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Letters – Michael Blackett to Mackeith – 14 Feb 1679

Mr Mackeith NewC feb: 14: 78/9 Sir I have occation to ship some parcels of Wine from your place to severall ports of the Kingdom doe desire you will per first advise me there prices I am informed tis very reasonable about £18: per tonn, and that for the very best, att your Leasure a line or two is much desired by MB

Letters – John Wilkinson to John Bolitho – 14 Feb 1679

Mr Jno Bolitho and Comp[an]y ditto Sirs By my ma[ster] his order have Inclosed sent you a small bill of wch when dew pray procure the needful I am JW

Letters – Michael Blackett to Tempest Raine – 18 Feb 1679

Mr Tempest Raine NewC feb: 18: 78/9 Sir by the assistance of this place Geo. Dawson ma. you will receive some Coales and Grindstones upon my accot. the quantity of each shall know per next, when pray God she arrives be pleased to Receive said goods, and dispose therof for my most advantidge dispatching the vessel backe again with all speed possible with 200 Bundells rod iron, and <100s> worth of mace and Nutmegs, In buying of which pr

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 21 Feb 1679

Mr James Gould and Comp[an]y Newcastle feb 21st 1678/9 My last to you was of the 20th past, unto wch please be referred Since have received yours of the 16th past, the Contents have observed and am sorry wheat doth decline in price with you, noe Remedy but patience, we must be content with your Markett now fulle as twill, the vessel lost the first Convoy, soe She but lately sailed from this Towne viz the 4 or 5 present, when please God she a

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 21 Feb 1679

Mr Jno. Launce ditto Sir my last to you was of the xber 10th unto wch please be referred, since have received yours of the 14th and 24th, wch the contents have duly observed, and returne you hearty thanks for your readiness to advise mee when soever any English Commodities may be awanting in your Country, if poore <leuke> hold up in price I will endeavour to send you a supply against the time you mention, viz. to be with you towards the la

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 22 Feb 1679

Mr Geo: Moore NewC feb: 22 - 78/9 Sir Though I write you but seldom yet am not unmindfull of your Corne but our merch[an]ts will not give any price considerable for itt, soe desire to know what you please to doe with itt and soe I remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 1 Mar 1679

Mr Hump: Willett Newcastle March primo 1678/9 Sir To accommodate a friend have this day presumed to value upon you £46-10s per 19 days after sight to Mr Rich. Rundall or order value of his selfe, wch upon presentm[en]t, you may give for Answer that you will pay itt, provided you be reimbursed in time, and <….> otherwise is desired by MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 7 Mar 1679

Mr Hump: Willett Newcastle March the 7 78/9 Sir I have received yours of the primo present, the Contents have observed, and shall satisfye Mr Nicholson for the £50:=:= the bill of £46.10:= formerly drawne upon you shall meet with <remisses> before itt fall due, towards wch inclosed is one for £31: and am promised this morning the remainder, wch if come to hand before sealing shall have Inclosed att furthest per tomorrow post. I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Wilson – 7 Mar 1679

Mr Jno Wilson and Company Sirs I have before me yours of the 22nd past wherein take notice that the bill formerly remitted you upon Mr Wetwang is not yett paid, att wch I due greatly wonder, being that Mr Wetwang doth here assure me that tis paid, but be pleased to send itt mee and I shall remitt you another as soone as received, soe this being the needful att present remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Miles Stapleton – 7 Mar 1679

Honourable Sir Newcastle March 7 78/9 Your Bro: in Law Mr Marke Errington sold me two farmes lying at Eland Hall, and ordered the tenants thereof to pay mee the Rents wch they undertook to doe, but since his death they Refuse itt, by directions (as I am informed) from you, on the behalfe of your Nephew Mr Erringtons sonne, <Sir Eithen Dorney> friend hath the Counterpart of the Settlement made on Mr Erringtons marridge with your sister and

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 7 Mar 1679

Mr Ja: Gould and Company ditto Sir my last to you was of the 21 th past unto wch please to be referred since have Recd yours of the 18th present wch requiring little answer have the leasure to enlardge upon, this serving chiefly to confirme my former, wch I desire may be effected in every particular, the manidgment of wch business you have of mine, I shall allwaies leave it wholly to your discretion being assured of your Constant Care for your friends most advan

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 7 Mar 1679

Mr Jno. Launce Newcastle March the 7th 78/9 Sir My last to you was of the 21 th past wch please be referred Since have recd. your acceptable one wch brings me the good news of my 400 pcs Leed being well Arrived for wch God be thanked I doe hereby confirme my Last wch pray lett be effected in every particular, my business I intrust you withall I wholly leave to your discretion being assured of your great and constant care, of your friends m

Letters – John Wilkinson to Humphrey Willett – 11 Mar 1679

Mr Hump Willett ditto Sir By my ma[sters] order have Inclosed sent you a bill for £15:10s and hope that you will not scruple to pay my next bill of £46:10s . I am for my master Michael Blackett JW

