Humphrey Wharton Esqr Dft att the suit of [obscured, presumably some variant of Lord Bishop of Durham] Compl[ainan]t. Counter Interrogatories to be administered to Such Witnesses as Shall be produced sworn and Examined on the part and behalf of the Compl[ainan]t
In primis What quantity or Quantitys of Lead Oare have you knowne digged and gotten out of any and which of the Def[endan]ts Lead Mynes in the Two p[ar]ishes of Stanhopp and Wolsingham from the Twelfth of February One Thousand Six
Johannes Mowbrid (sic) ntiper de Steel, gen. | obit decimo septimo | die Junii, et hie una cum Josepho, | filio tertio suo, sepultus jacet | in spe beatse resurrectionis | 1687
1687 15 June. Will of John Mowbray of the Steel gent. My wife Jane .200 and my son George 100 ; they executors. My sons Joseph and Thomas and my daughter Mary jt'100 each; my daughter Sarah 80; my daughters Jane and Hannah and my son Richard each 50 ; to my executors ' my mortgage of my lands I live on cal
[on verso:] 21 Junii 3 Jac. 2 1687 Blackett con fenwicke
Lord Chancellor
Martis vicessimo primo dio Juni Anno R III Jacobi Secundi Regis tertio Intyer Willum Blacket Barrt. Quer Johanem Fenwick Barrt Defendtem
This Cause comeing this present day to bee heard and debated before the Right Hono.ble the Lord High Chanceller of England in the presence of Counsell learned on both sides the Substance of the plaintiffs Bill appeared to be that the Defend.t having borrowed two thousand pounds
[Cover Page:]
11th Augt 1687
Margaret Grey to Ralph Grey an article --- whereby She agrees to pass over all her dower of Lands in Backworth
No. 5
[Main document:]
Articles of Agreement Concluded and Agreed upon the Eleaventh Day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand six hundred Eighty and seavon Betwixt Margaret Grey of Backworth In the County of Northumberland widdow of the one Part And Ralph Grey of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr on the Other Part
Mr. Armstrong
I hope this will find you safe att London & desire you will take some little paines about Mr. Bainbridge (you know I would doe as much for you if in my power) if you find that he has a good title (admitting the leases from Ro. Eagleston & Alexander Eagleston ( in 1625 one to Alex. Davison & Tho. Suerties of the mine, & the other from the sd R.E. and A.E. to Ly. Maddison & Cha Tempest of the lands to be good, for avoiding a Suite give him anything under 2
Satlingstones June 7th 3 88
I have sent you the ling <bill> and with the <revanshons> [revisions?] of the dam noates and my man and the horses to be loaden with iron <&> steal I had some the last weak which is not sutabel for pickes yet will serve of horses the workmen and I is agreed in bargin for all the <stopes> in Satlingstones [missing, poss ‘15’] or sixteen shillings a bing and hadon all but 3 [missing poss ‘stopes’] so thinkes to bring all int
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Lee of Aldstonhouse in Aldston moor in the Dyocesse of Durham Sick of body but of good & p[er]fect memory praised be god for the same doe make & ordain this my last will & Testam[en]t in manner & forme following First I give & bequeath my soule into the hands of almighty god my maker hopeinge assuredly by the merits of Jesus Christ to receive full pardon & Free remission of all my sinnes as for my body I commit it to the earth to be buryed
[on verso:] John Errington Esq the Counterpart of his Article to Erect and build houses upon the Comon att Nenthead and Blagill Within Alston moore, for the Terme of Fifty years to comence from mayday 1689: dated the 25th day of Aprill 1689 and to pay six pence p[er] Ann[um} for every house during the said Terme. [In another hand:] Alston Moor Box 2 Bundle D
These are to Authorise John Errington of Beaufront in the County of Northumberland Esqr: his heires Execut[ors] Administrators or Assi
1689. May 6. Indenture by which Francis, earl of Derwentwater, leases to John Vazie, of Lowbyer in Aldston Moore, co. Cumberland, gentleman, the lead mines and minerals and all other mines and minerals ores, earths, metals, and stones (coal mines only excepted) at Battle Green, near Gutter Gill, within Aldston Moore (not being within the compass of any former lease or grant there), lately discovered and wrought by said John Vazie, his assigns, workmen, or servants, as the veins of the lead mines
Gilderdaile is all granted to the Tenants between Howgill ridge & Gillhouse & every Tenant payes a certaine rent for it
The Tenants of Gamblesby Glassonby Kirkeswald Unthank Busk Haskugh & other Towns thereabout has had their Cattle impounded in Blackhouse Pinfold many times, and time out of memory & always came. & loosed them paid damage for them or Companded some way or other, & their Cattle was taken Damage <Yealdart> in any part of Gilderdale, & p
[Usual formulaic Latin of the bond between Beatrice and Jonathan Reames of ‘The Strand in St Martins in the Fields Westminster’, and William Sanders of Staines in Middlesex, basketmaker, 6 March 1690]
The Condicon of this Obligacon saith that if the above bounden Beatrice Reames her heirs Executors Administrators and assigns and every of them doe and shall well and truly Observe P[er]forme Fullfill accomplish pay and Keepe All Singular the Covenant grannts Articles and agreements whatso
John Willey of Kipper lin in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Eighty yeares and upwards Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that for these sixty yeares past this Depont and the Countrey and the people round, to the knowledge of this deponent, have used and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way or Free passage for their Horses Carts waines and other Carriages for the Leading and Carrying of Lead Timber and other Com[m]odities from Hedley Dukeh
John Willey of Hedley-Hill in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Seaventy yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and fowerth Inerr[ogator]ys this Depont saith he very well knowes and remembers that these Forty Fower yeares past or thereaboutes this Depont himselfe and other people and inhabitants round about the Counties of Northumberland and Durham have used and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way and free passage for their Horses Carts waines and other Carriages for
