Mr Charles Banckes Newcastle July the primo 1679
My last to you was of the 28: past to wch refer you Since none from you be the Lesse to Enlardge upon this being chiefly to Confirme the Same The nett proceed of which goods I am Satisfyed will dischardge all Mr Strothers bills however provided he Constantly advise me In a line under your Covert, of his proceedings, my Request is you lett none of his bills be returned to the value of £100: over
Mr Geo: Moore Ditto
I have before me yours of the 26th past, In Answer to which be pleased to take notice I have contracted with our merchants for your Rye, but with much adoe in regard your Answer Came not sooner, it is to be delivered upon monday next and immediately after delivery shall Send you your acct. In the Interim remaine MB
Mr Jam: Gould Ditto
The first bill you sent to Amsterdam to be accepted after Rect backe I desire you will be pleased to deliver itt to Mr Peter Bar, and in doing whereof you will oblidge MB
Mr Ra: Harup Ditto
What monies you have Reced of Francis Dawson and Solomon Crosby over and above the £60: I formerly drew upon you, desire that you will be pleased to pay unto Mr Peter Bar to whome I have given order to Receive itt I am MB
Mr Peter Bar NewC July the primo 1679
Inclosed is five bills, I desire that you would be pleased to procure the needful thereof, one already is accepted, the Second for <p> 500: may please to lett your man show to Mr Jam: Gould who Sent the first to Amsterdam for acceptance and who by this post I have desired to dd the Same unto you Mr Ra: Harrup of Wappin has Recd mony of masters upon my acct. but cannot have an acct. from him how much th
Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle the July 26 1679
I have at last Concluded with my Customers but in short was forced to abate them 2 ½ <s/d> per last, which I hope will be to Content, I shall begin to deliver upon Monday next God willing you shall have advice of my proceedings, and as soone as is possible that and thereof, shall be dispatched unto you by him that is MB
Mr Hurbt Aylwyn Newcastle July the 11: 1679
I have att present in readiness to send you by the first opportunity of Shipping which I hope will be the <wake> 100 or 110 Caskes of Leed Oar Soe desire in the Interim that you will be pleased to agree for the freight for either Marseilles or Livorne as formerly advised your Care of procureing the freight as reasonable as you Can I doe not question being allwaies assured of your utmos
Mr Charles Banckes Newcastle July the 14th 1679
My ma[ste]r this day goeing out in town ordered me to write you that Mr Nich: <Bilton> Comander of the Endeavour of Newcastle Comeing for your place, and he being an owner of his vessel hath prevailed with him to pay unto you what monies he can spare, Soe my ma[ste]r desires that you will be pleased to Receive itt and keepe itt in your hands for the use formerly advised, if the M[aste]r want a
Mr Peter Bar Newcastle July the 22 1679
I perceiving that Edwd. Milburne ma[ster] of the <Richd and Edward> of Newcastle is loaden att Hamb[urg] and will be att your place very shortly have Inclosed sent you a Copy of his Security out of ¼ and 1/32 d part of his vessel likewise a Copy of his bond, and desire that you will be pleased to take care to procure the monies and in doeing whereof you will very much oblidge for my ma[ste]r MB
Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle July 22nd 1679
I have been from home for the past 3 w[eeks] by post att my Returne doe meet with both yours Immediately after perusal I Repaired to my Customer who by noe means would stand to the bargaine Seeing your Answer came not in time they now stand upon 5/s per Last abated, I think 2 ½ s will doe itt I am Resolved to Conclude this afternoon and I hope to your Content next post you shall be advised of what hath pas
Mr Charles Banckes Newcastle D[itt]o
I have yours of the 8th present with the good news of Jno. and Jacob Wilkinsons good Arrivall and the Saile of there Coales att 24 (ft) I hope your next will advise me of Leon[ar]d Jefferyson Arrivall and one Nich: <Bilton> (after whome pray Enquire) has order to pay you what mony he can spare pray lett Enquiry be made after one Ed[wa]rd Milburne and advise me if possibly you Can where he intended for, I
Mr Wm Benson Ditto
Have yours of the 8th. Indeed you have slipped your markett I can now buy for £12: here in towne but has noe occation soe remaine MB
Mr Nich: Bilton Newcastle July the 22: 1679
My ma[ste]r ordered me to write to you to pay what mony you Can possibly spare unto Mr Ch: Banckes and <for> the grindstones the price is Generally about 5 <Dollers>, but if you take lesse he will be Content, Soe leaving all wholly to you (the post just goeing away) Remaines for my ma[ste]r MB JW
Mr Hurbt Aylwyn Ditto
