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Letters – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 23 May 1679

Mr Robt, Jackson Newcastle May the 23: 79 Sir I have yours of the 16 the mony you mention is still in my hands Butter, Leed and all Sorts of graine as with you, my thoughts are all will be cheaper, corne fell last markett day Exceedingly Equally wheate, was before sold for 13s and 14s a bu[shel] and now can have for 10/s and 10/s 6d the best, pray my service to ma[ster] Moorecroft if alive I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Rankin – 24 May 1679

Mr Jam: Rankins and Compy NewC May the 24: 79 Sir I have received yours of the 20: with all the other Inclosed papers Relating to Alderman Brabants business, who I am to waite upon some time next weeke, of my proceedings you may Expect to be duly advised, with my utmost Endeavours for the advancement of yr Interest, and seeing you have Resolved to accept of his proposition, I shall allow of noe other tearmes, but if can bring him to better I hope you will not b

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 24 May 1679

Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle May the 24: 79 Sir I have yours of the 20: and have still yours Come in a good condition to the disposal of wch when your order comes itt shall be observed in every p[ar]ticular by him who really is MB

Letter – William Iley to Lionel Vane – 1 Jun 1679

Things to be Considered of in order to the well management of the affaires in the Colliery as followeth Imp[rimis] 1 That your Worship would be pleased to come over to Newcastle one day or two before the first wednesday of Every month; to informe your selfe what is most fitt to be done; us[uall]y the day appointed by the owners to meet on to order the Concernes of Stella Colliery 2 Att your meeting together to cause your veiwer Humphrey Gill to read over the book what was done at meeti

Letters – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 6 Jun 1679

Mr Ch: Banckes Newcastle June the 6 1679 Sir I had a little mistake in two of your last yeares bills, the Reallity of it I advised your Bro: but shall rely on noe mans word hereafter, I silently past by your mistake about the £300: a further Correspondence is my desire, wch if you please to accept of may send forward of the Inclosed, wch advice that you will accept his bills to the value of £200: or if itt be £300: otherwise your answer

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 6 Jun 1679

Mr Jam Burkin and Compy ditto Sirs Though I have been Silent this long time yet am not unmindfull of your business but the unlucky <incusuring> of the <keeles> have kept Alderman Brabant soe busie that he could never be att Leasure for as to discourse about itt but yesterday he and I appointed to meet either this day or to morrow of what passes betwixt us you shall be duly advised by him that really is MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 6 Jun 1679

Mr Hurbert Aylwin Newcastle June the 6 1679 Sir there will be this day shipt aboard the England Capt Lawrence Commander 12 or more tonn of Leed oare (shall dispatch you more as fast as comes in) wch after good Arrivall be pleased to Receive and send all forward as you meet with opportunities to marseilles consigning then unto Mr Jno Launce marchand in said place, the tearmes I must refer to your discretion the Casks are about the bigness

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 6 Jun 1679

Mr Matthew Lambe ditto Whereas I formerly writt you that I would be att Darnton upon Monday next, doe hereby lett you know, that I mett Mr Moorecroft att Durham upon Weddensday last soe will not be with you till next Monday, however desire you to gett in what Rents you can, and In doing whereof you will oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to William de Werth – 6 Jun 1679

Mr Wm de Werth ditto Sir I have yours of the 27th past and accordingly to yr desire when <Skippir> <Claes Vos> arrives shall buy his Lading of Coales, and draw the needful upon you I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 7 Jun 1679

Mr Hurbt Aylwin Newcastle June the 7 1679 Sir I have this day Shipt in the England of London Robt Lawrence Commander fifty Caskes of Leed Oare qty Netto 262Cw[t]:=:20 I suppose he sailed this afternoon, and I hope may be with you as Soone as this, pray Lett Immediate Enquiry be made after him, and after founde , unloaden as soone as is possible for I have promised the m[aste]r he shall not stay by any neglect of yours wch I question not but

Letters – Michael Blackett to Ralph Harrup – 7 Jun 1679

Mr Ralph Harrup Newcastle June the 7 1679 Sir I question not but Solomon Crosby and Francis Dawson will leave some mony in your hands upon my acct. w[he]n Effected I question not your advice of the same that soe I may freely draw upon you the values you promised when I was with you, that you would draw Some bills upon me, you shall be very welcome, your bills shall be honoured and you will oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 7 Jun 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin Ditto Sir To this day have not had any discourse with Alderman Brabant about the business his time being wholly taken up with the new Creation of measuring Rules Some of these Holydaies God willing we shall meet, of my proceedings you shall dewly be advised by him who really is MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Joseph Dalwin – 10 Jun 1679

Josp & Leond <Dulinier> Newcastle June the 10: 1679 Gentlemen I have before me yours of the 5th present the Contents have observed for Answer may please take notice that tis my opinion vessels may be gott for Rouen att about 28/s or 30/s per Ch: or 35/s att most Though have sought after none but am very well Satisfyed of itt for Havre de grace for betwixt 20/s and 25/s you paying the 50 sol per tonn and all other Chardges, freight

