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Receipt – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 16 Jun 1674

Recaved of Sr James Standsfeild towards the charges of Leed myns at Glen Lyon the som of Twenty five pound sterling. I say rec as per his one fourth of that charge of which to give acco. the som of £25 .Pr. Wm Blackett Edinburgh

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 16 Jun 1674

Newcastle Jun the 16 1674 Aldm Webb for 1 <firk> of the best damisk pruns and one <sakk> of suger about 28s per <cent> Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 16 Jun 1674

ditto Mr Haster to put him in mind to send by the ferst opportunity the remander of the soape which was written for befor, which is ½ last of ord soape and 1/2 last of Best second not else. Ra Grey

Letter – William Wentworth to Matthew Wentworth – 12 Jul 1674

W.W. 12 July 1674 Good Cozen I find by lettr received yesterday from Irland that there is extraordinary great occasion for my sending thither wth the utmost speed I can & all I can for the <presem doe it falls> out to make use of kindnesse you offerd mee here the other day of goeing presently to bring mee a full account of all my concerns there. I therefore desire you will imediately by return of this footeman send mee word the very time you can be ready that I may kno

Receipt – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 1 Aug 1674

Receipt Wm Blackett to Sr Jas.Stansfeild for £20 on acct of Leid mynes. Eden[burg]h

Letter – Ralph Grey – 4 Aug 1674

Newcastle August 4: 1674 Sr Yours of the 30th came to hand, I was out of towne of which my man gave you an acct, as for your fire stones they having a hard bargaine pretend they can geat none to work the great stons, I do threaten them that I will sue them for damaidges, they having broake day with mee, I have sent you here inclosed a bill of Sr Thomas Bludworth for thirty pounds and shud order that you use the remainder, I had shipt you upon a prcell of Leat but can geat noe M[aste]r

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Bludworth – 4 Aug 1674

Ditto Sr Thes at present is to aquaint you that the eight<y> tonne of Lead Oare I contracted formerly for is come in, which I had shipe of firstly but the M[aste]rs stands much upon thare points as to the price, I have pd Mr Shirwood in pt of the said oare thirty pounds of which I have drawne a bill of you at thre days sight, Mr Wigfall we have so great raynes this summer and the horses being starved last winter that we have no caridge till now, and now is bad wether come agayne t

Letter – Ralph Grey – 21 Aug 1674

Augt 21 (74) Worthy Sr Yours of the 15th came to hand noting the rect of the £30 bill pd Sr Thos Bludworth I have my man about the stons I shall use my endeavor in hasting him I have been in the west this 10 days: I hope to see him tomorrow I cannot prevail with Masters to take in Lead at 12d per ps it is now sold here for £12:10s or £13 per fother & <doslins> giving about 26<tii> in Holland I hope yours will prove the best market iron hoops at a stand This what nee

Letter – Ralph Grey to Mossam – 27 Aug 1674

Ditto the 27 1674 Sr Thes is chiefly for cover of the inclosed from Sr John Lawson who ordred me to charge two hundred pounds upon you, which I have done one hundred pounds to Mr John Cooke for the value of Mt Pybus the other of Mr [blank space left] for the value recd of Mr Thomas Sherwood I question not the honouring of the bills upon Sr Johns account, praye advice me per next post that I may give acct to Sr John Lawson and in so doing you will ingaidge your humble se

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Bludworth – 28 Aug 1674

Newcastle Aug 28 : 74 Sr I should erre this hath answered yours but that I have bene in west overland; Mr Barnes of London hath promissed to take 10 Tunn of your oarsin; he stands upon 20s per <H> p[ro]fitt; I could not p[re]vaile with Mr Sharp nore enny of your costers to tacke oare or Lead at 20s pr <Hs> pretending it spoules thare coles and will be at the bottom of thare ship; Lead heare is sould for £12:15s. I treated with M[istre]ss Bacon and proffered £12:10s for a

Letter – Ralph Grey – 28 Aug 1674

Aug th 28 1674 Sr This at present is to aquainte I have beene with Mr Chipsis the stone man who is like to prove a knafe; for I did bargen with his wife and did give her a note of particulars for <them> now she p[re]tends she was mistaken for he <orderd> for one furnis; and thare is stones for 2 and he will not get dd [deliver] the stones <undr> £14 for I doe intend to sue hym for the bargin if yow thinke fitt, the stones are <…>; I have bene inquireing and can

Letter – Ralph Grey – 29 Aug 1674

Aug th 29 1674 Sr Yours of the 25th August came to saife hand. I have accepted your bill of Mr Thomas Hatton for thirty pounds which shd be paid at dayse <w under> I heare nothing from you of the payment of Mr Hills money to you for last I had from him was the money was pd , he would bringe the bill <a bid to me in pound> I <presume> that justice wood and severall owners hath <been> with you about Landhams bill of exch[ange], if you have given a recept in p[ar]t o

