13 Feb 1679

Mr Geo. Galbraith NewC feb: 13: 78/9 Sir This comes to accompany Wm Raine by whom I desire you to send me two tonn of the very best French Wine your City will afford, either white or Clarett, wch I leave to your discretion, said Rayne is to buy some Oysters for me, I Intreat you will assist him, for buying of wch al mony he wants be pleased to furnish him withal, and Reimburse yourselfe according to advice per post I question not but what you
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467