Mr. Jam: Gould and Compy Newcastle xber the 23rd 1679
I have not writt you this long time having had some Extraordinary business In the Country, but God willing shall make amends for the future, your acceptable of the 20th past is Come to hand, God be thanked for the arrival of the vessels In whome I am concerned my opinion is Clearely for taking market price upon arrivall, but as before I leave itt wholly to your discretion, not doubting but you will allw
Mr Jno. Jolliffe ditto
I have not dewly answered your letter, having had extraordinary business In the Country, but God willing will doe itt for the future am Glad my Concernes are arrived my opinion is Clearely for Markett price upon arrivall but as before shall allwayes leave my Concernes to your discretion, if you, att any time think twill be for my advantidge to Sellar [ie. store or ‘cellar’] I shall be content, Soe whatever you doe shall please me, not do
Mr Peter Bar ditto
I have beene att Yorke and elsewhere in the Country these 5 weeks by past otherwise yours of the 22nd past should sooner have beene answered Inclosed you have Receipts for yr £2: pd <Sturman> pray I make an end of itt for I abhorr difference if all things In the world, whatever you doe shall be Content with tho I loose £20: I wonder you write me that the bill of £35: is not yet paid it was my fathers bill tho drawne by his ma
Mr Jno. Launce Newcastle xber the 25th 1679
I have not for these 5 weeks by past dewly answered your letters having had some extraordinary business in the Country but God willing shall doe for future next post shall give you a Copy of what my man writt you from yarmth. and write you att lardge wch now I have not time to doe, have only to advise you that Mr Hurbt. Aylwin has 100 pcs Leed to send you upon my accot. the first opportunity and I
Mr Peter Bar Newcastle xber the 30th 1679
There is a bill of exchange for £63:10/8 p In your house drawne by Ch: Banckes Hamb[urg] 28.9ber dew 18th January wch I desire you to take notice of, and I will not faile within a post or two, to Reimburse you In a good bill I am In hast
I suppose shortly you will have a thousand pounds remitted you upon my accot. wch when remitted pray receive
Writt Mr Bolitho and Company and desired them to send me my accot. Currt. against the new year M B
Writt Mr Henry Nelthorpe and desired him against the new yeare to send me my accot. Currt. M B
Mr Wm. Nephew Newcastle xber the 30th 1679
I have yours of the 24th present In answer to wch be pleased to take notice, that our Collector and I are to meet this weeke Concerning that business, and In the prosecution whereof assure yrselfe noe Endeavour shall be awanting, nor In any thing Else, whereof att any time thought thought [sic] capable of serveing of you, after we have spoke together, shall (God willing) give you an acct. of our proceedings
Mr Hesletine ditto
I am a little impatient till I heare how you proceed with Mr Langley, I wish with all my heart, you could order the Business soe, as to get him to accompt with you and get me all my money, and whereas I formerly hinted to abate them <£10:> of the Chardges rather than faile to be Cleare of them I will abate them £15: but I leave all to yr discretion, wt money they pay att London Send there note to Mr Peter Bar marchnt. in said pl
Mr Hump: Willett ditto
Yours of the 25th I have received, Contents have observed I am sorry should have troubled you by a mistake and I finde you are mighty <timorous> tis good to please Some sort of people, therefore herewith you have wt you doe desire our order is to pay the £200: to those that have my bill expecting your speedy Complyance we remaine M B JW
Mr Jam: Burkin and Compy. Newcastle xber the 30th 1679
Yours of the 25th Instant have Received <since> my advice of the Councills referring himselfe to you (he severall times asking me if I had heard from you) did take upon me to give him 20s with wch hw was very well satisfied, and I believe has not beene better employed these 7 years, Soe I know no reason of giving him any more, especially he being Soe <lucky> as appears by the 3rd line, if
Mr Tho. Hesletine NewC feb the 18th 1679/80
In the box amongst my papers you’le finde two bonds from Sir Miles Stappleton and Mr Nich. Errington for £177.10:- the wch I desire you to deliver to the bearer hereof Jno. Sotherby for the use of the said Sir Miles Stappleton and Mr Nich. Errington, and for doing this shall be your sufficient dischardge soe with my kinde respects to yr daughter and all friends remaine
haveing recd. the value of th
Mr Ch. Banckes Newcastle feb the 20th 1679/80
I have not writt you long time haveing had some occations in the Country for these 2 m[onths] by past but the bill you drew upon me the 28th of 9ber last is dischardged and Jacob Wilkinson but yesterday arrived, I feare my <mum> will be in a bad condition but must have patience Sir Henry Lowes is making ready to come to your place, Doe desire the kindnesse of you, that if you have a freight for such a ves