Robert Lumley of Angeswood in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Seaventy five yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth and last Interr[ogator]ys this Deponent saith that he this Depont and the whole Countrey and People round for these sixty yeares since or thereaboutes to the knowledge of this Depont have used and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way with Carts waines & other Carriages for the Leading and Carrying f Lead and other Comodities from Hedley,
Ralph Dodd of Bywell in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Sixty Eight yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interrys this Depont saith that he this Depont and the whole Country round for these Forty yeares since and upwards to the knowledge of this Depont have used and Enjoyed a Comon high way way with horses Carts waines & Carriages for leading & Carrying of Lead Timber & other Comodities from Hedely and Elsewhere in the Counties of
Cuthbert Suretis of Whittingstall in the County of Northumberland yeom ages Seaventy yeares and upwards Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont and the whole Country round for this Forty Five yeares and upwards to the knowledge of this Depont untill within these Two or Three yeares last past or thereaboutesh ave had used and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way with horses waines Carts and Carriages for the leading and Carrying of
William Greene of Hedley in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Seaventy Fower or theraboutes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]yes this Depont saith that ever since he this Depont hath beene able or Capable to goe with a draught or Carriage, ehich hathe beene this sixty yeares or thereaboutes he this Depont and all other his Maties [Majesties] Subjects both within the counties of Northumberland and Durham and Elsewhere as they had occasion had used and
William Rennison of Hedley in the County of Northumberland aged Fifty yeares and upwards Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that there hath beene for these Forty yeares last past and upwards to his certaine knowledge and remembrance a Com[m]on high way or Free passage from Hedley Blackhall, Dukesfeild and all other places in the Counties of Northumberland and Durham as occasion required for all the King and Queens Subjects att all times
Ralph Stephenson of Newlands in the County of Northumberland yeom aged seaventy two yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interrys this Depont saith that there hath beene for these sixty yeares last past or thereabout a com[m]on high way or free passage used form Hedley, Chopwell, Hexhamshire <Muggles> worth parke, and Severall other places both in the Countyes of Northumberland and Durham, as occation requires for all the King and Queen's
Thomas Lawson of Whittingstall in the County of Northumberland <yeom aged thirty> Five yeares Sworne and Examined
2 & 4 To the second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he knowes there has beene for these Twenty Three yeares past or thereaboutes a Com[m]on high way used from Hedley, Blackhall, Dukesfeild, Water <meetings and> Severall other places in the County of Northumberland as occasion required for all the King and Queens people and subjects att all time
John Swinbourne of Blackhall in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Eighty Three yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined
2 & 4 To the Second and Fourth Interrys this deponent saith that there hath beene for this fifty yeares last past and upwards a Comon high way used from Hedley, Blackhall and hexhamshire and other partes in the counties of Northumberland and Durham as occasion required, for all the king and queenes subjects att all times in the yeare for leading and carrying with ho
Roger Newton of Mickley in the County of Northumberland yeom aged seaventy three yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fouoerth Interrys this depont saith that there hath been for this Fifty Eight yeares or thereabouts a comon high way used from Mickley Chipchase Muggleworth and other places as occation rquires for allThe King ans Queens subjects both in the County of Northumberland and Durham att all times in the yeares for leading and carrying with horses wai
William Suretis of Woodhead in the County of Northumberland Gent aged seaventy one yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined
2 & 4 To the Second and Fourth Interrys this Deponts saith the he very well knowes there hath been for these Fifty years last past or thereabout a common high way and Free passage att all times of the yeare for all the king & queen subjects to goe and pass [word obscured] <Carriages> from Hedley Towne in the County of Northumberland and many other places in
Edward Ward of Mugglesworth Parke yeom aged <Eig>hty years or thereabouts Sworne and examined.
2 & 4 To the Second and Fourth interrys this Depont saith that he very well knowes that there hath been for these sixth Eight years past or thereabouts a high way or Free passage att all times and seasons of the yeare for all the King and Queens subjects to goe or Travel with horses Carts Waines or other Carriages <fr>om Hedley Downe in the County of Northumberland, Dotland Parke wood
William Suretis of Whittonstall in the County of Northumberland yeom aged seaventy Fower yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined
1 To the First Interry he saithe he knowes Sr William Blacket in the pleadings named and did know Sr Wm Blacket dect Father of the said Sr William Blackett, and he alsoe knows Sr Thomas Tempest Bart the Deft,
2 3 & 4 To the second & Third and Fourth Interrys thes Depont saith he very well knows that there hath beene for these Forty Five last past or there