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Letter – Thomas Wentworth to Matthew Wentworth – 4 Apr 1674

Brother My cozen Wentworth desires upon the sight hereof you will you will repaire to Sir Francis Burdett and receive of him for my cozen[s] use the sume of 136l [£136] due to him at or before this time upon accompt and when you have received it, make up that money out of what is due to me 206l [£206] and goe forthw[i]th to my cozen Kampden and paye it to her as a debt due to her from my cozen Wentworth and tell her that upon the receipt of her letter I repaired to Mr Wilkinson according to

Letter – Ralph Grey – 7 Apr 1674

Newc[astle] Aprill the 07 1674 Right Honble This at present is to aquante you that Last parcell of sugar you sent me q[uanti]t[y] 3 <cwt> weight is <is bath browne>; and must you send it at 58s per <cwt> and i was profered for 50s as good[:] I hope you will maike an abatemnt; Mr Hills Affirms the £100 is paid w[hi]ch pray writ mee I have Allowed hym the £60 and for the £40 Mr Burford he saith hath paid it. I hope Mr Goulds bill of £20 is paid w[hi]ch he assures me

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 7 Apr 1674

Newc[astle] Aprill the 7th 1674 Alder[man]:Webb I gave Mr Wm Peacoke Credit in his acct for the £130 he p[ai]d you; I had Eare this writ you as to youer acct but that the death of my Cossin Briggs and his mother prevented me: pray If you will abait me noe more send me down A realease in full of all Accts that I may then begin anew againe wth you. performing your promis to use me as well as Your Nighors I have Intreated wth a partner to Manadge the traid for I have Concarns that hynder

Letter – Ralph Grey to Randolph Richardson – 7 Apr 1674

Newc[astle] Aprill 7th 74 Mr Richerson Sir Yours of the 2d curant came to hand for w[hi]ch I thanke you and for your advice of Hopps I had writ to you Erre this but the death of My Cossin Briggs prevented mee; I gave you Creditt upon the Lead Acct for £153 w[hi]ch is the ballance of our acct <In shoope> w[hi]ch pray send me A recait In full; and then that I may upon recit of that send send for a parcell upon the New Acct; pray be plesed to draw the Lead Acct Anew; and put the su

Letter – Ralph Grey to Hayward – 11 Apr 1674

New[castle] Aprill the 11 1674 Mr Hayward, Yrs of the 4th Aprill came to saife hand whearin you desired to be informed in the coale traide. Coles is sould for nine shill[ing]s wch last wint[e]r was bought for 6s; but those that follow the traide make there p[ro]visions in the winter from the ii of No; till the 2d of febr; for then the colyers is nessessitated but is there now ; the charge is as followeth; for coles is nine shill per chald[ron] & eight chald will maike out 15 chal

Letter – Ralph Grey – 11 Apr 1674

Newcastle Aprill the 11th 1674 Sr. Yours of the 4th curante came to safge hande where in I pceve Mr Harissons bill of exchang will not be pd wthout you have the bond; wch I have sent you heare inclossed; his bond for fifty seaven £; and bill for tre pounds wich pray received & place it to acct; and let me receved a line or two in answeare of the receipt; and for goods I shall order when I heare of the receipt of this; I am troubled they should put us to this trouble for money pd hea

Letter – John Mowbray to William Blackett – 12 Apr 1674

<?Auih> Duxfeild April 12th 1674 Honered Sir: I Recd youres of the 11th att <prof> and shall obsairve the contentes thare of <&> shall writ Will Steele to <give thenantes> notish thatt you will tak the advintage of the forfiture butt let me knowe whether I shall <Recve> aney of that which is behind if thay ofer itt <seing> thay mist the Day Apointed I sopose thay are very pour pepall that hath not paid so ar to be pited/ I bought one parshall of Land cal

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 17 Apr 1674

Aprill the 17 : 1674 Alderman Webb, Yours of the 11th came to hand with your discharge in full od acct if you w[ou]ld take care to send me good goods and as cheap as any for we have but a retale trade and one p[ar]cel of bad goods wld losse our custom which is not easily recovred. These things considred you shall have my custome: My Lord Maior hath used me kindly since I dealt with him praye send me per the first 1 <H> of the best damaske pruns [prunes], 1 barrol of the finest cu

