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Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 3 Jan 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Jan 3rd 81/2 Sr I doe begg itt of you tht you will send forward the Inclosed soe wishing you a happy and a prosperous new yeare remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 7 Jan 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Jan 7th 1681/2 Sr I have red yors of the 3rd by wch I p[er]ceive I am likelye to have a hopefull bargaine wt Mr Marcade but as I have all along done I doe still leave itt to yor managemt and discretion my cousell is still against my allowing Capt Milburne the £36 add mony unlesse you putt on ths proviso wn you reckon of wth him tht if I doe not recover itt he may be lyable to itt, wch I thinke is nothing but reason but I leave tht to yor discretion l

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Willington – 10 Jan 1682

Mr Henry Willington Newcl Jan 10th 81/2 Sr Tho unknown yett makes bold to trouble you wth these few lines begging yor assistance for never man was soe much obliged as I am likely to be, and telling my businesse mearelye for a piece of laughter. In company wth Mr Jno Ellison and Mr R Wetwang they very readilye profered me letters of recommendation to a friend tht would procure me satisfaction wch coming to my hand ths <morning> finde thm both to be upon yourselfe, wch I herebye s

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Willington – 13 Jan 1682

Mr Henry Willington Newcl Jan 13th 81/2 Sr What proceeds is coppy of my last wch I doe by ths confirme and for feare of miscarridge and soe earnestlye crave yor assistance and answer and In doeing whereof you will very much oblige MB

Letters – John Wilkinson to Peter Bar – 21 Jan 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Jan 21st 81/2 Sr yours of the 14th and 17 have recd for wch I returne on you my mast[ers] hearty thanks and assure yorselfe I doe not In the least doubt or mistrust yor acting in the concerne as in all the rest was committed to yor prudent manadgemt wth as earnest an Intention for the butt as if itt had beene yor owne concerne being all readye confirmed in the same by severall proofs of yor care in the businesse, as allsoe by the great desire wch I am satisfyed you

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Place – 21 Jan 1682

Couzin Place Do Yors of the 15th Instant have recd and accordinglye have rcd the £5 of Bro Davinson If the money wanted 6d I shall give you itt all meeting my service to my Nante wth the same to yorselfe I remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 3 Feb 1682

Mr Richd Hutchinson Newcl Feb 3rd 1681/2 Sr There a severall merchants In ths place <often>of late have gott there money of the same <nature> wth my 2 notes In yor hands abateing (as they tell me a very small matter – my next doore neighbour and my very good friend and who I thinke would not say itt except it were true told me tht he had another for £43 -.- and for abateing the £3<.> - he gott the remainder of the money presentlye pd him – Sr I doe not question

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 11 Feb 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Feb 11th 1681/2 Sr I have yors of the 7th for wch I thanke you, and I question not but Mr Hutchinson will give me an answer next post- If Milburne be gone lett he goe a Gods name but wn he returnes, and if you want a letter of Attorney or any other paper I shall dispatch itt unto you – Incosed I send you my Bills of sailes for Hutchinson the Barkum man, as allsoe a letter I received last post from Mr Henry Willington of Dunkirke after p[er]usal you will p[er]ceive

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Willington – 11 Feb 1682

Mr Henry Willington Do Sr I have received yors of the 11th Instant for wch I doe returne you my hearty thanks, and doe wish an opportunitye might offer wherbye I might show you my willingnesse to serve you as a retalliation In some measure Mr Marcade is a strange man to draw money upon one he knows not I am resolved if any Law in the world will right me to be righted, either ths post or next you may expect a letter of Attorney from Mr Peter Bar, soe shall begg yor assis

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 18 Feb 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle Feb 18th 81/2 Tho I writt mr Wm Bowen of Dunkirke 1m or 5/w before I writt Mr Willington yett could not have one syllable from him till last night wch Inclosed I send you to lett you further see what a brave man Mr Marcade is, and I doe verylye believe Mr Bowen is noe better, soe lett the procuration desired be sent to Mr Henry Willington and advise me as you proceed, I desire you to return the two letters after p[er]usall and you’ll oblidge MB I am reall

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 25 Feb 1682

Mr Richd Hutchinson Newcl Feb 25th 81/2 Sr Yors of the 21st Instant have received and have <spoake> to Mr George Eden’s Bro: who dwells in ths towne and he has promised he write to his Broer who lives twelve miles of and to give me an acct what he sais within a day or two soe within a post or two may expect to know his answer – If he will pay me <30s> I shall receive itt if not you shall know his answer soe I kisse yor hands & remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 27 Feb 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcasl Feb 27th 81/2 Sr yors of the 23rd Instant have received and gives you my most hearty thankes for yor care In dispatching a letter of attorney to Mr Willington as allsoe for the great care you have hitherto and In bringing the businesse to a good end I hope you are now satisfyed wt a man Marcade is As for wt you write In the letter and of yor letters concerning Capt Milburne, If you thinke itt requisite I am satisfyed for whatever you shall thinke

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 3 Mar 1682

Mr Richd Hutchinson Newcastle Mar 3rd 81/2 Sr I hope within a post or two to heare from you advising me yor friends resolution as to my <tally> I have rcd of Mr Benj: Eden by order of his Broer Mr Geo. Eden upon yor acct 30/s wch since you may call upon Mr Peter Bar for who ths post I have desired to pay the same unto you I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 3 Mar 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle Mar 3rd 81/2 Sr I have received 30/s of a merchant upon Mr Richd Hutchinsons acct wch pray doe you pay him againe and putt him in minde of disposeing of my tally and In doing whereof you will oblige MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 11 Mar 1682

