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Letter – William Wilson to James Standsfield – 11 May 1683

May 11th 1683. Accompt of Workemens Wages at Wanlockhead and other disbursements ut intro from 26 of August 1682 to the 28 of Aprill 1683 Dayes Wages £ s d p diem Thomas Snoball 68 10 2 16 8 John Berry 206 1/2 10 8 12 1 William Waiklie 187 10 7 15 10 James Park 198 10 8 5 . William Moor 190 8 6 6 8 Jo

Letters – Dorothy Blackett to Peter Bar – 15 Jun 1683

Mr Peter Bar Newcl Jun 15th 83 Sr Yors of the 31 past have recd for wch I returne you my most humble and heartye thanks and does by ths begg itt of you tht you’ll be pleased now and thn to be putting Mr Hutchinson in mind of the Interest due upon the tally ---- As for the bills of saile of the Unitye pray keepe thm in yor hands till itt shall please God she shall arrive and thn be pleased to give me an acct and yor thoughts wt is left to be done in the businesse we begging yor par

Letter – William Wilson to James Standsfield – 21 Sep 1683

From 10 May 83 to 20 Sep L Timber carried by Wm Aikin 75 Chopcoale carried by him 218 293 07:06:06 Ditto Atkin Dr for Meale 02:04:00 allowed to Wm Wilson for him 11:05 pd 4 Lode half at Edenbr 01:01:00 deducted in pt wt is due Allan Boar 01:10:00 05:06:05 05:06:05 02:00:01

Bill of Complaint – Humphrey Wharton – 28 Nov 1683

To the Right Honorable Frances Lord Guilford Lord Keeper Of the greate Seale of England 28th Novembris 1683 Bridges [added in a different hand] Humbly complaineing sheweth unto yor. Lordshipp yor. Oratr. Humfrey Wharton of Gillingwood in the County of Yorke Esqr. That John late Lord Bishopp of Duresme in the yeare one thousand six hundred sixty and six takeing notice that yor. Oratr. had beene att greate charges of bringing upp of Levells sinking of Shafts and otherwise for the gainein

Inventory – William Rae to James Standsfield – 1 Dec 1683

1683 Acct of the Iron worke to the Smelt Mill per William Rae smyth. Ane Acount of Al the Mill Gear belonginge to <hir> 2 gaulokes to draw the fier 3 fier shovles to cast up the fier 1 <Iron bear> to strik down the fier 2 Cloats one for the buddell the other for the fier 1 Leadell for the taking up of the Lead 3 Mettell shovels for <hir use> 2 hakes for hir use 1 <re> bake for to weght the <chopes> A pan for to cast the pikes of lead in 4

witness statement – John Otway to William Blackett – 25 Apr 1684

John Otway of Newcastle upon Tyne Merchant: Aprill 25th 1684 Newcastle upon: Tyne Deposeth: that in the Month of February Last, in the beginning of the same Month, being on board a Shipp; whereof Samuell Fuller of Gateshead, in the County of Durham was Ma[ste]r in their return from Bourdeaux, in France, neare the Coast of England, these Fuller and this Depont. happened, some discourse; about the Governm:t of the Kingdome of England, and this Depont.

Letter – William Blackett to Charles Middleton – 26 Apr 1684

Rt. Honble An Information was given upon oath ag:t one Samuell Fuller (a Coppy of w:ch wee here enclose to yo:r Hon:r immediately upon giving the Same wee dispatched our officers to Sheilds where wee had intelligence the offend:r was lyeing w:th his Shipp ready to Saile for Bourdeau in France but after Strict enquiry by them made they had notice he did Saile out of this port with his said Shipp for Bourdeau on Wednesday last. Therefore wee thought it our Duty to acquaint yo:r Hon:r therewith a

Letter – Allan Bower to James Standsfield – 21 May 1684

<M> Edenbrough <…> of 1684 <Most .............> I am <sore pore sore> that I shoud of <to.. co..> Agenst your honer for upon my Reall <faith> Itt was not my <defaut> but my father tyst me to cast bak the bargean and now I am com to the taking Itt Agean if itt be your will to lett me heave itt and I shall never turn for no man till your honer tyer of me no man shall work more and with less expences then I shall doe to y

