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Letters – Michael Blackett to William Hope – 10 Aug 1680

Mr Wm Hope Newcastle Aug 10th 1680 Upon sight hereof faile not to pay unto mr James Cooke or order £150:= in hopes of yor Immediate complyance I remaine MB

Deposition – Lancelott Chapman – 12 Aug 1680

The further Execuc[i]on of the Comic[i]on hereunto annexed is Adjourned unto the Dwelling house of Lancelott Chapman att Bucklerscale in the Parrish of Stanhopp upon Thursday the Twelfth day of August in the Thirty second yeare of the Raigne of King Charles the Second Lancelott Chapman of Bucklerscale in the Parrish of Stanhopp yeoman Aged Ninety eight yeares Sworne and Examined sayth. 1 To the First Interrogatory hee sayth that he knowes the Compl[ainan]t and knowes John Westgarth

Deposition – Arthur Morgan – 12 Aug 1680

Arthur Morgan of Frosterley in the Parrish of Stanhopp <Yeom[an]> Aged sixty seaven yeares <or thereabouts> Sworne and Examined sayth 1 To the First Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that hee knowes the Compl[ainan]t And William Blackett John Mowbray Richard Mowbray and John Westgarth and knowes the Two p[ar]ishes of Stanhopp and Wolsingham and Forrest of Weredale and hath knowne the same dureing all the time of his remembrance. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. & 7 To the Second

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Grieve – 13 Aug 1680

Mr James Greive Newcastle 1680 Whereas you write mr Thos Smith tht you writt me a lettr 14/d[ays] agoe and wonder tht as yet you never received an answer, I am not like to answer letters wn I never receive any for I have not had one line from you ths 2/m[onths] Soe I desire you lett me know p[er] next wt it was you writt about and thn God willing and answer shall be afforded you, Pray lett me know how Coffee Rules wth you and In doeing whereof you will very much oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 13 Aug 1680

Mr Richd Hutchinson New[castle] Aug 13th 1680 Yours of the 7th p[re]sent have received an in answer to wch may please take notice tht I cannot make any of your Attorneys understand how to make ths assignment, sow I desire you to get one made, and send me itt and I shall singe itt I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 14 Aug 1680

Mr James Cooke New[castl]e Aug 14th 1680 My last to you was of the 10th p[re]sent the Contents whereof was tht you would be pleased to receive of my Unckle <Hoope> £150:= wth Interest for the same To my Creditt In wch to Confirme me a line att your Leasure would be very acceptable unto MB If you have not recd the same I Expect itt is the fault soe have placed the same To your debitt

Letters – Michael Blackett to Robert Lamb – 14 Aug 1680

Do Writt to mr Robt Lambe and desired him to send me 2 or 3 waines to Bladon on monday morning wher I will be to meete thm MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Thomas Blackston – 14 Aug 1680

Do Writt mr Thos Blackston and desired him to meete me att Sr Robt Edens att West Auckland on Tuesday might or Wednesday morning very early MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 14 Aug 1680

Writt mr Lambe and desire him to meete me att Sr Robt Eden upon tuesday Night

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 21 Aug 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Newcastle Augt 21st 1680 I have before me yors of the 17th p[re]sent the contents whereof have well observed, and In answer to wch I desire you not to faile To send me my Coffer by by the first convenience In wch I desire yor complyance & remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 21 Aug 1680

Mr James Cooke Do I question not but <ere> tht you have recd the £150 of my Unkle Hoope wth Interest soe desire you p[er] next <to> send me a bill of Exchange for the same In wch I expect your complyance & remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 21 Aug 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newc[astle] Aug 21st 1680 I have received yors of the 14th and have seriously considered of the p[ro]mises and In answer to wch I am soe often in the Country (where I doe Intend very shortly alltogether To reside and to leave of all trade) tht I cannot soe punctually answer yor letters as I would doe, but I doe hereby desire you to dispose of my goods as if they were yor owne and if you cannot procure me above £8:= for thm to lett thm passe att tht price but I hope you will

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Crisp – 21 Aug 1680

Mr Edwd Crispe Newcst Aug 21 80 I have yors of the 14th p[re]sent and takes notice tht you have paid my <finall> bill of £23.19.9 for acct of Mr Jno Launce of Marseilles and for advice if att any time you have a desire to venter 10: 12 or 1400 ps Leed for said place I shall very willingly be 1/2 concerned wth you tht being the needfull att p[re]sent I kisse yor hands and remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 24 Aug 1680