Mr Peter bar Newcl Mar 11th 81/2 Sr Yors of the 7th Instant have received and gives you many thanks for yor readinesse In putting an end to my concernes and am very well satisfyed to take for my pt of the Unitye as the rest of the <owneres> takes for soe would desire you tht you’ll be pleased to receive what my pt comes to and give thm in the Bills of saile When you have a letter from Mr Marcade would begg you to Impart the contents of itt unto me as for Milburn

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 24 Mar 1682

Mr Peter bar Newcl Mar 24th 81/2 Sr I have yrs of the 14th and have p[er]used the Inclosed wch I shall att p[re]sent make noe objections but must needs say tis one of the worst I have ever mett withall, to take £11:10: <from> £60 and add I cannot yett resolve, had she beene wholly lost soe the men had beene saved it would never have vexed me, well noe remedy but patience, I shall therefore beg of you tht In yr next you will please to advise me where she Intends for, wt she wi

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 18 Apr 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Apr 18th 82 Sr Att my returne out of the Countrey dooe doe meete wth yors of the 28th and 30th past as allsoe one from Mr Jno <Bell> of the 11th p[re]sent to whome pray present my service, lett him know I am now resolved to sell soe pray doe you receive the money and deliver In the Bills of saile and whatever other writeing you signe shall allwaies be in as much force as if itt were my owne deed – I am sorrey for the news of Milburne I am only

Judgement – John Franklin – 10 May 1682

[On title page:] Copy Report / Thorowgood & Gray [In a modern hand:] Margaret Gray/ 1682/ NRO 753/J [Main text:] Date 10th die May 1682 Iuter Robertum Thorowgood et [……..] Quod Margaretta Grey vi[…]: Def[…] In pursuance of two Severall orders one of the Twenty Seventh of February [..esimo] primo [Caro…] Regis and the other of the three and twentieth of February last I have beene attended by the [sollicitors] on both sides and have [received] my former Report dated the

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 9 Jun 1682

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle June the 9th 82 Sr In yors of the 3rd <plst> you desired to know what I would have you doe wth Mr Wall to wch I answer breiflye tht I begg itt of you to doe for me as if itt were yr owne concerne, for I neither can not doe expect tht you should worke mirackles, and if I should loose by him as I have done by Milburne, and am like to doe by the Gentleman att Dunkirke, itt shall never trouble me soe I leave the businesse to yor manadgemt & remaines MB

Letter – John Niesmith to James Standsfield – 17 Nov 1682

I, John Niesmith Mason at the Leade hill, does hereby grant mee to have recd from Sir James Standsfield of Newmylns twelve pound scots wch with thirtie six pounds paid me the [blank space] day of September last past is fourty eight pounds scots – in full paymt for Wright & Mason worke donne by me & servs at the building of the Smelt Mill at Wanlockhead as per agreemt whereof I grant the receipt & discharge the said Sir James and Warrant the forsaid worke to bee well & sufficien

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Bowen – 2 Dec 1682

Mr Wm Bowen Newcl xber 2nd 81 Sr Tho unknown yett by the recommendation of my very good friend Mr Peter Bar of London and Mr Jno Wells of Stockton have made bold to write these few lines <unto> -- I am very like to be tht baselyed wronged by one Mr Marcade of yor place tht ever could be Invented I suppose Ch. Blackett had some discourse about itt the last knew he was wth you I doe begg itt of you tht youle be pleased to write me wt you know or can Enquire of the businesse for f

Letter – William Wilson to James Standsfield – 22 Mar 1683

Wanlockhead 22 March 1683 Right Honorble I heveing the ocatione of thes barer Mr Robert Lockart for to Reitt your Ho: know that wee do think long to <sie> you hair in thes pairt and sence I did <sie> you at Edr [Edinburgh?] we heve sonke ane other shafft in whyt Clough meedow but we are nott come to enay vyne as yett but befor wee do dreve Long I hope we well come to one ere it be longe. Upon that vyne that bery did work in their hes bene verie good leid in it lettlie and there

Account – Allan Bower to James Standsfield – 23 Mar 1683

To accompt for Smelting [missing] Piggs of Leade 450:00:00 Deductions For accompt Gilber[missing].ah 22:00:00 For accompt Wm Ai[missing] 97:12:00 For accompt Wm Ha<u…> 21:04:00 For my Black horse 30:00:00 For 4 R.Dollrs pd yw 11:12:00 For 1 Loade <meals yr> Some 14:00:00 For yw pd to George Carmichaell 03:18:00 200:06:00 To cash pd him for Ball 249:14:

Will and inventory – Michael Blackett – 12 Apr 1683

In The Name of God Amen The Twelfth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Three I Michaell Blackett of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tine Esquire being sick and Weak in body but of sound and perfect memory (praise be Given to God for the same) And Knowing the uncertainety of this life on earth and being desireous to setle things in order Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (That is to say) First and principally

Letter – Robert Douglas to James Standsfield – 10 May 1683

Bee it known to all men by these psnts that it is Agreed and finally ended Betwixt these psnts following that Sir James Standsfeild of newmylnes and Rbt Douglas presently resideing at Douglas that is to say the sd Robert Douglas doeth hereby undertake and binds and obliges himselfe to grieve and oversiee all the workepeople presently imployed in and about the Leadeworks at Wanlockhead or that shall happen to be imployed their; and that hee shall faithfullie and honnestly attend the said imploym
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467