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Letters – Michael Blackett to John Ferryer – 23 Sep 1679

Mr Jno: Ferryer ditto Sir I have yours of the 15th present doe heartily thank you for your readiness to Serve me, but will not muddle <sd Herrings> unless upon freight wch I wholly leave to your discretion, to agree as you best can for my most advantidge if you have any to carry to said place I will take them in att 1½ doller, but hope you may procure 2 of others - if not to agree for 1½, wch once againe I leave to you prudent manidgement wn any thing passes

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 27 Sep 1679

Mr Jam: Burkin and Compee. Newcastle 7ber the 27th 79 Sirs I have this day discoursed fully yr businesse with Alderman Braband, have Cleared all objections, save only one, to be satisfied of wch he desires till Monday, wch is £40:= <odd> money upon Coopers Security whether Inclusive or Exclusive gott accidentally a perusal of the Report, by wch itt appears plainely on <yr side>, and have gotten the Errour (you mentioned) mended, viz instead of Â

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Torriano – 27 Sep 1679

London Mr Geo: <Torriano> Newcastle 7ber the 27th 1679 Sir I have before me yours of the 18th and for Answer, In my opinion I have gott a good ship to goe along with the Herring Convoy for Marseilles, viz the yarmth Marchand of yarmth Capt. English Comander, who Dare say is a very honest man, has 10 Gunns, 14 men, I intend to ballast her with Leed, and Leed Oare, and am willing to Serve you for 5: 6: or 700 or 800 barrills of Herrings as others <pays>, lesse you cannot

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 27 Sep 1679

London Mr Jam: Gould ditto Sir Pray lett your man goe att his Leasure to Billingsgate to one Mr Ralph Harup there Enquire for one Nich. Bilton a ma[ste]r of a Shipp, and demand of him upon my accot. £30:=:= shew him what is under written, if Incase he be Comed away the money will be left with Ralph Harup, wch pray lett be had and you will oblidge M B Nich: Bilton Pay unto the bearer thirty pounds or wt you Can Conveniently spare upon the accot. of

Letters – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Harding – 3 Oct 1679

Mr Nich: Harding Newcastle 8ber the 3rd 1679 Sir Edward Milburne advises me that he will pay the whole debt before he stur, however would desire you to keepe him truly to itt, but not to tell itt abroad that he runn upon Botomary but to keep itt secret. You understand the law better than I doe, soe if you finde him any way refractory, proceed against him according to law and besure lett not his ship sturr till the whole debt be Satisfyed

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Spilman – 4 Oct 1679

Mr George Spilman Senior NewC 8ber the 4th 79 Sir I have yours of the 22nd past, for Answer you might certainly have had the trouble of my Commission had you not answered soe many of my letters last yeare with Silence, by your doing of wch did force me to seeke out other Correspondents, I sent last yeare a good parcell of Leed and Leed oare for Marseilles, and have this yeare freighted Capt. English of your place whome I Intend to ballast with sd Commodities fo

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 4 Oct 1679

Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Ditto I have yours of the 22nd past be assured your bill shall be dewly Complyed withall Soe remaine M B

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Milburne – 4 Oct 1679

Mr Edwd: Milburne Newcastle 8ber the 4th 1679 Sir I have yours of the 25 past, for answer, In short, I cannot give any greater part with you, soe does Expect my bill shall be directly Complyed withal or very shortly after, for a day or two I know my friend will not stand with you, he has your Botomary bill to dd you upon payment of the money and orders to proceed against you, in case of default I am daiyly Called on here for the money, they will not g

Letters – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Harding – 4 Oct 1679

Mr Nich: Harding Ditto Inclosed is a letter for Edwd Milburne, wch peruse and <cause> be dd, I think itt will make him hasten the paymt. of my bill, and I hope ere that you have gott most <pd> of itt, when all is paid you may dd him up the Botomary bill, lett me heare wt passes, but pray lett not his Sturr before I be Satisfyed, he writes me very finely that he will pay all, keepe him to itt you have the Law in yr owne hand, if he will not be civill you

Letters – Michael Blackett to John English – 4 Oct 1679

Capt English Newcastle 8ber the 4th 79 I have yours of the 16th past, and very sorry for your soe great Indisposition of health, I pray god turn itt for the best, for I am desirous to have you to serve me in person, but if itt please God to order itt otherwise I desire your Care in procuring me an honest man in your roome, and now lett your vessel come as soone as you please, for am ready for you and very desirous to see yrselfe, for I

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Ferryer – 4 Oct 1679

Mt Jno Ferryer Ditto Sir I am very sorry to hear of Capt English being soe much Indisposed, if not able to Serve me in person you being one of his greatest owners, I doe heartily begg your care in procuring an honest and carefull man in his roome, Att the vessell Come wn itt will I am ready for her, and I hope you will procure me 4 or 500 Barrells of Herrings, Ma[ster] Geo. <Spilman>Sr writes me he sent a great number last year and paid 2½ frei

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 4 Oct 1679

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle 8ber the 4th 1679 Sir The above is wt I writt to Mr <Pigaull> the 16th past, tis most strange to me wt he would be att, little thanks for wt I have done for him, if my letter miscarried I cannot helpe itt, I am sure I have not wronged him soe noe more of it if ever you have <learnd> of my £20: pray lett me know and you will oblidge M B

