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Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 15 Oct 1680

Do Writt mr Henry Nelthorpe & desired him to send me my acct Currt

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 19 Oct 1680

Newcastle 19th 8ber 1680 Honnored Sr I have not writ unto you since the 13th of May last wch was then in Answer to yrs of the 30 April, wherein you gave me an acct of the hard useidge don us by <spanoch> my Lds sarvt. I did intreat you to send me a copy off our contract with my Ld that I might have taken som councellors advice here about the same, so as that I might have had ground to have spoke to my Ld in our English <Toone> whilst he was in this Contry. recving no

Letters – John Wilkinson to John Allbertson – 29 Oct 1680

Mr Jno Allbertson Newcst 8ber the 29th 1680 This comes to accompany mr William Woorte – Commander of the Hope of Yarm[out]h In whome I have loaden by order and for the acct of mr Matthew Skinner of London 400 ps of Leed wch after good arrivall b pleased to receive, paying the ma[ster] Tenn pounds freight for the same and as for the disposall thereof I refer you to wt order shall be given you by the said mr Skinner, If att any time I can serve you in ths place freely command MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 29 Oct 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Newcst 8ber 29th 1680 Sr I have yors of the 19th and have according to yor order tht day shippt foure hundred <ps> of Leed for Yarm.h consigned unto mr Jno Allberton, and have further advised him the needfull wch pray Doe you aver againe, as to the disposall therof— next post shall have Invoyce, and yor part charged upon you wth as long time as I can procure, I have allsoe agreed for freight for the 200 ps Leed for Rouen, but I feare will not be

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 29 Oct 1680

Mr Peter Bar Do I thanke you for yors of the 19th. I have gott an asnswer from Capt Milburne wch is noe way satisfactory att all a letter meerely made up of lies and stories, soe pray lett yor sevt deliver the Inclosed to him, and If he seeme any way high I desire yor servt lett me know itt, for as I have been a great means for the setting of him up I feare he will make me be a means for the pulling of him downe againe, pray <..> dispatch me a letter of creditt to an <honest>

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 29 Oct 1680

Mr Richd Hutchinson Do Sr You may remember I writt you not long since and desire you to give me an acct of wt progress you make as to the procuring of the money wch I doe by ths desire once more & remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 30 Oct 1680

Mr Pr Bar Newctl 8ber the 30th 1680 Sr I am advised by me ma[ster] Chris Blackett ma[ster] of my ship called the resistance now att Dunkirke tht there is one Phillipp Peather <andels!> there who pretends to have had a pt of the said vessell wn she was Roger <Kuupes> of whome I bought her, now least ths peather might trouble her att Dunkirke as not haveing recd for his pretended pt of <kuupe> its my request to you tht you will be pleased to write to yor Correspondant

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 30 Oct 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Newctle 8ber the 30th 1680 Sr Since mine of the 29th have yors of the 26th according to my promise in my last I send you Invoyce of 400 ps of Leed shipt according to yor order for yarmth aboard> of the Hope of Yarmth William Woorts commander – I have writt nothing to mr Allbertson but tht tis wholly upon yor acct & riske for I have some good friends in tht place who if they knew I were concerned may p.haps doe me a prejudice soe be you pleased to give mr All

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 11 Nov 1680

Mr James Gould and Comp[any] Newctl 9ber the 11th 1680 Gentlemen This comes to accompany the bearer hereof Capt Robt <Wouldheere> commander of the Constantinople <mercht> In whome I have loaden and Consigned unto you by order and upon the acct of my very good friend mr Nicho Skinner of London Two hundred pieces of small Leed wch after good arrivall be pleased to <r/a…ie> paying the Capt ¼ Doller p[er] ps of freight, for the disposall thereof to follow the order of the

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 11 Nov 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newctl 9ber the 12th 1680 Sr I have received both yors of the 2nd and 4th p[re]sent I doe heartily thanke you for yor care about me business att Dunkirke. Itt is for ¼ pt. she is stopt, pray second the letter if not allready done – you say calfe skinns and rest is worth 7d all certainley <../y> those that ar drest, well tanned and good were must certainley be worth much more, wch pray Impart unto me – Now as to Capt Millbarnes business I shall gi

Letters – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Skinner – 12 Nov 1680

Mr Nich Skinner Newctl 9ber 12th 80 Sr I have yors of the 4th I shall att any time be willing to serve you according to yor desires, have wth much adoe effected yor ordr but to gett itt for £9.10s was forced to buy 200 ps wch I hope will be to yr Content otherwise am willing to be ¼ concerned wth you, tho am deeply engadged allready, wt for Livorne and wt for Marseilles I have gott thm shippt Inclosed is Invoyce amounting unto £134: wch place to my credit, till can meete wth an opportunity

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 12 Nov 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Do Sr I have yrs of the 4th the Contents have observed the 400 ps Leed shipt for are still In the River withe about 300 saile more, waiting for a faire winde, most of thm has been Loaden about 14/d agoe, now Sr seeing you are desirous to have some of yors att Genoa, and I am not, I am willing (if you please) the whole 400 ps should be thn your venter for I am allready pretty deeply concerned for tht place & Marseille, otherwise I will, soe use yor dis

Letters – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Skinner – 12 Nov 1680

