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Letters – Michael Blackett to William Rigault – 12 Aug 1679

Mr Wm <Pigwell> Newcastle Augt. the 12th 1679 S[i]r I have both yours of the 28th past, the one by post and the other by Lawrence Hurmain, who shall be dispatched with all speed possible, and your order observed in every p[ar]ticular excepting in the butter for noe man Can buy for 15/.s at present, I have already furnished the m[aster] with £30 and have bought you 40 ps Leed, soe have this day valued upon Mr Cload

Letters – Michael Blackett to Claude Hayes – 12 Aug 1679

Mr Cloade Hay Ditto S[i]r I have yours of the 29th past Inclosed in one for Mr <Pigwell> whereby you will see that I have this day upon his acct. <valued> upon you £55:= per 6 d[ays] sight to Mr Peter Bar or order the Complyance to wch I question not. Coales 8s per <Chalder>, but none of our ships will venture for Rochell they are all fearfull of the <turks> I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 12 Aug 1679

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle aug the 12th. 1679 S[i]r Yours of the 5 Inst Requiring little answer have but little to Enlardge upon, begin to long to heare of Edwd. Milburnes arrival, I hope your next will bring me the good news I Referr to y[ou]r Care The Inclosed Botomarie Bill of £20 the vessel the vessel was freighted by one Mr Batista Dela Haye of <Fiscamp>, to Mr Le Gendre will Hasten the payment therof. Per

Letters – Michael Blackett to Gilbert Serle – 12 Aug 1679

Mr Gilbt. Serle Mr Jno. Jollife Ditto Gentlemen My last to you was of the p[ri]mo present to wch I referr you, this serves only to Confirme the same, att y[ou]r Leasure pray Informe me how much Leed oare yr place will <vend> in the year and wheather you due muche use of it yourselfs or or send itt to Marseilles and other places, In doing wherof you will oblidge. MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 12 Aug 1679

Gilbert Serle and John Jollife [smudged, as if deliberately] Mr Jam: Gould and Comp[an]y Ditto My last to you was of the p[ri]mo p[re[sent to wch. I referr you Since none from you soe the lesse to Enlardge upon this serving only to Confirm my former, and to desire you att your the Leasure to write me how much Leed Oare your place will vend In the yeare, and wheather you made use of it yourselfes or send all to Marseilles and other places I would gladly have your th

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 12 Aug 1679

Mr Jno. Launce Newcastle Augt. the 12th 1679 S[i]r My last to you was of the p[ri]mo present to wch referr you, my friend at London advises me there is noe opportunity for yr place, soe am fearfull twill all goe for Livorne I am informed that though it goe to sd place, yet they made use of none of it themselves for after freight there, it does come to yr place and others to sell again, the truth of which advise me, for if so I will not s

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 15 Aug 1679

Mr Hurb. Aylwin Newcastle Augt. the 15th 1679 S[i]r We have received your acct. of Charges for Reshipping our Leed oare, wherein you leave your Commission to our discretion, I wish you had not done itt, for Cannot agree about itt, Soe very first desires to know what you think reasonable, and then shall end the business and send you a bill I am M B

Letters – Michael Blackett to Claude Hayes – 15 Aug 1679

Mr Cloade Hays Ditto S[i]r Be pleased to take notice that upon the 14th present I valued upon you a bill for £35:= <p..> upon the 10th 7b [ie. September] to Mr Tho: <Peachill> or order value of himself wch pray let be Complyed with all soe much I have <paid> Lawrence Sturmer upon Pigwell’s Receipt Since my last, as he demands more - shall Reimburse myself accordingly I am M B I have gott you time enough for the last bi

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 16 Aug 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin and Compy. Newcastle Aug the 16th 1679 S[ir]s I have before me yours of the 12th sent whereby perceive you are a little impatient, Expecting to have advice of the full Settlement of your business but must have patience a little longer, and not in the least Alderman Brabants fault, for I know of noe new difficulties that can arise In reallity, our Counsillers having been wearied for these fourteen daies being past with our Assizes

Letters – Michael Blackett to Francis Raynsford – 16 Aug 1679

Mr Francis <Rayniford> Ditto S[i]r I have yours of the 12th present but wonder very much you say, you cannot heare from Mr Robt. Wetwang who assures me he has writt you Severall times, and daily from time to time advised you the needful I can say noe more, but that your Corne is lifted and if good may be sold, whenever thought Capable of Serving you in those parts upon all occations freely Command MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Andre Hebert – 16 Aug 1679

Messrs Andre Hibert Newcastle Aug the 16th 1679 Gentlemen I have yours of the 12th present doe note that my friend Mr Jno. Launce of Marseilles has remitted you some bills upon my acct. wch. order to remit me the value when paid In good bills on London wch. pray lett be observed and send allwaies the bills to Mr Peter Bar Marhant In London, who will procure acceptance and after Convey them Safe unto me. I observe that one of

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 19 Aug 1679

Mr Jam: Gould & Comp[an]y Newcastle aug the 19th 1679 S[ir]s My last to you was of the 12th present to wch please be referred, since none from you soe the lesse to Enlardge upon, this serves chiefly to Covert to you the Inclosed three bills of Loading for 120 Casks of Leed Oare, wch God sending well to you, be pleased to Receive, and dispose thereof for our most advantage wch we wholly leave to your prudent manadgment. we are of opinion

