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Letters – Michael Blackett to van der Meer – 9 Mar 1680

<> van der Meer et filz Newcastle March the 9th 1679/80 & Mons. van Bommell Par le Recommendation (Comme p incluse) de mes Bonnes amys Messrs James Burkin et Henry Ward de Londres Je prens La Liberte de vous ecrire La: p[re]sente, yous priant de m honourer avec une des vostre p La premiere occation, et me mander le prez des Suivantes marchandizes viz des Charbons, du plomb, du <Gauderen> du Stockholme et du <Chanure&

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 9 Mar 1680

Mr Hurb: Aylwin Do Sir Mr Burkin and Compy. advised me last post that they had received noe money where I ordered them nor can I remitt you a farthing without great losse, but inclosed you have two notes wch will be punctually complied withal and the persons always to be found att Billingsgate, wt they pay over and above them is dew to you be pleased to keepe itt in your hands till you reshipp me some more goods, if you have a minde at any time to venter 4: 6: 8: or 10 hun

Letters – Michael Blackett to Solomon Crosby – 9 Mar 1680

Do Writt Solomon Crosby, and desired him to pay Mr Hubt. Aylwin <40s: 2/s>

Letters – Michael Blackett to Francis Dawson – 9 Mar 1680

Do Writt Francis Dawson, and desired him to pay Mr Hubt. Aylwin £20 M B

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 9 Mar 1680

Mr Jno. Launce Newcastle March the 9th 1679/80 Sir What preceeds is a coppy of wt my servt. Jno. Wilkinson writt you from yamth. unto wch please be referred, since have received severall of yours, the Contents of all wch have observed, but could not answer them the sooner for the reason Mr. Tho: Smith gave you In his last but one I wonder Leed Oare goes of noe faster, my advice still is for takeing market price upon arrival for all goods, bu

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 9 Mar 1680

Mssr James Edwd Gould and Compy Newcastle March the 9th 1679/80 Sirs I have not writt you this long time for the Reasons Mr Tho. Smith gave you In his last but one, but have received Severall of yours In there dew time the Contents of all wch have observed and am well Satisfyed with the progresse you have made In the Sailes of my Leed Oare, not doubting but you will allwayes use yr utmost Endeavours for my most advantadge Soe shall allwayes leave all my Concern

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Surtees – 9 Mar 1680

Mr Jno <Su..tiss> and Comp Newcastle march the 9th 79/80 I have not writt you ths long time for the Reasons our Thos Smith gave you In his last but one, but have Rced severall of yours In there due time, the Contents of all wch have observed, but am sorry you have made noe greater progresse In the saile of my lead Oare thn you have done, others have sold me some quantity, but I hope your keeping may answer there P[re]sent Selling wch would be very acceptable If I finde soe, but still

Letters – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 17 Mar 1680

Mr. Ch. Bankes Newcastel March 17th 1679/80 This Comes to accompany Mr Bar: Kirkehouse Commander of the Mary and Catherine of Newcastle In whome I have loaden and Consygned unto you Ninety One Chaler Coales New[castle] Measure, Sixty dozen stockins foure ps Cloth wch after good <arrivall> be pleased to receive and dispose Thereof for my most advantage payeing the ma[ster] <L>320: <Curr> money <von/run> either <legg> or Crosse or any other sort tht may

Letters – John Wilkinson to Hubert Aylwyn – 23 Mar 1680

Mr Harld Aylwin Newcaste march the 23rd 1679/80 My ma[ster] going out In towne ordered me to write you and to lett you know tht he had received yours, and desires tht you will be pleased to receive the note of £20 and to give the £40 note unto mr Jan: [James] Burkin and Comp.. to whome he hath given order to Call for itt, that being the needfull att p[re]sent remains JW

Letters – John Wilkinson to James Burkin – 23 Mar 1680

Mr Jam: Burkin, Do My ma[ster] ths day going out in towne ordered me to write to you and to ask you would be pleased to Call upon mr Hurbt Aylwine for a note of £40 and to receive the money as loane as you Can; likewise to you would gett Complyance wth the bill Inclosed bill for £40: My ma[ster] will I believe write you upon the roade concerning Alderman Brabants business, I am for my <mr> Mich Blackett MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 23 Mar 1680

Mr Jno Strother Newcastle march the 23rd 1679/80 This comes to accompany mr Ch. Blackett Commander of the assistance of this place In whome I have loaden Sixteene Ch. of Coales Newc[astle] measure, and <Five> hundred Thirty Eight Cottons, wth wch [I] have ordered him to Seeke a markett, if he come to you pray receive thm and dispose thereof to my most advantage, and despatch him backe wth all speed possible, wth his load any of the finest, narrowest flat you Can meete wth all onlely 5

Letters – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 23 Mar 1680

Mr Ch: Banckes Newcastle march 23rd 1679/80 This comes to accompany mr Nich: Bilton Commander of the Endeavourof Newc[astle] In whome I have loaden and Consigned unto you Eighty Eight Chalder Coales Newc[astle] measure, and the Stockins and Cloth tht should have come by Barth Kirkehouse, wch after good arrivall be pleased to receive and dispose thereof for my most advantage paying the ma[ster] noe freight, onelye lett the ma[ster] have wt money he wants for his occations, and 600 or <..

