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Letters – Michael Blackett to John Jollife – 27 Apr 1680

Mr Jno Jallife Newcastle Aprl 27th 1680 Wt preceds is Copy of my last unto wch please be refered Since none from you Soe the lesse to Enlarge upon This being Cheilfly to Confirm wt is above written, In short the disposal of my good I leave to yor discretion, wt ever you doe shall be to my satisfaction, if Can putt itt of In Barter for Anniseeds, Wormseed Coffee, Galls or Some of Alexandria I shall be Content not questioning yor utmost Endevour for my most advantage, pray write me once In

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 27 Apr 1680

Mr Richd Hutchinson Do Yours of the 17th Came In due time, wch would have answered sooner had I been In towne, Inclosed you have the 2 Originally desired pray advise me wt you will give for thm, I meane wt they are worth, if they were to be sold, for I am but partly concerned, Some of the rest have occation for money wch I would buy of, - provided I were Certaine itt were secure, pray <.> give me yor advice, <herewth> my hearty thankes for yr kindness In case any favour be t

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 27 Apr 1680

Mr Herbt Aylwin Newcastle Aprl 27th 1680 I wonder I have noe advice of the rest of my 50 ps Led, I am informed the vessell is long since arrived, and I hope came time enough to be shipt wth the rest wch would be very acceptable MB Francis Dawson is sailed againe soe keepe the note till he arrives and <receives> the whole he will now not refuse itt

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 27 Apr 1680

Mr Richd Hutchinson Do Yours I have of the <10th> p[re]sant I rec[eive]d In due time the Contents have observed, and for answer, I am as much against yor vessells fetching of Coale as you Call itt as any of the rest of the Owners can be, I thinke you Can gett one great profitt by itt I wish that <Ruske> be whole, but I must tell you I take itt very ill tht to ths day you have never reckoned wth me I perceive you are upon a designe, I wish you a good voyage and I must immedia

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Johnson – 27 Apr 1680

Mr Jno Jnoson Newcastle Aprl 27th 1680 I have the honour of yors of the 13 p[re]sent the Content whereof have well observed, and In answer to wch be pleased to take notice, tht neither Crosse nor Rix Dollars will give the price you mention, neither is there att any time any quantity to be procured that being what offers att p[re]sent kisse yor hands & remaine MB 5<£> and 7<£> I thinke could procure but not above

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 30 Apr 1680

Mr Jam: Burkin and Comp[any] Aprl 30th 1680 Gentlemen This morning I have been wth Alderman Brabant, and have discoursed the business att Lardge, wt can be gott at p[re]sent is the Inter[e]st for the money, wch I have received, soe please to place itt In Confirmity - Gentlemen my opinion is tht if the debt were my owne, rather thn to be severe I would have a little forbearance, for I am very well satisfyed tht my Bro: is very sorely putt to itt att p[re]sent, and Hope tht wthin lesse thn 2

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 11 May 1680

Mr Richd Hutchinson Newcastle may 11th 1680 Yours I received of the p[re]mo p[re]sent for wch I returne you many thankes, and desire you tht you will be pleased to use your utmost endeavours for the procuring of the money and In doing whereof you will very much oblige MB pray doe me the kindness as to call upon mr <Furley> Stephenson for £3-10-8 upon mr Ch: Shadforths acc[oun]t. for wch lett me have the best beaver London will afford for said price and sent p[er] first opport

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Banks – 11 May 1680

Mr Jno Banckes Do I have accepted yr Bro: Ch: his bill for £300 dated Hamb 23rd April p. 2/us[ances] to <Jno> Kenricke or order and have made the same p. <w thr> house wch shall take care to provide for, In the meane while could you draw £100: or £200 upon me here, you would doe me a kindnesse for shall not be able to remitt itt under 2 pC[ent]> att Least I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Ferryer – 11 May 1680

Mr Jno Ferryer Do Yours I received by mr Tho: Wallis, and and must humbly begg yor Excuse for not furnishing him wth money for tis not our custom to pay any money here unless they take Coales of us, see if you or your friends have att any time occation for Coales, shall furnish thm wth as good and as cheape as any other soe remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 11 May 1680

Mr Wm Binson Do I have before me yours of the p.sent and In answer to wch may please take notice, tht I cannot afford to give you any such price for yor Iron being retailed att said rate but if you will take £10:- p[er] tonn and in a months time shall take itt of you soe Remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 11 May 1680

Mr J B & Com Newcastle may 11th 1680 Writt mr James Burkin and Comp[an]y and advised thm tht I cannot procure any more money of Alderman Brabant thn the Interest neither can I gett any sure Information tht his Colliery will be wunne wthin ths 3/m[onths], and tht I doe really believe and am credibly Informed tht he hath a protection from the Duke of Newcastle – Mr Wetwang hath valewed this Day upon mr Jno Parke a bill for £230 p 20/d[ays] date, likewise myselfe have v

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 14 May 1680

Mr Jam Burkin and Comp[any] Newcastle may 14th 1680 I writt you att lardge the 11th p[re]sent about Alderman Brabants business as alsoe about a bill of £130 wch I valewed upon you ths serving chiefly for Court to the Inclosed notes, wch wn <gad man/galman> has procured, place the same to my creditt, and Comply wth a bill wch I ths day upon you for £55:- p 25/d[ays] sight to wch Henry Bailland or order valew of mr Wm Mackmorran as for the other bill of £130 you need not fear tht yo

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 21 May 1680

Mr Richd Hutchinson Newcastle may the 21 1680 I have before me yours of the 11th Instant, for wch I return you many thanks, and desire tht you Continue you Endeavours In the procuring of the money – and as for a <bearer>, I desire you to buy me a smooth white one, 12 Inches broad and Consequently 25 Circumference ths being the needful att p[re]sent I Salute you and rests MB

