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Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 30 Jul 1681

Mr Richard Hutchinson Newcl July the 30th Sr I have now the convenience of shipping 10: 12. 14 or 1600 ps Leed In a <bottorn> for <Oversea> if you still have convenience we were formerlye mentioneing I will willinglye allow you halfe, soe pray lett me have your answer p[er] first tht we may make to try itt ths yeare, and <all> you advise me I shall preceede thereafter expecting yor speedy answer I remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 2 Aug 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Aug the 2nd Sr I have yors of the 28th past As for Mr Marcade I leave itt wholly to you to deale wth him as he deserves – Mr Israell Hayes businesse I leave likewise to yor discretion I have prevailed wth <our> surveyor to write ths post to Mr Dickinson soe tht I am satisfyed you will meete wth noe trouble In getting me cleare of my Exchequered bond – To have been soe long both in France and Holland as I have and not to know tht a Guild is of more value

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 6 Aug 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Aug the 6th 1681 Yors of the 2nd Instant have received the contents whereof have well observed and gives you many thankes for the great care you take in getting my bond dischardged. I have nothing to add soe salutes you & rests MB I long to heare form Mr Marcade

Letters – Michael Blackett to Thomas Colebrooke – 6 Aug 1681

Mr <Thos> Colebrooke Do Sr yors of the 18th past I received as for <Red Oaker> it is soe little used here, tht 10 tun will scarce vend in 10/y time and all our m[er]chts have soe much of itt In there Hands tht scarce any of thm will have occation for any ths yeare or two, soe tht itt will be not worth yor while to send any I should have beene glad of oppertunity of serving you, if therebye any any profitt would have redounded upon you -- as I shall hereafter be upon all oc

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 9 Aug 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Aug the 9th 81 Sr I have yors of the 4th wth an Inclosed from Mr Marcade & wch I herebye returne you, I am now fearefullest of all, lett us doe wt we can tht I shall be cheated of tht money; I am now satisfyed in my head he is a Canarybird, wt neede <he sees> the Condemnation over againe, I have herd itt over allreadye, and I know Chris Blackett was condemned to pay the money, but if you remember you have a <workeing> in yor head, wherebye i

Letters – Michael Blackett to Ralph Jackson – 9 Aug 1681

Mr Ralph Jackson Newct Aug the 9th 81 Sr I have yors of the 8th but the rogue Chapman did not deliver itt in tht time tht I could write an answer by him, but I believe he was fearefull tht there was something in itt against him. you say you recd an answer from Mr Bayees wth the acct for Mr Wright but not for Mr Trotter, soe desires to know my reason, wch is, tht you have great care and daleyence In not delivering bills of sailes wthout money, certainelye I should have the same care and dili

Letters – Michael Blackett to Wyld – 16 Aug 1681

Mr <J...> Wyld Newcl Aug 16th 1681 Sr I have received yors of the 12th Instant and gives you many thankes for the great care you take if any concerne committed to yor chardge as allsoe for the lardge acct you gave me, both which are very satisfactory unto me, as for my comeing to Stockton I am not certaine, but wn the money falls due if he pay itt to you wth chardges itt will be ae great satisfaction up unto MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 16 Aug 1681

Mr Richd Hutchinson Do Sr I have received yor of the 6th Instant and am very sorry for the first of yor letters, I am not acquainted wth any of the <Court> Port officers, but if you please to give me the name of 2 or 3 or ½ a douzen, I shall trouble them wth a letter, if you thinke convenient as for money for my <lerse> bill> I leave tht business to yor discretion soe shall say noe more but wn you receive any money upon thm may be pleased to signifye itt unto MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 16 Aug 1681

Mr Peter Bar Do I have yors of the 9th my Excheq[uer] business <is>out of <dooers> for wch as I have reason I doe heartily thanke you. pray doe you awaken Mr Hayes, if there be occation upon receipt hereof but I hope he has remitted you the money ere ths. I thanke you for yor advice about Coffee berryes but noe oppertunity either for Newhaven nor Roun soe wn itt rises be pleased to afford a line thereof unto MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Grieve – 16 Aug 1681

Mr James Grieve Do I have yors of the 9th doe thanke you for yor advice about the price of Coffee berryes but I can sell thm to more advantage here, soe shall not trouble yor markett as yett I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 19 Aug 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newct Aug 19th, 81 Sr I have yors of the 13th Inclosed I returne you Mr Marcades letter I shall vex myselfe noe more wth the businesse but leave itt to yor discretion and <once> more for all, If I must loose the money In Gods name Lett itt goe, In the meane time I beg yor assistance to helpe me to itt wth I hope good humour will be pleased to doe as much for me as if itt were yor owne concerne I have noe such papers as you mention by me nor did I ever see any such I

Letters – John Wilkinson to Peter Bar – 1 Sep 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newct 7ber the 1er 81 Sr I had a letter from my ma[ster] about a weeke agoe out out in the Country where he has resided these 3/w by past, wherein he advises tht he has given you order to accept my bill for the £163.7s.2d remitted you by Mr Isreall Hayes upon Mr <Benjamin> Smith, soe ths day to pleasure a very good freind of my <ma.ers> have made bold to value the same upon you p[er] 16th 8ber next <Ensuing> to Mr Richd Wall or order valew of himselfe b

Letters – John Wilkinson to Peter Bar – 6 Sep 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl 7ber the 6th Since the writing of the above have received a letter from my ma[ster] wth a note frm Mr Wall (to whome I gave my bill) to pay him or order the money wn received of Mr Benjamin Smith my ma[ster] allsoe advises tht he has sent you a Coppy of it, and you will accept itt soe I went down to Mr Wall and gave him my ma[sters] note and desired my bill in againe thinking my ma[sters] note alone sufficient, but he desired me to bill him. <send> both being my