Letters – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 30 Mar 1680

Mr. Ch. Banckes Newcastle mar the 30th 80 The aboves itt Coppy of wt I writt you by Barth: Kirkehouse and Nich, Bilton wch I desire may be punctually Complyed wth all In every p[ar]ticular, and further desire your Care In Sending forward the Inclosed, and advise him wthall tht you will accept his bills to the valew of £200; att any time wn you are In disburse for me, may freely reimburse youreslfe upon Mr Jno Strother Yrs MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 30 Mar 1680

Mr Jno Strother Do The above is wt I writt you by Ch: Blackett, wch I desire may be punctually Complyed wth all, and does desire your Care in allwayes Sending me the finest Iron and the best mettle tht Can be gott for mony, I have often written for <pan> plates but never yett could procure one from you, pray see wt you Can doe either for ths voyadge or against the next, for 1 Tonn or 2 for more Iron would not have, pray tacke Speciall Care of the and if any encouragement can Suppl

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 3 Apr 1680

Mr Edwd Willett Do Aple 3d I have not writt you ths long time for want of occation ths being Cheifly to accompanying the bearer Timo: Wright a Cousin of mine who Comes to Learn La Langue, my desire tht you would please to tacke Care of him and to gett him sent wth all necessaryes To any place you thinke the most Convenient where he may learne not onely the Tongue but also Arithmetic, and Navigation I approve of <mr Jno Bonnett A Alencon maitre ce rivia daient Le Palais> but I sha

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 7 Apr 1680

Newcastle 7th Aprill 1680 Honnored Sr I rcvd yrs in the contry dated the 5th past, by it you give me great Incoridgmt of my Ld queensberrys kindnes, but I find his inclination nothing bending that way eather to you or me, so that I am at a stand what to doe, as to my concerne thair for to provide nessesarys & be deprived of matterials is not convenient. I was not at Newc.e when my Lord past the 24 past but he caused his sarvt Sam Kirkpaterick to writ to me to tel me that no Wo

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 10 Apr 1680

Mr Richd Hutchinson Newcastle Aprl 10th 1680 Inclosed you have two Coppies, the Originalle I have by me, and I desire tht you will be pleased to Signifye unto me whether you think there will be any probibility of providing the money yea or noe, and if there be, I shall Send the Originalle wn you please if you can doe me the favour I shall be willing to satisfye you and tht wth abundance of thankes I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 10 Apr 1680

Mr. Geo. Moore Do I have before me your of the p[ri]mo present the Contents have well observed, and when Stephen Bourne arrives shall not faile to lend him my best assistance, lickwise pay yor bill of £<10> I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 10 Apr 1680

Mr Hurbt Aylwin Do I have yours of the <primo> p[re]sent I hope you received the <16 L>:= of Francis Dawson, but he had better have beene I know where yn have refused to have paid you the whole note I am glad you have att last gott an opportunity for 100 ps Leed for Marselles, Ile [I’ll] dispatch you some more, either ths day after the Holydaees ths bieng the needfull remains MB <Since> writing the above have agreed wth Wm Burton Commander of the Sea Adventu

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 10 Apr 1680

Mr Jam Burkin and Compee Newcastle Aprl the 10th 1680 Gentlemen I have beene silent ths long time, wch was solely occationed by expectation of giving you the recept of some money, But I must tell you, plainly tht I Can neither procure you principall nor Interest, would advise you to write me two or 3 sharpe lettrs (wch p[er]haps might doe <more> good) lickewise <yor> pleasure In every p[ar]ticular, wch shall be dewly observed by him who is MB I hope you have received the £

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 16 Apr 1680

Mr James Burkin and Comp[any] Newcastle Aprl 16th 1680 Since my last I have beene makeing Strict Enquiry after Alderman Brabant Colliery and In wt Condition itt is, and I am asured by severall men of noe meane capacity Especially In such affaires tht she was never In <a hopefuller> <way> of recovery thn att ths p[re]sent, and tht they question not but In a very shorte time she will be a Colliery to all Intents and purposes, <soe> my advice is now tht you had better suffer

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 20 Apr 1680

Mr Jam Burkin and Comp[any] Newcastle Aprl 20th 1680 Gentlemen I have received yours of the 15th have communicated the Same to Alderman Brabant, wth whome am to meete some time ths weeke, In order receive Satisfaction, wch way he Intends to pay the Second bond I doe assure you I will act soe, as I would doe were the debt my owne, but he is Just now (or never) winning of his Colliery, Soe to be severe wth him, would undoe him for ever, however pray send another letter, and assure yourself

Letters – Michael Blackett to George Moore – 20 Apr 1680

Mr Geo Moore Do I have according to your order p[ai]d Mr. Stephen Bourne £10 wch sume wth <[£]48> more for my provision have ths day valewed upon you payable Att sight unto mr. Harry Huttly or order valew of mr Richd Lundell wch pray lett be Complyed wth all, ths being the needful att p[re]sent remaines MB the ma never came to desire my assistance wch if he had, <one> Endeavours should have beene awanting for the <promolency> of yr Interest

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 21 Apr 1680

Mr Jam: Edward Gould and Compony Newcastle Aprl 21st 1680 What preceeds is a copy of my last to wch please be refered, Since am favoured wth yours of the <9?> past if you Cannot dispose of goods noe remedy but patience, never be angry att itt, itt will Sell one time or other, wn a markett comes tis wellcome, I question not your utmost Endeavours for my most advantage, Soe shall be content wth wt ever happens att any time its quality is the Same wth the other, and why (because Small not

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 21 Apr 1680

Mr Jno Launce Do What prceeds is Copy of my last unto wch please be referred have Since yrs of the 9th and 16th p[re]sent I am Glad my Concernes are arrived wth the progress you have made and pray wn all is Sold and delivered lett me have and exact acc[oun]t of every Sort of goods by its selfe, for by wch the mark profitt the more of the Commodity may expect God willing next Sommer yr letters requiring noe further answer have noe more to Enlarge upon, onely pray faile not to write me
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467