Mr James Cooke Aug 24th 80 Yours I have received the contents whereof have well observed and In answer to which may please take notice tht I never promissed to stay a month or 2 so desire of you if you cannot gett tht which to tacke pt if It be £50 a time take itt and come plaine of him sore for <not> paying of itt and be still calling of him <itt> if itt wr ever yor owne debt, In wch I fdesire yor Complyance & remaine MB Lead £9.10.8 p[er] foddr Iron £13:= p[er

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 28 Aug 1680

Mr James Cooke Newcst Aug 28th 80 I question not but ere ths you have received £100:= of my Unckle Hoope accordingly as you writt me In yor Last he desires you to send me a bill for the same and procure the rest as soone as you can if it be but £5: at a time rather thn faile take it paid be pleased <..> tht the mony comes into yor hands to remitt itt to me and In doing whereof you will very much oblige MB

Deposition – George Myres – 9 Sep 1680

The further Execuc[i]on of this Comic[i]on is Adjourned to the Dwelling house of Mrs Issabell Gregory att the Kings Arms in Richmond upon Saturday the Ninth day of Septemb[er] in the Thirty second yeare of the Raigne of King Charles the Second George Myres of Lynskarth in the Parrish of Stanhopp in the County of Durham Gent. Aged Fifty yeares or thereabouts Sworn and Examined sayth To the First Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that hee knowes the Reverend father in God Nathaniell L

Deposition – Mathew Smales – 9 Sep 1680

Mathew Smales of Gilling in the County of Yorks Gent Aged Thirty eight yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined sayth To the First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixt Seaventh Eight and Ninth Interrogatories this Depon[en]t is not required to be Examined To the Tenth Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that on or aboute the yeare one thousand Six hundred Sixty and foure Mr William Hall by vertue of a Lease from the then Bishopp of Durham did p[re]tend some Tythe to severall Lead Mynes t

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 14 Sep 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Newcst 7ber the 14th 80 Yours I have received, and heer noe minde to venter any Leed for London, for according to my calculation here is noe profitt to be gotten by itt, but if you know of a market beyond sea shall very willingly be 1/2 concerned wth you, soe tht being wt offers att p[re]sent I remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 14 Sep 1680

Mr James Cooke Do I desire to know wheather you have received any mony of my Unckle Hoope you <owne>, and if you have tht you will be pleased to send me a bill for the same I am In hast MB

Letters – John Wilkinson to James Burkin – 25 Sep 1680

Mr Jam: Burkin and Comp[any] Newcst 7br 25th 1680 Gentlemen In my mas[sters] absence is comed to hand yors of the 21st p[re]sent, and cannot but thinke itt a little strange tht my ma[ster] should draw bills and neglect to give advice Thereof for I <know previously was> never his p[racti]se to doe soe but I suppose his being in the Country ever since has occationed itt, soe I doe by ths Humbly begg of you tht you will be pleased to send yor man to the Gentleman tht has the bill and

Letters – John Wilkinson to James Burkin – 26 Sep 1680

Mr Jam: Burkin Newcst 7br 28th 1680 According to my promise last post Inclosed I send you a very good bill for £69:, and wn my ma[ster] comes home he will give you an acct of Ald[erman] Brabant and remitt you the balance of the acct you mention In the Interim remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Milburne – 8 Oct 1680

Mr Edwd Milburne Newcst 8ber the 15th 80 Sr I <p[er]ceive> you have cleared the voyadge £700: soe desires you to acct with Mr Peter Bar and pay him my dividend for my 1/32 pt of that vessell wch I had first of all and for 1/16 pt wch was Tho: Pawsons and now belongs to me. I thought to have had a line from you att yor arrivall, but was frustrated of my expectation, soe for the future I desire you to lett me know both wn you Intend any voyadge and wn you arrive, wch If you doe no

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 9 Oct 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Newcst 8ber the 9th 1680 Sr I have before me yours of the 5th p[re]sent the Contents whereof have well observed and shall according To your order by the first convenience (wch I thinke may be the beginning of the next weeke) ship 200 piggs of small Leed for acct of you and myselfe and Consigne thm to Mr Daniell <Cognand> att Rouen of wch wthin a post or two may expect an Invoyce, In the Interim you may assure yourselfe tht wn att any time I am honord wth any of

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 15 Oct 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newcast 8ber the 15th 1680 Sr I desire you to cause the Inclosed to be dd and to acct wth Ed milburne (who I am Informed tht voyadge has cleared seaven hundred pounds) and receive of him my dividend for 1/16 and 1/32 pt of his vessell In doeing whereof you will oblidge MB wn accompted wth sd Milburne be pleased to send me my acct Currt

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Bolitho – 15 Oct 1680

Do Writ mr Bolitho & Comp[any] and desired thm to send me my acct Currt
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467