Letters – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 18 Mar 1679

Mr Hump Willett Newcastle March 18: 78/9 Sir Inclosed is a bill for £31: wch will reimburse you for the bill Returned in your last soe I hope you will comply with my bill of £46:10s I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 18 Mar 1679

Honourable Sir ditto Sir I perceive that my Bro: Wm <Two> posts agoe did adviseyou of my agreeing with Mr <Bullmer Ile>, wch I then neither doubt nor dare yett <affirme>, for though Articles are drawne and £400: deposited on both sides, yet I finde that some are intending a difference betwixt us viz Mr C Ellison who would gladly have the estate but I think twill be in vaine we were to have met att Durham yesterday but all parties being then not a

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Galbraith – 18 Mar 1679

Mr George Galbraith ditto Sir I have received yours of the 15: with the acceptable news of Wm Raines safe Arrivall I hope ere this comes to hand he will be dispatched, and in every p[ar]ticular to my most advantidge, wch I wholly leave to your discretion, not doubting of your willingness to assist the ma[ster] soe remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Tempest Raine – 18 Mar 1679

Mr Tempest Raine ditto Sir I have yours by my frigatt who you may expect againe very shortly I am sorry you could procure neither Cynimond not mace, I hope the <Corel> you will, pray after Arrivall lett her be dispatched, with £100: or £150: worth of Spices as you can meet with them in goodnesse and Cheapnesse wch I wholly leave to your discretion and att any time when you can procure a good penniworth , buy me £100: worth and reimburse yourselfe up

Letters – John Wilkinson to William de Werth – 19 Mar 1679

Mr Wm. <de Wirth> Newcastle March 11 78/9 Sir my ma[ster] having the honor of yours of the 4th present, and the Contents having well observed ordered mee to write you that when please God <Skipper Clues Voss> Arrives you may be assured that he will furnish him with thirty fourty or fifty pounds or what mony <Soever> he desires, likewise will value upon you the needful soe having noe more to Enlard[g]e upon Remaine for my

Letters – John Wilkinson to John Bolitho – 21 Mar 1679

Mr John Bolitho and Company Newcastle March the 21: 1678/9 Sirs Inclosed is a bill for £60: of which when due pray procure the needful I am for MB JW

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 27 Mar 1679

Mr Jno Strother Newcastle March the 27: 1679 Sir This comes to accompany ma[ster] Chris Blackett by whome I have Loaden and Consigned unto you 8 Ch: Coales 10 Last of malt, wch after good Arrivall, be pleased to receive and dispose thereof att price Cur[ren]t for my most advantage and Reloade her back with all speed possible with the following Commodities Viz. 1 or 2 Last of old pitch well barrelled 1 or 2 Last of old tarr well barr

Letter – John Curtis to James Standsfield – 3 Apr 1679

An account of wht is to me John Courtiee from the workmen at Wanlockhead £ s d Edward Lethatt 1 6 00 Thomas Snowball 1 9 9 1/2 Thomas Errington 4 9 7 1/4 <ba.> John Berry 2 15 7 1/4 Nicholas deblish 0 5 1 2 b John Smedley 3 6 4 Peter Standfeild 3 8 2 George Taylor 2 12 1 Charles Jacques 1

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 5 Apr 1679

Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle Aprl the 5: 1679 Sir I have yours of the primo present none of our merchts will bid me money for your Rye, saying that they believe I have noe minde to sell being soe unreasonable in my demand viz. £10: per Last. I know it will give me such price but doe with it what you please I can assure you tis kept in good condition for the <Government> I can buy a Single <Rus:>: for <2/8 or 21s> itt will not giv

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 5 Apr 1679

Honourable Sir ditto I have now gott papers all signed, from Mr Wall, and Mr Robt. and Bulmer Ile but the defalcations for the Lords Rent not yet fully agreed upon, none of us knowing certainly w[ha]t it is however I have in my hands, as much as will serve me the whole business will come to about £1600: wch I have Received of my Bro: Wm. and given Receipt for the Same be praying for your health and happiness and earnestly Craving you blessing I remaine

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 5 Apr 1679

Mr Peter Bar ditto Sir Yours of the 22nd past Came to hand last post, where itt has laine soe long I cannot imagine the acct. of the Iron have Examined found Right and booked accordingly, when all mony is Received be pleased to send me my acct. Current. I am dayly put upon to draw the bills to Remainder of the mony, if with your Convenience to discount itt, Content yr selfe that I may be quitt of one, that I never Intend to deale withall againe, otherwise

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Westgarth – 8 Apr 1679

Mr Jno. Westgarth Newcastle April the 8: 1679 Yours of the 3rd present came to my hand yesterday by the Contents whereof I doe acknowledge myselfe to be very much oblidged unto you and if att any time itt Lye in my power to make you a Requitall you may be assured of my truest Endeavours Esqr Bowes was not misinformed when he heard that I had a fancy to take Lunehead, for itt has been my Intention these many yeares, it seems I am frustrated o
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467