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 17 Apr 1674

Ditto Mr Shipheard Sr This is to intreat you for to send me per the first <half> of fine broune suger about 44s per cwt. 1 barrel of fine pouder suger at 3£, 1 barell purged suger about 36s per cwt I hope you have recd Mr Harresons bond for £57 and his bill for £3 which praye advise me of the rec[eip]t of them . not else but that I am yours Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 17 Apr 1674

Newcastle: Aprill the 17 1674 Mr George Potts Yours of the 11th curante came to saife hand, whare you writ of your Br[other] Sam <Janses> comeing out of Zealande. I have sent to Shields to inquire for hime when he comes in, Mr Bengemen Doncasters <comdin> who I intend to lead with Colebourne coles next weake as fast a they can be ledd for thare is no cole of the staiths that some must lye this 3 weaks befor they <obload> but the wind is out of way lying northeast this

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 17 Apr 1674

Ditto Mr William Peacoke Yours of the 7th Aprill recd wherein you take notice of my not mentioning Mr <Jobs> going for Amsterdam which was omitted your <positive> order was to shipe it for Amsterdam if I had acted contrarey to your ordering I hope your <Lead> is sould er this to a good price when your bill of £50 cums shall paye it . you question the [pression] which never was questioned befor I have recd of Mr Thomas Cotesworth £100 p Anum for shiping of Lead

Letter – Ralph Grey to Randolph Richardson – 17 Apr 1674

ditto Mr Randolph Richardson, Praye send me p the first one bag of your fine hops <pack Br…> wee have but a retale <> if we <…> lose our Custom its hard for to bring it again. Lead here is £13 p fother Corne ryseth wheat at 7s6d p last Rye 6s barley 4s oats 2s6d this whats needful from your Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 1 May 1674

May the 1st : 1674 Mr Wigfald. Yrs of the 16 Aprl came to hand wch I had Answd Erre this but that my occasions called me out of towne; I hope the providence is saifly Arived wth the Lead; She hath bene out in these Laite stormes where in sundry was lost; I have sent you the acct Inclosed and a bill of Exchange of Mr Geo Potts the <Grett Sayle> maker for £28=10s wch pray Recv and furnish my Cossen Briggs with what money she wants and I shall Ether ord[e]r it up; or Charge a bil

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 1 May 1674

Newc[astle] May the first 1674 Mr Geo Pott. Sr This at p[re]sent is to acco[m]pany on Benj Doncaster acct for Coles and moneys to £28=10s Coles Is very scarse now; that some hath waited 1 mo[nth] for thare Loading; heare is such great Raine that wee can gett noe Coles Lead; for Mr Dye he Loads at Setton Pear wth Sr Ra Delavals; we hear nothing of yo[ur] Brother as yet; hear hath bene sore wether to the Norward 3 shipps Lost; I have sent Mr Doncasters Bill of Exchange to Mr Wigfald

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 1 May 1674

Newcastle May the 1 1674 Mr Hester. Sr Mr John Hill hath beene out this last storme and hath lost some of his Ancker and Cables, hath lost a quant[it]ye of Coles over bord, lost his boute and is Come in heare; I thought it safe to get his brother Hen: Hill to <joine> with him in a New bond that this bill of exchange for ane £150 <..> should be p[ai]d fourth of June wch I send you heare inclosed; upon Mr Wm Nutt<..> Merchant in London; wchpray get it exepted; I thou

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 8 May 1674

Newc[astle] May the 8 1674 Alderman Yours of the 23d Ap wth the goods shipd In the Lyly John Collam M[aste]r Came to hand I desire you now ship 2 Bar[rel]ls Rason <…> one 5 ft bar[re]l of <malligor> and 2 dusson of yr best Nutmegs and the price of goods – R Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 8 May 1674