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 19 Aug 1679

Mr Jno. Launce Ditto S[i]r My last to you was of the 12th present to wch. referr you, since have Received yours of the p[ri]mo present whereby takes notice you had that post sent Mr Andre Hebert et filz of Paris first bills for 1000 W. upon my acct. I have a letter from s[ai]d Hibert to the same purpose but that some of the bills were protested, and that he had writt to you to know where to advise himselfe for the payment thereof, wch I que

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 19 Aug 1679

Mr James Gould Newcastle augt the 19th 1679 S[i]r I have yours of the 14th with bills of loading for the 120 Casks Leed Oare all wch. have this post sent forward accordingly but Certainly your Commanders were very much to blame for not keeping each one, whereby to demand there freight when your accot of Chardges Comes you shall immediately know where to be Reimbursed & if you will please to Recommend to me an honest able and punctual ma

Letters – Michael Blackett to Andre Hebert – 26 Aug 1679

Messrs Andre Hibert & Compy Newcastle Augt. the 26th 79 Genetlemen I have yours of the 23rd present whereby you remitt me £158:16s In a Plymouth bill, for the future pray observe that except there be a necessity or an advantage, never to send me any other but London bills, I have sent this of yours for acceptance, and question not but itt will be Complyed of with all, I heartily thank you for your care in forwarding me my letter from Mr. Jno. Launce w

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 26 Aug 1679

Mr Peter Bar Ditto Sir I received yours of the 16th In due course, your bill of £40 was paid as soon as itt came to hand I thank you for your readiness to write to Mr Le Gendre about the £20: I wonder exceedingly what Mr Milburne is adoing all this time, but I feare not but to Catch him att last, he has a most brave shipp under him, I hope your next will bring me news of him, I know he dare not for his life play the rogue with me, being an owner, and ha

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 26 Aug 1679

Mr Hurbt Aylwin Newcastle Augt. the 26th 1679 Sir I have yours of the 14th to wch Can Say noe more but as Mr James Gould pleases to wait for his Commission, you shall hear proportionally I expect his acct. this afternoone, pray to advise me upon the termes you Cann get me Insured £500 or £600:= along with the Herring fleet for Marseilles, In doing whereof you will very much oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 26 Aug 1679

Mr Jam: Gould Ditto Sir Pray doe me the favour as advise me att your Leasure upon what tearmes you can insure me £500: or £600: along with the Herring Fleet for Marseilles, I have agreed with Capt. English to Carry my goods who has a brave pinase [pinnace] and 10 Gunns I heartily beg your pardon for your trouble, doe wish I Could be thought Capable of your Commands, or as a Retaliation In some measure however will make bold to Subscribe myselfe as

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 26 Aug 1679

Mr Geo: Moore Ditto Sir I have yours of the 19th but wonder you should draw £100 upon me when the Corne was first sold, you know it was but Conditionally along time itt was before I gott your Answer but afterwards itt was Confirmed, but in the Country time for paymt. begins not till Corne be delivered, and of what is d[elivere]d you have had dew advice, and may Expect your mony accordingly, but tis folly for me to demand itt before. the Remainder of your Corne I d

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 26 Aug 1679

James Burkin and Comp Newcastle Augt. the 26. 79 Gentlemen I thought good to let you know that all the writeings are drawn relating to your business with Alderman Braband, but Cannot send you Copies this post, my man shall doe itt against next, wch if approved of, they shall Immidiately be signed and the £100 Received In the meanwhile remaines MB Newcastle augt. 29th 79 Writt Mr Jam: Burkin

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edmond Thaxter – 26 Aug 1679

Mr Edmond Thackster ditto My last to you was of the 9 present, to wch as yet have had no Answer wch makes me believe itt has miscarried, this therefore is for Confirmation unto wch urgently Craves your Answer. I have freighted Capt. English desires to know if you could procure me 6, 7 or 800 barrills of Herring att the usual freight, wch if you Could helpe me unto you would very much oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 30 Aug 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin and Compy Newcastle augt. the 30th 79 Sir I sent you yesterdays post a Coppy of the writing relating to your businesse with Alderman Brabant Since having discoursed with my Counsell, and demanding of him If any particular why objections could be made, I had for Answer that to his knowledge In none but one (viz) that whereas there is a <recited> lease from Mr Bowes and the date not mentioned the Reason being that the said lease being in Mr Alb

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 2 Sep 1679

Mr Geo: Moore Newcastle 7ber the 2nd 1679 Sir Inclosed is the acct. of your Rye the net proceed whereof is £109: 7s wch you may Rely upon wn dew but t’will be folly in me to demand it sooner, if you find any Error advise me and if shall be ratified if none note it accordingly, I am sorry for yr great Loss in measure but it Cannot be helped. I thought those men to whome you made your bill payable had been <masters> of shipps wch made

Letters – Michael Blackett to Thomas Finley – 2 Sep 1679

Tho: Finley d[itt]o I am informed that you have formerly Combined with others to Cheate me, amongst any others, I only desired to be Satisfyed in one thing, wheather you have not for these 4 years by past paid all manner of sesses [rate assessments] for Glover pastures and if you did who gave you order, I am sure I did not, Soe shall Expect all backe again, Pray Remember my Silver tobacco box I am in hast M B

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edmond Thaxter – 4 Sep 1679

Mr Edmond Thackster Newcastle 7ber the 4 1679 Sir I have writt you Severall letters, but never recd one line In Answer to any of them I have freighted Capt. English for Marseilles if you could help me with 3 or 400 barrils of Red Herrings upon freight you would doe me a kindnesse I am informed the usuall freight is 2 <Dlrs> per caske if soe much cannot be gott, I shall be willing to abate wt you <thincke> Convenient wch I wholly leave
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467