Mr Nicholas Skinner Newctl 9ber 13th 1680 Sr according to my promise In my last, have sent you Invoyce bill of Ladeing for yor 200 ps Leed the amount of wch came to £134:= wch have ths day valewed upon you payable 20/d sight to mr Richd Wall or order value of himself wch pray lett be complyed wthall, and if att any time thought capable of serving you in tht place upon occations freely command MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 16 Nov 1680

Mr Jno Launce Newctl 9ber the 16th 80 Sr I have not writt you ths long time I have beene soe p[er]plexed about the bill you drew upon me, tht I have not had patience to sett pen to paper never since to write unto you certainly such a foolish thing was never acted, as to draw a bill upon me for wt I was bound to pay by charter party besides being for freight and you not to mention itt soe in the bill, wch if you had done there would not have happened halfe of the mischiefe, beside

Letters – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 16 Nov 1680

Mr Nich: Verlan> Newctl 9ber the 16th 80 Sr I have not writt you ths long time for want of occation, ths serving chiefly to desire you to lett me know if att any time you can send me any goods for Marsel or Ligorne, and if youle be pleased to take the bills of Ladeing in yor owne name and wt youle demand for soe doeing, I doe not question but you can gett me Goods shipt as cheape as any other, soe desireing yor answer I kisse yor hands & remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 16 Nov 1680

Mr Jam: Edwd Gould and Comp[any] Newctl 9ber 16th 80 Gentlemen I have received Sev.l of yors the reason why I was silent unto thm was, because tht they required little answer being I all along found all things right just as you writt Coffee Berry I recd long since, Ive yor bill tho I thinke there was noe great neede of drawing the same upon me being you had Effects in yor hands, but soe small a matter shall never make any difference, soe I discharged the same and placed itt to yor debit I

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Gould – 19 Nov 1680

Mr James Edwd Gould and Comp[any] Newctl 9ber the 19th 80 Gentlemen wt preceds is abstract of my last since none from you soe the lesse to Enlardge upon ths being onely to confirme the same for feare of miscarridge, I cannot yet advise you how much I am concerned In the 600 ps Leed shipt as above but God willing shall doe itt in my next, I am Endeavouring away to have an opportunity of shipping you goods any time in the yeare, either by Holland or France, pray the advice wch of thm rather

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Launce – 19 Nov 1680

Mr Jno Launce Do Sr What preceeds is coppy of my last, to wch referrs you since none form you soe the lesse to Enlardge upon, ths being onely to confirme the same for feare of miscarridge, and to desire you once againe to examine the bookes, and see accts stands betwixt us, for I have had noe more money remitted thn as above mentioned I Intend to shipp my bees wax to day or to morrow for London consigned unto mr Hubt Aylwin, to be forwarded unto you p[er] first opportunity, the brandy

Letter – Allan Bower to William Blackett – 1 Dec 1680

Sir According to your desire and order att Thornhill I furnished your worke their with mell & malt beife <mat on> buter cheese and All necasaries that the stoodin <…> of that I could procure in <regard> I sarve the <works> was yew and goe onto <..our> profit for that I am out of purse 13 pound betwixt the time you was heare and mayday <sin…> may Willm Willson hath furnished them but theare hath beene litell worke at the mine since and when I <.ra

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 3 Dec 1680

Sr I have beene in the Country most pt of these 14/d by past otherwise would dewly have answered your lettrs as they came to hand, but att my returne did meete wth yors of the 16th and 23rd past, In answer to yor former I had agreed with Capt Woodhouse for 200 ps of Leed for you, as well as for yor Bros Indeed yor Brors had the fortune to doe formost, and monday was a sennett [seven night – week] I sent downe my man wth yors but <mchts> being gott a little drunke would by noe meanes b

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 3 Dec 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newctl xber the 3rd 80 Sr I have beene in the Country for these 14/d by past otherwise would dewly have answered yor lettrs as they came to hand att my returne Ive finde yors of the 10th 25th and 27th past In none of wch you mention any money received of Capt Milburne, wch I very much wondr att, and I doe protest if he has not done itt before yor answer to ths comes to hand he shall meete wth trouble att for a great pt of his shipp and as to the £34/12/9 onely In

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 6 Dec 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Newctl xber the 6th 1680 Sr Accordingly as I advised you in my last the balance of the acct being £92.3.8d have this day valewed upon you p 10/d sight to mr Joseph Ellison or order valew of himselfe which pray lett be complyed wthall and I expect yor order p[er] next about the other 400 ps Leed I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 6 Dec 1680

Mr Peter Bar Do Sr This comes to accompany mr Richd Halton commandr of the Henry and Francis of Newctl In whome I have shipt and Consigned unto you 8 bundles Calfe Skinns <qtt> Thirty three dozen and <five> skinns wch after good arrivall be pleased to receive and to disposall thereof to follow the order of my ma[ster] Mich Blackett accordingly as hereafter itt will be given you paying the mas[ster] 5/s freight for the same ths being the needfull att p[re]sent I remaine

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 11 Dec 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newctl xber the11th 1680 The above is Coppy of wt my man writt you by Richd Hutton wch I doe by ths confirme and desire you to dispose of thm wth the rest I question not but you may procure 7 ½d att for thm I thk you deale wth an honest man being tht they are soe very well turnd out and soe good ware best tht I leave to yor discretion not doubting in the least you utmost for my most advantadge soe remaines MB I have <rcd> yors of the 7th am Glad to have the news
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467