Deposition – Margaret Grey – 1 Jun 1680

To the Right Honoble Henege Lord Finch Baron of Daventry Lord High Chancellr of England. Complaineing sheweth unto yor Lordshipp your dayly oratrix Margarett Gray of the Towne & County of Newcastle upon Tyne widow & Relict of Ralph Gray late of the said Towne and County Marchant and Alderman And Admin[estri]x of the goods & chattels of the said Ralph Gray That one James Briggs late of the Towne & County of Newcastle upon Tyne merchant being in his life time seize

Letters – John Wilkinson to Nicholas Harding – 8 Jun 1680

Mr Nich: Harding Newcastle June the 8th 1680 By my ma[sters] order have made bold to give you the trouble of these two or three lines to desire you not to proceede in mr Forsters business till further order. I am for MB JW

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 22 Jun 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newc[ast]le June the 22nd 80 Whereas I formerly writt mr Andre Hebert father and sonn of Paris to send all bills unto you to procure acceptance they missing ths time and sending the Inclosed bill unto me have made bold to send you the same and desire tht you will be pleased to procure the needful, wch I hope will not be difficult to doe, being really satisfyed, as he is satisfyed tht they are very good bills, wch hath Emboldened me att p[re]sent to valew the following bills

Letters – Michael Blackett to Andre Hebert – 22 Jun 1680

Mr Andre Hebert Newc[astle] June 22nd 1680 I have received yours of the 19th p[re]s[en]t wth foure Inclosed bill for 1952 <W> all wch I have sent to procure the needfull and question not but they are very good bills and as mr Jno Launce of Marseilles remitts you more I desire you will be pleased as money comes in to yo[ur] hand you will dispatch thm unto me ths being the needfull I kisse yo[ur] hand and remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Grieve – 22 Jun 1680

Mr James Greive Do I have before me yo[urs] of the 17th p[re]s[en]t and am sorry to heare of the death of my very good freind Mr James Gould, and wt Concernes I have tht way shall shall Employ you be without any Complaint – remaines MB

Letters – John Wilkinson to James Hayford – 22 Jun 1680

Mr James Hayford Newc[astle] June 25th 1680 My Ma.r ordered me to write you tht yours of the 18th p[re]sent he hath received, but as yet he never received any acc[oun]t from you of the <Iron> neither can her remember tht ever he ordered for any such parcell, but seeing itt is comed he will be soe kinde to you, as to take itt, and if you please to send him the acc[oun]t he will both send you a bill for itt and the £30: received of mr Ralph Delavall tht being the needfull I remaine f

Letters – John Wilkinson to James Grieve – 25 Jun 1680

Mr James Greive Newcastle June the 25th 80 My Ma.r ordered me to write you, tht yours of the 15th p[re]sent he hath received and tackes notice tht you desire to know the weight of the Coffee berry, of wch he saies he can give you noe account having not as yett received any, but he desires you tht wn please God itt arrives you will be pleased to receive itt and make the best of itt you can tht being the needfull att p[re]sent kisse yo[ur] hand & remaine for MB JW

Letters – John Wilkinson to Edward Thompson – 25 Jun 1680

Mr Edwd Thompson Do Both yo[urs], my ma[ster] ordered me to write you he hath received but can give you noe other acc[oun]t of mr Groves tht tht he was first of all Aldman <Crows man> and afterwards his partner tht being the needfull I kisse yo[ur] hand & remaines for my ma[ster] MB <JW>

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 26 Jun 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newc[astle] June the 26th 1680 Rbsv My last to you was of the 22th p[re]sent whereby I remitted you 4 bills of exchange and att the same time valewed upon you £280:= all wch I hope will be Complyed wthall on both sides, the p[re]snt serves chiefly for Covert to the Inclosed to one Mons Egee att Lyon who has order from my friend att Marseilles to remitt me some moneys the sume I know not wt ever itt might be, pray doe you order it for my most advantage In doeing whereof you w

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Grieve – 26 Jun 1680

Mr James Greive Do My last unto you was of the 25th unto wch pleased be refered, The p[re]sent sserves chiefly to Inform you tht my Bale of Coffee qt <L>1082 Liqoure weight soe pray order all things for my most advantage and p[er] the first advise me if if you have a bill of Loading, and if not I will send you one, there is an old acc[oun]t betwixt mr Gould and me, pray lett the acc[oun]t be drawne out I thinke <..> it betwixt 30<s> and 40<s> in my debt I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 26 Jun 1680

Mr Jam Burkin and Comp[any] Newc[astle] June 26th 1680 Gentlemen I have not had a line from you ths long time I doe begg itt of you tht once or twice a weeke you will advise wt passes betwixt mr <Wood> and mr Wetwang, my request is tht you see all differences ended before my bill be paid and thn to Comply wth the same, wch wn effected shall Immediately remitt you wt you shall be in disburse upon sight, In the meene time Inclosed is a bill of for £50:= and pray advise me as y

Letters – Michael Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 28 Jun 1680

Instructions for C Blackett Newc[astle] June 28th 1680 Make wt hast hast you can to Stockholme, wn please God you arrive there & the salt to mr Jno Strother upon mr Robt Wetwangs acc[oun]t for the freight of wch stand stiffely att <S>28 p Last <fn> 20 last, If mr Jno Strother seeme to thinke itt too much doe you abate him wt you thinke convenient, after <unloaden> tell Jno Strother itt is my desire either to have you to have a freight for London or to be loaden
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467