Lease – George Baker to Margaret Gray – 12 Sep 1684

Indenture made 12 September in the six & thirtieth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of god of England, Scotland, France & Ireland defend'r of the faith etc BETWEEN George Baker of Crooke in the County of Durham Esq. of the one part and Margarett Gray widdow & relict of Ralph Gray of the Towne & County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esq. of the other part. WITNESSETH that the sd George Baker for & in Consideracon of the yearely

Court Order – William Montagu to Humphrey Wharton – 4 Dec 1684

---------------------------------- Ad huu Termio scd Michis A[nn]o xxxvi MS Car Scdi [Michaelmas term, 36 Charles II, ie. 1684] E[xche]q[ue]r Buggin & quer Wm Mountagu / Edw Atkyns / Wm Gregory / Robt Wright p[er] M D R Regis Jovis quarto die decembr[is] Inter Humphru Wharton Armig[e]r Quer et Reveren[d] in Chr[ist]o p[at]rem Nathaniel Epi[scopum] Dunelm William Blackett Armig[e]r et al Defend[an]tes p[er] Bill A

Will and inventory – William Fetherstonhaugh – 9 Dec 1684

In the name of God Amen I Will[ia]m Fetherstonhaugh of Blagill in Aldston moor in the County of Cumberland gent sick of body but of good and p[er]fect memory & remembrance (praised be God for the same) I doe make and ordain this my last will and Testam[en]t in manner and forme following that is to say Imp[rimu]s I give and bequeath my soule into the handes of Almighty God my maker hopeing assuredly by the Meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer to receive full p

Inventory – Leonard Fairbridge – 7 Feb 1685

This is A True and perfect Inventory Taken of all such Goods and Chatt[el]s Moveable and immoveable of Leonard Farbridge of Slealy lately deceased Apprazed this seaventh day of February in the yeare of the Lord 1684 by William Greenwell Richard Teasdale Jerrard ffarbridge & John Mowbray Imprimis his horse & his purse & Apparrell 3 00 00 Item two oxen five kine three stears one Heffar, one calfe 11 00 00 Item theirty foure sheepe

Letter – Alexander Montgomerie to Grace Montgomerie – 19 Aug 1685

London Agust 19 [16]85 Dearest Heart I cam hear yisternaight leat [late] and found Mr Wentworth wel but Madam Wentworth is at Fishlok [Fishlake] I am agoing to moro for <tur. er lr> to D il..nb<>lton and wil staie only one night and next daie in my bakcoming I wil wat upon my Ladie Key [Kaye] and the next daie I am god wiling for winson for I doe ashour you I wil neglect no taim [time] hear so that I maie heasten bak to you for god knoweth that to be with you is the only h

Letter to James Standsfield – 10 Dec 1685

M[ar]ks The totall price for Sr James halfe of the wood is 7250:00:00 the thrid of the wood is reckned cut so deduceing ane thrid of the price being 2415:00:00 rests 4835 It. by the Estimat made above if 6th pt of the two thrids is reckned cut so deduceing a 6 pt of that somme being 600 <rests of pall> as for the

Account to James Standsfield – 9 Sep 1686

1) Accompt of charges for Barrs or Piggs of Leade Smelted at Wanlockhead May 23, 1683 To 450<L> scots paid for Smelting 209 barrs q. at 9d pr Stone <94. Pd for> a forestone to smelt mill Nov 4 1684 To £850.06.00 pd for 391 barrs sold to Bayly Irving whereof 80 barrs was borrowed of Wm Luckups psell to make up this psell to the Smelters at 8d pr Stone qt 2150 Stone 85. July 23 To 776 .00.00 pd for smelting 358 barrs qt 1940 Stone at 8d To 542.06.00

Witness Deposition – John Westgarth – 8 Oct 1686

John Westgarth of Westgate in the County of Durham gent aged sixty one yeares or thereabouts sworne & Examined saith as followeth To the first Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he knows the Compl[ainan]t & Def[endan]te in this suite & knew John late Lord Bpp [Bishop] of Durham in this Interrogatory menc[i]oned 2 To the second Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he knows sev[er]all of the Lead Mines & Groves belonging to the Def[endan]te within the p[ar]is