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 13 Jun 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin and Comp Newcastle June the 13th 1679 Sirs I have at last had a meeting with Alderman Brabant, with whome had a a lardge discourse in order to this selling of yr business and defende the payment of Interest <Sticks> very much with Efbrabzanhim, though itt be a thing wch his letters seeme to Comply withal, and he hath desired me once more to move you to accept the payment offered without Interest, he hath been hard put to itt to raise monies to mannad

Letters – Michael Blackett to Ralph Harrup – 14 Jun 1679

Mr Ralph Harrup Newcastle June the 14th : 1679 Sir Be pleased to take notice hat I have this day valued upon you the 3 following bills viz One for £25 p 10 d[ays] sight to Nich Ridley order valued of himselfe £25 One for £15 p 16/d sight to d[itt]o value of d[itt]o Ridley £15 One for £20: per 10/d sight to d[itt]o value of d[itt]o £20 £60

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 14 Jun 1679

Mr Hurbt Aylwyn ditto Sir I question not but but [sic] before this you have my Leed Oare in gd Custody, and though I have desired to send the Same to marseills wch I wish with all my heart could be done though you pay much greater freight than mentioned, and my request is you misse noe opportunity, though the freight be a little unreasonable wch I wholly refer to yr prudent manadgement, yet if noe p[re]sent opportunity for s[ai]d place, nor noe likelihood in a short tim

Letters – Michael Blackett to Giles Wakeman – 14 Jun 1679

Mr Giles Wakeman Newcastle June the 14th : 1679 Sir the above is Copy of a former to wch I Expected Answer long ere this, you may if you please att yr Leasure afford itt if not willing may signifie the Contrary, for have other friends in yarm[ou]th to see me righted I am Informed tis <not> <yr> Bro: Soe may the better doe itt, but one <Bell> a very honest man, if none can deale with him in yr towne, and that it can certainly prove t

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 14 Jun 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin and Comp Ditto Sir I last post advised you what discourse past betwixt Alderman Brabant and me In Reference to yr Concernes wch I leave to yr seriouse Consideration but still my opinion is that £250: £300: £350: or £400: if to be procured with undeniable security p m 12/m with Interest would due better than the other Security for Severall reasons wch I am unwilling to due soe much as mention, and wch is the Generall opinion of most in towne, but use yr d

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 19 Jun 1679

Mr Jno Strother ditto Sir My last to you was of the 27 past by the assistance Chris: Blackett M[aste]r wch I begg lett be observed as nigh as is possible what mony you want may draw upon Mr Ch: Banckes marchd. in Hamb[urg], who has order to accept your bills to the value of £200: or £300: wch I am certaine will be more that you will have occation for, and as you draw upon him, lett me allwaies have a word of advice under his Covert what Some and

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 19 Jun 1679

Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle June the 10: 1679 Sir I have before me yours of the 5th have discoursed with most of our marchands but cannot possibly procure more for your Rye, than £8: per Last to take all and pay within 3 m[onth] more than that I could not prevaile to have any pd in hand and none but two would offer me soe much, to whome I sold itt conditionally if you approve thereof, Soe use your discretion, I will assure you tis well loo

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 20 Jun 1679

Mr Hurbt Awlwyn Newcastle June the 20: 79 Sir I have received your letter by which I understand Mr Lorrence is safely Arrived with 50 casks of Leed Oare I shall have 40 or 50 Casks more to Shipp about this day Sennett Soe desire to have yr Answer if they may be in time enough with you to have Convenience for Shipping for Marsalles or otherwise for Livorne upon the fleet that is agoeing I formerly wait you to Consigne them unto Mr Gilbt Serle

Letters – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 21 Jun 1679

Mr Ch: Banckes Newcastle June the 21: 79 Sir this comes to accompany Mr Leond. Jeffreyson in whome I have loaden and Consygned unto you 89 Ch: Coales which after good Arrivall be pleased to Receive and dispose thereof for my most advantadge you are to pay the master noe freight but lett him have what monies he pleases what you shall due with the Nett proceed you shall have advice per post from him who is MB pray l

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 21 Jun 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin and Compy Newcastle June the: 21 1679 Sir I have yours of the 17th upon Receipt of which I immediately repaired unto Alderman Brabant with whome had another large discourse concerning your business who I find ready and willing to doe any thing in the world rather than that you should take such a course as you mention wch would wholly be the <destruction> of him and his family and you in worse condition than ever as to the procuring of yo

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 28 Jun 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin and Compy Newcastle June 28: 79 Sir I have Recd. yours of the 2<1>th present the Contents have been Seriously taken into Consideration, and I am Sorry that heretofore you Could not understand my meaning as to Alderman Brabants Concerns wch really was to take soe much in hand (as could be procured) with undeniable security payable in 12/m without any further adoe, but perceiving by your letter (as is my opinion that you have noe order to &

Letters – Michael Blackett to Thomas Finley – 1 Jul 1679

Mr Tho: Finley Newcastle July the primo 1679 I sent you a letter of Attorney from Durham Soe desire to know whether you have Received it yea or nae, I desired you upon Receipt thereof to lett me know but as yet have not hear one word I am MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467