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Letters – Michael Blackett to John Westgarth – 8 Apr 1679

Mr Jno. Westgarth ditto you may Lett Mr Wharton see my letter if you please for tis really my thoughts and intention, but if he has not fully agreed with Esqr. Bowes lett me know per bearer and as you have any kindnesse either for my father or mee, burne it after perusal, for if not I do not question but to Come in betwixt him and itt, your Answer per bearer will give mee Satisfaction one way or other and soe I remaine

Letters – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 15 Apr 1679

Mr Jam: Jos: & Robt Jackson Newcastle Aprl the 15: 79 Sirs I have received yours of 10th past and doe Returne you my hearty thanks for your readinesse to serve me, for wch doe acknowledge myself much oblidged unto you, but am Sorry your Letter came noe sooner for had before procured another, If I can att any time serve you in this place, upon all occations freely Command MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 15 Apr 1679

Mr Hurbt Aylwin: Newcastle Aprl the 15: 1679 Sir Noe news as yet of the two vessels, nor have I at present much to Enlardge you, only my good friend Mr Jno. Launce of Marseilles doe advise mee that you are one of his well wishers soe that I hereby desire you to know, if it stand with your Convenience to doe mee the favour, as to accept of the trouble and small Commission of shipping my goods for sd place, if you please to doe me that kindness I shall

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Bolitho – 18 Apr 1679

Jno Bolitho & Compy Newcastle Aprl the 18: 1679 Sirs Inclosed is a bill for £20: of wch when due pray procure the needful. Since the writing of the above have mett with another bill for £30: wch Inclosed I have sent you, and desire when dew you will be pleased to procure the needful. Soe much I find myselfe indebted unto you, being the Remainder of the Returned bill, and when Received lett mee know, what you expect

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 18 Apr 1679

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle Aprl the 18: 1679 Sir Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valued upon you a bill for £60: per 28 d[ays] sight to Mr <Joseph> Edmunds or order value of Mr Wm Bayles wch pray lett be Complyed withal with what I have drawne I have gotten cleare of my partner soe shall trouble you noe more till all monies be had wch when you have Effected may please to Send me my acct curr[en]t I doing wch you will obl

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 18 Apr 1679

Mr Jam. Burkin and Compy NewC Aprl 25: 79 I have before me yours of the 19 th present the Contents I have observed and have had some discourse with Alderman Brabant who I finde ready and willing to Comply with his proposition formerly mentioned unto you wch if itt were my Case I would accept of without any more to doe, you mention a probability of his gaining of a Colyery, but if you Rely upon that may perhaps goe without, to trouble him att prese

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Bolitho – 22 Apr 1679

Mr Jno Bolitho Newcastle Aprl the 22d 79 Sir Inclosed I returne you the bill for £80: accepted, and shall take care to Reimburse you against it <full’d> as I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Thompson – 28 Apr 1679

Mr Edwd Thompson Newcastle Aprl the 28: 1679 I have loaded of a small vessel with Coales for my Bro: Blacketts use who is to Come up as far as <Selbey> that comes by the m[aste]r that has <them> In, I had orders to Consigne them unto you, <pricing> upon Receipt hereof, Lett a Lighter or two be dispatched unto her, and the vessel unloaded as soone as possible I thinke you may get one lardge Lighter will take her whole Loadein

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Bolitho – 29 Apr 1679

Mr Jno Bolitho ditto Sir I have accepted another bill of £90: drawn by Tempest Raine from Rotterdam the 28th present per att one and halfe usance to Mr Isaack Elsavier or order, I shall take care to order you the needful, pray att any spare hour, lett your man stepp downe to Billingsgate and enquire for Francis Dawson, and Solomon Crosby, they both sailed yesterday morning am Confident are with you before this, and lett the two Inclosed notes be delivered

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 29 Apr 1679

Bro: Blackett Newcastle April the 29. 1679 I have sent you my frigatt with her full loading of Coales and have Consigned them to Mr Edwd. Thompson, sailed this morning, and I hope may be with you very shortly, but am advised by noe measure to venture her above Selbey where she shall come if possible. I hope you have taken such care as she may be dispatched and the two Lighters may be Ready wch I leave to your serious Consideration assur

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 29 Apr 1679

Mr Peter Bar ditto Sir Be pleased to procure the needful of the Inclosed small bill my wife is owing to Mr Edmond Peele Taylor some mony but know not how much, thinkes about 4 . 5 . or £6. I have this post desired him to call upon you for itt, pray when he calls for Lett him have and you will oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Francis Davison – 29 Apr 1679

Francis Davison ditto I expect that according to your promise you will pay upon sight of the note what mony you have to spare, you know since it was Concerned I never had any, soe now Expect you will not faile MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Thompson – 2 May 1679

Mr Edwd Thompson NewC May 2d 1679 Sir I writt you att Lardge Last post concerning the vessel which I sent Loaden with coales for my Bro: Blacketts use, Soe only now desire that you will be pleased to Send me a Certificate by the vessel I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 3 May 1679

Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle May the 3d 1679 Sir I have paid according to your order unto Mr Tho: Grassingham £50: and have this post put upon you the same value per 8 days sight to Mr Richd Randell or order value of himselfe to wch I desire punctuall Complyance and Soe I remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Giles Wakeman – 6 May 1679

Mr Giles Wakeman NewC May the 6: 1679 Sir you may remember that when you shipt of my Leed and Leed Oare there was £4 placed to acct for a <seasure> I desire that kindnesse of you that you would be pleased to lett me have the honour of knowing his name for my mony, and if he will not restore itt againe itt shall be deare money to him that Leed is Constantly soe <intred> if a Seazure dew noe question but our officer would have <Le

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 10 May 1679

Mr Hurbt: Aylwin NewC May the 10: 1679 Sir I desire by first convenience you would please to advise me what you thinke the first Convoy for the Straights will saile from the Downes, and if itt were possible to procure a vessel of 150 or 200 tonn to Come here to load, and soe along with said Convoy and upon what tearmes, the business you know will will [sic] Require all the dispatch Imaginable, and In affording your Answer per first you will

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 10 May 1679

Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle May the 10: 1679 Sir I have already advised you the furnishing of ma[ster] Grassingham with £50: and have valued upon you the Same, for my provision and other chardges, I shall att another time discount itt, this is Chiefly to lett you know that discoursing with some merchants this afternoon they offered me £8: per last for your Rye, tis probable I may get somew[ha]t more if itt were my owne itt should goe but use you

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 13 May 1679

Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle May the 13: 1679 Sir I have yours of the 8th present doe wonder att your mistake in my Letter you mention, but I am noe pope, wch I hope will Serve for an excuse. I have already advised you how that I could not prevaile with Tho: Gresingham to take in any Rye, he can advise you as much himselfe, I perceive you have hired a vessel to take yours away when Arrives shall be dispatched for will assure you not

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 13 May 1679

Sanqar 13th May 1679 Honnored Sir, Yr letter I delivred my Ld who went for Edenbr yesterday <Thair> he <Could> he would speak with you as to all things but non wil cut for us in Elrock one stick altho the arestmt be over & <Lou..>. I got Liberty of my Ld for the pres[en]t to cut som more wood where we got the bo:trees from that the works might not Ly Idle & I doe beleave my Ld wil obliedg us to pay for all that wood as doubtles he will tel you when you m

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 14 May 1679

Dunfries 14th may 1679 Honnored Sr I write you yesterday & gave it to Ed Lithard to forward. by it you wil see what I have don at our leed mines at Wanlockhead, wch I hope you will approve of. I have turned of nico.Deblish & Thom Erington & his wife, haveing pitched upon as many men as I thinck will doe our work to content this <sommer> & more cannot be Imployed but to our los. I shall desier you if you pleas not to alter anything I have Don. If you doe Impl

Letter – Edward Lethart to James Standsfield – 14 May 1679

Honourd Sr I have by order of Mr William Blackett made out this last five weeks account which I here Inclose & send you amounting to in all £35-08-09 sterling. Mr Blackett hath payd his 1/4 pt & your 3/4 part comes to £26-11-06 3/4 which if you please you may send me out by the bearer that I may make a clear pay because Mr Blackett hath altered the mens wages & turned some of them of & will have noe more to work til summer then 12 pickmen 15 labourers and 5 washers and knock

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 19 May 1679

Hon. Sir Ditto I have two Rotterdam bills drawne upon me, the one for £80: the other for £90: both by Tempest Raine p In the house of Mr Jno Bolitho, I have ordered severall masters to pay him mony wch if had been Effected, as was promised, would have amounted to more, itt seems they have faild me, I have ordered him to Call upon you for wt he wants, I desire you would please to pay itt unto him, they both fall dew about primo June what you pay I

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Wilson – 20 May 1679

Mr Jno Wilson and Compy Newcastle May 20: 1679 Sir I have received yours of the 13 present doe very much wonder Francis Dawson would furnish you with noe money upon my acct. doe hope Solomon Crosby will, however what you want I have desired my father Sir Wm Blackett to furnish you withall I have ordered Capt. Mandarake to pay unto you what mony he can spare if he pays any before you Receive mony of my father, itt would doe well Soe pr

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 20 May 1679

Mr Hurbert Alywin ditto Sir I have yours of the 15th present upon second thoughts would Rather Choose to Send my goods unto you with a desire to get them Sent forward upon as Reasonable termes as you can <lerne> of wch may expect shortly. You never mention your thoughts of the first Convoy goeing from the Downes, wch pray doe in yr next and you’le oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 20 May 1679

Mr Geo: Moorecroft Newcastle May the 20: 1679 Sir I very much wonder of your keeping me soe in Ignorance never to mention one little of yr Intentions, I desired your Cousin, to desire you to write me about Some businesse, but to this day not a word in Answer, Sir <miles> was here who will Compound upon noe other tearmes then <laseing> the Land in Yorkshire for £600: Huddleston is Laid in Goale, soe noe mony to be gott of him for t
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467