Newc[astle] May the 8th 74 Mr Geo Pott My Last was the first May wth Mr Doncasters acct; of Coles Cash wch I hope is Saife wth yow; since wch I Recd yours of the 2d wth the Inclosed to Mr Wm Dye; wch is sent forward; whear he is <wth> Sr Ra Delavale I am afraid he will h[ardly] have water Anough to Come out againe loading for there is barely soe much water as she drawes Coles is very scarce heare by reason of the great Raines. Some riy come out of Holland wch sels I heare for 5

Letter – Ralph Grey – 9 May 1674

Newcastle May 9th 1674 Sr Yrs of the 5th Instant; where in I pceive Mr Potts could not pay the bills till this day, I sent Mr Potts his acct under his hand, therfor he need not pretend want of advice I thanke you for your great Care in goeing to Mr Sayers to inquire after my Cossen Briggs; and that you would furnish Hir wth wt she hath accation for: I have sent you here inclossed a bill of exch: for twenty pounds at three days sight upon Mr Benj Barnes; I have sold A peele of Lead here t

Letter – Ralph Grey – 16 May 1674

Newcastle May the 16th 1674 Sr, Yours of the 9th current came to hand; as I have beene sundry times wth the p[ar]ty concerned as to the Leed oare; who hath written divers letters: about it but the wayes are soe bad by reason of the great raynes that he could not prov[ide] any caridge; but hath promised this next weake to be in towne and to give an acct in w[ha]t time we may relye of it; & w[ha]t quantytye. wth the next shall give an acct of the wayes hath bene soe bad that we hav

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Cawood – 22 May 1674

Newcastle May the 22 1674 Mr Cawood, Yours of the 16 curant came to saife hand wth a bill upon John Hunter of North Sheeles for £2 14s I sent my man downe wth the bill; but he perceived he wanted advice and would not pay; yesternight he came and p[ai]d the money; if he had don at first had saved my mans charge; I have sent you heare inclosed Mr <Arkhays> Rest for the glasse; the six pines was for carreing to the water side; and for the other <Cha> I am very much more in de

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 22 May 1674

Newcastle May the 22 1674 Mr Wigfald, For yours of the 16 p[re]sent for wch and your Care in seing my cossen Briggs and guiving her advice I thanke you; I perceive Mr Potts hath pd hys Bill and the other £20 will be paid this day I have made bould to trouble you wth another Bill upon Mr Potts for £22 2s 4d, and what paid will be dispurste farther for my cousson’ who I hope will sett forward on Monday next of wch pray advise me. leed keeps up at price £13 per fother I sould 40 foth

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 22 May 1674

Newcastle May 22 ’74 Mr Geo Potts I have this day clered a bill of exchange of you for £22:02:4d at sight payable to Mr Danl. Wigfald wth Wm Dyes acct who I hope is wth you err this come to hand. Coles is very scarse hear; ships being forsed to lye for them, but we gave Mr Dye what disspch could be. Lead £13 per fother. No more at psent. R Grey

Lease – Francis Radcliffe to Cecily Bacon – 26 May 1674

This Indenture made the Twentieth day of May in the Six & Twentieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith Anno Dom 1674 Betweene Sr. Francis Radclyffe of Dilston in the County of Northumberland of the One partie and Cecily Bacon of Broadwood Hall in the parish of Allandale & County afore Said widow of the other party Witnesseth that the Said Sr. Francis Radclyffe for divers Good

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 30 May 1674

Newcastle May the 30th 1674 Mr Wigfald of the 21th currant came to hand where I see you payd my cousin Mrs Cath Briggs one hundred & thirty po[und]s wich I have given you credit for, I thanke you for your respects to hir; as for the fire stones for the Glasse furnace, I have bespoaken them & given coppayes of your Notte; soe I tell them those that will usse me best shall have my moneys; I hope wthin dayes to give you an acct of the concerne; as for your kelpe I p.sume its sould hear

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 30 May 1674

Mr Hester, I have writ sundry Letters to hull as to Mr Hills concernes; & they writ me that all is p[ai]d or noe fath in Israell; I shall be glad to here the like from you; of wich pray advice mee that you be not disappointed of the Moneys wich I intend you will let me know per first how ours stands. R Grey
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467