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 29 Aug 1674

ditto Aldrm Wedd I much wonder why I cannot have the goods I writ for as other men have; I writ for Reson of both sorts and you writ me that you would shipe them but have not, you have sent me a <….> of <pruns> that is not fit for sale they are so bad, our neaghbours have gate sum here that is better worth 1s6 per Cnt then ours is worth 8s so unless you abate of the price we cannot sell them and if we do not sell them we must be forsed to send them back agane, praye send

Letter – Ralph Grey – 2 Sep 1674

Ditto the 22 1674 Sr I had answered yours longe er this but that I cannot prevail with any M[aste]rs that will be concerned in <them> to <trouble> in thes stones for the fire harths I have bid twenty shill[ings] per <H> but it will not do and its unreessoneble, I praye if you can prevale in with sum M[aste]r of <S Lye> thare to take them in <heare> there is two fournaces for wich the Quary will baite nothing of nine pounds and if his wife had not made a foo

Letter – Ralph Grey to Randolph Richardson – 4 Sep 1674

September the 4: 1674 To Mr Randolph Richardson for 1 Bagg of the best new English hops not else but that I am yours Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hooker – 12 Sep 1674

Newcastle Septem the 12 1674 Thes at present ar to aquaint you that I have writ you a bill of fifty pounds and five shill charged upon Mr George Potts which I hope will be current payment, this whats needful from Yours Ra:Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Bludworth – 12 Sep 1674

ditto After my service presented, I hope erre this Mr Barnes is arrived with your Lead Oare [quantity] 34 Casks, <Nett> 161 10 11 as per your inclosed notte of pticulars, the M[aste]r and I did agre with 20s pr his fraite , but he repented at taking in of the ore except I would give 30s he would not take it in, I tould him I had writ the agreement and could give no more he must put him selfe in your curtessye, as the rest cums in shall shipe it, we have but bad harvist wethere, Le

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 12 Sep 1674

ditto Thes are to aquaint you that I have sent you a bill of sixty five pounds charged upon Mr George Potts which I hope will be ackcepted not else at present. Yours Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 19 Sep 1674

Ditto the 19 1674 Sr Yours of the 16 come to hand with the inclosed bill of exchange for tharty pounds and five pounds for the <coles> which bill of £35 is accepted and I question but will be paid at day, I have ordred our men that if the merchants will not give 8d per for our flax to retaile it out at that rait and to keepe a pticular acct for yow this wts neadfull from your Humble sarvent Ralph Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 26 Sep 1674

Newcastle : September the 26: 1674 Mr Shipard Thes are to desire you for to send me per the first opportunity one <…> of your best <Lo> sugar nott else at present but that I am yours to comand Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 29 Sep 1674

Sept 29th 74 Mr Peacoke I shall usse my utmost indevor to get you at <Tunn> of Leed Oare; to your desire of sundery sort but soe late of the yeare that Caredge is laid of, I am afraid it wil be the Spring before I can perform your desire I have writ […] to one Groves about it, It wilbe deare 7£ per<tt> for Leed 13s per Fother butter 20s a <.a. L Firkin>; writ your order per first.

Letter – Ralph Grey – 3 Oct 1674

Octobr the 3 (74) Sir, Yours of the 26 last I recd: where you take notice of the weight M[aste]rs mistake that the cask q[uanti]ty but 160C[wt] :03qt: 11lb I have I have [sic] hear inclosed sent you his note of particulars, & he doeth affirm your 34 cask q[uanti]ty 169 Cwt:3 qt:5 lb soe that I hope you did not much over pay the master when you pd for 80 ½ <tts> here is some 3 <tts> in the house I cannot gett it taken in though I profit greater fright, I proferd this day for M

Letter – Ralph Grey to Randolph Richardson – 3 Oct 1674

Newcastle October 3rd (74) Mr Randolph Richardson Yours of the 29th September came to safe hand in wth Mr Overinges, wch I have aquainted some of our Bretherin wth in answer, we are not concerned but it is <wth> Company of Bruers soe I must make my apeall to them & gett Mr Pibus & Mr Thos Matthews to interceid if I doe any good for your friend I am sory we had the bad happ of our <hopps> for the wood washed in Tyne I think we must gett them dried however I doe thank

Letter – Ralph Grey to Merrall – 9 Oct 1674

Newcastle October the 9 1674 Mr Merrad Thes at present are to desere you for to send me pr the first opportunity 3 gro: of <pruns> best <whed sevan> Cords and 3 Gro at 22s pr Gro one Gro of <Walbat> 2 gro of <nags head> and 2 gro of your best large <Chrehamners> not else at present but that I am Yours to Comand Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 12 Oct 1674

ditto the 12th 1674 Mr Webb Thes at present is to desire you for to send me pr the first opportunity 2 duz of your best Cas Nuts, 12 lb of the best Clovs 6lb of the largist Mace and 12lb of the best synaman . not else at present but that I am Yours Ra Grey
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467