Newcastle 29th Feb 1679/80
Honoured Sir,
I recd yours of no date last post by wh[ich] I p[er]cave you have got clear Eliock Wood wh[ich] I am glad of and I hope neather you nor Hopton wil part with yr mo[ney] but on sure gronds. Wt my part is I shall pay when I come to Scotland wh[ich] wil be about begining of May I shall provide the needful for the mill & send you the Inclosed to our men pray p[er]use & send them it, ading wt you thinck fiting & let me intreat you to se
Newcastle Feb the 27th 1679/80
Writt Mr Hurbt: Aylwin of London upon the 21st <p[re]sent> and sent him a bill for £50: likewise writt him <this> day and sent him another for £20 JW
Mr Ch: Banckes Newcastle feb the 24th 1679/80
The above is Copy of my last, since having none from you Soe the lesse to Enlardge that being chiefly to Confirme wt preceeds and to desire your Endeavours and activity In the businesse In doing whereof you will very much oblidge M B
Mr Jam: Burkin do
I suppose ere this Alderman Skinner hath advised you that I paid him the £80: att yorke, and I wonder that you have not drawne the Remainder, pray Seale and cause the Inclosed to be delivered who I am Certaine will pay you £20: if he can with Convenience Soe Remaine
pray Sir doe me the kindnesse as to afford me a letter of Recommendation to your friend att <Roehill> having some goods to send to said place
Nich: Bilton do
If you can with Convenience faile not to pay unto Mr James Burkin and Compy or order £20 relying upon the same I expect your Complyance Soe remaine M B
I would gladly heare that you have gotten all your <former> freight and Soe to give us Some profit wn you come home
Mr Ch: Banckes March the 2nd 79/80
What preceeds is Coppy of what I last writt you about businesse, since none from you Soe the lesse to Enlardge upon this being chiefly to Confirme the same, and to desire you by all meanes, that if possible you will either give him a freight yourself for London, or procure him as many goods as will loade him, wch if not to be Effected, I desire your utmost Endeavour for procuring him a freight, to any other place,
Mr Ch: Banckes Newcastle march the 3rd 1679/80
My last unto you was of the 2nd p[re]sent by Henry Lowes unto wch please be referred, this will be dd you by the Same hand, and Serves only to desire you to furnish and pay unto him the said Henry Lowes the value of Six Hundred Dollars Cur.t money att one or more times as he shall have occation for itt and as he shall desire itt from you, taking his receipt or receipts for what you shall Soe furnish
Mr Wm Blackett, March 5th 1680
I recd yrs of the 29th past, and as to the Wood we have it as secure a bargaine as Lawyers advice could make it; you say you will speedily send the needfull materials for the Smelt-Mill; I was in hopes the harths would have beene hear er now; they beeing to bee gott at Allingfoord 16 m above Newcastle; But seeing they are not my desire is they may bee sent as soone as possible at least one harth consisting of 2 Bearers 2 Keystones 1 foorstoone two bac
Sir Wm. Blackett Bart. by his Will directs all his Debts to be pd. out of his Real & personal Estate and gives to the Mayor of Newcastle & his Succors In Trust for the poor of the sevl. Parishes of St. Nicholas, All Saints, St. John's & S.Andrews in Newcastle & Gateshead & Hartinpoole in Coun Durham for each of them £2. a year for ever to be Issuing out of his Messes & houses in Newcastle devised to his Son Wm. And gives to Dame Margt. His wife a Messe & Mill ca
Mr Peter Bar Newcastle March the 9th 1679/80
I have received yours of the 4th with my accot. Currt. Inclosed wch I have examined found right and booked accordingly, and punctually complyed with your bill wn presented, but I am sorry - however I am as I allwayes was M B
Mr Jam: Burkin and compy Do
I have before me yours of the 5th present, and give you infinite thankes for yr letter of recommendation wch have this daye sent forward, I can give you noe accot. of the businesse with Alderman Brabant having not Spoake to him about itt, but next post shall not faile to give you a Satisfactory accot. in the Interim remaine
I have a great deal of tar and hempe in my hands In wch if your friends can give me any Enco
Mr James Gould Do
If at any time you have a mind to vente 10: 12: 14: or 16 hundred pcs Leed either for Marseilles or Lygorne I am very willing to goe halfe with you, and will engadge to afford you Leed as cheape as any other, the present price of Leed is £10: per fother each containing 21 cwt each hundred 112 lbs but I can afford you itt 5/s cheaper wch you may please take into consideration, and afford yr answer att your Leasure unto M B