Witness Deposition – William Ewbank – 8 Oct 1686

William Ewbank of Greetabridge in the County of Yorke Innkeep[er] aged thirty five yeares sworne & Exam[in]ed saith as followeth To the first Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith that he knows the Compl[ainan]t & Def[endan]te in this suite & hath soe knowne them for sev[er]all yeares last past To the second Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he knows most of the Def[endan]tes Groves in the p[ar]ish of Stanhop but not by there p[ar]ticuler names which ar

Witness Deposition – Thomas Mowbray – 8 Oct 1686

Thomas Mowbray of Wolsingham in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged Forty yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examined saith as followeth 4 To the Fourth Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith that there has been wrought out of the Def[endan]tes Mines at the p[ar]ish of Stanhop from the moneth of February In the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Six and the last of January in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty & Four dureing all which time this Depon[

Witness Deposition – George Fetherston – 8 Oct 1686

George Fetherston of Rookhop in the County of Durham Schoolmaster aged Thirty Three years or hereunto Sworne & Examined Saith To the second Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith that he knows of sev[e[ral Mynes & Groves belonging to the Def[endan]te att Stanhopp & Wolsingham in this Interrogatory menconed but not by theire p[ar]ticuler names & saith he hath heard the same were granted by the Bpp[Bishop] of Durham to the Def[endan]te by Lease for lives And hath <likewise>

Witness Deposition – John Hudston – 8 Oct 1686

John Hudston of Allercleugh in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged Sixty years or thereabouts sworne & Examined saith as followeth To the second Interrogatory the Depon[en]t saith that he said Depon[en]t together with s[ai]d George Fetherston about Mayday 1680 demanded for and on the behalf of the said Compl[ainan]t of the Miners ta[c]kers Farm[er]s or workmen of the Def[endan]tes & at the Def[endan]tes Groves called the Lodgefeild grove the Rakes & the Cleugh head the ninth p[ar

Witness Deposition – John Bainbridge – 8 Oct 1686

John Bainbridge neare Westgate in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged seventy three years or there abouts sworne & Examined saith as followeth 2 To the Second Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith [interlined above at this point: ‘<that f… that see..l>’] New years day < dee…> now concerning the years repaired to the Def[endan]tes Groves at the edge of Stanhopp called the Lodgefeild grove The Rakes & The Cleugh head groves and their said these demanded of the Def[en

Witness Deposition – William Watson – 8 Oct 1686

William Watson of Brotherley in the County of Durham yeo[man] aged Fifty Seven years or thereabouts Sworne & Examined saith as followeth 3 To the Second Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith that he knows most of the Def[enden]tes Groves in this Interrogatory Menconed and saith that he this Depon[en]t in the moneth of September 1680: repaired to the Def[enden]tes Groves in the p[ar]ishe of Stanhop called Lodge feild grove Whitwell Ralph Grove, the Cleugh head grove and then & there De

Witness Deposition – Joshua Wilson – 8 Oct 1686

Josiah Wilson of Wolsingham in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged Forty Four years or Thereabouts Sworne & Examined saith as followeth 4 To the Fourth Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith that Thomas Mowbray who was Employed by the Compl[ainan]t to take an Accompt of what Lead Oar was brought from the Def[enden]tes Mynes to his Smelting Mills being in Westm[or]land Employed this Depon[en]t in his absence in or about the yeare of our Lord 1682: to Stand at Wolsingham in the way to Scotch

Witness Deposition – John Seward – 8 Oct 1686

John Seward of Wolsingham in the County of Durham Tanner aged Forty Eight years or Thereabouts Sworne & Examined saith as followeth 4 To the Fourth Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith that he this Depon[en]t was in the yeare of our Lord 1680 Employed by Thomas Mowbray then an Agent for the Compl[ainan]t to take an Accompt of what loaden horses came with Lead Oar to the Def[endan]tes Smelting Mill And the s[ai]d Thomas <Mowbray> being absent then & in Westm

Witness Deposition – John Mowbray – 8 Oct 1686

John Mowbrey of Wolsingham In the County of Durham Cordwayner aged Forty Seven years or thereabouts Sworne & Examined saith, as followeth 4 To the Fourth Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith that he this Depon[en]t was desired by his brother John[possibly a mistake when brother Thomas was meant given use of Thomas’s name later on?] Mowbrey to take in his absence an Accompt of what Oar taken from the Def[endan]tes Lead mines & Groves to the Def[endan]tes mills but at what time it
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467