Letters – Michael Blackett – 4 Oct 1679

Writt this day to Aunt <Neulby> and Tho: Finley

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 11 Oct 1679

Bro: Blackett Newcastle 8ber the 11th 1679 I have yours of the 9th present, when Jno. Lowes payes me the £20: I shall not faile to use my utmost Endeavours for the getting you a bill for the same, but if none In this place Can doe itt, (as I really believe it will be hard to meet with one that will) I hope you will excuse me my father intends for London upon monday Come <a Seven> night the 20th present, my Lady says she can Cares no

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Torriano – 11 Oct 1679

Mr George <Torriano> Newcastle 8ber the 11th 1679 Sir I have yours of the 2nd present whereby I perceive that you are declined from sending any Herring for the Straights, for wch I am very Sorry, and desire that if you alter your Resolution that you will be pleased to give me timely notice and I will Serve you Cheaper than any man in England shall doe. This being the needful att present remaine M B

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Ferryer – 14 Oct 1679

Mr John Ferryer Newcastle 8ber the 14th 79 Sir Capt Purvice is arrived, who shall be dispatched, and shall leave roome for 6. 7. or 800 barrells of Herrings, wch I hope you, and my other friends will procure me upon freight wherein shall be as reasonable as any other whatsoever shall freely leave itt to you to agree for wt you think fitt, <I Enter> leave for the Coast, for feare of a Second boot with Bell, when with you pray doe you owne the goo

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edmond Thaxter – 14 Oct 1679

Mr Edmond Thaxter ditto Sir Capt Purvice is arrived, who will be dispatched, and shall have roome for 6. 7. or 800 barrills of Herrings wch I hope you and my other friends will procure me upon freight, wherein shall be as reasonable as any other whatsoever, shall freely leave itt to you to agree for wt you think fitt, Soe remaine M B

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 14 Oct 1679

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle 8ber the 14th 1679 Sir I formerly writt you and desired you to lett me know how you could Insure me 4: 5 or 600 for Marseilles,wch I doe by your desire againe, for my vessell is now lying in the river, and am loading her as fast as possible, and will Engage she shall be ready to hoist up anchor with the Herring Convoy, In answer to wch a line att your Leasure would very much oblidge M B In case for Mar

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 14 Oct 1679

Mr James Burkin and Compy ditto Sirs Yours of the 4th and 7th Came both to my hand last post togeather have not as yet met with Alderman Braband to dd him the Counterpt by you signed, the papers you desire shall have per next, but for Leazes expect none, for I writt you formerly they were in another partners hand, who will never deliver them without Suite, for my <live> I Cannot procure you a bill neither for love nor mony, Soe must have patience till you

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Torriano – 14 Oct 1679

Mr George Torriano Newcastle 8ber the 14th 79 Sir my vessel for Marseilles is now in the river, if you Resolve upon anything may please to order your friend att yarmo[uth] Immediately the needful who may Repaire either unto Mr Jno. Ferryer or Mr Edmond Thaxter to agree for the freight thereof, I will promise you, you shall pay with the Least, I would willingly have been 1/2 Concerned with you, if I were not too deeply Concerned allready, pray

Letters – Michael Blackett to Guillaume Gisford – 17 Oct 1679

Honsr Guillaume <Gisford> Newcastle 17th 8ber 1679 Honsr La presente vous sera donnee per Capt. Chris. Blackett Charge avecq, da Charbon propree pour Les Mareschaux les quells apres bon Arrivement il yous plaire vendre - pour mon plus grand advantage et de Charger aveq tout Expedition ce dit navire avez des <pommes> de grande le vous prie <morenes> ayez egard au 50 s per tonneau et autres Chardges et desiere en Sorte per votre moyen et b

Letters – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Harding – 21 Oct 1679

Mr Nich: Harding Newcastle 8ber the 21st 1679 Sir I have two letters from Edward Milburne whereby takes notice you have have Spoke together, your Resolution was that you would give him time, provided he would give you Security and Consideration, wch he desires me to doe, Soe by this I doe promisse to be his security and will pay you consideration, onlye besure lett not the Shipp sturr whatever Chardges you are att itt shall be upon my accot a

Letters – Michael Blackett to Robert Hackshaw – 21 Oct 1679

Mr Robt. Hackshaw ditto Sir I have yours of the 14th with an Inclosed from Mr Gifford, Capt Preslee was dispatched before your letter Came to hand, and now is ready to Saile with the first opportunity of a faire wind, we shall reckon this day Soe per next shall draw the needful upon you according to your order, If Can Serve you In this palce upon all occations freely Command M B

Letters – Michael Blackett to Joseph Dalwin – 21 Oct 1679

Jo. and Leond <Dalwin> Newcastle 8ber the 21st 1679 Sirs I have yours of the 16th present and doe desire you not to harbour any such thoughts, as to imagine that I think itt any trouble to serve you upon all occations I shall Endeavour the freighting of a vessel for you upon the best tearmes I can, and hope per next to give you an accot. of some progress therein In the mean while remaine M B Ditto Writt Mr Nathan Johnson

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 24 Oct 1679

Newcastle 24 8ber 1679 Honnored Sr I have since I came last out of scotland recd 2 letters from you the one from London the other dated from this place the contents I wil not trouble my head to answer but at meeting I shall give an Acct of my actions with the men at Wanloch head, which I shal make apear was by yr orders & advice to doe thair as I thought fit. But since you have suffered so much by my Ill manidgmt pray manidge you[r] p[ar]t better. I shal pay my part as soon as Sr
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467