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Letters – Michael Blackett to Rowland Bluee – 25 Mar 1681

Mr Rowland Bluee Do Sr since my comeing home have beene wth severall <tobacco> Customers but I desire to be excused haveing noe desire to meddle wth itt soe long as my Bro. Davison is concerned, I did thinke I had paid the ballance of ths acct but finding to the contrary wn I came home die Immediately after goe and pay itt – As to my resolveing you wn my Bro[ther] and myselfe will be att yor house I connot doe itt but I thinke sometime the next weeke ths being wt the p[re]sent

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 25 Mar 1681

Mr Wm Benson Newctl march the 25th 1680/1 Sr Att my returne out in the Country have mett wth yors of the 15th p[re]sent and have beene since discourseing the business wth mr Wettwang who hath promised me tht he will pay itt all may day next but before he cannot, soe att the time I am of opinion twill be punctually paid and if itt were my owne case should suffer him till thn but use yor discretion, If you please to end[ors]e the bill to mr Nunny or any other friend In towne to act f

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Grieve – 1 Apr 1681

Mr Jam Grieve Newctl April pmo 81 Sr yors of the 7th Instant I read as allsoe a bill Enclosed, wch I have accepted and returned you Enclosed, and shall take care to remitt you itt (against the time twill fall dew) as allsoe yor chardges on the bayles of Coffee, I haveing ptly resolved to give <out> all trade shall not send any goods for Ligorne ths yeare, but but gives you many thankes for yor kindnesse and remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Jollife – 1 Apr 1681

Mr Jno Jollife & Comp[any] April pmo 1681 Gentlemen Whereas mr Richd Williamson mcht did lately shipp aboard of the itallian mcht Capt Jam <Phemy> Commander 100 Caskes of Leed Oare In partneshipp betwixt mr Tho Smith and myselfe I have now assigned itt over unto mr Tho Smith of wch I desire you to take notice accordingly, all the hundred Caskes being wholly upon his acct he having given me full satisfaction for my pt I am MB

Letter – William Wilson to James Standsfield – 11 Apr 1681

Wanlockhead 11TH Aprill 1681 Right Honnorable, I have written severall tymes to your Hon But <nov..l> hes gott so much as ane lyne agane And now I ane forsed to geve yor Ho. notis that effter thes wiche that all the workemene protestes that they will worke no more till they <si..> your Ho. Selfe to make ane Estableshment wth theme for the insewing yeare, for the tyme comes one that they may provyd for there <Clding> and fewall for the nixt wenter for ther is severall

Account – William Wilson to James Standsfield – 16 Apr 1681

An Acompt of the menes dayes and wadges from the first of November last to the 16 Aprill 1681 £ s d Thomas Snolball 114 dayes at 14 p day 8 8 0 Charles Jaques 42 12 2 2 0 0 Umphrey Jacques 40 12 2 0 0 0 John Bery 30 12 6 10 0 0 Wm Wickliw 83 10 3 9 2 0 Georg Watt 88 1/2 7 2 11 7 1/2 Wm Mcall

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 19 Apr 1681

Mr Harry Nelthorpe Newctl Apr the 19th 81 Sr my soe often being in the Country of late hath <overturned> yor acct to be mislayd, soe if you please to send me a Coppy of itt, yor money shall be remitted you per first by he tht is MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 22 Apr 1681

Mr Peter Bar Apr the 22nd 81 Sr I am soe blamed here In towne about being businesse tht is demanding soe much money and haveing nothing to show for itt, tht I am allmost ashamed to discourse wth any about itt, and <.....> doth report likewise heares tht Mons.r <Macrade> never paid a farthing of itt, but tht <Re>dder being owne him some money he deducted itt of a purpose to gett his owne money, soe herein I begg yor advice and remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 23 Apr 1681

Mr Peter Bar Apr the 23rd 1681 Sr I have yor of the 19th Instant and have according to yor desire Inclosed sent you mr Murcades papers wch I received from you and desire yor advice how I must proceede – As for the disposall of any skinns I leave itt wholly to yor discretion, and if you please to putt thm of att <6d> to ballance the acct I am very well satisfyed for Ile asure you I leave the disposall of thm (as I said allwaies wholly to you and remaines MB

Lease – Francis Radcliffe to William Surtees – 1 May 1681

March 17th (Seventy Eight) Mem[orandum] That then it was Agreed Between Sr Francis Radclyffe of Dilston in the County of Northumberland and William Suretess of Staward in the said County Yeoman that he the said William Suretess shall have a Lease of all that Farm called Espeshill and Bogle hole now or late in the possession of Mr Roger Stokoe within the Barony of Langley and County aforesaid for a Term of Ninety Nine years comenceing the first Day of May One Thousand Six hundred Eighty on

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 10 May 1681

Mr Peter Bar May the 10th 81 Sr yors wth the Inclosed acct I have received wch have examined found right and booked accordingly and for mr <Humners> £11:= I doe very willingly allow of itt, but the £45.11.11. <stickes> fast of my <stomache>, In wch I desire yor advice and assistance for – the procuring of the same againe, but Sr I must tell you one thing I never heard a man soe strangely <talked> of as Mr Marcade by some m[er]ch[an]ts In the towne how he d

Letter – William Blackett to George Galbraith – 13 May 1681

Wanlockhead 13th May 1681 Pray pay unto Sr James Standsfeild or his order the some of sixty six pond six shillings sterling and place it to accot of [ditto] Yr aff. Friend Wm Blackett £66 6 stlg To Geo Galbraith, merchant In Edinburgh [on reverse:] Received the within mencond contents being on accompt the within named Mr William Blackett his one fourth part share of my disbursemt to workemens wages at the Leade Mynes at wanlockhead by me Ja: Standsfield [annotated