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 11 Oct 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newct 8ber 11th 81 Sr att my return out in the Country mett wth yor of the 20th past wth the Inclosed from Chris Blackett and returne you many thankes for the great care you have of my businesse but I must heartily begg yor excuse If I have as good an opinion of Chris Blackett as you have of Mr Marcade, and I am really satisfyed tht he has the bill of saile but keeps itt thinking to gett a piece of money from me before he deliver itt soe will not p[ar]t wth itt even for

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 18 Oct 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newct 8ber the 18th 81 Sr I doe most heartily thanke you for yors of the 13th and as Mr Edwd Melburne told you he did write me wch I Inclosed send you – your advice to settle accts is very good and my great desire therefore I begg itt of you to doe itt for me, If I must allow tht £34 odd money I hope Mr Milburne will not refuse to give me his letter of Attorney for procuring of the same againe dated about the time tht he went last from London, because we

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Milburne – 18 Oct 1681

Mr Edwd Milburne Newcl 8ber the 18th 81 Sr I have received yor of the 18th wherein you write the good news of yor safe arrivall wherin you allsoe advise me not to be soe angry as I was last voyadge Indeed Mr Milburne you were mistaken I neither was angry last voyadge nor am I now. If I allow you to Mr Dawsons money I hope you will not refuse to allow me a letter of Attorney to receive the same againe, I have this post written Mr Peter Bar att <lardge>, wth whome I doe herebye ord

Letter – Cornelis Thomasse to James Standsfield – 21 Oct 1681

Contract between Sir James Standsfield and Measter Cornelis Thomasse and Adriaen Oudenaerde, Merchants at Rotterdam, and Measter Jean Blondet Merchant at Middelburgh in Zealand, for lead ore and lead bar. October 21, 1681 ABSTRACT : 1. Sir James has sold to all the above all the lead ore called Potters Ore which Sir James has in his Magazins in Leith, and also all the lead ore that is, or will be, raised out of the Lead Hill called Wanlockhead during the time of the present contract, not ex

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 21 Oct 1681

Mr James Burkin & Comp[any] Newct 8ber the 21st 81 Gentlemen your severe proceedings against Brabant does make all his friends forsake him, I am certaine tis not the way to gett yor money, whoever advises you soe to doe is to blame but if itt please you I am satisfyed I shall move one thing more in the Alldermans behalfe wch advice you may take or leave as you thinke fit. Imploy who you will in <ths towne>, and desire thm to discourse wth me provided you give him but ti

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 22 Oct 1681

Mr Jam Burkin and Comp[any] Newct 8ber the 22nd 81 Srs I writt you the last post wch I doe hope came safe to yor hands, I am still of opinion tht yor proceedings are very severe, Tho if they please you they please me, but I must tell you one thing tht itt is all peoples opinions In ths pt of the Country tht you have as good security for yor money, as if you had £1000 p[er] ann. of fee simple and tho att present it lies a little hard upon him, yett there is noe question in all peoples o

Letters – John Wilkinson to George Moore – 22 Nov 1681

Mr George Moore Newcl 9ber 22nd 81 Sr yors of the 4th p[er] Mr Tho Whithorne on the 16th Instant In my ma[sters] absence was presented unto me to wch thn give noe answer but told the ma[ster] tht if he could suffer for 5 or 6/d <that> if the money would serve att 5 or 6/d and I could write to my ma[ster] and hence an answer in tht time and I told him I thought there was noe question tht my ma[ster]would comply wth wt you desired, soe he told me itt would serve and desired me to

Letters – John Wilkinson to Peter Bar – 2 Dec 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl xber 2nd 81 Sr my ma[ster] ordered me to write you tht he has writt Mr Bowen of Dunkirke and wn he receives his answer itt shall be Imparted unto you I am for MB JW

Letters – John Wilkinson to Peter Bar – 9 Dec 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl xber 9th 1681 Sr My ma[ster] goeing yesterday Into the Country ordered me write you ths day tht he does begg itt of you tht youle be pleased to be <mindefull of> Mr Marcade Capt Milburne and Capt Hutchinsons businesse and and tht youle tell yor man Informe himselfe as well as he can wheather said Hutchinsons shipp be sinkeing or swimming, and if <reigning> how the owner has disposed on her or Intends to dispose of her, <& ..> wheather they hav

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Bowen – 9 Dec 1681

Mr Wm Bowen Do Sr my last to you was of the 2nd Instant to wch I refer you ths serves onelye to confirme the same at yor Leasure pray Informe me how Coales and other English Commodities rules wth you If any probability of a profitt I am In thoughts of sending you a vessell soe once more desireing yor care in Mr Marcades businesse I kisse yor hands & remaines – MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Bowen – 23 Dec 1681

Capt Wm Bowen Stockton xber 23rd 1681/2 Sr I happening to discourse yor businesse In yor place wth my very good friend Mr Richd Jackson, he fortunatelye told me he would give me a letter to an a friend tht would serve my <turne> wch wn I came to prefer I finde itt upon yorselfe sr I doe begg itt of you you will give me satisfaction of wt is desired and you will very much oblige MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 30 Dec 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newcl xber 30th 81 Sr pray Sr tell me the reason why Capt Milburne does not accoumpt wth you for being willing and ready to allow him the £36 odd money In my opinion he is left wthout Excuse – Sr I am fearefull you forgett Mr Hutchinson I doe begg itt of you you will lett your man Enquire what is become of the shipp why noe advice what to doe in tht businesse and In doing whereof you will very much oblige MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467