I long to heare of the Shipping of our Leed Oare, but wonders att the great freight more by much than ever used to be given we have sent up 120 Casks more to Mr Jam: Gould for which we doubt not but he will agree for more reasonable tearms as he had used to doe formerly - however we thank you for what you have done not questioning your utmost Endeavours for our advantadge Soe remaine MB
Mr Jam: Burkin and Comp Newcastle the July 26nd 1679
I have received yours of the 24th have fully adjusted your business with Alderman Brabant, and given Counsill order to draw the Security in the best manner that can be on his Colliery I am sorry you should harbour such bad thoughts of me as to thinke me any way unwilling to Serve you I will assure you as heretofore, soe for the future when ever you please to lay your Commands upon me, you may Rely of my utmo
Mr Geo: Moore NewC Aug the primo 1679
According to my promise thought fitt to give you an acct. of my proceeding in the delivery of your Corne, wch is 12 Last I have delivered allready, and did Expect to have delivered the Remainder ere this, but that our faire Coming on putt a <let> to itt, Soe believe I shall dd [deliver] noe more till the faire be done wch will be 7 or 8 d[ays] and then shall dispatch itt and give you an acct. I
Messieurs Gilbert Serle & John Jolliffe Newcastle Aug the primo 1679
Though unknown yet by the Recommendation of my good friend Mr Tho. Smith have made bold to Consigne unto you 30 Caskes of Leed Oare by the African of London Capt. Daniel Gates Commander for the <acct> Inclosed you have bill of Lading after good Arrivall be pleased to Receive and dispose thereof att price Curr[en]t if you think Convenient or otherwise I meane to sell itt awhile, if y
Mr Wm Benson Newcastle Aug the pr[im]o 79
I have yours of the 26th past the Contents which have well observed In Answer to which be pleased to take notice that I doe heartily begg your Excuse for have not occation for your Iron Soe remaine etc MB
Mr Jno Launce ditto
I had long agoe advised the Saile and delivery of my Leed but have not heard from you these 2 m[onths] att which I doe not a little wonder, for might have expected Some mony remitted ere this att least a word or two of the proceedings, or occurrences with you, which I soe carefully desired you to doe once in 14 d[ays] and I doe hereby desire itt once againe - I doe not question your utmost Endeavours for my most advantadge I
Mr Peter Bar ditto
I have yours of the 26th past, Inclosed you have my letter of Attorney as allsoe a letter from Edwd Milburne I cannot tell how he Can stand by itt to proceed as he does, you may See he is Arrived att another port, I hope he will play the foole noe more, but Come directly to London, you say In Case he pay the mony that originally will be requisite, wch I question not att all, I am sure if he doe not twill be <their/your> fault, soe as soone as he A
Mr Jam: Gould and Compy Newcastle Aug the pr[im]o 1679
I have Received all your letters, the acct. of our <wheate> and the needful <receiptes>, all wch I have found right and Covered accordingly, pray in your next afford me your thoughts about wheat for the next year, as also of all other occurrences with you.
We have 120 Casks of Leed Oare in your friends hands att London In readiness to Embrace the first opportunity for your
Mr Jam: Gould ditto
I hope your 120 Casks of Leed Oare is well Arrived, advice of there being reshipt for either place would be very acceptable news, for the Effecting of wch I question not your utmost Endeavours, but am fearefull the African and Referee, I meane the Commanders of them will not be prevailed withal, for Mr Hurbt. Aylwin writes me had much adoe to get Shipt a small parcel wch he had of mine, and was forced to ship part In one, and part in another, bu
For the right wor.ll Sir William Blaket August 1 1679
The cheife and principal Disease (wch is the epidemical disease of this and many other Northerne Counteyes) is the scurvy, manifesting itselfe by many and various symptoms a dejected appetite, Asthma, Phisick or shortness of breath, looseness of teeth, wasting of the Gums, a great lassitude, weariness, drowsiness and sleepiness, An increase of Choler and bilious humours and also acidityes in the blood, Nervous and Pancreatical Jui
Mr B de la Haye Newcastle Aug 6th 1679
I perceive by a letter to my Bro: that you had freighted with Nichs <Resmunt>, and desired his Assistance In procuring of a Loading of Coales, but he refusing to meddle with <him>, and the <ma[ster]> Comeing to me again, and desiring myselfe, I have done all things for him, as if they had been my owne goods I can assure you of a Loading of good Bladon Coales, Inclosed you have the <
Mr Edmond Thualster Newcastle aug the 9: 1679
Though unknowne yet by the Recommendation of my grate friend Mr Jno. Launce of Marseilles makes bold to trouble you w[i]th these few lines, & the Concern (In short) is (Intending him (and please God some goods by the Herring fleet) that you would be pleased at y[ou]r leasure to advise me w[he]n you think they will be in readiness this year that I may have them in your hands, whereby