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 20 May 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl may the 20th 1681 Sr I have received yors of the 14th the same have p[er]used as allsoe mr Marcade wch according to yor desire I Inclosed returne you, but really sr I must needs tell you tht I now feare tht he is scandalised by our m[er]chnts wth a matter of truth, his letter being noe way satisfactory unto me, In the first place he p[re]tends a Journey in the Country hindered him from answering yor two letters sooner, I will not say much to the contrary, bu

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 11 Jun 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl June 11th 81 Sr I have recd yors of the 31st past as allsoe a letter from mr Hutchinson (accordingly as he promised you) wch Inclosed I have sent you, and desire yor advise in itt, for I doe understand itt very well, If you have a desire to purchase thm I shall sell you thm a pennyworth soe kisseing yor hands I remaine MB If you fancy thm Ile lett you have thm for security <pound.g>

Letter – Onosiphorus Dagnia to James Standsfield – 11 Jun 1681

Sir I understand by John Tyacke you have A mind to set forward Againe if you could gett workmen . the last workmen you had I am sartain thare is not such Another Crue in England (exsept them <slefs>) for we Have had full experience of them both as to thaire behavier and workmanshyp, as for thaire behavier thaire very Abusef in there tonges to them that has don them A great dell of good and are in <deped> mony too. I am sartin you have bine very kind to them by A Letter I Recd from

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 14 Jun 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl June the 14th 81 Sr My last was from Stockton whereby I desired the kindnesse of you to write either to Mr Angier or any other freind you had att st Vallerins to Entreate thm to Enquire the best thay could, and of whome they thought convenient wheather the May=flower of Stockton Peter Chapman ma[ster] be any way as bound and if, to whome and for wt <suace> which kindnesse I hereby desire once againe, and I am Informed <Oliver Lamal> the English Interpr

Letters – Michael Blackett to Israell Hayes – 18 Jun 1681

Mr Israell Hayes Newctl June the 18th 81 Sr Mr Jno Launce of Marsa[eilles] In his letter of the 14th Instant wch came to my hands last past writes me tht he has ordered you to remitt me I desire to know wheather he hath given you any such order you or or noe and if he has would desire you to forbeare remitting itt me because I shall <send> a vesselle or two to <Janning> or <Embden> to loade oats, where I shall have occation for money soe shall order my <suger>

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 18 Jun 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl June the 18th 81 Yors of the 14th Instant have received and gives you many thankes for the cares you have taken In writing to Mr Angier as allsoe for all the rest of my concernes wherewith I mabe bold to trouble you I am now apt to believe tht you are of my opinion concerning Mr Marcade – Whereas he desires you to write him noe more I would desire you not to spare him but to write to him once a weeke, for I am satisfyed tht if you never write him he will scarce ever

Letters – Michael Blackett to Israell Hayes – 21 Jun 1681

Mr Israell Hayes Newctl June the 21st 81 Sr The above os Coppy of my last Since wch have altered my resolution soe if you have any Such order as is above mentioned I desire itt may be remitted (if not allreay to myself) upon rec[eip]t Write Mr Peter Bar London and you will oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 9 Jul 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl July 9th 81 Sr yors of the 5th Instant wth the Inclosed from Mr Marcade have received, for wch I returne you many thankes, as allsoe for all the rest of yor letters – ths letter from mr Marcade is some satisfaction to me and I hope wthin 7/d [7 days] to receive a good acc[oun]t from him – As for the May flower I am clearly of yor opinion tht being wt the p[re]sent offers and desireing tht I may heare from you as occation requires respectfully takes Peace and re

Letters – Michael Blackett to Israell Hayes – 15 Jul 1681

Mr Israell Hayes Newctl July the 15th 81 Sr I have received yors of the 15th yor Style the Contents have observed and the concerne I have wholly left to my good freind Mr Peter Bar of London who will either draw the needfull upon you, or forbeare, till you receive itt, which he shall thinke most convenient, pray faile not to comply wth wt he does and itt shall be to the satisfaction of MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 15 Jul 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl July 15th 81 Sr Inclosed is a letter from Mr Israell Hayes of Amsterdam as allsoe an answer to itt, wch I desire you to send forward as you shall have occation, you will p[er]ceive tht said Hayes has order form Mr Jno Launce of Marseilles To remitt me £2000, according as the Exchange is betwixt Paris and London, you will p[er]ceive likewise tht ths Effects is not In his hands nor will not be ths 14/d or 3/w but if I will draw upon him he will hand my bills – Now

Letters – Michael Blackett to Ralph Jackson – 22 Jul 1681

Mr Ralph Jackson Newctl July the 22nd 81 Sr I am troubled <many a bill> wth letters from Peter Chapman Intimating tht Mr Walter and Mrs Wright

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 23 Jul 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl July the 23rd 1681 Sr I have yors of the 19th wth the <p..lised> from Mr Marcade wch I hereby returne you, if all were reale wt he writes I should be glad of itt but I must heartily begg yor excuse I have tht Character given me of him tht I can scarce believe one word he writes, but now hope a little time will shew wt he is in respect he promises things soe very <pure> I leave Mr Israell Hayess businese to <yor> discretion but I can Informe

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 29 Jul 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl July the 29th 81 Sr By you not sending me the Certificate I am Exchequered, And I hope the Inclosed From Mr Clutterbucke to his freind Mr Dickinson will bring me pretty well of, soe would desire you to let yor man waite on Mr Dickinson, or if you will be pleased to waite on him yorself twill be the greater obligation and deliver him the Inclosed, as allsoe show him tht Certificate and if any Chardge would desire you to defray itt soe remaines MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467